
YAASRIEL-A kind of recording angel in Jewish
legend, although he does not write down the deeds of all human
beings like other similar angels; in some ways Yaasriel has a far
more important job. He has authority over seventy holy pencils
(presumably never in need of sharpening) with which he perpetually
inscribes on celestial shards the ineffable names of God.
YAHOEL-Also termed Jehoel in some accounts,
and angel who is often thought to be synonymous with the great
angel Metatron. According to Jewish lore, Yahoel was one of the
angels connected to Abraham, supposedly serving as his tour guide
in heaven when the patriarch paid a visit to paradise, as recorded
in the apocryphal work called the Testament of Abraham. He is also
said to have taught Abraham the Torah and the Pentateuch (the
first five books of the Hebrew Old Testament: Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy).
YAHRIEL-An angel in Jewish lore who is
credited with authority over the moon. He is only one of several
angels who have received this title.
YAZATAS-A type of angelic being found in the
ancient religion of Zoroastrianism. The yazatas were considered
minor angels in the service of the powerful archangel-like spirits
of the amesha spentas (the holy immortals). The yazatas concerned
themselves with virtually every aspect of human affairs,
safeguarding and watching over such minute details of existence as
the hours of the day and the ninutes of the hour. Their chief
prince was Mithra (or Mihr), who eventually became a god in the
lands of the Roman Empire under the name of Mithras, one of the
empire's many eastern deities who found appeal among the often
jaded population. As the head of the yazatas, Mithra was
considered the embodiment of truth and light, assisting the
powerful deity Ahura Mazda.
OF-Those angels who have rulership or governorship over
each day of week, each hour of the day, and even the signs of the
zodiac. As recorded in the occult work Dictionnaire Infernal
(1825-1826) by Collin De Plancy, the designated angels are as
January: Gabriel July: Verchiel February:
Barchiel August: Hamaliel March: Machidiel September:
Uriel April: Asmodel October: Barbiel May: Ambriel November:
Adnachiel June: Muriel December:
YEFEFIAH-Also Yofiel, an angel credited with
teaching Moses the secrets of the mystical lore of the Qabalah. He
is also often identified with the angel Iofiel and hence can be
considered synonymous with Jophiel.
YOFIEL-See Yefefiah.

