
RA'AMIEL-The angel who is in charge of
thunder. He is one of several angels with the task of monitoring
or controlling the natural elements. He works closely with the
angel Matatiel, the patron of rain.
RA'ASIEL-The angel who is in charge of all
one time angel who possessed the ability to stop the very stars in
their celestial path. He apparently fell from grace, for he is now
ranked among fallen angels. His specialty among the legions of the
netherworld is to strangle his victims.
RADWERIEL-Also Radueriel, the archivist (a
job also attributed to Metatron) of the heavenly host who is
ranked among the high angelic personages in the divine court. He
is said in the Third Book of Enoch, that helpful source on angels,
to be a prince, more highly honored than all the other princes,
and to be in charge of the archives of the Lord. He maintains all
of the scrolls and records of heaven, bringing forth for the
Lord's consideration all relevant documents and accounting that
might be needed in the resolutions of each case brought before the
throne of God.
RAGUEL-An angel whose name means "friend of
God" and who has the difficult task of maintaining discipline
among the angels in heaven, described in the First Book of Enoch
as the angel who takes vengeance for the world and for luminaries.
He is also in charge of second heaven and is listed in traditions
related to the famed patriarch Enoch as having been responsible
for translating Enoch to heaven; this event is referred to in the
Old Testament Book of Genesis, although there is nothing in that
account concerning Raguel (the other angel regularly thought
possibly to have been the transporting agent is Anafiel).
RAHAB-The so-called Angel of Violence, also
called the angel of the sea and an angel who suffered from an
unbelievable pride. According to legends surrounding Rahab, he was
around at the very Creation of the world, with powers over the
seas. He is also mention in the Book of Job. He is at times
identified with the fallen angels (or devils) Leviathan and
Behemoth, two dreadful beings of the sea. Rahab is also considered
responsible for rescuing from the waters the Book of Angel Raziel,
which had been given to Adam by Raziel and then stolen by envious
angels who threw it into the ocean to keep Adam from reading its
RAHATIEL-An angel mentioned in the Third Book
of Enoch as the prince of the constellations. He thus has
authority over the stars in the heavens, making the constellations
pass across the sky each night. He is assisted in his labors by a
group of seventy-two angels, "great and honored."
RAHMIEL-Also Rahamiel, the so-called Angel of
Mercy, who helps to promote compassion and mercy among all
peoples. One of the other names for this angel is Rhamiel.
OF-A title given to several angels, including Matariel,
who is credited with the post in the Third Book of Enoch.
RAMIEL-Also Ramael and Remiel, an angel whose
main claim to fame is assisting Baruch in the Apocalypse of Baruch
with the interpretation of his visions; in the work, Ramiel gives
an announcement of the impending arrival of the Messiah. The angel
also appears in the First Book of Enoch, described in the same
work as both good and a bad angel.
RAPHAEL-One of the seven archangels and one
of the best loved of all angels. Raphael is honored as the regent
of the sun, the angel of healing, the angel of science, the angel
of knowledge, head of the guardian angels, and chief of the
angelic orders of virtues, although he is also a member of the
seraphim, the dominations, and the cherubim. Raphael, whose name
means "God has healed," is best known for his appearance in the
Book of Tobit. Raphael is said to possess the happiest disposition
of any of the angels, having as well the best sense of humor. This
may well be a result of his close relationship with the sun; he
is, after all, regent of the orb and was called by the poet
Longfellow the angel of the sun. He delights in bringing health,
happiness, and joy everywhere he goes and encourages the guardian
angels in their work.
RASH-Also Rashnu and Rashin, an angel in the
religion of the Zoroastrians (which dominated the Persian empire)
who had the duty of judging the souls of all who had died.
RAZIEL-An angel, called the angel of
mysteries, who is the possessor of a staggering amount of
information on all matters secret, arcane, and mysterious; his
knowledge stems from the fact that he traditionally stands at the
very curtains separating God from the rest of Creation and hears
and notes everything that is said or done around the throne of the
Lord. The angel supposedly wrote down much of this incomparably
valuable information in the famous tope called the Book of the
Angel Raziel. This grimoire (a type of book said to contain occult
and arcane knowledge related to spells and sorcery) was probably
written during the middle ages by one of the Jewish scholars-such
as Isaac the Blind or Eleazar of Worms-but this did not keep it
from becoming surrounded by a host of legends and tales. The most
notable story is the one that has Raziel actually giving the book
to Adam. The Book of the Angel Raziel is reputed to contain the
1,500 keys to the mysteries of the universe. Unfortunately these
are written in a language so arcane and impossible to decipher
(without presumably the aid of Raziel) that not even the greatest
angels of heaven are able to figure it out. He is additionally the
reputed chief or prince of the order of the erelim, the Hebrew
understanding of what was later called the order of thrones. For
his compassion and concern for Adam, Raziel is ranked as the
special patron for the first human.
GRIM-A nickname for the angel of death, most often
identified as Azrael.
ANGELS-Those angels who are charged with the important
task of writing down every human act, both good and evil; these
are then used either at the death of each person to determine his
(her) worthiness to enter heaven or at the end of time, when every
moment of history is laid bare before God (or Christ) for the
final and terrible judgment.
REMIEL-Another name for the angel Ramiel.
ANGEL OF-The otherwise unnamed angel who appeared at the
topb of Jesus after his resurrection. There is a tradition that
the angel of the Resurrection was Gabriel.
RIDWAN-The angel on Islamic lore who is said
to be the guardian of the gates of the earthly Paradise.
YHWH-A great angel who is the princely chief of the
gallim, the "wheels," who are to be equated in later angel lore
with the cherubim Rikbeil is one of the highest ranking of all
angels in the heavenly host, said to be superior even to such a
grand angel as Metatron. In the lore of the Merkabah as reported
in the Third Book of Enoch, Rikbiel has charge over the wheels of
the chariot upon which the throne of God is situated. There are
eight wheels, two for each direction, with rivers of fire pouring
out from under them.
RUHIEL-The angel who has authority over the
RULERS-An alternate name used for the angelic
choir or order of the dominations.
angel in Islamic lore who works with the two angels Munkar and
Nakir. Ruman serves in the infernal regions, greeting each
condemned soul that is sent to him and forcing it to sit down and
write out each and every evil deed committed while on the earth.
In some cases, of course, the writing takes nearly forever, as
Ruman is aware of every wicked act, from the smallest to the
largest, and waits impatiently and cruelly, while the sinner
scribbles them down. Once they are finished, the poor souls are
handed over to Munkar and Nakir for the inflicting of eternal

