
SABAOC-Also Sabaoth, one of the angels who
were declared by a council in Rome in 745 under Pope Zachary to
be no longer eligible for veneration by the faithful. He joined
several other angels, including Uriel, Simiel, Tubuas, Adimus,
and Raguel.
SABAOTH-A Hebrew word meaning "hosts" that
has been used over the years to denote the heavenly hosts. In a
more personal sense it means an actual angel or, one of the
archons. Sabaoth is also used as a spelling for the angel
Sabaoc, who with other angels was removed from official lists by
Church officials in 745 as ineligible for veneration by the
SABRAEL-See Sidriel.
SAHAQIEL-One of the seven great archangels
listed in the Third Book of Enoch. According to that source on
angelic lore, Sahaqiel is the guardian of the fourth heaven;
like all archangels, he is prince of a heavenly host and is
attended by 496,000 myriads of minstering angels.
SALATHIEL-An angel whose name means "I have
asked the Lord" and who is one of the great archangels in some
Jewish legends.
SAMAEL-Also called Sammael, Samil, and even
Satan, an angel whose name has been interpreted as meaning
"angel" (el) of "poison" (sam); he is considered in legend both
a member of the heavenly host (with often grim and destructive
duties) and a fallen angel, equatable with Satan and the chief
of the evil spirits. One of Samael's greatest roles in Jewish
lore is that of the angel of death. In this capacity he is a
fell angel but nevertheless remains one of the Lord's servants.
(See also Death, Angel of.) As a good angel, Samael supposedly
resides in the seventh heaven, although he is declared to be the
chief angel of the fifth heaven.
SAMUIL-Also Samoil and Semil, an angel
whose name means "heard of God" and who is one of the angelic
messengers credited with transporting the famous patriarch Enoch
to heaven, along with the angel Raguel. Another angel most often
mentioned in legend as being responsible for this translation is
SANDALPHON-The tall angel, twin brother of
the angel Metatron, and, according to the poet Longfellow, the
angel of glory and the angel of prayer. In Greek Sandalphon
means "brother," and it is in this role that he is probably best
known, for he is the spiritual sibling and close companion of
Metatron. This affinity is based largely in the similarities of
the two angels; just as Metatron is reputed to have once been
the patriarch Enoch, Sandalphon is declared in legend to be the
onetime Old Testament prophet Elijah. While said in some
traditions to be in charge of the fourth, sixth, or even seventh
heaven. As the angel of prayer he helps carry the prayers of the
faithful into heaven, making of them a beautiful and delicate
garland to decorate the head of the Lord.
SANTRIEL-An angel mentioned exclusively in
the Jewish mystical work Zohar. The angel has only one known
duty, unpleasant as it might be: he is to journey to the world
of men and gather bodies of all the dead who in their earthly
lives had neglected to honor the SABBATH. The condemned souls
are then taken to Gehenna and held up before all of the other
sinners so that they might note how the corpses of such wicked
people are the breeding ground for worms.
SARAQAEL-Also Sariel and Sarakiel, one of
the mighty archangels mentioned in the First Book of Enoch.
Saraqael has authority over the spirits (or children) of
humankind who have sinned in the spirit. He is joined in his
duties as an archangel by Gabriel, Raphael, Raguel, Michael, and
Suruel. He is also thought in some sources to be synonymous with
the mighty angel Uriel.
SARIEL-See Saraqael.
SARIM-The plural name for the Hebrew word
sar ("prince' or "celestial"), used for several types of angels.
The sarim are considered part of the singing angels who reside
in heaven and ceaselessly sing the praises of the Lord; they are
under the overall authority of the towering angel Tagas. Sarim
are also said to be the seventy angels in charge of the nations.
According to custop, all of the guardian angels of the
nations-fell from grace and are now counted among the fallen
angels-with the exception of Michael.
SASNIGIEL-A angel mentioned in the Third
Book of Enoch and ranked as one of the members of the angelic
hierarchy. He, like all of the other angelic princes, wears a
magnificent crown, which he removes in the presence of one of
the angelic princes ranked higher than he in the celestial
SATAN-The leader of the fallen angels and
one of the embodiments of every kind of evil; he rules over the
demons and devils in hell and plots their chronic struggle
against God and heaven. One of the most significant figures in
religious history, he has been known by a host of names
(Lucifer, the Devil, evil one, father of lies, Mephistopheles,
Mr. Scratch, etc.). Satan's primary purpose is to tempt humanity
into sin (Matthew 4:3) and 1 Thessalonians 3:5), the very sin he
helped to create. According to Christian lore, Satan was once
one of the mightiest and most beloved angels in all of heaven.
Aside from his post as a chief minister to the Lord, he was also
head or chief of the angelic choirs of the seraphim and virtues
(he may also have been prince over the powers and archangels).
He was perhaps a member of the seraphim, which makes sense given
his luminosity. When God created humanity, Satan refused to bow
down to humans. When he still refused when the Lord commanded
him, he crossed over the barrier of obedience and became the
first angel to sin. He declared war with God. This ended in
defeat and he and one-third of the angels were expelled from
heaven. Satan remains the most profound expression of evil. He
struggles endlessly to ensnare the souls of humankind.
SATQIEL-One of the princes of the seven
heavens as noted in the Third Book of Enoch. Satqiel is in
charge of the fifth heaven, and, as with other angelic princes,
he is attended by 496,000 myriads of ministering angels.
ANGELS-The grim name given to the group of angels
(called in the Hebrew malache habbala) who were beheld by the
patriarch Abraham during his visit to Paradise.
SCRIBES-See Recording Angels.
SEALS-See Merkabah Angels.
OF THE-A group of four angels, with their assistants,
who have authority or act as patrons of the seasons of the year.
The angels are as follows: Spring-Spugliguel,
aided by Amatiel and others:Summer-Tubiel, aided
by Tariel and others:Fall-Torquaret, aided by
Guabarel and others:Winter-Attarib, aided by
Amabael and others.
SEFIRA-The singular of the important
angelic beings the sefiroth.
SEFIROTH-The plural for the sefira, the
divine emanations found in the Jewish mystical system of the
Qabalah, through which God, as the en-Sof (the Divine), brought
into existence all of Creation. Also known as sephiroth, they
can be considered the ten delegated powers of God, controlling
the basic structure of the universe and representing ten
attributes of the Divine. There are ten holy sefiroth that
emanated from the right hand of the Lord and ten unholy sefiroth
that were from the left. The holy sefiroth act as his means of
interacting with his Creation.
angel mentioned in the work Jewish Magic and Superstition by
Joshua Trachtenberg. He is to be ranked among the feared angels
of destruction and is traditionally invoked at the end of the
SEMALION-Probably a variant spelling for
the angel Samael; nevertheless, under this name an angel is
declared in the Talmud as having proclaimed to the world that
Moses had finally died, shouting out, "The Lawgiver is dead!"
SEMYAZA-According to Jewish mythology the
leader of the fallen angels, children of heaven who descended
from the celestial kingdom and entered into union with the women
of the world. Also called Semyaz, Shamazya, and Semiaza, he
brought with him two hundred fellow angels; they not only begot
children by the women, they taught humanity a variety of useful
talents, such as medicine and plants, and some destructive
skills as well, including sword making, astrology, and adultry.
Most wicked of all were the children of the angels, giants who
stood several miles high and brought much suffering to the
people of earth. In vengeance, the Lord dispatched his most
powerful angels, including Michael and Gabriel, and they
imprisoned the fallen angels in the valleys of the earth. The
giants were later wiped out in the Great Flood of Noah fame.
SERAPH-The shortened version of the angelic
choir of the seraphim, generally used in the singular when
referring to one member of that august angelic body. Milton, for
example, in his Paradise Lost, refers to the faithful seraph
SERAPHIEL-Also Serapiel, the chief or
prince of the high angelic order of the seraphim. One of the
most resplendent of all angels, he is described as having the
face of an angel and the body of an eagle, which is full of eyes
so many in number that they cannot be counted, each shining
forth like the morning star. As chief of the seraphim, Seraphiel
has the main duty of standing by his angelic charges and
teaching them every manner of song, psalm, and chant in eternal
praise to God.
(Choir)-The highest and most splendid of the nine
accepted angelic orders as developed by the sixth-century
theologian Dionysius the Areopagite and largely embraced by the
Christian Church. Not only are the seraphim the highest of the
nine choirs, they are ranked first in the first triad of the
Dionysian scheme, with the cherubim and the thrones. Without
question they are the closest in all of heaven to the very
throne of God, and their primary function is to circle the
incomprehensibly beautiful throne in perpetual adoration of the
Lord. According to Enoch, each seraphim has six wings. The last
detail is corroborated by the Old Testament Book of Isaiah
ARCHANGELS-See Archangels, Seven.
SHAITAN-In Arabic legend, a fallen angel
generally identified with the Islamic devil Iblis or Satan.
SHAMIEL-Also Shamael and Shammiel, one of
the leaders in Jewish lore of the angelic choirs in their
singing the praises of God. Other angels mentioned in this role
have included Tagas, Metatron, Radueriel, Asaph, Heman, and
SHAMSIEL-Also Shamshiel. a leading angel in
the celestial hierarchy whose name means "light of God." He is
the angelic guardian of the fourth heaven (although Sahaqiel is
often named in this post as well) and is honored as the guardian
of Paradise, a title that makes him the chief protector of the
Garden of Eden. Curiously, in the First Book of Enoch and under
the name Sasomaspeel or Samsapeel, he is ranked as one of the
fallen angels who descended to the earth and cohabited with
SHATQIEL-An angel mentioned in the Third
Book of Enoch as belonging to the exalted ranks of the princes
of the seven heavens, meaning that he may be termed one of the
archangels. He is in charge of the fifth heaven and like his
fellows, is attended by some 496,000 myriads of ministering
angels. In other sources he is named as the guardian or prince
of the fourth heaven.
SIDRIEL-Also Sabrael, a high-ranking angel
mentioned in the Third Book of Enoch. He is one of the princes
of the seven heavens and is in charge of the first heaven. Thus
honored as being one of the archangels. As the others, is
attended by 496,000 myriads of ministering angels. He is often
credited with the post of chief or prince of the angelic order
of the tarshishim, the Hebrews equivalent of the virtures.
SIMIEL-One of the angels removed from
official lists of angels to be venerated by the Church in 745 at
a council in Rome.
YHWH-Also Sopheriel and Sofriel, two of the mighty
angelic princes of heaven in Jewish lore; they have the task of
keeping the large books in which are recorded the names of all
those who will have life and the names of all those who will
die. Soperiel means "who puts to death" and Soperiel means "who
makes alive." They possess two of the most important works in
all of Creation, reading the names of all who ever shall be born
and the exact times and moments of each living person's demise.
SOPHIA-See Pistis Sophia.
YHWH-An angelic prince in Jewish lore. He has charge
over the incredibly delicate and accurate scale in which the
souls of all humans are weighed at the time of their judgment
before the throne of God. The scales measure their merits
against their faults and sins; those found wanting in the merits
department are cast out for eternal punishment. Like the other
angels who stand in the court of the Lord, Soqedhozi is utterly
without pity in the execution of his duties, although like all
angels, his heart grieves at the wickedness of men and women.
SOTERASIELYHWH-A formidable angelic prince
whose name means "he who stirs the fire of God" and who is
mentioned in the Third Book of Enoch as having authority over
the four great chiefs of the River of Fire (the river flowing
from the throne of God). He has the privilege of stirring the
fiery waters of the river and is the sole angel who grants
permission to other angelic princes to enter or leave the
so-called Shekinah, often described as the glory that emanates
from the Lord. He is considered one of the tallest angels in
OF-One of the important functions of some angels, namely
to fetch the souls of the deceased and transport them to the
next world. Thus both the blessed and the damned are first
carried to heaven, and, once there, the Book of Life, containing
the list of those chosen from time inmemorial, is read to
determine if the deceased's name is in it.
GOD-The translated title of the Latin phrase spirtus Dei
that is used by the noted Christian apologist Lactantius (d.
323) for angels.
SRAOSHA-Also Sirush, an angelic being found
in the lore of the Zoroastrians, the ancient religion of Persia.
He is ranked as one of the amesha spentas, the holy immortals,
and is one of the spirits who figure in the afterlife of all
humanity. He carries the souls of the deceased to the next
world. He is also in some legends a defender of humanity,
journeying down to the world to chase away all evildoers,
especially the devils and bringers of sin.
STARS-The lights of the night sky and the
constellations that figure in the lore of angels. As with the
planets, nature, and just about everything else, the stars are
said to be directed in their paths and function through the
assistance or guardianship of angels. In some Jewish legends the
syars are said to be under the charge of the angel Kokbiel,
while the constellations are under Rahatiel. The stars have also
been considered another name for the angels themselves, as seen
in the declaration by the Lord in the Old Testament Book of Job
SUKALLIN-A type of angelic being found in
the mythology of the Sumerians and Babylonians. The sukallin are
considered precursors or a foreshadowing of the later angels.
THE-A title borne by a number of likely angelic
candidates. In the lore of Enoch, Galgalliel is listed as having
charge over the orb of the sun, but other angels of the sun
include Michael, Raphael, Varcan, and especially Uriel. The last
angel, whose very name means "fire of God," os perhaps (after
Galgalliel) the angelic potentate most deserving of the title.
SURUEL-Also Suriel, a mighty archangel,
often identified with Uriel, Metatron, and Ariel. Suruel appears
in a number of Jewish legends, including those surroundings the
Lawgiver, Moses. With the angel of the burning bush (Zagzagel),
he is supposedly one of the main sources of Moses' great
knowledge; in recognition of his contributions to the life of
Moses, Suruel was permitted by God to descend to the earth at
the appointed time and retrieve the mighty soul of the Lawgiver,
whose death had been proclaimed by the angel Semalion. Suruel
also appears in the First Book of Enoch as one of the grand
archangels, with Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and

