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Abbreviations beginning with: |
A | B | C | D | E | |
F | G | H | I | J | |
K | L | M | N | O | |
P | Q | R | S | T | |
U | V | W | Y | Z | |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
mach. | machine(s) |
mach. | machinery |
mag. | magazine |
magn. | magnetic |
magn. | magnetism |
man. | manual |
managem. | management |
Manch. | Manchester |
manip. | manipulation |
manuf. | manufacture(s) |
manuf. | manufacturing |
Mass. | Massachussets |
math. | mathematical |
math. | mathematics |
meas. | measure |
measurem. | measurement |
mech. | mechanical |
mech. | mechanics |
med. | medical |
med. | medicine |
medit. | meditation |
mem. | memoir(s) |
merc. | mercury |
merch. | merchant(s) |
metall. | metallurgy |
metallif. | metalliferous |
metallogr. | metallographic(al) |
metallogr. | metallography |
metamorph. | metamorphoses |
metamorph. | metamorphosis |
metaph. | metaphysics |
meteorol. | meteorologic(al) |
meteorol. | meteorology |
meth. | method(s) |
metrop. | metropolis |
metrop. | metropolitan |
Mich. | Michigan |
microsc. | microscopic(al) |
mil. | military |
mineral. | minaralogic(al) |
mineral. | mineralogy |
misc. | miscellaneous |
misc. | miscellany |
miscell. | miscellany |
mod. | modern |
monum. | monument |
MS. | manuscript |
MSS. | manuscripts |
Mt. | mount(ain) |
mtg. | meeting |
Mts. | mountains |
munic. | municipal |
munif. | munificence |
munim. | muniment |
mus. | music |
mus. | musical |
Mus. | museum |
myst. | mystery |
myth. | mythology |
mythol. | mythology |
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