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Abbreviations beginning with: |
A | B | C | D | E | |
F | G | H | I | J | |
K | L | M | N | O | |
P | Q | R | S | T | |
U | V | W | Y | Z | |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
S. | south, southern |
Sask. | Saskatchewan |
Sat. | Saturday |
Sax. | Saxon |
sc. | science |
Sc. | Scotch |
Sc. | Scots |
Sc. | Scottish |
Scand. | Scandinavia |
Scand. | Scandinavian |
S. Carolina | South Carolina |
sch. | school |
sci. | science(s) |
sci. | scientific |
Scot. | Scotland |
Scotl. | Scotland |
script. | scripture |
sculpt. | sculpture |
S. Dakota | South Dakota |
S.E. | south-east, south-eastern |
seaf. | seafaring |
sel. | selected |
sel. comm. | select committee |
select. | selection |
ser. | series |
serm. | sermon(s) |
sess. | session |
settlem. | settlement |
sev. | several |
Shakes. | Shakespeare |
Shaks. | Shakespeare |
sheph. | shepherd |
Shropsh. | Shrophire |
sing. | singular |
Soc. | society |
sociol. | sociological |
sociol. | sociology |
Som. | Somerset |
Somersetsh. | Somersetshire |
sonn. | sonnet |
spec. | special |
spec. | specimen(s) |
specif. | specification(s) |
specim. | specimen(s) |
spectrosc. | spectroscopy |
SS. | saints |
St. | saint |
St. | street |
Staff. | Staffordshire |
Stafford. | Staffordshire |
Staffordsh. | Staffordshire |
Staffs. | Staffordshire |
stand. | standard |
stat. | statistical |
statist. | statistical |
stratigr. | stratigraphical |
stratigr. | stratigraphy |
struct. | structural |
struct. | structure |
S.T.S. | Scottish Text Society |
stud. | studies |
subj. | subject(s) |
subscr. | subscription |
subscript. | subscription |
Suff. | Suffolk |
suppl. | supplement |
suppl. | supplementary |
supplic. | supplication(s) |
suppress. | suppression |
surg. | surgery |
surg. | surgical |
surv. | survey |
surv. | surveying |
S.W. | south-west, south-western |
symmetr. | symmetrical |
symp. | symposium |
syst. | system |
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