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Work title abbreviations: I

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
ideol. ideological
ideol. ideology
idol. idolatry
illustr. illustrated
illustr. illustration
imag. imaginary
imag. imagination
impr. impression(s)
impr. imprint
impr. improved
inaug. inaugural
inclos. inclosure
ind. industry
industr. industrial
infl. influence
innoc. innocence
innoc. innocent
inorg. inorganic
inq. inquiry
inst. institute
inst. institution
instr. instruction
intell. intelligence
intell. intelligent
intellect. intellectual
interc. intercourse
interl. interlude
internat. international
interpr. interpretation
intro. introduction
introd. introduction
introd. introductory
inv. inventories
inv. inventory
invent. invention(s)
invent. inventories
invent. inventory
invertebr. invertebrate
invertebr. invertebrated
investig. investigation
investm. investment
invoc. incovation
Irel. Ireland

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