
YHWH-An angel appearing in the Third Book of Enoch and
ranked as one of the mighty princes of heaven. It is said that
when the angel prince Atrugiel beholds him, he removes his crown
and falls prostrate; likewise, when Na'aririel see Sasnigiel, he
removes his crown and falls prostrate.
NAGRASAGIEL-See Nasragiel.
SANGHA-An angel who, with the angels Kipod and Nasragiel,
stands as one of the guardian princes of the upper gates of hell
or Gehenna (Gehinnon). In Persian lore this angelic being is
honored as a trusted servant of the great Persian deity Ahura
fearsome angel, described in Islamic lore as black in color and
with piercing blue eyes, who labors with his fellow angel Munkar
to test the recently deceased as to their worthiness to enter
paradise after the Day of Judgment. (For details, see under Munkar
and Nakir.)
NASARGIEL-See Nasragiel.
NASRAGIEL-Also Nagrasagiel and Nasargiel, an
angel who, with Kipod and Nairyo Sangha, serves as a guardian
prince of the upper gate of hell or Gehenna. Nasragiel is often
described as possessing a fearsome head of a lion. He is also
mentioned in Jewish lore as having acted as a guide to the
underworld when the great Lawgiver, Moses, paid a visit.
NATHANIEL-Also Nathanael, Xathanael, and
Zathael, an angel whose name means "gift of God" and who has a
rather varied portfolio. He is best known as an angel of fire. In
this capacity he saved seven Israelites from the flames when they
were sentenced to death by the Israeli king Jair, who was a
follower of the pagan deity Baal. In other legends Nathaniel is
honored as the sixth angel to be created by God and as a guardian
or patron angel of the sixth hour. Still other tales name him as
one of the three angels who have a special patronage over all
things hidden, mysterious, or arcane.
THE-For the patron angels of nations, see under Guardian
OF THE-The angels who were sent down from heaven to
announce and celebrate the birth of Christ in the town of
Bethlehem, an event recorded in the Gospel of St. Luke. The angels
were then said to have gone back into heaven. It is unclear how
many angels there might have been, but the host was certainly
sufficient to impress upon the shepherds that something momentous
had taken place.
NAYA'IL-Another name for the angel Lawidh,
who served as the guide to the Islamic (Sufi) holy man Abu Yazid
when he visited heaven. According to legend, the angel offered to
Abu an incredible realm for him to rule alone. This offer was
rejected by the Sufi leader because he perceived it to be a test
of his devotion to the Lord. (See also Lawidh for other details.)
Nabu and Nabo, an angelic being found in the traditions of the
Babylonians and among the Chaldaeans a god of wisdom and learning:
he is considered by scholars to be predecessor or foreshadowing of
the angel found in later Judaeo-Christian custops. Nebo is one of
the so-called sukallin, the spirit messengers of the Sumerian and
Babylonian deities, the clear forerunners of the angels,
especially as they were to appear in Biblical custop. Nebo is
especially so in this sense, for just as the Bible's Old Testament
is replete with the angels of the Lord (or angels of God), so does
this being serve as a messenger and servant to the god Marduk,
possessing the name "minister of Marduk." He served in other
capacities, such as the representative of the gods in the affairs
of mortals and as the keeper of the Book of Fate, the mighty topb
containing the destinies of all living things.
NEFILIM-See Nephilim.
NEPHILIM-Also the nefilim, the name given in
Jewish or Hebrew legend for the offspring sired by the union of
mortal women with the fallen angels, although at times it is also
understood to denote the fallen angels themselves and their
semidivine children. The nephilim, having angelic or divine blood
coursing through their veins, are said to have been giants,
described in the Old Testament Book of Genesis as "the mighty men
that were of old, the men of renown."
ANGELS-The collective name given to the ruling princes of
the nine accepted orders of the angels, the nine choirs of the
celestial hierarchy. The exact names of the nine angels vary
according to the many lists of the reining angels and of the
assorted choirs. (For details on the heads of the choirs, see
under Princes, Angelic.) The apocryphal Gospel of Bartholomew,
written in the third century and full of interesting, if not
peculiar, angel lore, mentions a group of nine angels who,
according to the demon Beliar (who is bound by 660 angels and
fiery chains and compelled to answer the questions of
Bartholomew), "run together throughthe heavenly and earthly
regions...Together they fly through the regions of heaven, of
earth, and the underworld." The nine angels are listed as
Chalkatura, Mermeoth, Onomatath, Duth, Nephonos, Hoethra, Melioth,
Charuth, and Graphathas.
NISROCH-Also Nisroc originally, a deity
worshiped among the Assyrians who was later ranked by Milton among
the angels and in the lore of demons as one of the fallen spirits.
He was also possibly once one of the chiefs of the angelic choir
of principalities. As was written in the Old Testament book 2
Kings (19:37). Nisroch is also found in demonic legend as a member
of the dark brethren of hell. His position there is rather unique.
He serves as the chef of hell, preparing the fell repasts enjoyed
by the ruling princes of the underworld. Nisroch's specialty is to
include generous helpings of the fruit of the forbidden tree in
all his dishes.
angel mentioned in the occult work Three Books of Occult
Philosophy by the famous mystic and occultist Cornelius Heinrich
Agrippa von Nettesheim (d. 1535). According to Agrippa, Neogahel
belongs to the truly fortunate angels who stand ever before the
throne of God and behold the very face of the Lord.
prominent angel in Jewish lore, Nuriel is honored as being one of
the tallest of all beings in heaven, declared to be three hundred
parasangs tall (a measurement used among the Persians and accepted
as being around three and a half miles). Nuriel is also supported
by fifty myriads of angels said to have been formed out of fire
and water. Associated with these angels is Nuriel's post as the
angel responsible for hailstorms. A resident of the second heaven,
he supposedly met Moses when the great lawgiver journeyed to

