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Work title abbreviations: T

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
taxon. taxonomic
taxon. taxonomy
techn. technical
technol. technological
technol. technology
tel. telegraph
telegr. telegraph
telegr. telegraphic(al)
telegr. telegraphy
teleph. telephonic
teleph. telephony
terminol. terminological
terminol. terminology
terrestr. terrestrial
test. testament
text-bk. text-book
textbk. textbook
th. theory
theatr. theatrical
theol. theological
theol. theology
theoret. theoretical
thermonucl. thermonuclear
thes. thesaurus
topog. topographic(al)
topogr. topographic(al)
topogr. topography
trad. tradition
trad. traditional
trag. tragedy
trans. transaction(s)
transl. translation
transubstant. transubstantiation
trav. travel(s)
treas. treasurer
treas. treasury
treat. treatise
treatm. treatment
trib. tribune
trig. trigonometry
trigonom. trigonometry
trop. tropical
troub. troublesome
troubl. troublesome

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