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Work title abbreviations: S

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
S. south, southern
Sask. Saskatchewan
Sat. Saturday
Sax. Saxon
sc. science
Sc. Scotch
Sc. Scots
Sc. Scottish
Scand. Scandinavia
Scand. Scandinavian
S. Carolina South Carolina
sch. school
sci. science(s)
sci. scientific
Scot. Scotland
Scotl. Scotland
script. scripture
sculpt. sculpture
S. Dakota South Dakota
S.E. south-east, south-eastern
seaf. seafaring
sel. selected
sel. comm. select committee
select. selection
ser. series
serm. sermon(s)
sess. session
settlem. settlement
sev. several
Shakes. Shakespeare
Shaks. Shakespeare
sheph. shepherd
Shropsh. Shrophire
sing. singular
Soc. society
sociol. sociological
sociol. sociology
Som. Somerset
Somersetsh. Somersetshire
sonn. sonnet
spec. special
spec. specimen(s)
specif. specification(s)
specim. specimen(s)
spectrosc. spectroscopy
SS. saints
St. saint
St. street
Staff. Staffordshire
Stafford. Staffordshire
Staffordsh. Staffordshire
Staffs. Staffordshire
stand. standard
stat. statistical
statist. statistical
stratigr. stratigraphical
stratigr. stratigraphy
struct. structural
struct. structure
S.T.S. Scottish Text Society
stud. studies
subj. subject(s)
subscr. subscription
subscript. subscription
Suff. Suffolk
suppl. supplement
suppl. supplementary
supplic. supplication(s)
suppress. suppression
surg. surgery
surg. surgical
surv. survey
surv. surveying
S.W. south-west, south-western
symmetr. symmetrical
symp. symposium
syst. system

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