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Bibliography: H-Hars

Author names and work titles beginning with:
H. A. 1633
See A., H.
H., A.
H. D. 1661
H. G.
See G., H.
H., G. 1611
See Anti-Coton
H., G.
Leti's (G.) Il cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa; or the history of the cardinals of the Roman church faithfully englished by G. H. 1670
H., G.
H., I.
The petition (of I. H.) and articles exhibited in Parliament against Iohn Pocklington, parson of Yelden, in Bedfordshire 1641
H., J.
Paracelsus his archidoxes tr. 1661
H., J.
H., N. 1694
See Ladies dictionary
H., P.
An impartial view of the two late parliaments 1711
H., P.
The Hiberniad (Dedication signed P. H., i.e. Paul Hiffernan) 1754
H., R.
Lavater's (L.) Of ghostes and spirites walking by nyght tr. 1572 (1596)
H., R.
The arraignement of the whole creature at the barre of religion, reason, and experience 1631
H., R.
The school of recreation 1684
H., S.
The golden law 1656
H., T.
Haagner, Alwin Karl & Ivy, Robert Henry
Sketches of South African bird life 1908
Haas, Paul & Hill, Thomas George
An introduction to the chemistry of plant products 1913
Habberton, John
Helen's babies 1876
The Jericho road: a story of western life 1877
Haber, Heinz
Man in space 1953
Habershon, Samuel O.
Pathological and practical observations on diseases of the abdomen 1862 (1878)
Habington, Thomas
A survey of Worcestershire a 1647 (Worcs. Hist. Soc. 1893–94)
Habington, William
Castara 1634–40 (Arber 1870)
The historie of Edward the fourth 1640
Poems a 1645 (1810)
The Queene of Arragon 1640
Habits of good society, The; a handbook of etiquette for ladies and gentlemen 1859
Hacke, William
A collection of original voyages 1699
Hacket, Bp. John
A century of sermons upon several remarkable subjects a 1670 (Published by Thomas Plume (with life) 1675)
Scrinia reserata a memorial offer'd to the great deservings of John Williams, archbishop of York a 1670 (1693)
Hacket, Thomas
Thevet's (A.) New found worlde, or Antarctike tr. 1568
Hackforth-Jones, Frank Gilbert
One-one-one: stories of the Navy 1942
Sixteen bells: stories 1946
Hackston, James’ (Harold Frederick N. Gye)
Father clears out 1966
Haddan, Arthur W.
Apostolical succession in the Church of England 1869
Haddington, Thomas Hamilton, 6th Earl of
A treatise on the manner of raising forest trees 1733 (1761)
Haddon, Alfred C.
Evolution in art; as illustrated by the life-histories of designs 1895
The races of man and their distribution 1909
The study of man 1898
Haddon, Archibald
Green room gossip 1922
Haden, Ernest Faber, Han, M. S., & Han, Y. W.
A reasonance-theory for linguists 1962
Hadfield, Miles
British trees 1957
Hadley, Arthur T.
Railroad transportation, its history and its laws 1886
Hadley, James
Essays philological and critical, selected from the papers of J. H. a 1872 (1873)
A Greek grammar for schools and colleges 1861
—revised, and in part rewritten, by F. de F. Allen (1884)
Haeckel's (E.H.P.A.) Evolution of man tr. 1879
History of creation tr. by E. Ray Lankester 1876
Hagen, Hermann A.
Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America 1861
Hagenbach's (C. R.) Compendium of the history of doctrines tr. by C. W. Buch 1847
Haggar, Reginald George
The concise encyclopedia of continental pottery and porcelain 1960
A dictionary of art terms 1962
Haggard, Sir H. Rider
Allan Quatermain 1887
Allan's wife 1889
Benita: an African romance 1906
Black heart and white heart 1900
Cleopatra 1889
Colonel Quaritch, V.C. 1888
Dawn 1884
Doctor Therne 1898
A farmer's year 1899
Heart of the world 1896
Jess 1887
King Solomon's mines 1885
Maiwa's revenge 1888
Mr. Meeson's will 1888
Nada the lily 1892
Rural England 1902
She: a history of adventure 1887
The witch's head 1885
Haggard, William’ (Richard Henry Michael Clayton)
The arena 1961
Closed circuit 1960
The hardliners 1970
The hard sell 1965
The high wire 1963
The power house 1966
The protectors 1972
Haggis, Geoffrey Harvey
ed. Introduction to molecular biology 1964
Hague, Douglas Chalmers
Managerial economics: analysis for business decisions 1969
Hahn-Hahn's (I.M.L.S.F.G.) Lives of the fathers of the desert tr. 1867
Haig, Alec’Peruvian printout 1974
Hailey, William Malcolm (Baron Hailey)
An African survey 1938
—(rev. ed.) 1957
Haines, Herbert
A manual of monumental brasses 1861
Hake, Alfred E.
The story of Chinese Gordon 1883
Hake, Edward
Newes out of Powles Churchyarde 1579 (1872)
Hake, Gordon
Memoirs of eighty years 1892
Hakewill, George
An apologie or declaration of the power and providence of God in the government of the world 1627 (1630)
A comparison betweene the dayes of Purim and that of the Powder treason 1626
King Davids vow for reformation 1621
Hakewill, William
The libertie of the subject 1641
Hakluyt, Richard
Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America 1582
The principall navigations, voiages and discoueries of the English nation 1589
—another ed. 1598–1600 (1809–12, 1903–05)
Galvano's or Galvam's (A.) Discoveries of the world, unto the yeere 1555 tr. 1601 (Hakluyt Soc. 1862)
Halas, John & Manvell, Arnold Roger
The technique of film animation 1959
Halberstam, David
The powers that be 1979
Haldane, Elizabeth S.
James Frederick Ferrier 1899
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson & Huxley, Julian Sorell
Animal biology 1927
Haldane, Robert (Spon's) Workshop receipts 1883 (Series II)
Haldeman, Samuel S.
Affixes in their origin and application, exhibiting the etymologic structure of English words 1865
Analytic orthography 1860
Outlines of etymology 1877
Hale, Edward E.
Christmas in Narragansett 1884
His level best 1873
How to do it 1872
If, yes, and perhaps 1868
In his name: a story of the dark ages 1873
Ups and downs 1873
Hale, Edward E. (the younger)
James Russell Lowell and his friends 1899
Hale, John
The grudge fight 1964
Hale, Mason Ellsworth
The biology of lichens 1967
Hale, Sir Matthew
Contemplations moral and divine 1676–77
A discourse of religion a 1676 (1684)
A discourse touching provision for the poor a 1676 (1683)
Historia placitorum coronæ. The history of the pleas of the crown a 1676 (1736)
The history and analysis of the common law of England a 1676 (1713)
The jurisdiction of the Lords House, or Parliament, considered according to antient records a 1676 (1796)
Pleas of the crown; or, a methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject a 1676 (1678, 1682)
Preface to H. Rolle's Abridgment 1668
The primitive origination of mankind a 1676 (1677)
See also Hargrave, F.
Hale, Susan
Letters ed. C. P. Atkinson 1919
Hale, Thomas
An account of several new inventions; also a treatise of naval philosophy written by Sir W. Petty 1691
Hales, John
Golden remains a 1656 (1659); with additions, viz. sermons and miscellanies, also, letters and expresses concerning the Synod of Dort (1673, 1688)
Several tracts a 1656 (1677)
A sermon at St. Maries in Oxford concerning the abuses of obscure and difficult places of Holy Scripture 1617
A tract concerning schisme and schismatiques (anon.) 1642
Brevis disquisitio 1653 See Stegmann, J.
Dissertatio de pace 1653 See Przipcovius, S.
Hales, John W.
Longer English poems 1872
Notes and essays on Shakespeare 1884
Hales, Stephen
Some considerations on the causes of earthquakes 1750
Statical essays 1727–31
Half-hours with best authors (publ. C. Knight) 1847
Halfpenny, William
The art of sound building, demonstrated in geometrical problems 1725
Halhed, Nathaniel B.
A code of Gentoo laws tr. 1776
Hali meidenhad, an alliterative homily c 1230 (E.E.T.S. 1866, 1922)
Haliburton, Hugh’ (James L. Robertson)
Dunbar: being a selection from the poems of an old makar, adapted for modern readers 1895
In Scottish fields 1890
Ochil idylls and other poems 1891
Haliburton, Thomas C.
The attaché; or, Sam Slick in England 2 vols. 1843
—(2nd ser.) 2 vols. 1844
The clockmaker; or the sayings and doings of Samuel Slick of Slickville 1835 (1837), 1838, 1840
Nature and human nature 1855
Sam Slick's wise saws and modern instances; or, what he said, did, or invented 2 vols. 1853
ed. Traits of American humour, by native authors 1852 (1866)
Halifax, Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of
Poetical works a 1715 (1790, 1810)
The hind and the panther transvers'd 1687
Halifax, George Savile, Marquis of
Works a 1695 (1912)
A character of King Charles the second: and political, moral, and miscellaneous thoughts and reflections a 1695 (1750)
Miscellanies a 1695 (1699–1700)
Halkett, Lady Anne
Autobiography a 1699 (Camden Soc. 1875)
Hall, Abraham Oakley
The Manhattaner in New Orleans; or, Phases ofCrescent Citylife 1851
Hall, Adam’ (Trevor Dudley-Smith)
The Kobra manifesto 1976
The 9th directive 1966
The Striker portfolio 1969
The Tango briefing 1973
Hall, Anna M. (Mrs. S. C. Hall)
Sketches of Irish character 1829
The Whiteboy; a story of Ireland in 1822 1845
See also Hall, S. C.
Hall, Archibald John
The standard handbook of textiles 1946
—(ed. 7) 1969
A student's textbook of textile science 1963
Hall, Arthur
Ten books of Homers Iliades tr. 1581
Hall, Basil
Account of a voyage of discovery to the west coast of Corea and the great Loo-Choo Island 1818
Patchwork 1841
Hall, Benjamin H.
A collection of college words and customs (anon.) 1851
Hall, Bert & Niles, John Jacob
One man's war: the story of the Lafayette escadrille 1929
Hall, Charles F.
Narrative of the North Polar expedition 1876
Hall, Chr. Newman
An autobiography 1898
Hall, Edward
Chronicle (The union of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancestre and Yorke) 1548 (1550, 1809)
Hall, Fitzedward
Modern English 1873
On English adjectives in -able, with special reference to reliable 1877
A rational refutation of the Hindu philosophical systems tr. 1862
Recent exemplifications of false philology 1872
Hall, Frederick Michael
An introduction to abstract algebra 2 vols. 1966–9
Hall, Granville S.
Adolescence: its psychology and its relations to physiology, anthropology 1904
Aspects of German culture and education 1881
Hall, Hubert
The antiquities and curiosities of the Exchequer 1891
Society in the Elizabethan age 1886
Hall, James
Legends of the West 1833
Letters from the West 1828
Notes on the Western States 1838
Statistics of the West, at the close of the years 1836 1836
Hall, James Norman
Kitchener's mob: the adventures of an American in the British Army 1916
Hall, John 1565
Hall, John
Horæ vacivæ, or essays 1646
An humble motion to the parliament, concerning the advancement of learning 1649
Paradoxes 1650 (1653)
Poems 1646–47 (1816)
Hall, John
A Christian home: how to make and how to maintain it 1884
Hall, John, Memoirs of the right villainous. To which is added the cant us'd by those sort of people 1708 (1714)
Hall, John Scoville
ed. Radar aids to navigation 1947
Hall, John Whitney
Japan from prehistory to modern times 1970
Hall, Bp. Joseph
Works v.d. (1625, 1634–62, 1808, 1837–39)
Poems a 1656 (Chalmers 1810, Grosart 1879)
A recollection of such treatises as have bene heretofore severally published and are now revised v.d. (1614, 1615, 1617, 1621)
The shaking of the olive tree: The remaining works of J. H. With some specialities of divine providence in his life, noted by his own hand. Together with his Hard Measure, written also by himself a 1656 (1660)
An answer to Pope Urban his inurbanitie, expressed in a breve sent to Louis the French King exasperating him against the Protestants in France tr. by B. S. 1629
The arte of divine meditation 1606
The balme of Gilead: or comforts for the distressed both morall and divine 1646
The best bargaine. A sermon 1623
Breathings of the devout soul: see Select thoughts
Characters of vertues and vices 1608
Christ mysticall; or, the blessed union of Christ and his members 1647
Christian moderation 1640 (1840)
A common apologie of the Church of England against the unjust challenges of the over-just sect, commonly called Brownists 1610
Contemplations upon the principal passages of the holie storie; Vol. I (O.T., bks i–iv) 1612; vol. II (bks. v–viii) 1614; vol. III (bks. ix–xi) 1615; vol. IV (bks. xii–xiii) 1618; vol. V (bks. xiv–xv) 1620; vol. VI (bks. xvi–xvii) 1622; vol. VII (bks. xviii–xix) 1623; vol. VIII (bks. xx–xxi) 1626
The residue of the contemplations upon the New Testament, with sermons, etc. 1618–34 (1634)
Decisions of divers practicall cases of conscience See Resolutions and decisions
The devout soul; or, rules of heavenly devotion 1644
Discovery of a new world 1609 See Healey, J.
Dissuasive from Popery See The peace of Rome
Episcopacie by divine right asserted 1640
Epistles 1608–11
The great impostor, laid open in a sermon 1623
The great mysterie of godliness, laid forth by way of affectuous and feeling meditation. Also, the invisible world discovered to spirituall eyes 1652
Heaven upon earth, or of true peace and tranquillitie of minds 1606
Holy observations 1607
An holy panegyrick. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse 1613
Holy raptures; or patheticall meditations of the love of Christ 1653
The honor of the married clergie mayntayned 1620
An humble remonstrance to the High Court of Parliament (anon.) 1640
A defence of the humble remonstrance 1641
The hypocrite: set forth in a sermon 1630
The imprese of God; in two sermons preacht at the court 1611–12 (in Recoll. treat. 1614)
The invisible world: see Great mysterie of godliness
The kings prophecie: or, weeping joy 1603
Meditations and vowes divine and morall 1605 (1606, 1608, 1621)
A modest confutation of (Milton's) Animadversions upon the remonstrants defense against Smectymnuus 1642
No peace with Rome tr. 1614 (in Recoll. treat.)
Occasional meditations 1630 (1631, 1633, 1851)
The olde religion 1628
The peace of Rome. To which is prefixed a Dissuasive from Popery 1609
The peace-maker, laid forth in a sermon 1624
Pharisaisme and christianity 1608
A plaine and familiar explication (by way of paraphrase) of all the hard texts of the whole divine scripture of the Old and New Testament 1633
Quo vadis? a just censure of travell as it is commonly undertaken by the gentlemen of our nation 1617
The reconciler, an epistle pacificatorie of the seeming differences of opinion concerning the truenesse and visibility of the Roman Church 1629
The remedy of discontentment; or, a treatise of contentation in whatsoever condition 1645
The remedy of prophanenesse, or, of the true sight and feare of the Almighty 1637
Resolutions and decisions of divers practicall cases of conscience in continuall use amongst men 1649
The Revelation unrevealed 1650
The righteous mammon. An hospitall sermon 1618
Salomon's divine arts. Drawne out of his Proverbs and Ecclesiastes 1609
Satan's fiery darts quenched; or, temptations repelled 1647
Select thoughts. Also The breathings of the devout soul 1648
The Song of Songs paraphrased 1614 (in Recoll. treat.)
Susurrium cum Deo. Soliloques: or, holy self conferences of the devout soul. Together with the souls farewell to earth 1651
The true peace-maker: laid forth in a sermon before his Majesty at Theobalds 1624
Virgidemiarum, sixe bookes: first three bookes, of toothlesse satyrs 1597; the three last bookes, of byting satyres 1598
Hall, Marshall
Lectures on the nervous system and its diseases 1836
On the diseases and derangements of the nervous system 1841
On the mutual relations between anatomy, physiology, pathology, and therapeutics, and the practice of medicine, being the Gulstonian lectures for 1842 1842
Hall, Mildred Lillington
ed. Newnes complete amateur photography
See under title
Hall, Richard
The life and death of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester c 1559 (1655)
Hall, Richard Pinkham
Protozoology 1953
Hall, Robert
Works a 1831 (1832)
Fifty sermons a 1831 (1843)
Selections a 1831 (1840)
Hall, Robert Anderson
External history of the Romance languages 1974
Introductory linguistics 1964
Hall, Samuel C.
A book of memories of great men and women of the age 1871
Retrospect of a long life: from 1815 to 1883 1883
—— & Anna M. (Mrs. S. C. Hall)
Ireland: its scenery, character, etc. 1841–43
See also Hall, Anna M.
Hall, Thomas
Funebria floræ; the downfall of May-games 1660
Hall, Thomas Winthrop
Tales 1899
Hall, William E.
The rights and duties of neutrals 1874
Hall, William H.
Practical experience at the diggings of the gold fields of Victoria 1852
Hall, William Thomas
Textbook of quantitative analysis 1930
Hallam, Anthony
ed. Planet earth: an encyclopedia of geology 1977
Hallam, Arthur H.
Remains in verse and prose a 1833 (1834; privately printed)
Hallam, Henry
The constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII to the death of George II 1827 (1849)
Introduction to the literature of Europe in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries 1837–39 (1847, 1864)
View of the state of Europe during the middle ages 1818 (1872)
Halle, Edward 1548
Halle, John
A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgerie called Chirurgia parua Lanfranci tr. 1565; (also) an historiall expostulation against the abuses of chyrurgerie and phisicke 1565 (Percy Soc. 1844)
Hallett, Holt S.
A thousand miles on an elephant in Shan states 1890
Halley, Robert
A short biography of. Together with a selection of his sermons preached in Manchester and elsewhere a 1876 (1879)
Halliday, David
Introductory nuclear physics 1950
Halliday, Dorothy’ (Dorothy Dunnett)
Dolly and the cookie bird 1970
Dolly and the doctor bird 1971
Dolly and the nanny bird 1976
Dolly and the starry bird 1973
Halliday, Michael Alexander Kirkwood, McIntosh, A. & Strevens, P.
The linguistic sciences and language teaching 1964
Hallifax, Bp. Samuel
An analysis of the Roman civil law compared with the laws of England 1774
Halliwell (afterwards Halliwell-Phillipps), James O.
Books of characters illustrating the habits and manners of Englishmen from the reign of James I to the Restoration 1857
A brief account of the life, writings and inventions of Sir Samuel Morland 1838
Contributions to early English literature, derived chiefly from rare books and ancient inedited manuscripts, from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century 1849
A dictionary of archaic and provincial words, obsolete phrases, proverbs and ancient customs, from the fourteenth century 1847
Letters of the kings of England. Now first collected from the originals, with an historical introduction and notes 1846
A new boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon 1850
Nuga poeticæ: select pieces of old English popular poetry illustrating the manners and arts of the fifteenth century 1844
The nursery rhymes of England, obtained principally from oral tradition 1842 (Percy Soc.)
—ed. 2, with alterations and additions 1843
Outlines of the life of Shakespeare 1881 (1885)
Popular rhymes and nursery tales; a sequel to the nursery rhymes of England 1849
Reliquiæ antiquæ; scraps from ancient MSS. illustrating chiefly early English literature and the English language; ed. by T. Wright and J. O. Halliwell 1841–43
Hallock, Charles
American club list and sportsman's glossary 1878
Sportsman's gazetteer and guide 1877 (1883)
Hallywell, Henry
An account of familism as it is revived by the quakers 1673
The excellency of moral vertue from the serious exhortation of St. Paul to the practice of it 1692
Melampronoea: or, a discourse of the polity and kingdom of darkness 1681
The sacred method of saving humane souls by Jesus Christ 1677
Halpert, Herbert & Story, G. M.
eds. Christmas mumming in Newfoundland: essays in anthropology, folklore and history 1969
Halsbury, Hardinge Stanley Giffard, 1st Earl of
The laws of England, being a complete statement of the whole law of England. By the Earl of Halsbury and other lawyers 1907–
Halsted, George B.
Elementary synthetic geometry 1893 (ed. 2)
Mensuration 1881
Halyburton. Ledger of Andrew Halyburton, Conservator of the privileges of the Scotch nation in the Netherlands 1492–1503, together with the Book of Customs and valuation of merchandises in Scotland 1612 (ed. Cosmo Innes, Scott. Record series 1867)
Ham, Arthur Worth
Histology 1950
Hamblett, Charles & Deverson, Charles
Generation X 1964
Hamersly, Lewis R.
Naval encyclopædia 1881
Hamerton, Philip G.
The graphic arts 1882
The intellectual life 1873 (1875, 1876)
Thoughts about art 1873
Hamilton, Alexander
A new account of the East Indies 1727
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton's itinerarium: being a narrative of a journey from Annapolis, Maryland, through Delaware [etc.]...1744 ed. A. B. Hart 1907
Hamilton, Alexander
Works a 1804 (1885–87)
The Federalist; a collection of essays by A. H., J. Jay, & J. Madison 1788 (1857)
Hamilton, Allan McL.
Nervous diseases: description and treatment 1878
Hamilton, Augustus
Maori art 1901 (first published in 5 parts 1896–1900)
Hamilton, Bruce
Too much of water 1958
Hamilton, Cosmo
Prisoners of hope 1924
Hamilton, Edward Walter
Diary 1880–1885 ed. D. W. R. Bahlman 2 vols. 1972
Hamilton, Elizabeth
Letters of a Hindoo Rajah tr. 1796 (1811)
Hamilton, Lady Elizabeth E.
Louis Pasteur: his life and labours, by his son-in-law, Vallery-Radot, tr. 1885
Hamilton, Elizabeth Vidal
The Mordaunts: an eighteenth-century family 1965
Hamilton, Ld. Ernest
The Mawkin of the Flow 1898
The outlaws of the marches 1897
Hamilton, Ferelith
ed. The world encyclopedia of dogs 1971
Hamilton, Francis
An account of the kingdom of Nepal 1819
Hamilton, Frederic Spencer
P. J.: the Secret Service boy 1922
Hamilton, Gail’ (Mary Abigail Dodge)
Gala-days 1863
Hamilton, Henrietta
Answer in the negative 1959
Hamilton, Ian
The man with the brown paper face 1967
The thrill machine 1972
Hamilton, James
Works a 1867 (1869–73)
Lessons from the great biography 1857
Memoirs of the life of James Wilson 1859
The mount of Olives, and other lectures on prayer 1846
Hamilton, Janet
Poems and ballads 1868
Poems and essays 1863
Poems of purpose and sketches in prose of Scottish peasant life and character in Auld Langsyne 1865
Hamilton, Abp. John
Catechism 1552 (1884)
A facile traictise, contenand, first: ane infallible reul to discerne trew from fals religion, etc. 1600 (S.T.S. 1901)
A godly exhortation, commonly styled The twopenny faith 1559 (in Bannatyne Cl. Misc. III. 1855)
Hamilton, Richard W.
Horæ et vindiciæ sabbaticæ: or familiar disquisitions on the revealed Sabbath 1848
The institutions of popular education 1845
Nugæ literariæ: prose and verse 1841
The revealed doctrine of rewards and punishments 1847 (1853)
Hamilton, Stanislaus Murray
ed. Letters to Washington, and accompanying papers 5 vols. 1898–1902
Hamilton, Thomas
Men and manners in America 1833
Hamilton, Walter
A geographical, statistical, and historical description of Hindustan and the adjacent countries 1820
Hamilton, Walter
A hand-book, or concise dictionary of terms used in the arts and sciences 1825
Hamilton, Walter
The Æsthetic Movement in England 1882
Hamilton, William
The life and character of James Bonnell 1703
Hamilton, William
History of Sir William Wallace 1722
Hamilton, William
Poems on several occasions 1749 (1760)
Hamilton, William
Berthollet's (C. L.) Elements of the art of dyeing tr. 1791
Hamilton, Sir William
Remarks on several parts of Turkey. Part I. Ægyptiaca, or some account of the ancient and modern state of Egypt 1809
Hamilton, Sir William
Discussions on philosophy and literature, education and university reform 1831– (1852)
Lectures on metaphysics 1836–37 (1859) and logic 1837–38 (1860)
A letter to Augustus De Morgan on his claim to an independent re-discovery of a new principle in the theory of syllogism 1847
Hamilton, William J.
Geography 1851–59 (in Manual of scientific enquiry 1859)
Hamilton, Sir William R.
Lectures on quaternions 1853
Life of, by R. P. Graves; including selections from his poems, correspondence, and miscellaneous writings (1882–91)
Hamilton papers, The: being selections from original letters in the possession of the Duke of Hamilton 1638–50 (Camden Soc. 1880)
Hammerton, John Alexander
ed. ABC of the RAF 1941
ed. Countries of the world 6 vols. (originally published in 40 parts) 1924–5
Hammett, Samuel Dashiell
The Dain curse 1929 (UK 1930)
The Maltese falcon 1930
Red harvest 1929
Hammond, Charles E.
Outlines of textual criticism applied to the New Testament 1872 (1880)
Hammond, Henry
Works a 1660 (1674–84, 1847–50)
An answer to the animadversions (of John Owen) on the dissertations touching Ignatius's epistles 1654
{Chi}{gaacu}{rho}{iota}{fsigma} {kappa}{alpha}{gigrave} {epsilon}{ilenis}{rho}{ghacu}{nu}{eta}, or a pacifick discourse of God's grace and decrees 1660
The Christian's obligations to peace and charity, delivered in an Advent sermon 1647 1649
A copy of some papers past at Oxford betwixt (H. Hammond) and Mr. Ch(eynell) 1647
The dispatcher dispatched 1659
Of conscience 1644
Of fundamentals in a notion referring to practise 1654
Of the power of the keyes, or of binding and loosing 1647
Of schisme 1653
A parænesis: or seasonable exhortatory to all true sons of the Church of England 1656
A paraphrase and annotations upon all the books of the New Testament 1653
A paraphrase and annotations upon the books of the Psalms 1659
A practical catechism 1645
Hammond, James
Poetical works a 1742 (1790, 1810)
Love elegies. Written in the year 1732 (1743)
Hammond, John
Leah and Rachel, or, the two fruitfull sisters, Virginia and Mary-land 1656 (1844)
Hammond, Joseph
A Cornish parish: being an account of St. Austell, town, church, district and people 1897
Hammond, Rolt
Mobile and movable cranes 1963
Hammond, Samuel H.
Hunting adventures in the Northern Wilds 1858
Hammond, William A.
A treatise on the diseases of the nervous system 1871
Hamp, Eric P., Householder, F. W., & Austerlitz, R.
eds. Readings in linguistics II 1966
Hampden, Bp. Renn D.
Parochial sermons illustrative of the importance of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ 1828
Some memorials of R. D. H. a 1868 (1871)
Hampole, Richard Rolle of
A devoute medytacyon (The remedy ayenst the troubles of temptacyons) a 1349 (W. de Worde 1508)
English prose treatises. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. c 1340 (E.E.T.S. 1866)
The pricke of conscience (Stimulus conscientiæ); a Northumbrian poem c 1340 (Philol. Soc. 1863)
The psalter; or psalms of David, and certain canticles, with a translation and exposition in English a 1340 (1884)
Richard Rolle of Hampole and his followers (Yorkshire writers) v.d. (Horstman 1895–96)
See also Misyn, R.
Hampshire glossary
Hampson, R. T.
Medii ævi kalendarium; or dates, charters, and customs of the Middle Ages 1841
Hampton, Christopher James
The philanthropist: a bourgeois comedy 1970
Savages 1974
Hamsher, Donald Henze
ed. Communication system engineering handbook 1967
Hamson, Denys Otto Harry
We fell among Greeks 1946
Han Suyin’ (Elizabeth Comber)
A mortal flower, China: autobiography, history 1966
Hanbury, Daniel
Hancock, Lyn
There's a seal in my sleeping bag 1972
Hancock, William Keith
Australia 1930
Hancock, William N.
Senchus mor. Ed., with translation, by W. N. Hancock, Th. O'Mahony, etc. 1865–73
Handbook (Murray's) for travellers on the Continent 1836
Handbook of hardwoods, A 1956 See United Kingdom. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Laboratory
—(ed. 2) 1972 See United Kingdom. Department of the Environment. Building Research Establishment
Handbook of softwoods, A 1957 See United Kingdom. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Forest Products Research Laboratory
Handbook of turning 1859
Handbook to the special loan collection of scientific apparatus South Kensington Museum 1876 (1877)
Handerson, Henry E.
Baas' (J. H.) Outlines of the history of medicine and the medical profession tr. 1889
Handfull of honisuckles 1583
Handmaid to the arts 1758
Handson, Raphe
Pitiscus' (B.) Trigonometry tr. 1614
Handy, William Christopher
ed. Blues: an anthology 1926
Father of the blues: an autobiography ed. A. Bontemps 1941 (UK 1957)
Hane, Joachim
Journal, containing his escapes and sufferings during his employment by Oliver Cromwell in France from Nov. 1653 to Feb. 1654. 1653–54 (ed. by C. H. Firth 1896)
Hankinson, Charles J.
Hanley, William
Blue dreams; or, The end of romance and the continued pursuit of happiness 1971
Hanmer, Meredith
The auncient ecclesiasticall histories of the first six hundred years after Christ, written by Eusebius, Socrates, and Evagrius tr. 1577 (1663)
The historie of Ireland a 1604 (1633, 1809)
The Jesuites banner 1581
Hanmer, Sir Thomas
The works of Shakespear revised and corrected 1744
Hanna, William
The earlier years of Our Lord's life on earth 1864
Hannay, James
Satires and satirists 1854
Singleton Fontenoy, R. N. 1850
Hannay, Patrick
The nightingale. Sheretine and Mariana. A happy husband. Elegies on the death of Queen Anne. Songs and sonnets 1622 (Hunterian Cl. 1875)
Hannay, Robert K.
Hannett, John
Bibliopegia 1835
Hansard's Parliamentary debates 1803–
Hansen, Joseph
Fadeout 1970 (UK 1972)
Hanson, John Lloyd
A dictionary of economics and commerce 1965
Hanson, Sir Levett
An accurate historical account of all the orders of knighthood at present existing in Europe 1802
Hanway, Jonas
An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian sea; with a journal of travels from London into Persia and back 1753 (1762)
Hapgood, Hutchins
The autobiography of a thief 1904
Happé, Louis Bernard
Basic motion picture technology 1971
Happy landings (Air Ministry) 1946–8
Harben, William Nathaniel
Abner Daniel 1902
The Georgians 1904
Westerfelt 1901
Harbert, William
Poems 16.. (Grosart 1870)
Harbord, Frank William & Hall, John William
The metallurgy of steel 1904
—(ed. 7) 1923
Harbord, John B.
Glossary of navigation 1863
Harby, Thomas
The key of sacred scripture 1679
Harcourt, Palma
At high risk 1977
A fair exchange 1975
Harcourt, Robert
A relation of a voyage to Guiana 1613 (in Harl. Misc.)
Harden, Donald Benjamin
The Phoenicians 1962
Hardiman, James
O'Flaherty's (J. R.) Chorographical description of West or H-Iar Connaught 1846 (Irish Archæol. Soc.)
Harding, John
Harding, Thomas
An answere to maister Ivelles chalenge 1564
A confutation of a booke (By Bp. Jewel), intituled An apologie of the Church of England 1565
Harding, William
The history of Tiverton 1845–47
Hardman, Samuel
A descriptive poem on the battle of Waterloo 1827
Hardwich's (T. F.) Manual of photographic chemistry ed. J. T. Taylor 1883 (ed. 9)
Hardwick, Charles
Traditions, superstitions, and folk-lore (chiefly Lancashire and the North of England) 1872
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of
Miscellaneous state papers 1501–1726 (1778)
Hardwicke's (Robert) Science-gossip 1865–
Hardy, Alister Clavering
The open sea, its natural history Part I The world of plankton 1956
—Part II Fish and fisheries 1959
Hardy, Arthur Cobb & Perrin, Fred Hiram
The principles of optics 1932
Hardy, Frederick & Ware, J. R.
The modern Hoyle 1870
Hardy, Iza Duffus
New Othello 1890
Hardy, Nathaniel
A divine prospective 1649
Divinity in mortality 1653
The first general epistle of St. John the Apostle, unfolded and applied 1656–59 (1865)
Hardy, Robert Spence
A manual of Buddhism, in its modern development tr. 1853 (1860)
Hardy, Thomas
Collected letters ed. R. L. Purdy & M. Millgate 1978–
Desperate remedies 1871
The dynasts: a drama of the Napoleonic wars 1904–08
Far from the madding crowd 1874
A group of noble dames 1891
The hand of Ethelberta 1876
Jude the obscure 1895
A Laodicean 1881
Late lyrics and earlier, with many other verses 1922
The mayor of Casterbridge 1886
One rare fair woman: letters to Florence Henniker 1893–1922 ed. E. Hardy & F. B. Pinion 1972
Poems of the past and the present 1902
The return of the native 1878
Tess of the D'Urbervilles 1891
The trumpet-major 1880
Two on a tower 1882
Under the greenwood tree 1872
Wessex poems 1898
Wessex tales 1888
The woodlanders 1887
Hardy, Sir William
The charters of the Duchy of Lancaster tr. and ed. 1845
Hardy, William George
Unfulfilled 1952
Hardyng, John
Chronicle 1457 (original version, Lansdowne MS. 204: see Eng. Hist. Rev., July and Oct. 1912); a 1470 (Bodl., MS. Arch. Seld. B. 10, MS. Ashm. 34; B.M., MS. Egerton 1992); with continuation by R. Grafton 1543 (1812)
Hare, Augustus J. C.
The life and letters of Frances, Baroness Bunsen 1879
The story of my life 1896–1900
Studies in Russia 1885
Hare, John
St. Edward's ghost; or Anti-Normanisme 1647 (in Harl. Misc.)
Hare, Julius C.
The mission of the Comforter, and other sermons 1846 (1850)
The philological museum, ed. by J. C. H. 1832–33
Sermons preacht in Herstmonceux Church 1840–49
The victory of faith, and other sermons 1840 (1855)
—— & Augustus W.
Guesses at truth 1827 (1847–48, 1859)
Hare, Richard Mervyn
Freedom and reason 1963
The language of morals 1952
Harewood, Harry
A dictionary of sports 1835
Harford, John S.
Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti; with translations of many of his poems and letters 1857
Hargan, James
Glossary of prison language 1935 (typescript, referred to on p. 361 of Journal of abnormal and social psychology, December 1935)
Hargrave, Francis
A collection of tracts relative to the law of England, from manuscripts by Hale, Norburie, Blackstone, Hargrave, and others 1787
Juridical arguments and collections 1797–99
Hargreaves, Elisabeth
Fair green weed 1972
Hargreaves, Reginald
The enemy at the gate: famous sieges 1945
Harington, Sir John
An anatomie of the metamorphosed Ajax 1596 (1814)
An apologie: 1. Or rather a retraction; 2. Or rather a recantation; 3. Or rather a recapitulation..; 12. Or rather none of them 1596 (1814)
Ariosto's (L.) Orlando Furioso in English heroical verse 1591; now secondly imprinted 1607; now thirdly revised and amended a 1612 (1634)
A briefe apologie of poetrie 1591 (Prefixed to tr. of Ariosto's Orlando; in Haslewood, Anc. crit. ess. II. 1815; G. G. Smith, Eliz. crit. ess. II. 1904)
A briefe view of the state of the Church of England in Queen Elizabeth's and King James his reigne a 1612 (1653)
The Englishman's doctor. Or, the Schoole of Salerne tr. 1607 (1608, 1617, 1624)
Epigrams both pleasant and serious a 1612 (1615); the most elegant and wittie epigrams of Sir. J. H. Digested into foure bookes (1618)
A new discourse of a stale subject, called the Metamorphosis of Ajax 1596 (1814)
Nugæ antiquæ; being a miscellaneous collection of original papers in prose and verse, in reigns of Henry VIII to James (I), by Sir J. Harington and others 1509–1625 (1769, 1779, 1792; re-edited by T. Park 1804)
A short view of the state of Ireland 1605 (1879)
Ulysses upon Ajax 1596 (1814)
Harker, Alfred
The natural history of igneous rocks 1909
Petrology for students: an introduction to the study of rocks under the microscope 1895
Harlan, George C.
Eyesight, and how to care for it 1879
Harland, John
A glossary of words used in Swaledale, Yorkshire 1873 (E.D.S.)
—— & Wilkinson, T. T.
Lancashire folk-lore 1867
Lancashire legends, traditions, pageants, sports, etc. With an appendix containing a rare tract on the Lancashire Witches 1873
Harland, Marion’ (Mary Virginia Hawes, afterwards Terhune) Common sense in the household: a manual of practical housewifery 1872
The hidden path 1855
Harleian miscellany, The: or, a collection of scarce, curious, and entertaining pamphlets and tracts, as well in manuscript as in print, found in the late (Edward Harley, second) Earl of Oxford's library v.d. (1744–46; ed. T. Park 1808–13; ed. J. Malham 1808–11)
A selection from the Harleian miscellany v.d. (1793)
Harley, Sir Edward
An humble essay toward the settlement of peace and truth in the church 1681
Harley, John
Royle's (J. F.) Manual of materia medica 1876 (ed. 6)
Harley, John Brian
Ordnance Survey maps: a descriptive manual 1975
Harley, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford
The secret history of Arlus and Odolphus, ministers of state to the Empress of Grandinsula 1710
Harman, Richard Alexander, Milner, A., & Mellers, W.
Man and his music 1962
Harman, Thomas
A caueat or warening for commen cursetors, vulgarely called vagabones 1567 (E.E.T.S. 1869)
Harmar, Hilary
Pet Library's chihuahua guide 1968
Harmar, John
Master Bezaes sermons upon the three first chapters of the Canticle of Canticles tr. 1587
Harmer, Thomas
Observations on divers passages of Scripture 1764 (1776–87, 1808)
Harmon, Daniel Williams
A journal of voyages and travels in the interiour of North America 1820
Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, et al.
Motors and motor-driving 1902
Harmsworth encyclopædia, The ed. G. Sandeman 8 vols. (originally published in 40 parts) 1905–6
Harmsworth's wireless encyclopedia ed. O. J. Lodge 3 vols. (originally published in 24 parts) 1923–4
Harnack's (A.) History of dogma tr. 1894–99
Harney, William Edward
Taboo 1943
—(ed. 3) 1944
Harnwell, Gaylord Probasco
Principles of electricity and electromagnetism 1938
Harp of Caledonia, a collection of songs ancient and modern v.d. (ed. John Struthers 1819)
Harp of Perthshire, The, a collection of songs, ballads, and other poetical pieces, chiefly by local authors v.d. (with notes by R. Ford 1893)
Harp of Renfrewshire, The: a collection of songs and other poetical pieces v.d. (ed. W. Motherwell 1819, 1872)
Harper, Charles G.
The Exeter road, the story of the West of England highway 1899
Harper, Henry William
Letters from New Zealand, 1857–1911, being some account of life and work in the province of Canterbury, South Island 1914
Harper, James W.
The social ideal 1910
Harper, John L.
Population biology of plants 1977
Harper, Samuel
Practical hints for abstracting title deeds 1817 (1818)
Harper, Thomas
Peace through the truth 1866
Harpers and Queen 1970–
Harper's bazaar (New York) 1867–
—(UK ed.) 1929–70
Harper's New monthly magazine 1850–
Harper's weekly 1857–1916
Harpsfield, Nicholas
A treatise on the pretended divorce between Henry VIII and Catharine of Aragon c 1555 (Camden Soc. 1878)
Harraden, Beatrice
The fowler 1899
Hilda Strafford 1897
Interplay 1908
The scholar's daughter 1906
Ships that pass in the night 1893
Harral, Thomas
Scenes of life; a novel 1805
Harrice, Robert
Harrington, James
The Oceana, and other works, som whereof are now first publish'd from his own manuscripts a 1677, with an account of his life by J. Toland (1700)
Aphorisms political 1659
The art of law-giving 1659
The common-wealth of Oceana 1656
The petition of divers well-affected persons 1659
The prerogative of popular government 1658
Seven models of a commonwealth 1659
Valerius and Publicola 1659
The wayes and meanes whereby an equal and lasting commonwealth may be suddenly introduced etc. 1659
Harrington, James
A defence of the rights and priviledges of the University of Oxford 1690
Harrington, Robert Edward
Quintain 1977
Harris, Alexander
Settlers and convicts; or recollections of sixteen years' labour in the Australian backwoods (anon.) 1847 (1852)
Harris, Bartholomew
Parival's (J. N. de) Historie of this iron age tr. 1656 (1659)
Harris, Chapin A.
A dictionary of dental science, biography, bibliography and medical terminology 1849 (1854)
Harris, Corra May
Eve's second husband 1911
Harris, Frank
Harris, Fred Henry
ed. Dartmouth out o'doors 1913
Harris, Henry
Nucleus and cytoplasm 1968
Harris, James
Works a 1780 (1841)
Hermes, or a philosophical inquiry concerning universal grammar 1751 (1786)
Philological inquiries 1781
Philosophical arrangements 1775
Three treatises (on ‘art,’ ‘music, painting, and poetry,’ and ‘happiness’) 1744 (1765)
Harris, James, & James H.
Harris, James Rendel
The guiding hand of God 1905
Side-lights on New Testament research, 7 lectures delivered in 1908 1909
Harris, James Thomas Frank
My life and loves 4 vols. 1922–7
Harris, Joel C.
Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches 1887 (1888)
Mingo, and other sketches in black and white 1884
Nights with Uncle Remus 1883
Sister Jane, her friends and acquaintances 1896
Uncle Remus 1881
Uncle Remus and his friends 1892
Harris, John
Lexicon technicum, or an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences 1704–10
Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca: or, a compleat collection of voyages and travels 1705 (1764)
Harris, John
The great teacher: characteristics of our Lord's ministry 1835 (1837)
Harris, John Norman
The weird world of Wes Beattie 1963 (UK 1964)
Harris, Joseph
An essay upon money and coins 1757–58
Harris, Leldon M.
An introduction to deepwater floating drilling operations 1972
Harris, Mrs. Miriam C.
Rutledge (anon.) 1866
St. Philip's 1865
The tents of wickedness 1907
Harris, Moses
The Aurelian, or natural history of English insects 1766
The English Lepidoptera 1775
An exposition of English insects 1776
Harris, Robert
Abner's funerall 1641
The drunkard's cup 1619
God's goodnes and mercy 1622
Hezekiah's recover 1626 (1630)
Samuel's funerall, or a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir A. Cope 1618 (1622)
A sermon preached to the House of Commons at a publike fast 1642
Harris, Rosemary
The double snare 1974
The nice girl's story 1968
Harris, Samuel
A commentary on the fifty third chapter of Isaiah a 1733 (1735)
Harris, Stanley
Fundamental principles of contract bridge 1947
Harris, Thaddeus W.
A treatise on some of the insects injurious to vegetation 1862 (ed. 3)
Harris, Walter
Lemery's (N.) Course of chymistry tr. 1677 (1686)
Harris, Walter
The history and antiquities of the city of Dublin 1766
Harris, Walter B.
A journey through the Yemen 1893
Harris, Walter Kilroy
Outback in Australia; or, Three Australian overlanders 1913
Harris, William A.
A technical dictionary of fire insurance 1886
Harris, William Cornwallis
The wild sports of southern Africa: being the narrative of an expedition from the Cape of Good the Tropic of Capricorn 1839
Harris, Zellig Sabbettai
Methods in structural linguistics 1951
Harrison, A. W. C.
The manufacture of lakes and precipitated pigments 1930
Harrison, Constance Cary
Woman's handiwork in modern homes 1881
Harrison, Frederic
The choice of books and other literary pieces 1886
Harrison, Harry Max
The Technicolor time machine 1967 (UK 1968)
Harrison, Henry Sydnor
Queed 1911
Harrison, Mrs. J. W.
A. M. Mackay, pioneer missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Uganda 1890
Harrison, James
An exhortacion to the Scottes to conforme themselfes to the..union betweene..Englande and Scotland 1547 (in Complaint of Scotland, E.E.T.S. 1872)
Harrison, Michael
Reported safe arrival 1943
Harrison, Sarah
The housekeeper's pocket-book and compleat family cook 1739 (1748)
Harrison, Stephen
The archs of triumph erected in honor of James the first at his entrance and passage through London 1604
Harrison, William
The description of England 1577, 1587 (in Holinshed's Chronicle I; New Shaks. Soc. 1877)
Boetius' (H.) Description of Scotland tr. 1587 (in Holinshed's Chron. II)
Harrison, William, Murder of
Harrison Mayer. A complete service to the craft potter [Catalogue of Harrison Mayer Ltd., Meir, Stoke-on-Trent] a 1977
Harrisson, Barbara
Orang-utan 1962
Harrisson, Thomas Harnett & Madge, Charles Henry
eds. War begins at home 1940
Harrod, Leonard Montague
The librarians' glossary 1938
—(ed. 2) 1959
—(ed. 3) 1971
Harrow, Benjamin & Sherwin, Carl P.
eds. Textbook of biochemistry 1935
Harrowing of hell, The. A miracle play c 1300 (1837, Halliwell 1840, Mall 1871, E.E.T.S. 1907)
Harsnet, Adam
God's summons unto general repentance a 1639 (1640)
Harsnet, Samuel
A declaration of egregious popish impostures 1603
A discovery of the fraudulent practises of J. Darrel 1599
A sermon (on Ezek. xxxiii. ii) preached at S. Pauls Cross 1584 (in R. Steward, Three serm. 1658)
Har'st rig, The 1786 (1801)

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