
WATCHERS-Also termed the grigori, a group of
angels who figure in Jewish legend; they are reputed to have
members who fell onto sin and others who stayed devoted to the
cause of the Lord. Originally the watchers were apparently some of
the most august angels in all of heaven. They never slept, kept
eternal vigilance over heaven, and were some of the tallest beings
in all creation. According to the Book of Jubilees (supported to
some degree by the First Book of Enoch), they were sent to earth
to give instruction to mortals on nature and other knowledge
considered useful for them to have by the Lord. Unfortunately
several watchers became enamored with human women and so cohabited
with them. Their offspring were the nephilim, the giants who were
mentioned in the Book of Genesis and who supposedly troubled the
world with their cruelty and evil; the nephilim were all but
exterminated in the Flood. There is also another group of mighty
angels called the watchers. Known in Hebrew as the irin or irin
qaddisin, these angels are said in the Third Book of Enoch to
number only two and are the close companions of the holy ones.
They are greater than all the other angels combined, matched by no
other other creatures in the entire heavenly host. They reside
directly next to the very throne of God and, with the holy ones,
act as the court officials of heaven, debating every case that
comes before the blessed throne. The watchers and the holy ones
were mentioned in the Book of Daniel (4:17).
OF THE-The angels who have authority over the seven days
of the week-in much the same fashion as there are angels presiding
over the planets, hours of the day, and months of the year. The
angels give their particular day their special attention and in
legend can be invoked to assist a person in some endeavor or need.
The angels and their days are reported in The Magus (1801) by
Barrett: Sunday-Michael Monday-Gabriel Tuesday-Camael Wednesday-Raphael Thursday-Sachiel Friday-Anael Saturday-Cassiel.
WHEELS-The nickname given to the angelic
choir or order of thrones. The name derived from the Hebrew word
ophanim (later galgallim, "wheels" or "spheres"), itself based on
the vivid description of these angels found in the Old Testament
Book of Ezekiel (1:13-19). The angels are also called the "many
eyed ones."
OF THE-Angels who possess special authority over the winds
of the earth. There are generally reputed to be four such angels,
one for each point of direction, south, north, east, west,
although in the ever-useful Third Book of Enoch Ruhiel is named as
being in charge of the wind, with Zaamiel in control of
whirlwinds.The Book of Revelation (7:1) speaks of the four angels
standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four
winds of the earth.
ANGELS OF-The name of several fearsome angels, also termed
the angels of anger. They were supposedly encountered by Moses
during his visit to heaven, as recounted in the Apocryphal
Revelation of Moses. According to that work, Moses met them in the
seventh heaven. Among those identified as angels of wrath have
been Af, Hemah, and Kezef. The Book of Revelation also notes seven
angels of wrath who will appear at the time of the Last Judgment.

