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Work title abbreviations: P

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
Pa. Pennsylvania
palaeontol. palaeontologic(al)
palaeontol. palaeontology
paraphr. paraphrase
paraphr. paraphrased
parasitol. parasitology
parl. parliament
parl. parliamentary
Parnass. Parnassus
path. pathologic(al)
path. pathology
pathol. pathologic(al)
pathol. pathology
peculat. peculation(s)
penins. peninsula
perf. perfect
perf. perfection
periodontol. periodontologic(al)
periodontol. periodontology
Pers. Persian
pers. personal
persec. persecution(s)
Perthsh. Perthshire
petrogr. petrographic(al)
petrogr. petrography
petrol. petrologic(al)
petrol. petrology
pharmaceut. pharmaceutical
pharmacol. pharmacological
pharmacol. pharmacology
phil. philosophy
phil. philosophic(al)
Phila. Philadelphia
Philad. Philadelphia
philol. philologic(al)
philol. philology
philos. philosophic(al)
philos. philosophy
photog. photography
photogr. photographic(al)
photogr. photography
physiol. physiologic(al)
physiol. physiology
pict. pictorial
pict. picture(s)
poet. poetical
pol. political
pol. politics
polit. political
polit. politics
polytechn. polytechnic(al)
pop. popular
porc. porcelain
posth. posthumous(ly)
postm. postmaster
pott. pottery
p. r. public records
pract. practical
pract. practice
predict. prediction
pref. preface
prerog. prerogative
pres. present
presb. presbytery
Presb. Presbyterian
preserv. preservation
prim. primer(s)
princ. principle(s)
probab. probability
probab. probabilities
probl. problem
proc. proceedings
prod. product(s)
prol. prologue
pronunc. pronunciation
prop. property
prop. properties
prov. proverb
provid. providence(s)
provinc. provincial
provis. provisional
psychoanal. psychoanalysis
psychoanalyt. psychoanalytic
psychol. psychologic(al)
psychol. psychology
psychopathol. psychopathologic(al)
psychopathol. psychopathology
pt. part
publ. public
publ. publication
purg. purgatory

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