
OCH-An angel much honored in occult lore. In
one tradition Och is considered a protecting or patron angel of
alchemy, granting knowledge and wisdom to individuals who are able
successfully to invoke his aid. He is also called upon by
supplicants seeking other benefits from him, such as an extended
life span. To assist him, Och is accompanied by a group of angels
or spirits numbering 35,536 legions (according to the scholar E.
A. Wallis Budge in his Amulets and Talismans). While other beings
and angels bear the same title (such as Uriel), Och is ranked in
some lists as the angel of the sun. (See also Sun, Angels of the)
OFANIEL-Also Ophaniel and Opanniel, the
generally recognized chief or ruling prince of the angelic order
or choir of the thrones, called in Hebrew the ofanim after their
leader. As the ofanim are also termed the wheels and the
"many-eyed ones," Ofaniel is known as the keeper of the wheels and
even the angel of the wheels of the moon, the wheels of heaven. He
is described in the Third Book of Enoch in glorious terms. While
revered in some aspects of Jewish lore as the head of the thrones,
Ofaniel is only one of several angels proposed as heads of that
angelic choir; other candidates are Raphael and Orifiel, although
in the complicated lore of angels, these angels, including Ofaniel
are termed the heads of the order of ophanim, and Hebrew
equivalent of the cherubim.
OFANIM-The Hebrew name for a choir or order
of angels that is considered synonymous with the later choir of
the thrones. Also known as the galgallim (the wheels), ofanim
(also ophanim) means "the wheels," a reference to the traditional
description of these angels as the wheels of God, serving as the
wheels of the heavenly chariot. In the Old Testament Book of
Ezekiel they were said to be wheels within wheels, their rims full
of eyes, the latter description thus providing their other common
name, "many-eyed ones." By custop their chief is the angel
Ofaniel. Thus it is hardly surprising that the ofanim (or ophanim)
have been placed in various positions in the lists of the angelic
choirs over the years. In the accepted compliation of nine choirs,
they have occupied the second, fifth, and ninth places.
OG-In Jewish legend, a member of the
nephilim, the giants who were born out of the union of women with
the fallen angels. Og is said to be a descendant of the infamous
fallen angel Semyaza. He is mentioned in the Old Testament in the
Book of Numbers (21:33-35) as the king of Bashan, who went out
with an army to crush Moses at Edrei. The Lord, however, delivered
him into the hands of the Lawgiver, and thus Moses "slew him, and
his sons, and all his people, until there was not one survivor
left to him...This is consistent with the legend that Moses was
able to slay the huge Og by attacking his ankle. There is yet
another legend, however, that proclaims that only Og, of all the
nephilim, was able to survive the Great Flood by hiding on the
roof of Noah's ark.
ONAFIEL-An angel given the title angel of the
moon-although other angels with this post are said to be Gabriel,
Zachariel, and Yahriel-by the poet Longfellow in The Golden
Legend. While the poet initially (in early editions) names Gabriel
the angel of the moon, in subsequent versions he uses the name
Onafiel or even Ofaniel, the latter derived by transposing the n
and the f in Onafiel. It is generally agreed that Onafiel was the
total invention of Longfellow, based on the real and famous angel
ONAYEPHETON-An angel or a spirit who was
mentioned in the famous work on sorcery by S. L. MacGregor
Mathers, The Greater Key of Solomon. According to this source,
Onayepheton can be summoned by the competent sorcerer and
compelled or convinced to assist them. he is also believed to be
an angel used by God to raise the dead to life anytime the Lord
chooses to do so.
ANGELIC-One of the terms used for the hierarchy of angels
as it has been proposed over the years by numerous experts,
theologians, and writers. Other names used for the angelic orders
include the angelic choirs and angelic lists. According to
accepted custop, based on Pseudo-Dionysius, there are nine orders
of angels organized into three triads: first triad-seraphim,
cherubim, and thrones; second triad-dominations, virtues, and
powers; third triad-principalities, archangels, and angels. Each
order also has its own precise functions, attributes, and duties
as well as its own precise functions, attributes, and duties as
well as its own ruling prince or chief.
ORIFIEL-An angel with a varied portfolio
depending upon the list or traditional source of information about
him. Also called Orifel, Orfiel, and Oriphiel, he is often termed
the ruling or governing angel of the planet Saturn, termed this in
the custop of the mystical Qabalah. Orifiel is also ranked among
the archangels in the lists compiled by Pope St. Gregory the Great
(r.590-604), with such other notables as Uriel, Raphael, and
Michael; Orifiel, however, does not appear in any other major
lists of the accepted archangels, placing some question on the
matter of whether he truly belongs among the select angels of
heaven. In yet another source, he is ranked among the angels
belonging to the order or choir of thrones.
OF ANGELS-See under Creation of Angels.
ORIOKH-An alternate name for the angel
Ariokh, the companion of the angel Mariokh. The two were commanded
by God, as recorded in the Second Book of Enoch, to give their
protection to the great patriarch Enoch while he was writing his
famous works (See Enoch, Books of). The angels also had the task
of guarding the descendants and family of Enoch, thereby ensuring
their survival during and after the Great Flood. (See Mariokh.)
ORION-An angel appearing in the epic poem Der
Messias (The Messiah) by the German poet Friedrich Gottlieb
Klopstock (1724-1803). According to this work, Orion is the
guardian or protecting angel of St. Peter. Occultist Eliphas Levi,
among others, posited a connection or correlation between the
angel Orion and the famed archangel Michael; one of the most
obvious ones is in the constellation Orion (called the hunter) and
the military or warrior attributes possessed by Michael.
ORMAZD-Another name for Ahura Mazda, the
supreme deity of the Zoroastrian religion, which dominated the
Near East and the Persian empire for many
OTHEOS-An angel or spirit, mentioned in a
number of occult works, invoked by sorcerers as a help in finding
treasures, perhaps lost, buried, or hidden.

