
TADHIEL-An angel who appears in Jewish
legend as the angel sent by the Lord at the last minute to
prevent Abraham from sacrificing his son, Issac. This action was
ascribed in the Old Testament Book of Genesis to an otherwise
unnamed angel of the Lord.
TAGAS-An angelic prince mentioned in the
Third Book of Enoch. He is revered as the chief director of the
angelic choirs that sing in eternal praise of the Lord.
Presumably he has under his authority such other angelic
directors as Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun.
ANGEL, THE-An angel appearing in Jewish legend. He is
called the "tall angel" because of his enormous height, unusual
even by the standards of heaven, which boasts some staggering
tall angels among its blessed residents. In this case the angel
was encountered by Moses, who was visiting the third heaven at
the time and being shown around by the angel Metatron, himself
no puny creature. The actual identity of the angel remains
somewhat unclear, but according to some sources he was to be
identified with Sandalphon, while others declared him to be
Nuriel or Hadraniel.
TARSHISHIM-The Hebrew name meaning
"brilliant (or shining) ones," given to an order of angels
generally said to be the equivalent of the later order of angels
known as the virtues. Their chief or ruling prince is most often
listed as Tarshish; other candidates for the post include
Sabrael and Haniel.
TARTARUS, ANGELS OF-Those special angels
who reside in Tartarus, classical antiquity's equivalent of
Hades or Hell. Mentioned in the apocryphal works of the
Apocalypse of Paul and the Vision of Paul, the angels of
Tartarus have the grim duty of presiding over the terrible
punishments given out to the damned souls placed into their
hands. The chief of these angels is usually identified as
Tartaruchus, but another leader frequently stated is the
ubiquitous archangel Uriel.
TATRASIEL YHWH-An angel counted among the
foremost princes of heaven, as noted in the Third Book of Enoch.
TEARS, ANGEL OF-The title borne by several
angels, referring to their penchant for shedding tears for the
sinfulness of humanity. Two candidates are Sandalphon and
Cassiel, but perhaps the most suitable angelic recipient of the
title is Israfel. According to Islamic lore, Israfel stares six
times a day into hell and beholds the wickedness of the
condemned. So heartrending is this image that the angel bursts
into weeping. His tears are so uncontrollable that the Lord
himself must stop the flow or the entire world would be flooded.
TEMLAKOS-Also Temeluch and Temeluchus, and
angel with several responsibilities, as reported in the
Apocalypse of Peter, a second-century A.D. work purporting to
present a revelation of the very Day of Judgment. Temlakos is
the protector of all children who were slain by their parents;
he is also thought to be the patron of children at the time of
their birth and in their early infancy. As for the murderous
parents of the children, they are consigned too Gehenna, and
Temlakos has the duty of putting them to eternal torture and
torment, for, as the Apocalypse declares, "it is the will of God
that this be so."
THREE ANGELS-The name given to the three
otherwise unnamed visitors to the patriarch Abraham in the Old
Testament Book of Genesis. Scholars and biblical experts have
long offered identifications for the three travelers, but the
most common, based on Abraham's use of term "my lord," is that
the Lord himself had paid a call, manifesting himself as the
trinity: God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. While most logical,
this explanation has been joined by other proposed
identifications. For example, the three have been proclaimed to
be God, Gabriel, and Michael; Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel;
Gabriel, Michael, and Israfel; or three angels who have no
names. That there were two angels accompanying God is seemingly
supported by subsequent events, namely the sending of two angels
to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah while the Lord continued to speak
with Abraham.
THRONE BEARERS-The name given to those
angels in Islamic lore who carry the throne of God, called the
'Arsh. By custop there are four such angels representing the
four divine attributes of requital, providence, mercy, and
beneficence. However, on the Day of Judgment eight angels will
carry the throne, as declared in the Qur'an (surah 69). In
Jewish lore there are also throne angels, the so-called Merkabah
Angels, and the seven angels mentioned in the apocryphal Book of
the Angel Raziel, who have the high honor of standing in the
very presence of the throne of God. The seven throne angels are
Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Phanuel, Israel, and Uzziel.
Other sources say that there are actually fifteen throne angels.
In Christian traditions the three highest of the choirs in
heaven, namely the first triad comprised of the seraphim,
cherubim, and thrones, are all close or next to the throne of
the Almighty.
THRONES (choir)-One of the nine choirs of
angels, as accepted on lore and determined by the sixth century
theologian Dionysius the Areopagite. Called the ophanim or
galgallim in Hebrew traditions, the thrones are also termed the
"wheels" and the "many-eyed ones." They belong to the first and
highest triad of the heavenly host, standing just below the
seraphim and the cherubim; this position makes them some of the
most powerful angels in the service of the Lord. According to
St. Thomas Aquinas, the thrones have the task of pondering the
disposition of divine judgments, meaning that they carry out or
fulfill the divine justice of the Lord. Like their counterparts
in the first angelic triad, they come the closet of all angels
to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with
mirrorlike goodness. In some Jewish lore the thrones function
within the heavenly scheme of things as either the chariots upon
which the throne of God rests (the Merkabah) or as the wheels of
the chariot. This imagery is expressed fully in the Old
Testament Book of Ezekiel (1:13-21), where they appeared with
the cherubim.
TIME, SPIRIT OF-See Zeitgeist.
TRUTH, ANGEL OF-The generally unnamed angel
in Jewish legend who was a staunch opponent of the creation of
humanity, with the angel of peace. Both were against the birth
of humankind because they, like the earth itself in other tales,
perceived taht the mortals would turn against God and bring
chaos and misery. The Lord, however, grew angry at their
impudence and burned both the angel of truth and the angel of
peace to ashes, along with the untold number of ministering
angels who accompanied them. In tradition, several angels have
been named as possessing the title angel of truth, including
Amitiel, Gabriel, and even Michael. As the angel was destroyed,
it can be deduced that neither Michael nor Gabriel was the
original angel of truth; it is possible that Amitiel was
incinerated and the position was given to either Gabriel or
Michael. Of the two, Gabriel has more claim to the title, given
his role in announcing great news, such as the coming of John
the Baptist and Christ in the Christian tradition and the
revealing of the Qur'an to Muhammad in the Islamic tradition.
TSADKIEL-See Zadkiel.
TUBUAS-A member of the group of angels who
were removed from the ranks of officially recognized celestial
hierarchy in 745 by a council in Rome under Pope Zachary. He was
joined by Uriel, Adimus, Sabaoth, Simiel, and

