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Bibliography: T-Th

Author names and work titles beginning with:
T., C.
An advice how to plant tobacco in England 1615
T., D. 1608
T., D.
Hieragonisticon; or, Corah's doom. Being an answer to (J. Eachard's) two letters of enquiry into the grounds and occasions of the contempt of the clergy and religion 1672
T., F.
The case is altered. How? Aske Dalio and Millo 1604
T., F. 1712
T., I. 1596
T., I.
Grim, the collier of Croydon: or the devil and his dame a 1600 (Gratiæ theatrales 1662; Dodsley, Old plays)
T., R. (= Christopher Carlile)
A discourse, wherein is plainly proued..that Peter was neuer at Rome etc. 1572
T., W.
Nannini's (R.) Civill considerations upon many and sundrie histories tr. 1601
T., W.
The compleat gunner 1672 (Book III of T. Venn's Military & maritime discipline)
T., W.
TV times 1955–
Tablet, The 1840–
Tabor, Eliza
Rachel's secret 1866
Holiday sailor 1945
Taffrail’ (Henry Taprell Dorling)
Carry on!: naval sketches and stories 1916
Pincher Martin, O.D.: a story of the inner life of the Royal Navy 1916
Tailor, Robert
The hogge hath lost his pearle 1614 (Dodsley)
Tait, James
Mind in matter: a short argument on theism 1884; ed. 3, enlarged 1892
Tait, Peter G.
An elementary treatise on quaternions 1867 (1873)
Lectures on some recent advances in physical science 1876
Tait's Edinburgh magazine 1832–61
Tak, Montie
Truck talk: the language of the open road 1971
Takagaki, Shinz{omac} & Sharp, Harold E.
The techniques of judo 1957
Talbot, Catherine
Talbot, Charles J. C., 19th Earl of Shrewsbury
Meliora, or better times to come ed. Viscount Ingestre 1852–53
Talbot, Christopher R. M.
Newton's (I.) Enumeration of lines of the third order tr. 1861
Talbot, Frederick Arthur Ambrose
Moving pictures: how they are made and worked 1912
—(rewritten) 1923
Practical cinematography and its applications 1913
Talbot, Patrick Henry Brabazon
Principles of fungal taxonomy 1971
Talbot, Percy Amaury
The peoples of southern Nigeria 4 vols. 1926
Talbot, Bp. William
Charge to the clergy of his diocese (of Oxford) at his visitation 1712
Tales and quicke answeres, very mery, and pleasant to rede ? 1535 (in Shakspeare's Jest book 1814–15)
Talfourd, Sir Thomas N.
The Athenian captive; a tragedy 1838
The Castilian; an historical tragedy 1853
Final memorials of Charles Lamb 1848
Glencoe; or the fate of the Macdonalds; a tragedy 1840
Ion: a tragedy 1835
The letters of Charles Lamb, with a sketch of his life 1837
Vacation rambles and thoughts 1845
Tallentyre, Stephen G.
Life of Voltaire 1903
Talmage, Thomas de Witt
Crumbs swept up 1871
The jewels of the soul 1877
Sermons delivered in the Brooklyn tabernacle 1872
Tamarack review 1956–
Taming of a shrew, A pleasant conceited historie called 1594 (Shaks. Soc. 1844)
Tancred and Gismund
Tandy, William
Sangermano's (V.) Description of the Burmese empire tr. 1833
Tannahill, Robert
Poetical works a 1810 (1825)
Poems and songs, chiefly in the Scottish dialect a 1810 (1815)
The soldier's return; a Scottish interlude in two acts, with other poems and songs 1807
Tanner, F.
The plainest, easiest, and prettiest method of writing short-hand 1712
Tanner, I.
A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, by I. T. 1596
Tanner, Thomas H.
A manual of the practice of medicine 1854 (1865, 1869, 1875)
On the signs and diseases of pregnancy 1860
Tannhäuser 1861
Tansley, Arthur George
The British islands and their vegetation 1939
—— & Chipp, Thomas Ford
eds. Aims and methods in the study of vegetation 1926
Tapping, Thomas
The rhymed chronicle of Edward Manlove concerning the liberties and customs of the lead-mines within the wapentake of Wirksworth, Derbyshire, from the original ed. of 1653, to which is affixed a glossary 1851 (E.D.S. 1874)
Tararua (Tararua Tramping Club, NZ) 1947–
Tarkington, Newton Booth
The gentleman from Indiana 1899
In the arena 1905
Penrod 1914
Tarlton, Richard
Newes out of purgatorie a 1588 (1590; Shaks. Soc. 1844)
Tarltons jests 1611 (1638; Shaks. Soc. 1844)
Tarquin and Tullia (a poem attributed to Dryden) c 1700 (in Poems on affairs of state III, 1704)
Tarras, William
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1804
Tasistro, Louis F.
Comte de Paris' History of the civil war in America tr. 1875
Tassie, L. J.
The physics of elementary particles 1973
Tasso's Aminta tr. 1628
Tate, Francis
King Edward II's household and wardrobe ordinances tr. 1601 (Chaucer Soc. 1876)
Tate, George
The geology of the district traversed by the Roman wall 1867 (in J. C. Bruce, Roman wall 1867)
Tate, James
An introduction to the principal Greek tragic and comic metres 1827
Tate, Nahum
Elegies 1699
Poems 1677
Portrait-royal; a poem upon her majesty's picture set up in Guildhall 1703
The triumph; or warriour's welcome 1705
See also Cowley, A.; Garth, Sir S.; and Heliodorus
—— & Brady, Nicholas
A new version of the Psalms of David, fitted to the tunes used in churches 1696 (1698, 1751)
—— & Dryden, John
The second part of Absalom and Achitophel 1682
Tate, Ralph
A plain and easy account of the land and fresh-water mollusks of Great Britain 1866
Tate, Richard’ (Anthony Masters)
Birds of a bloodied feather 1974
Tatham, John
Aqua triumphalis; being a relation of the city of London entertaining their Majesties upon the Thames 1662
The distracted state; a tragedy 1641 (1651)
London's tryumph 1659
The Scots figgaries: or, a knot of knaves; a comedy 1652
Tatler, The By Isaac Bickerstaff (i.e. Sir R. Steele, J. Addison, et al.) 1709–11
Taubes, Frederic
The painter's dictionary of materials and methods 1973
Taubman, Matthew
London's triumph, or the goldsmith's jubilee 1687
Taunt, Henry W.
A new map of the river Thames from Oxford to London 1872
Taunton, Ethelred L.
The English Black Monks of St. Benedict 1897
Taunton, William P.
Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Common Pleas 1810–23
Tautph{oe}us, Baroness von
At odds; a novel 1863
Cyrilla; a tale 1853
The initials; a novel (anon.) 1850
Quits; a novel 1857
Taverner, John
Certaine experiments concerning fish and fruite 1600
Taverner, Richard
The garden of wysdom 1539
Prouerbes or adagies with newe addicions, gathered out of the Chiliades of Erasmus 1539 (1545, 1552)
Tavernier's travels 1677–78
Tawney, Richard Henry
Religion and the rise of capitalism 1926
Taylor, Alan John Percivale
The course of German history 1945
English history, 1914–45 1965
Taylor, Alfred S.
Poisons, in relation to medical jurisdprudence and medicine 1848
Taylor, Ann (a 1866) & Jane (a 1824) Poetical works a 1866 (1878)
Original poems for infant minds 1808–14 (1843)
Rhymes for the nursery 1836
Taylor, Anne Marjorie
The language of World War II 1944
—(rev. ed.) 1948
Taylor, Bayard
Critical essays and literary notes 1880
Eldorado; or, adventures in the path of empire 1850
Goethe's Faust tr. 1871 (1886)
Hannah Thurston: a story of American life 1863
Northern travel 1858
Pictures of Palestine, Asia Minor, Sicily, and Spain; or, the lands of the Saracen 1855
Poems 1856
Prince Deukalion 1878
Studies in German literature 1879
Taylor, Benjamin Franklin
Between the gates: summer rambles in California 1878
January and June: being out-door thinkings and fireside musings 1854
Summer-savory, gleaned from rural nooks in pleasant weather 1879
The world on wheels, and other sketches 1874
Taylor, Charles
An introduction to the ancient and modern geometry of conics 1881
Taylor, Charles Fayette
The internal-combustion engine in theory and practice 2 vols. 1960–8
Taylor, Edith
The serpent under it 1973 (UK 1974)
Taylor, Edward
Behmen's theosophick philosophy unfolded 1691
Taylor, Elizabeth
At Mrs Lippincote's 1945
The sleeping beauty 1953
Taylor, Francis E.
The folk-speech of South Lancashire 1901
Taylor, Frederick
A manual of the practice of medicine 1890
Taylor, Sir Henry
Edwin the fair; an historical drama 1842
Isaac Comnenus: a play 1827
Philip van Artevelde; a dramatic romance 1834
St. Clement's Eve; a play 1862
The statesman 1836
Autobiography 1800–75 1885
Taylor, Hugh Stott
ed. A treatise on physical chemistry 2 vols. 1924
Taylor, Isaac (of Ongar)
The ship; a description of different kinds of vessels a 1829 (1846)
Taylor, Isaac (of Stanford Rivers)
Ancient Christianity, and the doctrines of the Oxford tracts for the times 1839–42
Elements of thought; or, first lessons in the knowledge of the mind 1822 (1824)
Fanaticism 1833
Four lectures on spiritual Christianity 1841
History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times 1827
Home education (anon.) 1838
Logic in theology, and other essays 1830–31 (1859)
Loyola: and Jesuitism in its rudiments 1849
Natural history of enthusiasm (anon.) 1829
Physical theory of another life (anon.) 1836
The process of historical proof exemplified 1828
The restoration of belief (anon.) 1852 (1855)
Saturday evening (anon.) 1832
The spirit of the Hebrew poetry 1861
Spiritual despotism (anon.) 1835
Ultimate civilization, and other essays 1860
Wesley and Methodism 1851
Taylor, Isaac (Canon of York)
The alphabet; an account of the origin and development of letters 1883
Etruscan researches 1874
The origin of the Aryans 1889
Words and places: or etymological illustrations of history, ethnology, and geography 1864 (1873)
Taylor, James
The Scottish covenanters 1882
Taylor, Jeremy
Works a 1667 (1822, 1828, 1831, 1847–54)
Clerus Domini: or, a discourse of the divine institution of the office ministerial 1651
Contemplations of the state of man a 1667 (1684, 1699)
Deus justificatus; two discourses of original sin 1656
A discourse concerning prayer ex tempore, or by pretence of the Spirit, in justification of authorized and set formes of lyturgie (anon.) 1646
—enlarged ed., entitled An apology for authorized and set forms of liturgie 1649
A dissuasive from Popery to the people of Ireland 1664, 1667 (1668)
Ductor dubitantium; or the rule of conscience in all her generall measures 1660
{Elenis}{nu}{iota}{alpha}{upsilon}{tau} {goacu}{fsigma}: a course of sermons for all the Sundaies of the year 1653–55
A funeral sermon (on 2 Sam. xiv. 14) preached at the obsequies of the Countess of Carbery 1650
The golden grove; or a manuall of daily prayers and letanies 1655
The great exemplar of sanctity and holy life 1649
Of the sacred order and offices of episcopacy 1642
The real presence and spirituall of Christ in the blessed sacrament proved against the doctrine of transubstantiation 1654
The rule and exercises of holy living 1650 (1676)
The rule and exercises of holy dying 1651 (1686)
A sermon preached at the funeral of John (Bramhall) late Lord Archbishop of Armagh 1663
A sermon preached in Saint Maries Church in Oxford upon the anniversary of the Gunpowder-treason 1638
{Theta}{epsilon}{omicron}{lambda}{omicron}{gamma}{giacu}{alpha} {elenis}{kappa}{lambda}{epsilon}{kappa}{tau}{iota}{kappa}{hgra}. A discourse of the liberty of prophesying 1647
Unum necessarium: or, the doctrine and practice of repentance 1655
The worthy communicant 1660
See also Artificial handsomeness
Taylor, John (Water poet)
Works 1630
Works a 1653 (Hindley 1872; Spenser Soc. 1868–78)
An apology for private preaching 1642
An armado, or nauye of a hundred and three ships 1627
The carriers' cosmography 1637 (in Arber, Eng. Garner I)
Divers crabtree lectures 1639
The great eater of Kent, or part of the exploits of Nicholas Wood 1630
A kicksey winsey; or a lerry come-twang 1619
A new discovery by sea 1623
The nipping or snipping of abuses 1614
Odcombs complaint: or Coriats funerall epicedium 1613
The olde old very olde man: or the age and long life of T. Par 1635
Part of this summers travels, or news from Hell, Hull and Hallifax 1640
The pennyles pilgrimage 1618
The praise, antiquity and commodity of beggery, beggers and begging 1621
The praise of hemp-seed 1620
A short relation of a long journey..encompassing the Principalitie of Wales 1652
Sir Gregory Nonsence his newes from no place 1622
The suddaine turne of Fortunes wheele 1631
Taylor's motto: Et habeo, et careo, et curo 1621
Three weekes, three daies, and three houres obseruation and travel from London to Hamburgh 1617
A verry merry wherry-ferry-voyage 1622
The whole life and progresse of Henry Walker the ironmonger 1642
The world runnes on wheeles 1623
Taylor, John
Arator: being a series of agricultural essays, practical and political 1813
—(ed. 2) 1814
Taylor, John (of Liverpool)
Poems and translations 1839
Taylor, Laura W.
Ballads and songs of Brittany 1865
Taylor, Meadows
The story of my life 1877 (1878)
Taylor, Michael
tr. C. Metz's Film language: a semiotics of the cinema 1974
Taylor, Nancy Margaret
ed. Early travellers in New Zealand 1959
Taylor, Richard
Te ika a Maui; or, New Zealand and its inhabitants 1855
—(ed. 2) 1870
Taylor, Sedley
Sound and music 1873 (1896)
Taylor, Selwyn Francis, Cotton, L. T., & Murray, J. G.
A short textbook of surgery 1967
—(ed. 2) 1968
Taylor, Silas
The history and antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt. First collected by S. Taylor (a 1678) and now much enlarged by Samuel Dale (1730)
Taylor, Thomas
Beard's (T.) Theatre of God's judgements. Part II a 1633 (1642)
A commentarie upon the Epistle of St. Paul to Titus 1612 (1619)
Taylor, Thomas
The metamorphosis and philosophical works of Apuleius tr. 1822
Two orations of the emperor Julian tr. 1793
Pausanias' Description of Greece tr. 1794
The works of Plato tr. (nine dialogues by F. Sydenham, the remainder by T. Taylor) 1804
The philosophical and mathematical commentaries of Proclus tr. 1788–89 (1792)
Taylor, Tom
Leicester Square; its associations and its worthies 1874
Pictures in words 1863 (in B. Foster's Pictures of English landscape)
The ticket-of-leave man c 1863
See also Leslie, C. R.
Taylor, Mrs. Tom
Taylor, William
Scots poems 1787
—ed. 2, Poems chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1827
Taylor, William
English synonyms discriminated 1813
Goethe's (J. W. von) Iphigenia in Tauris tr. 1793
Historic survey of German poetry 1828–30
A memoir of the life and writings of the late W. Taylor, containing his correspondence with R. Southey, etc. By J. W. Robberds (1843)
Teall, Jethro J. H.
British petrography 1888
Techmer, F.
Internationale Zeitschrift für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 1884–
Technological dictionary, English-German-French 1878 (ed. 3)
Technology: the monthly review of training and education for industry 1957–
Technology week 1966–
Teckely, Count 1693
See Memoirs
Tee emm [training memoranda] (Air Ministry) 1941–6
Tegetmeier, William B.
The cottager's manual of poultry keeping 1893
The poultry book 1867 (1873)
Profitable poultry 1853 (1854)
Teignmouth, John Shore, Baron
Memoirs of the life, writings and correspondence of Sir William Jones 1804 (1807)
Memoir of the life and correspondence of John Shore, baron Teignmouth (1843)
Teilhet, Darwin & Teilhet, Hildegard
Feather cloak murders 1937
Teixeira's (P.) Travels tr. by William F. Sinclair 1902 (Hakluyt Soc.)
Telegraph, The (Brisbane) 1872– (title varies)
Telegraph and telephone journal 1914–33
Telegraphic journal, The; and monthly illustrated review of electrical science 1872–
Tell-Trothes new-yeares gift; beeing Robin Good-fellowes newes 1593 (New Shaks. Soc. 1876)
Tempest, Paul
Lag's lexicon: a comprehensive dictionary and encyclopædia of the English prison to-day 1950
Tempest, Sir Richard
An entertainment of solitarinesse 1649
Templar’ (Arthur Bassett Hopkins)
The poker manual 1895
Temple, Frederick The relations between religion and science 1884 (1885)
Temple, Sir John
The Irish rebellion 1646 (1746)
Temple, Josiah H. & Sheldon, George
A history of the town of Northfield, Massachusetts 1875
Temple, Launcelot
Sketches; or essays on various subjects 1758
Temple, Neville
Temple, Sir William
Works a 1699 (1720, 1731, 1757, 1770)
An introduction to the history of England 1695
Letters written by Sir W. Temple and other ministers of state v.d. (1700–03)
Miscellanea 1680–90
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands 1673
Temple, William
Citizen and churchman 1941
Thoughts in war-time 1940
Temple Bar; a London magazine 1861–
Templeton, William
The locomotive engine popularly explained 1848 (ed. 2)
Ten Brink's (Bernhard) Early English literature tr. by H. M. Kennedy 1883
History of English literature Vol. II. tr. by W. C. Robinson 1893
—Vol. III. tr. by L. Dora Schmitz 1896
Five lectures on Shakespeare tr. by Julia Franklin 1895
The language and metre of Chaucer tr. by M. Bentinck Smith 1901
Tender father, The 1775
Tenison-Woods, Julian E.
Fish and fisheries of New South Wales 1882
Tennant, Kylie
The battlers 1941
Foveaux 1939
The joyful condemned 1953
Lost haven 1946 (UK 1947)
Ride on stranger 1943
Tennant, William
Indian recreations 1803
Tennant, William
Anster concert 1811
Anster fair; a poem 1812 (1827)
Anster fair and other poems 1838
Cardinal Beaton; a drama 1823
Papistry storm'd 1819 (1827)
The thane of Fife 1822
Tennent, Sir James Emerson
Ceylon 1859
Sketches of the natural history of Ceylon 1861
The story of the guns 1864
Tenney, William J.
The military and naval history of the rebellion in the United States 1865
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Works a 1892 (1894)
Poems 1830, 1833, 1842
Becket 1884
The cup: a tragedy 1881
The falcon 1879
The foresters 1892
Harold: a drama 1876
Idylls of the king. Enid (renamed Geraint and Enid in 1870; divided into two parts, The marriage of Geraint and Geraint and Enid in 1886), Vivien (renamed Merlin and Vivien in 1870), Elaine (renamed Lancelot and Elaine in 1870), Guinevere 1859; Coming of Arthur, Holy Grail, Pelleas and Ettarre, Passing of Arthur 1870; Last tournament, Gareth and Lynette 1872; Balin and Balan 1885
In memoriam A. H. H. 1850
Maud, and other poems 1855
The princess; a medley 1847
The promise of May 1882
Queen Mary: a drama 1875
Tiresias, and other poems 1885
Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd Lord
Alfred Lord Tennyson. A memoir by his son 1897
Tensas, Madison’ (Henry Clay Lewis)
Odd leaves from the life of a Louisianaswamp doctor’ 1850
Teonge, Henry
Diary 1675–79 (1825)
Terence tr. 1598
Teresa, St., Life 1671
Terkel, Louis (‘Studs’)
ed. American dreams, lost and found 1980
Terman, Frederick Emmons
Radio engineering 1932
—(ed. 4, with title Electronic and radio engineering) 1955
Radio engineers' handbook 1943
Termes de la ley, Les; or certaine difficult and obscure words and termes of the common lawes of this realme expounded (an enlarged ed. of W. Rastell's Exposicions of the termes of the lawes) 1624 (1641, 1708)
Terms used in forestry and logging 1905 See United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Forestry
Terry, Edward
A relation of Sir T. Roe's voyage into the Easte Indies (anon.) 1655. See also Havers, G.
Terry, Ellen & Shaw, George Bernard
Ellen Terry and Bernard Shaw: a correspondence ed. C. St. John 1931
Terton, Alice
Lights and shadows in a hospital 1902
Test of filial duty (by Sarah Scott) 1772
Testament of love
Testamenta Eboracensia; or wills registered at York v.d. (Surtees Soc. 1836–1902)
Testamenta vetusta
Testaments of the twelve Patriarchs 1575
Tester, William H. L.
Poems 1867
Tetrahedron letters 1959–
Textile Institute
Textile terms and definitions 1954
—(ed. 3) 1957
Tey, Josephine’ (Elizabeth Mackintosh)
Brat Farrar 1949
The daughter of time 1951
The Franchise affair 1948
A shilling for candles 1936
The singing sands 1952
To love and be wise 1950
Thacher, James
A military journal during the American war 1775–83 (1823)
Thacker, Thomas
The courser's companion; to which is added the breeder's guide 1834–35
Rules for the decision of courses 1843
Thackeray, Anne Isabella
Thackeray, Christopher (‘Kit’)
Crownbird 1979
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Works 24 vols. a 1863 (1869–86)
The adventures of Philip on his way through the world 3 vols. 1862 [1861–62 in Cornhill magazine and Harper's magazine]
The book of snobs 1848 [longer version 1846–47 in Punch]
Catherine 1839–40 [in Fraser's magazine]
The confessions of Fitz-Boodle [1842–43 in Fraser's magazine], and Some passages in the life of Major Gahagan [1838–39 in New monthly magazine; US 1839] 1852
Denis Duval a 1863 [1867]
Dr. Birch and his young friends 1849
The English humourists of the eighteenth century 1853
Essay on the genius of George Cruikshank 1840
The four Georges 1860
The history of Henry Esmond 3 vols. 1852
The history of Pendennis 2 vols. 1849–50 [1848–50 in parts]
The history of Samuel Titmarsh and the great Hoggarty diamond 1849 [1841 in Fraser's magazine; US 1848]
The Irish sketch-book 2 vols. 1843
The Kickleburys on the Rhine 1850
Lovel the widower 1860
The luck of Barry Lyndon 2 vols. 1852 [1844 in Fraser's magazine]
Men's wives 1852 [1843 in Fraser's magazine]
Miscellanies, prose and verse 4 vols. 1855–57
Mrs. Perkins's ball 1847
The Newcomes; memoirs of a most respectable family 2 vols. 1854–55 [1853–55 in parts and Harper's magazine]
The Paris sketch book 2 vols. 1840
The professor [in Comic tales, vol. 2] 1841 [1837 in Bentley's miscellany]
Roundabout papers 1863 [1860–63 in Cornhill magazine]
The second funeral of Napoleon 1841
A shabby genteel story 1852 [1840 in Fraser's magazine]
Vanity Fair 1848 [1847–48 in parts]
The Virginians 2 vols. 1858–59 [1857–59 in parts and Harper's magazine]
The Yellowplush correspondence 1838 [1837–38 in Fraser's magazine]
Thanes of Cawdor, The book of the. A series of papers selected from the charter room at Cawdor 1236–1742 (Spalding Cl. 1859)
Thausing's (J. E.) Theory and practice of the preparation of malt and the fabrication of beer tr. by W. T. Brannt 1882
Theakston, Michael
British angling flies 1883
Thearle, Samuel J. P.
Naval architecture 1874
Theatre of worldings 1569
Theimer, Walter & Campbell, Peter
Encyclopaedia of world politics 1950
Thelyphthora 1780–81
Theobald, Lewis
The cave of poverty; a poem 1714
Double falshood; a play 1728
Shakespeare restored 1726
The works of Shakespeare. Collated with the oldest copies and corrected, with notes explanatory and critical 1733
Theodorson, George A. & Theodorson, Achilles G.
A modern dictionary of sociology 1970
Theologian, The 1844–47
Theology: a monthly journal of historic Christianity 1920–
Theophania: or, severall modern histories represented by way of romance 1655
Theophrastus. Characters: or, the manners of the age; with moral characters of Theophrastus tr. 1709
Theroux, Paul
The consul's file 1977
The mosquito coast 1981
The Old Patagonian Express: by train through the Americas 1979
Thersites. A new enterlude called Thersytes 15.. (? 1560; in Pollard, Eng. miracle plays 1890; Hazl., Dodsley)
Thevet's (A.) New found worlde tr. 1568
Thewlis, J., et al.
eds. Encyclopaedic dictionary of physics See under title
Thicknesse, Philip
A year's journey through France and part of Spain 2 vols. 1777
—(ed. 2) 2 vols. 1778
—(ed. 3) 2 vols. 1789
Thief-catcher, The; or, villainy detected 1753
Thierry's (J. N. A.) Formation and progress of the tiers état or the third estate in France tr. by F. B. Wells 1855
Thilly, Frank
tr. F. Paulsen's Introduction to philosophy 1895
Thirkell, Angela Margaret
August folly 1936
Before lunch 1939
The headmistress 1944
Thirlwall, Bp. Connop
A history of Greece 1835–47
Letters to a friend a 1875 (1881)
Remains; literary and theological a 1875 (ed. J. J. S. Perowne 1877–78)
Schleiermacher's (F.) Critical essay on the gospel of St. Luke tr. 1825
This week magazine 1935–
Thiselton-Dyer, Thomas F.
British popular customs 1875
English folk-lore 1878
Folk-lore of plants 1889
Thiselton-Dyer, Sir William T.
ed. Flora Capensis: being a systematic description of the plants of Cape Colony, Caffraria, and Port Natal (vols. IV–VII) 1897–1909
ed. Flora of tropical Africa (vols. IV–VIII) 1899–1913
The needs of biology 1876
Thom, Walter
The history of Aberdeen 1811
Thom, William
Works 1799
Thom, William
Rhymes and recollections of a hand-loom weaver 1844
Thomas, Annie (Mrs. Pender Cudlip)
Denis Donne 1864
The modern housewife; or how we live now 1883
On guard 1865
Played out 1866
That other woman 1889
Walter Goring 1866
Thomas, David
Travels through the Western country in the summer of 1816 1819
Thomas, Donald Michael
The white hotel 1981
Thomas, Dylan Marlais
Collected poems, 1934–52 1952
Deaths and entrances: poems 1946
18 poems 1934
The map of love: verse and prose 1939
Portrait of the artist as a young dog 1940
A prospect of the sea, and other stories and prose writings ed. D. Jones 1955
Quite early one morning: broadcasts ed. A. T. Davies 1954
Selected letters ed. C. Fitzgibbon 1966
Under Milk Wood: a play for voices 1954
Thomas, Edward
The chronicles of the Pathán Kings of Delhi 1871
Thomas, Ernest C.
Lange's (F. A.) History of materialism tr. 1877
The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury tr. 1888 (1902)
Thomas, Gabriel
An historical and geographical account of Pensilvania and of West-New-Jersey in America 1698 (1848)
Thomas, Graham Stuart
The old shrub roses 1955
Thomas, Henry S.
The rod in India 1873
Thomas, J. J.
Froudacity 1889
Thomas, Jack
No banners: the story of A. and H. Newton 1955
Thomas, Joseph
A complete pronouncing medical dictionary 1886
A comprehensive medical dictionary 1864
Thomas, Mary
Dictionary of embroidery stitches 1934
Thomas, Northcote Whitridge
Kinship organisations and group marriage in Australia 1906
Thomas, Pascoe
A true and impartial journal of a voyage to the South-Seas and round the globe under the command of Commodore G. Anson 1745
Thomas, Ralph
A few words on swimming; with practical hints 1868
Handbook of fictitious names 1868
Swimming 1904
Thomas, Ronald Stuart
An acre of land 1952
The minster 1953
The stones of the field 1946
Tares 1961
Thomas, Ross
The backup men 1971
If you can't be good 1973 (UK 1974)
The porkchoppers 1972 (UK 1974)
The Singapore wink 1969
Spy in the vodka 1966 (UK 1967)
See also ‘Bleeck, Oliver’
Thomas, Samuel Evelyn
Elements of economics 1925
Thomas, Theodore G.
A practical treatise on the diseases of women 1868 (1872)
Thomas, Thomas
Dictionarium linguæ Latinæ et Anglicanæ 1588 (1606)
Thomas, William
The historie of Italie 1549 (1561)
The pilgrim: a dialogue of the life and actions of King Henry the eighth a 1554 (1861)
Principal rules of the Italian grammer, with a dictionarie 1550 (1567)
Thomas of Erceldoune
See Erceldoune, Thomas of
Thomason tracts. Pamphlets, books, newspapers, and manuscripts relating to the Civil War, the Commonwealth, and Restoration, collected by George Thomason 1640–61 (British Museum)
Thompson, Arthur Beeby
Oil-field exploration and development 2 vols. 1925
Thompson, Benjamin
Kotzebue's (A. F. F. von) Stranger tr. 1802
Thompson, C. Patrick
Cocktails 1919
Thompson, Charles W.
Twelve months in the British legion 1836
Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth
Aristotle's Historia animalium tr. 1910
Thompson, Edith
History of England 1873
Thompson, Edward
The fair quaker: or, the humours of the navy. Formerly written by C. Shadwell, and now alter'd with great additions, and a new character, by E. Thompson 1773
The meretriciad (anon.) 1761 (1765)
Thompson, Edward
Cullen's Nosologia methodica 1818–20
Thompson, Sir Edward Maunde
Palaeography 1910
Thompson, Edward P.
The passions of animals 1851
Thompson, Flora
Candleford Green 1943
Lark Rise 1939
Over to Candleford 1941
Still glides the stream 1948
Thompson, Francis J.
Poems 1893
New poems 1897
Thompson, George
Travels and adventures in southern Africa 1827
Thompson, Sir Henry
The diseases of the prostate, their pathology and treatment 1860 (1868)
Thompson's (John) man 1829
See John Thompson's man
Thompson, John V.
Zoological researches and illustrations 1828–30
Thompson, Maurice
Witchery of archery 1879
Thompson, Pishey
The history and antiquities of Boston 1856
Thompson, Robert
The gardener's assistant 1859
Thompson, Robert J.
The proofs of life after death 1907
Thompson, Silvanus P.
Dynamo-electric machinery 1884
Elementary lessons in electricity and magnetism 1881
Philipp Reis: inventor of the telephone 1883
Thompson, Theophilus
Annals of influenza or epidemic catarrhal fever in Great Britain from 1510 to 1837 1852
Thompson, Thomas
The English rogue; a new comedy 1668
Thompson, Thomas Perronet
Audi alteram partem 1857–61
Exercises, political and others 18.. (1842)
Thompson, William
The royal navy-men's advocate 1757
Thompson, William
Poems a 1766 (1810)
Poems on several occasions 1757
Thompson, William Bell
An introduction to plasma physics 1962
Thompson, William T.
Major Jones's courtship (anon.) 1844
Major Jones's sketches of travel 1848
Thompson street poker club, The 1889
Thoms, William J.
ed. Anecdotes and traditions, illustrative of early English history and literature v.d. (Camden Soc. 1839)
The book of the court 1838 (1844)
ed. A collection of early prose romances v.d. (1828, 1858)
Thomson, Anthony Todd
The London dispensatory 1815 (1818)
Thomson, Arthur Landsborough
ed. A new dictionary of birds 1964
Thomson, Sir Charles W.
The depths of the sea 1873
The voyage of theChallenger’ 1877
Thomson, David
Musings among the heather: being poems chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1881
Thomson, David P.
Introduction to meteorology 1849
Thomson, Henry J. 1921
Thomson, James
Works a 1748 (1773)
The castle of indolence; an allegorical poem 1748
Edward and Eleanora; a tragedy 1739
Liberty; a poem 1735–36
The seasons (Autumn 1730; Spring 1728; Summer 1727; Winter 1726) 1746
Tancred and Sigismunda; a tragedy 1745
The tragedy of Sophonisba 1730
Thomson, James
The city of dreadful night 1874
with some other poems 1880
Essays and phantasies 1881
Vane's story, Weddah and Om-el-Bonain, and other poems 1881
Thomson, John
Lectures on inflammation 1813
Thomson, John
Etymons of English words 1826
Thomson, John
A treatise on hat-making and felting 1868
Thomson, John
The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, and China 1875
Thomson, John Arthur
The biology of the seasons 1911
Outlines of zoology 1892
The science of life 1899
Science old and new 1924
Thomson, John H. 1871
See Cloud of witnesses
Thomson, Joseph J.
Thomson, June
Death cap 1973
The long revenge 1974
A question of identity 1978
Thomson, Mortimer Neal
Thomson, Mowbray
The story of Cawnpore 1859
Thomson, Robert D.
The British annual and epitome of the progress of science 1837–39
Cyclopædia of chemistry 1854
Records of general science 1835–36
Thomson, Spencer
Wanderings among the wild flowers 1854 (1857)
Thomson, Thomas
Annals of philosophy 1813–20
An attempt to establish the first principles of chemistry by experiment 1825
Chemistry of inorganic bodies 1831
Chemistry of organic bodies 1838
The history of chemistry 1830–31
Outlines of mineralogy, geology and mineral analysis 1836
A system of chemistry 1802 (1807)
Thomson, Thomas
Western Himalaya and Tibet 1852
Thomson, William
Thomson, Abp. William
Outline of the laws of thought (anon.) 1842 (1860)
Thomson, Sir William, 1st Baron Kelvin
Mathematical and physical papers 18.. (1882–1912)
A treatise on natural philosophy 1867 (1879–83)
Thomson, William
Dictionary of banking: a concise encyclopædia of banking law and practice 1911
—(ed. 10, by R. W. Jones) 1951
—(ed. 11, by F. E. Perry & F. R. Ryder) 1965
Thomson, William Burns
Reminiscences of medical missionary work a 1893 (1895)
Thomson, William M.
The land and the book 1859 (1874)
Thoreau, Henry D.
Writings ed. B. Torrey & F. B. Sanborn 20 vols. 1906
Correspondence ed. W. Harding & C. Bode 1958
Early spring in Massachusetts. From the journal of H. D. Thoreau a 1862 (1881)
Excursions in field and forest a 1862 (1863)
Letters to various persons a 1862 (1865)
The Maine woods a 1862 (1864)
Walden; or life in the woods 1854
A week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers 1849
A Yankee in Canada; with anti-slavery and reform papers 1862 (1866)
Thoresby, Abp. John
See Lay folks' catechism
Thoresby, Ralph
Diary 1677–1724 (1830)
Ducatus Leodiensis; or the topography of the town and parish of Leedes 1715
Glossary of Yorkshire words from Thoresby's Letter to Ray April 27, 1703 (Ray's Collection of words, E.D.S. 1874)
Thornburg, Newton
Cutter and Bone 1976
Thornbury, George Walter
Greatheart 1866
The life of J. M. W. Turner 1861
A tour round England 1870
True as steel 1863
— & Walford, Edward Old and new London 1873–78
Thornbury, William David
Principles of geomorphology 1954
Thorndike, Herbert
A discourse of the forbearance or the penalties which a due reformation requires 1670
A discourse of the right of the Church in a Christian state 1649
Of the government of churches 1641
Thornhill, Mark
The personal adventures and experiences of a magistrate during the rise, progress, and suppression of the Indian mutiny 1884
Thornley, George
Longus' Daphnis and Chloe tr. 1657 (1893)
Thornley, Thomas
Cotton combing machines 1902
Thornthwaite, William H.
Guide to photography 1845
Monckhoven's (D. van) Popular treatise on photography tr. 1863
Thornton, Alice
Autobiography a 1669 (Surtees Soc. 1875)
Thornton, Bonnell
Comedies of Plautus tr. 1767 (1769)
Thornton, Percy M.
The Stuart dynasty 1890
Thornton, Richard H.
An American glossary 1912
Thornton, Robert J.
The philosophy of medicine 1799
Thornton, William Thomas
On labour: its wrongful claims and rightful dues 1869
Thornton romances, The (Perceval, Isumbras, Eglamour, and Degrevant) a 1400 (Camden Soc. 1844)
Thoroton, Robert
The antiquities of Nottinghamshire 1677; enlarged ed. by John Throsby (1797)
Thorpe, Benjamin
Diplomatarium Anglicum aevi Saxonici. A collection of English charters, with a translation of the Anglo-Saxon by B. Thorpe v.d. (1865)
Yule-tide stories 1853
See also Anglo-Saxon laws; Exeter book; Psalter
Thorpe, John
Registrum Roffense; or a collection of ancient records, charters, etc. necessary for illustrating the history and antiquities of the cathedral church of Rochester 1769
Thorpe, Thomas Bangs
The mysteries of the backwoods 1846
Thorpe, Sir Thomas E.
A dictionary of applied chemistry 1890–93
Thorpe, William, The examinacion of master ? 1530 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
Thorstensen, Thomas Clayton
Practical leather technology 1969
Thrale, Mrs.
Thre prestis of Peblis c 1500
See Peebles
Three early English metrical romances (The anturs of Arther, Sir Amadace, The avowynge of King Arther) 14.. (Camden Soc. 1842)
Three fifteenth-century chronicles 14.. (Camden Soc. 1880)
Three Germans tr. 1807
Three Gil Blas 1804
See La Martelière, J. H. F.
Three in Norway 1882
Three kings of Cologne, The c 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1886)
Three kings' sons, The c 1500 (E.E.T.S. 1895)
Three ladies of London 1584
Threlkeld, Caleb
Synopsis stirpium Hibernicarum alphabetice dispositarum 1726
Throsby, John 1797
Thrupp, George A.
The history of coaches 1877
Thrush and nightingale a 1300 (in Reliquiæ ant. I, 1845; Hazlitt, Early pop. poetry I, 1864)
Thudichum, John L. W.
A manual of chemical physiology 1872
A treatise on the pathology of the urine 1858
—— & Dupré, August
A treatise on the origin, nature, and varieties of wine 1872
Thugs, Illustrations of the history and practices of the (by Edward Thornton) 1837
Thunberg's (C. P.) Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia tr. 1795
Thurber, James Grover
My life and hard times 1933
The years with Ross 1959
Thurloe, John
A collection of state papers 1638–59 (1742)
Thurston, Robert H.
A history of the growth of the steam-engine 1878
Thwaites, Edward
ed. Heptateuchus, Liber Job, et Evangelium Nicodemi; Anglo-Saxonice (1698)
Thwaites, Reuben Gold
ed. Early western travels, 1748–1846: a series of annotated reprints 32 vols. 1904–7
Thynne, Francis
Animaduersions vppon the annotacions and corrections of some imperfections of impressiones of Chaucers workes 1599 (E.E.T.S. 1875)
Emblemes and epigrames 1600 (E.E.T.S. 1876)
See also Debate; T., F. 1604

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