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Work title abbreviations: O

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
obed. obedience
obj. object(s)
observ. observation(s)
obstet. obstetric
obstet. obstetrics
obstetr. obstetric
obstetr. obstetrics
occas. occasional
occup. occupation
occup. occupational
occurr. occurrence
oceanogr. oceanographic(al)
oceanogr. oceanography
O.E.D. Oxford English Dictionary
off. office
off. official
offic. official
Okla. Oklahoma
Ont. Ontario
ophthalm. ophthalmology
ophthalmol. ophtalmologic(al)
ophthalmol. ophthalmology
oppress. oppression
orac. oracle(s)
ord. order(s)
ord. ordinance(s)
org. organic
orig. original
ornith. ornithology
ornithol. ornithologic(al)
ornithol. ornithology
outl. outline
Oxf. Oxford
Oxfordsh. Oxfordshire
Oxon. Oxfordshire

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