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Work title abbreviations: M

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
mach. machine(s)
mach. machinery
mag. magazine
magn. magnetic
magn. magnetism
man. manual
managem. management
Manch. Manchester
manip. manipulation
manuf. manufacture(s)
manuf. manufacturing
Mass. Massachussets
math. mathematical
math. mathematics
meas. measure
measurem. measurement
mech. mechanical
mech. mechanics
med. medical
med. medicine
medit. meditation
mem. memoir(s)
merc. mercury
merch. merchant(s)
metall. metallurgy
metallif. metalliferous
metallogr. metallographic(al)
metallogr. metallography
metamorph. metamorphoses
metamorph. metamorphosis
metaph. metaphysics
meteorol. meteorologic(al)
meteorol. meteorology
meth. method(s)
metrop. metropolis
metrop. metropolitan
Mich. Michigan
microsc. microscopic(al)
mil. military
mineral. minaralogic(al)
mineral. mineralogy
misc. miscellaneous
misc. miscellany
miscell. miscellany
mod. modern
monum. monument
MS. manuscript
MSS. manuscripts
Mt. mount(ain)
mtg. meeting
Mts. mountains
munic. municipal
munif. munificence
munim. muniment
mus. music
mus. musical
Mus. museum
myst. mystery
myth. mythology
mythol. mythology

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