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Bibliography: Gom-Gz

Author names and work titles beginning with:
Gombrich, Ernst Hans Josef
Art and illusion 1960
The story of art 1950
Gomme, Alice Bertha
The traditional games of England, Scotland, and Ireland 1894–98
Gomme, Sir (George) Laurence
Primitive folk-moots 1880
Gonsalvius Montanus' (R.) Discovery and plain declaration of sundry subtill practices of the holy inquisition of Spayne tr. (V. Skinner) 1568
—(another ed.) A full ample and punctuall discovery of..the Spanish inquisition tr. 1625
Gonzanga; a drama a 1814 (New British theatre III)
Gooch, Benjamin
A practical treatise on wounds and other chirurgical subjects 1767
Good, Carter Victor
ed. Dictionary of education 1945
—(ed. 2) 1959
Good, John Mason
The book of nature 1826 (1834)
The study of medicine 1822 (1825)
—ed. 3 by S. Cooper (1829; 1834)
Good advice 1687
Good counsels for the peace of reformed churches 1641
Good food guide, The 1951–
Good housekeeping (London) 1922–
Good housekeeping (New York) 1885–
Good housekeeping cookery book: compiled by The Good Housekeeping Institute 1948
—(rev. ed.) 1954
—(rev. ed.) 1960
Good housekeeping's home encyclopaedia 1951
—(ed. 4) 1956
Good huswifes handmaide for the kitchin, The 1594
Good huswifes jewell, The 1596
Good motoring 1935–
Good words (a magazine) 1860–1906
Goodale, George Lincoln
Physiological botany: Outlines of the histology of phænogamous plants: Vegetable physiology 1885 (1892)
Goodall, Walter
An examination of the letters said to be written by Mary Queen of Scots to James, Earl of Bothwell 1754
Goodchild, George Frederick & Tweney, C. F.
A technological and scientific dictionary 1904–6
Goode, George Brown
American fishes, a popular treatise upon the game and food fishes of North America 1888
The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States (The natural history of useful aquatic animals 1884, The history, and methods of the fisheries 1887)
A review of the fishery industries of the United States 1883 (Fisheries exhibition literature)
Goode, William
The discoverie of a publique spirit (a sermon) 1645
Goodfield, June
Courier to Peking 1973
Goodge, William T.
Hits! skits! and jingles! 1899
Goodier, James Hillis
Dictionary of painting and decorating trade terms 1961
Goodly primer in Englyshe, A newly corrected 1535
Goodman, Christopher
How superior powers ought to be obeyed of their subjects 1558
Goodman, Clark
ed. The science and engineering of nuclear power 2 vols. 1947–9
Goodman, Godfrey
The creatures praysing God, or the religion of dumbe creatures 1622
Goodman, John
The old religion demonstrated in its principles etc. 1684 (1848)
The penitent pardoned 1679
A winter-evening conference between neighbours (anon.) 1684 (1705)
Goodman, Nicholas
Hollands leaguer (anon.) 1632
Goodman, Richard Merle
ed. Genetic disorders of man 1970
Goodman, William Louis
The history of wood-working tools 1964
Goodrich, Chauncey A.
Select British eloquence 1852
Goodrich, Samuel Griswold
Recollections of a lifetime, or men and things I have seen 1857
Goodridge, Charles M.
Narrative of a voyage to the South Seas 1832 (1837)
Goodwin, Derek
Pigeons and doves of the world 1967
Goodwin, Harvey
Memoir of Bishop (C. F.) Mackenzie 1864
Goodwin, John
Anti-Cavalierisme, or truth pleading etc. 1642 (1663)
Innocency and truth triumphing 1644 (1645)
{Pi}{lambda}{ghacu}{rho}{omega}{mu}{alpha} {tau}{gograve} {pi}{nu}{epsilon}{upsilon}{mu}{alpha}{tau}{iota}{kappa}{goacu}{nu} or, a being filled with the spirit a 1665 (1670, 1867)
Right and might well met 1648
Goodwin, Thomas
Works a 1680 (1681–1704; 1861–64)
A childe of light, walking in darkness 1636 (1643)
Christ set forth in his death, resurrection, ascension 1642
A fair prospect, showing the difference between things seen and not seen (a funeral sermon) 1658
The tryall of a christian's growth in mortification or purging out corruption etc. 1641 (1643)
Of the work of the Holy our salvation a 1680
Zerubbabels encouragement to finish the temple 1642
Googe, Barnaby
Eglogs, epytaphes, and sonettes 1563 (Arber)
Heresbach's (C.) Foure bookes of husbandry tr. 1577 (1586)
Kirchmeyer's (T.) The popish kingdome or reigne of Antichrist tr. 1570
"Palingenius' (M.)" The zodiake of life tr. 1560 (1561)
Gookin, Vincent
The author and case of transplanting the Irish into Connaught vindicated 1655
Goolden, Barbara
At the foot of the hills 1956
For richer, for poorer 1959
Goosecappe, Sir Gyles, knight, a comedie 1606 (Bullen, Old plays III)
Gorbodoc 1561
Gordimer, Nadine
Burger's daughter 1979
the lying days 1953
Six feet of the country: 15 short stories 1956
A world of strangers 1958
Gordon, Adam Lindsay
Poems a 1870 (Oxford 1912)
Gordon, Alexander
Maffei's (F. S.) Compleat history of the ancient amphitheatres tr. 1730
Gordon, Charles G.
The journals at Kartoum 1884 (1885)
Gordon, Lady Duff
Gordon, Eric Valentine
An introduction to Old Norse 1927
Gordon, Frank
Pyotshaw, or the devil's seat 1885
Gordon, James
The village and the doctor 1897
Gordon, James E. H.
A physical treatise on electricity and magnetism 1880
Gordon, James F. S.
The book of the chronicles of Keith, Grange, Ruthven etc. 1880
ed. L. Shaw's History of the province of Moray new ed. 1882
Gordon, John
{Epsilon}{ilenis}{rho}{eta}{nu}{omicron}{kappa}{omicron}{iota}{nu}{omega}{nu}{giacu}{alpha}, the peace of the communion of the church of England 1612
{Elenis}{nu}{omega}{tau}{iota}{kappa}{goacu}{nu} or a sermon of the union of Great Brittanie 1604
Gordon, Mrs. Mary
Christopher North, a memoir of John Wilson 1862
Gordon, Mildred & Gordon, Gordon
The informant 1973
Ordeal 1976 (UK 1977)
Gordon, Patrick
A short abridgement of Britane's distemper from..1639 to 1649 c 1650 (Spalding Club 1844)
Gordon, Patrick
Geography anatomized or a compleat geographical grammer 1693 (1725)
Gordon, Richard ’ (Gordon Stanley Ostlere)
Doctor at sea 1953
Doctor in the house 1952
Gordon, Rupert Montgomery & Lavoipierre, Michel M. J.
Entomology for students of medicine 1962
Gordon, Taylor
Born to be 1929
Gordon, Thomas
A cordial for low spirits, being a collection of (his) valuable tracts a 1750 (1751)
The humourist, being essays upon several subjects (anon.) 1720–25
The works of Tacitus tr. 1728–31
—— & Trenchard, J.
The independent Whig 1720
Gordon, William
Pharmaco-pinax, or a table..of the pryces of all the usuall medicaments..contayned in D. Gordon's 1625
Gordon, William
The general counting house and man of business 1766
Gordon, William J.
Foundry, forge and factory 1890
Gordonhaven, scenes and sketches of fisher life in the north. By an old fisherman 1887
Gore, Mrs. Catherine G. F.
Castles in the air, a novel 1847
Fascination, and other tales 1842
Heckington, a novel 1858
A life's lessons (a novel) 1856
Mammon (a novel) 1855
Sketches of English character 1846 (1852)
Gore, Bp. Charles
The body of Christ 1901
ed. Lux mundi; a series of studies in the religion of the incarnation 1889
Roman Catholic claims 1888 (1889)
Gore, George, et al. Practical chemistry 1856 (Orr's Circle of the sciences)
Gore, John
The way to well-doing (a sermon) 1638
Gorer, Geoffrey Edgar Solomon
Africa dances 1935
Gores, Joseph N.
Dead skip 1972 (UK 1973)
Hammett 1975 (UK 1976)
Gorges, Sir Arthur
Bacon's (F.) Wisdome of the ancients tr. 1619
Lucan's Pharsalia tr. 1614
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando
America painted to the life (pamphlets) a 1647 (1658–59)
Goring, C. R. & Pritchard, A.
Micrographia, containing practical essays on..microscopes etc. 1837
Microscopic illustrations 1830
Gorman, James Thomas
Modern weapons of war 1942
Gorrie, Daniel
Summers and winters in the Orkneys 1868
Gortner, Ross Aiken
Outlines of biochemistry 1929
Goschen, George J.
The theory of foreign exchanges 1861 (1864)
Gospel of Nicodemus, The 13.. (E.E.T.S. 1907)
Gospels. The holy gospels in Anglo-saxon; Northumbrian and old Mercian versions etc. c 950, c 975, c 1000, c 1160 (ed. Skeat 1871–87)
Gosse, Edmund W.
Father and son: a study of two temperaments 1907
Gossip in a library 1891
Gray (English men of letters) 1882
New Poems 1879
Studies in the literature of northern Europe 1879
Gosse, Phillip H.
Actinologia Britannica: a history of British sea anemones 1860
The aquarium: an unveiling of the wonders of the deep sea 1854
The birds of Jamaica 1847
The Canadian naturalist 1840
Land and sea 1865
A manual of marine zoology for the British isles 1855–56
Natural history: Mammalia 1848, Birds 1849, Reptiles 1850, Fishes 1851, Mollusca 1854
A naturalist's sojourn in Jamaica 1851
The ocean 1849
Omphalos: an attempt to untie the geological knot 1857
The romance of natural history 1860
Gossip's story, A (by Jane West) 1796
Gosson, Stephen
The ephemerides of Phialo... And a short apologie of The schoole of abuse 1579
Pleasant quippes for upstart newfangled gentlewomen (anon.) 1595 (1596)
The schoole of abuse, containing a plesaunt inuectiue against poets, pipers, plaiers, iesters and such like caterpillers of a commonwelth 1579 (Arber)
Gosvami, O.
The story of Indian music 1957
Gother, John
Good advice to the pulpits (anon.) 1687
Gotlieb, Calvin Carl & Hume, J. N. P.
High-speed data processing 1958
Gott, John
Letters of Bishop Gott, arranged by members of his family 1918
Gouge, Thomas
Christian directions, shewing how to walk with God all the day long 1660 (1664, 1831)
Gouge, William
The dignitie of chivalrie; set forth in a sermon 1626
Gods three arrowes; plague, famine, sword 1631
A learned commentary on the whole Epistle to the Hebrewes a 1653 (1655, 1867)
The saints sacrifice, or a commentarie on the cxvi psalme 1632 (1868)
Gough, Henry
A glossary of terms used in British heraldry (anon.) 1847 (1894)
Goulburn, Edward Meyrick
The office of the holy communion in The book of common prayer 1863
The pursuit of holiness: a sequel to Thoughts etc. 1869
Thoughts on personal religion 1862
Gould, George M.
A dictionary of new medical terms 1905
A new medical dictionary 1890
Gould, John
The birds of Asia 1850–81(–83)
The birds of Australia 1840–69
The mammals of Australia 1845–63
A monograph of the Trochilidæ or family of humming birds 1849–81(–87)
A monograph of the Trogonidæ, or family of trogons 1838
Gould, Joseph
The letter-press printer 1876
—(ed. 3) 1884
Gould, Julius & Kolb, William L.
eds. A dictionary of the social sciences 1964
Gould, Nathaniel (‘Nat.’)
The double event, a tale of the Melbourne cup 1891 (1892)
Gould, William
An account of English ants 1747
Goulding, Francis R.
The young marooners on the Florida coast 1852 (1853)
Gouldman, Francis
A copious dictionary in three parts (Eng.-Lat., Lat.-Eng., Proper names) 1664 (1669, 1674)
Governance of lordschipes c 1400 (in Secreta secretorum, E.E.T.S. 1898)
Government of the tongue, The, by the author of The whole duty of man 1674
Government of Venice 1677
See Amelot de la Houssaye, A.N.
Gower, Granville Leveson
Surrey provincialisms 1876 (E.D.S.)
A glossary of Surrey words 1893 (E.D.S.)
Gower, John
Confessio amantis 1390 (R. Pauli 1857; Eng. Works, E.E.T.S. 1900)
In praise of peace c 1400 (Eng. Works, E.E.T.S.)
Gower, John
Ovids Festivalls, or Romane calendar tr. 1640
Gower, Lord Ronald Sutherland-
My reminiscences 1883
Records and reminiscences 1903
Gowers, Ernest Arthur
A dictionary of modern English usage (ed. 2) 1965 See Fowler, Henry Watson
Gowers, William R.
A manual of diseases of the nervous system 1886–88 (1893)
Gowing, Margaret Mary
Britain and atomic energy, 1939–1945 1964
Gowrie conspiracy. The earle of Gowries conspiracie against the kings maiestie of Scotland 1600
See also Mackenzie, G.
Gowther, Sir. Syr Gowghter c 1440 (Utterson, 1817)
Grabau, Amadeus William
Principles of stratigraphy 1913
A textbook of geology 2 vols. 1921
Grabbe, Eugene Munter, Ramo, S. & Wooldridge, D. E
eds. Handbook of automation, computation and control 3 vols. 1958–61
Grace, Alfred Augustus
The tale of a timber town 1914
Grace, William Gilbert
Cricket 1891
Gracian's ( B.) Courtiers oracle, or the art of prudence tr. 1685 (1694)
Graeme, Bruce’ (Graham Montague Jeffries)
Tomorrow's yesterday 1972
Two and two make five 1973
Graff, Willem Laurens
Language and languages 1932
Grafton, Richard
A chronicle at large and meere history of the affayres of England 1568 (1809)
A continuacion of the chronicle of England, begynning where J. Hardyng left (1470–1543) 1543 (1812)
Graham, Catherine Macaulay
Letters on education 1790
Graham, Dougal
The collected writings of D. G.skellatbellman of Glasgow a 1779 (1883)
Graham, James’ (Henry Patterson)
Bloody passage 1974
Graham, Sir James
Life and letters 1792–1861 (1907)
Graham, Maria
Journal of a residence in India 1812
Graham, Neill
Murder in a dark room: a Solo Malcolm thriller 1973
Graham, P. Anderson
The red scaur: a novel of manners 1896
Graham, Patrick
General view of the agriculture of Stirlingshire 1812
Graham, Stephen
Europe—whither bound?: being letters of travel from the capitals of Europe 1921
Graham, Thomas
Elements of chemistry 1842 (1850–58)
Graham, Thomas J.
Modern domestic medicine 1827 (1834, 1861)
Graham, W. W.
Climbing the Himalayas 1887 (in From the equator to the pole)
Graham, William
Last links with Byron, Shelley and Keats 1898
Grahame, James
The birds of Scotland: with other poems 1806
The sabbath, a poem 1804
Grahame, Kenneth
The golden age 1895
Pagan papers 1894
The wind in the willows 1908
Grahame-White, Claude & Harper, Harry
The aeroplane: past, present and future 1911
Aircraft in the Great War: a record and study 1915
Grainger, James
Poetical works a 1766
The sugar-cane, a poem 1764
A poetical translation of the elegies of Tibullus and of the poems of Sulpicia 1759
Gramophone, The 1923–
Granada Television
Some technical terms and slang 1974
Grand, Sarah’ (Mrs. M‘Fall)
Babs the impossible 1901 (1906)
The heavenly twins 1893
Grand debate, The 1661
See Book of common prayer
Grandmother's money 1860
Granger, James
Letters between G. and many of the most eminent literary men of his time v.d. (1805)
Granger, Thomas
A familiar exposition or commentarie on Ecclesiastes 1621
Syntagma logicum, or the divine logike 1620
Grant, A. C.
Bush life in Queensland 1881 (1882)
Grant, Allan
Mr. Secretary Pepys, with extracts from his diary 1867
Grant, Mrs. Anne
Essays on the superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland (anon.) 1811
Letters from the mountains; being the real correspondence of a lady between the years 1773 and 1807 1807
Poems on various subjects 1803
Grant, David
Lays and legends of the north, and other poems and songs 1884
Scotch stories, or the chronicles of Keckleton 1888
Grant, George Monro
Ocean to ocean: Sandford Fleming's expedition through Canada in 1872 1873
Grant, James
History of the burgh and parish schools of Scotland 1876
Grant, James A.
A walk across Africa 1864
Grant, James, journalist
The great metropolis 1836
Random recollections of the House of Commons 1836
of the House of Lords 1836
Sketches in London 1838
Grant, James, novelist
Adventures of an aide-de-camp 1848
Arthur Blane, or the hundred cuirassiers 1858
The Cameronians, a novel 1881
Memoirs and adventures of Sir W. Kirkaldy of Grange 1849
One of the six hundred, a novel 1875
Grant, Johnson
A summary of the history of the English church 1811–25
Grant, Maria M.
The sun-maid: a romance 1876 (1877)
Grant, Robert
History of physical astronomy 1852
Grant, Robert E.
Outlines of comparative anatomy 1841
Granta, The (Cambridge) 1889–
Granville, Augustus B.
The spas of Germany 1837 (1838)
Granville or Grenville, Denis
Works and letters 1665–1703 (Miscellanea, Surtees Soc. 1861)
Granville, George
Granville, Harriet, Countess
Letters 1810–45 (1894)
Granville, Mary
See Delany, Mrs. M.
Granville, Wilfred
A dictionary of sailors' slang 1962
A dictionary of theatrical terms 1952
Graphic, The: an illustrated weekly newspaper 1869–
Grassi (G. de) His true arte of defence, a man..may safelie handle all sortes of weapons etc. tr. I. G. 1594
Grassineau, James
A musical dictionary 1740
Gratarolus' (G.) Direction for the health of magistrates and studentes Englished by T. Newton 1574
Gratiæ theatrales, or a choice ternary of English plays 1662
Grattan, John Henry Grafton & Gurrey, Percival
Our living language: a new guide to English grammar 1925
Grattan, Thomas C.
The history of the Netherlands 1830
Grau, Robert
The theatre of science: a volume of progress and achievement in the motion picture industry 1914
Graunt, John
Natural and political observations..made upon the Bills of mortality 1662 (1676)
Graves, Charles
Chasles' (M.) Two geometrical memoirs on the general properties of cones of the second degree etc. 1841
Graves, Charles Patrick Ranke
Life line 1941
Graves, Richard
Eugenius, or anecdotes of the golden vale 1785
Euphrosyne, or amusements on the road of life 1776
Recollections of some particulars in the life of W. Shenstone 1788
The spiritual Quixote; or the summer's ramble of Mr. Geoffrey Wildgoose 1772 (1873)
Graves, Robert J.
A system of clinical medicine 1843
Graves, Robert P.
Life of Sir W. R. Hamilton 1882–89
Graves, Robert von Ranke
Claudius the god and his wife Messalina 1934
Collected poems 1938
The feather bed 1923
Good-bye to all that: an autobiography 1929
I, Claudius 1934
Mock Beggar Hall 1924
The pier-glass 1921
Poems, 1926–1930 1931
Poems, 1938–1945 1946
Poems, 1953 1953
Seven days in new Crete 1949
Welchman's hose 1925
Whipperginny 1923
—— & Hodge, Alan Searle
The long week-end: a social history of Great Britain, 1918–1939 1940
Graves, Samuel R.
A yachting cruise in the Baltic 1863
Gray, Alexander
tr. R. Grelling's The crime 3 vols. 1917–18
Gray, Asa
The botanical text-book 1858
—6th ed. I. Structural botany 1880. II. Physiological botany 1885
First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology 1857
A manual of the botany of the Northern United States 1848 (1867)
Gray, Charles
Poems 1811
—(2nd ed.) Poems and songs 1814
Gray, Cecil William Turpie
Contingencies, and other essays 1947
Gray, Dulcie Winifred C.
Dead give away 1974
Gray, Henry
Anatomy, descriptive and surgical 1858 (1869, 1883)
Gray, James Henry
The boy from Winnipeg 1970
Gray, John
Archaeology and the Old Testament world 1962
Gray, John E.
Catalogue of the specimens of mammalia in..the British Museum 1850–52
List (of the same) 1843
Gray, Laurence F. & Graham, Richard
Radio transmitters 1961
Gray, Louis Herbert
Foundations of language 1939
Gray, Maxwell’ (M. G. Tuttiett)
The reproach of Annesley, a novel 1888
The silence of dean Maitland, a novel 1886
Gray, Samuel F.
A natural arrangement of British plants 1821
Gray, T. de
Gray, Thomas
Works in prose and verse a 1771 (Gosse 1884)
The alliance of education and government 1748
The bard, a pindaric ode 1757
Correspondence of T. G. and W. Mason 1736–71 (1853)
Correspondence with N. Nicholls 1764–71 (Wks. V. 1843)
The descent of Odin, an ode 1761
Elegy written in a country church-yard 1750, 1768
The fatal sisters, an ode 1761
Hymn to ignorance c 1742
Letters 1736–71 (1775, 1884, 1893)
A long story 1750
Ode on a distant prospect of Eton college 1742
Ode on the pleasure arising from vicissitude 1754
Ode on the spring 1751
The progress of poesy, a pindaric ode 1754
(Translations from) Propertius 1738, 1742
Statius 1736
Gray's Inn Journal, The (by A. Murphy) 1752–54 (1756)
Graymore, Clive N.
ed. Biochemistry of the eye 1970
Great Exhibition
Official descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations 5 parts 1851
Greatheart 1866
Greatorex, Wilfred
Crossover 1976
Greaves, John
ed. Withers' (R.) Description of the Grand Signior's seraglio 1650 (1653)
Greeley, Horace
The American conflict: a history of the great rebellion in the United States (1860–65) 1864–66
Green, Abel & Laurie, Joe
Show biz, from vaude to video 1951
Green, Alexander H.
Geology for students. Physical geology 1876 (1882)
—— et al.
Coal, its history and uses 1878
Green, Anna K. (Mrs. Rohlfs)
Behind closed doors 1888
Hand and ring (a novel) 1883
Green, Bennett Wood
Word-book of Virginia folk-speech 1899
Green, Helen
At the actors' boarding house 1906
The Maison de Shine: more stories of the actors' boarding house 1908
Green, Henry’ (Henry Vincent Yorke)
Living 1929
Green, John Herbert
Basic clinical physiology 1969
Green, John R.
The conquest of England 1883
Letters a 1883 (L. Stephen 1901)
The making of England 1881
Readings from English history 1879
A short history of the English people 1874
Stray studies from England and Italy 1876
Green, Lawrence George
Great African mysteries 1935
In the land of afternoon 1949
Tavern of the seas 1947
To the river's end 1948
Green, Martin Burgess
Children of the sun: a narrative ofdecadencein England after 1918 1976
Green, Mrs. Mary A. E. (née Wood)
ed. Letters of royal and illustrious ladies of Great the close of the reign of Queen Mary 1846
Green, Matthew
Poems a 1737 (1790)
On Barclay's Apology for the Quakers a 1737
The spleen, an epistle (in verse) 1737
Green, Matthias
An English grammar 1837
Green, Peter
tr. R. Escarpit's The novel computer 1966
Green, Mrs. S.
The reformist, a serio-comic-political novel 1810
Green, Thomas
Extracts from the diary of a lover of literature 1796–1800 (1810)
Green, Thomas
The universal herbal; or botanical, medical and agricultural dictionary 1816–20
Green, Thomas Henry
An introduction to pathology and morbid anatomy 1871 (1873)
Green, Thomas Hill
Prolegomena to ethics a 1882 (1883) Works a 1882 (1885–88)
Green carnation, The (by R. S. Hichens) 1894
Greene, Henry Graham
The basement room, and other stories 1935
Brighton rock 1938
A burnt-out case 1961
The comedians 1966
The confidential agent 1939
The end of the affair 1951
England made me 1935
A gun for sale 1936
The heart of the matter 1948
The honorary consul 1973
The human factor 1978
It's a battlefield 1934
Journey without maps 1936
The lawless roads: a Mexican journey 1939
The Ministry of Fear: an entertainment 1943
Nineteen stories 1947
Our man in Havana 1958
The power and the glory 1940
The quiet American 1955
The third man, and The fallen idol 1950
Travels with my aunt 1969
Greene, Joseph R.
A manual of the animal kingdom. I. Protozoa 1859. II. C{oe}lenterata 1861
Greene, Robert
Life and complete works a 1592 (Grosart 1881–86)
Dramatic works (and poems) a 1592 (Dyce 1831, 1861)
Alcida: Greenes metamorphosis 1588 (1617)
Arcadia = Menaphon
Art of conny catching = Notable discovery
Ciceronis amor, Tullies love 1589 (1609)
The comicall historie of Alphonsus king of Arragon a 1592 (1599)
A disputation betweene a hee conny-catcher and a shee conny-catcher 1592
Dorastus and Fawnia = Pandosto
Euphues his censure to Philautus 1587
Greenes farewell to folly 1591 (1617)
Greenes groatsworth of witte 1592 (1617)
Greenes mourning garment 1590 (1616)
Greenes neuer too late 1590 (1600)
Greenes Orpharion a 1592 (1599)
Gwydonius, the carde of fancie 1584 (1608)
The historie of Arbasto king of Denmarke 1584 (1626)
The historie of Orlando Furioso a 1592 (1599)
The honorable historie of Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay c 1590 (1630; 1878)
A maidens dream. Vpon the death of..Sir C. Hatton 1591
Mamillia, a mirrour or looking glasse for the ladies of England (2 parts) 1583, a 1592 (II, 1593)
Menaphon, Camillas alarum to slumbering Euphues etc. (ed. 1610 Greenes Arcadia; or Menaphon) 1589 (1616; Arber)
Morando, the tritameron of love 1584–87
A notable discovery of coosnage (= the art of conny-catching) 1591–92 (1592)
Palmer's ode in Neuer too late
Pandosto the triumph of time (= the hystorie of Dorastus and Fawnia) 1588 (1607, 1843)
Perimedes the blacke-smith 1588
Philomela, the lady Fitzwaters nightingale 1592 (Archaica I, 1815)
Planetomachia, or the firste parte of the generall opposition of the seven planets etc. 1585
A quip for an upstart courtier 1592 (Harl. Misc.; 1871)
The Scottish historie of James the fourth a 1592 (Manly 1898)
See also Defence of conny catching; George a Greene; Greenes vision; Selimus
—— & Lodge, T.
A looking glasse for London and Englande 1594 (1598)
Greene, Bp. Thomas
Four discourses on the four last things; viz., death, judgment, heaven and hell 1753
Greener, Michael
The Penguin dictionary of commerce 1970
Greener, William
Gunnery in 1858 1858
The science of gunnery as applied to the use and construction of fire-arms 1841 (1846)
Greener, William W.
The breech-loader and how to use it 1892
The gun and its development 1881 (1885)
Greenes vision: written at the instant of his death 1592
Greenham, Richard
Works a 1594 (1599)
Greenhill, Thomas
{Nu}{epsilon}{kappa}{rho}{omicron}{kappa}{eta}{delta}{epsilon}{iota}{alpha} or the art of embalming 1705
Greenhouse companion, The (by J. C. Loudon) 1824
Greenleaf, A. B.
Ten years in Texas 1881
Greenlee, Sam
The spook who sat by the door 1969
Greenough, James Bradstreet & Kittredge, George Lyman
Words and their ways in English speech 1901 (UK 1902)
Greenwell, Dora
Carmina crucis 1869
Colloquia crucis 1871
Greenwell, George C.
A glossary of terms used in the coal trade of Northumberland and Durham 1849 (1851, 1888)
Greenwell, William
British barrows: a record of the examination of sepulchral mounds in various parts of England 1877
Greenwood, Frederick & Greenwood, James
Under a cloud 3 vols. 1860
Greenwood, George
Hints on horsemanship (anon.) 1839 (1861)
Greenwood, Grace’ (Sara J. Clarke)
Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe 1854
Greenwood, Henry
The iaylers iayle-deliuerie 1619 (1628)
Greenwood, James
An essay towards a practical English grammar 1711
Greenwood, James
The sailor's sea-book. A rudimentary treatise on navigation 1850
—revised ed. by W. H. Rosser (1879)
Greenwood, James
In strange company 1873
The seven curses of London 1869
Greenwood, John
An annswer to G. Gifford's pretended defence of read prayers and devised liturgies 1590
A collection of certaine sclaunderous articles gyuen out by the bisshops... Also the some of certaine conferences had in the Fleete..with two prisoners (J. G. and H. Barrow) there 1590
Greenwood, Peter Humphrey
J. R. Norman's A history of fishes (ed. 2) 1963
Greenwood, William H.
Steel and iron 1884
Greer, Germaine
The female eunuch 1970
Greer, Henry
A dictionary of electricity 1883
Greg, Percy
Across the zodiac 1880
Greg, Robert P. & Lettsom, W. G.
Manual of the mineralogy of Great Britain and Ireland 1858
Greg, William R.
The creed of christendom 1851 (1863)
Enigmas of life 1872 (1873)
Literary and social judgments 1868 (1869)
Miscellaneous essays a 1881 (1882–84)
Political problems for our age and country 1870
Rocks ahead; or the warnings of Cassandra 1874
Gregg, Josiah
Commerce of the prairies; or, The journal of a Santa Fé trader 2 vols. 1844
Gregg, William S.’ (Frances M. Robinson)
Irish history for English readers 1886
Gregor, Walter
The dialect of Banffshire 1866 (Philol. Soc.)
An echo of the olden time from the north of Scotland 1874
Notes on the folk-lore of the north-east of Scotland 1881 (Folk-lore Soc.)
Gregory I Saint. The Gregory legend c 1300 (F. Schulz 1876)
Gregory, Benjamin
The holy catholic church the communion of saints 1873
Side lights on the conflicts of methodism 1827–52 1898
Gregory, Edwin
Metallurgy 1932
Gregory's (D.) Elements of astronomy, physical and geometrical tr. 1715 (1726)
Gregory, Francis
The doctrine of the glorious trinity, not explained, but asserted by several texts, etc. 1695
Gregory, George
A dictionary of arts and sciences 1806
Gregory, George
Elements of the theory and practice of physic 1820–23 (1835, 1846)
Gregory, Jackson
The maid of the mountain: a romance of the California wilderness (UK ed. with title Bab of the backwoods) 1925
Man to man 1920 (UK 1921)
Gregory, John
Works a 1646 (1683–84)
Notes and observations upon some passages of scripture 1646 (1650)
Posthuma: or certain learned tracts (The Assyrian monarchie etc.) a 1646 (1649)
Gregory, John Walter & Barrett, Benjamin Hilton
General stratigraphy 1931
Gregory, Olinthus G.
A treatise of mechanics 1806 (1813, 1815)
Gregory, William
G.'s Chronicle of London a 1470 (in Hist. collect. citizen of London, Camden Soc. 1876)
Gregory, William
Outlines of chemistry 1845
—(later edd.) A handbook of inorganic chemistry 1853 (1857)
A handbook of organic chemistry 1852 (1856)
Gregory, William H.
Egypt in 1855–56 1859
Grein, Christian W. M.
Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie 1857–64 (1883–97)
Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Prosa 1872 (1885–88)
Grenewey, Richard
The annales of C. Tacitus. The description of Germanie tr. 1598 (1622)
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason
A Labrador doctor 1919 (UK 1920)
Grenville, Denis
Grenville, Richard P.
Grenville, William W., Baron Grenville
Essay on the supposed advantages of a sinking fund 1828
Gresham, Sir Thomas
Gresley, William
Bernard Leslie, or a tale of the last ten years 1842 (1843)
Charles Lever, or the man of the nineteenth century 1841
The forest of Arden, a tale..of the English reformation 1841 (1842)
Frank's first trip to the continent 1845
The siege of Lichfield, a tale..of the great rebellion 1840
Sophron and Neologus; or common sense and philosophy 1861
Gresley, William S.
A glossary of terms used in coal mining 1883
Greswell, Edward
An exposition of the parables etc. 1834–35
Gresswell, Peter
Environment: an alphabetical handbook 1971
Grete herball, The tr. 1526 (1529)
Gretton, Frederic E.
Memory's harkback through half-a-century 1850–58 1889
Greville, Charles C. F.
The G. memoirs. A journal of the reigns of George IV and William IV 18.. (1874)
(2nd and 3rd parts) A journal of the reign of Queen Victoria 1837–52, 1852–60 (1885, 1887)
Greville, Fulke, 1st Baron Brooke
Certaine learned and elegant workes a 1628 (1633; Grosart 1870)
Cælica, containing cix sonnets a 1628 (1633)
A letter to an honorable lady a 1628 (1633)
The life of the renowned Sir Philip Sidney a 1628 (1652)
The tragedie of Alaham a 1628 (1633)
The tragedy of Mustapha 1609 (1633; Dodsley)
Greville, Fulke, Baron Brooke,’ pseud.
The five yeares of King James, or the condition of the state of England etc. 1643 (Harl. Misc.)
Greville, Robert, 2nd Baron Brooke
A discourse opening the nature of that episcopacie which is exercised in England 1641
The nature of truth 1641
Greville, Robert Fulke
Diaries ed. F. M. Bladon 1930
Grew, Nehemiah
The anatomy of plants (The anatomy of plants begun, the anatomy of roots,..trunks,..leaves,,..fruits etc.) 1671–81 (1682)
Cosmologia sacra; or a discourse of the universe, as it is the creature and kingdom of God 1701
Musæum regalis societatis; or a catalogue and description of the rarities belonging to the Royal Society, and preserved at Gresham College 1681
Grew, Sydney
The art of the player-piano: a text-book for student and teacher 1922
Grey, Anchitell
Debates of the house of commons 1667–94 a 1702 (1769)
Grey, Lady Jane
Grey Friars. The chronicle of the Grey friars of London (to 1556) 15.. (Camden Soc. 1852)
Grey Owl’ (George Stansfield Belaney)
The men of the last frontier 1931
Grider, John McGavock
War birds: diary of an unknown aviator 1926 (UK 1927)
Grier, William
The mechanic's pocket dictionary, being a note book of technical terms, rules etc. 1837
Grierson, Edward
A crime of one's own 1967
Reputation for a song 1952
Grierson, George Abraham
Linguistic survey of India 12 vols. 1903–22
Grierson, John
High failure 1936
Grieve, Maud
A modern herbal 2 vols. 1931
Griffin, Bartholomew
Fidessa, more chaste then kinde (sonnets) 1596 (Singer 1815, Grosart 1876, Arber, Eng. Garner V)
Griffin, Gerald
The collegians 3 vols. 1829
Griffin, John J.
A system of crystallography 1841
Griffis, William E.
The mikado's empire 1876
The religions of Japan 1895
Griffith, Edward
Cuvier's Animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation tr. 1827–35
Griffith, Mrs. Elizabeth
Deliberate distress, byFrances’ 1769
The history of Lady Barton, a novel 1771
Viaud's (P.) Shipwreck tr. 1771
See also Griffith, R.
Griffith, John W. & Henfrey, A.
The micrographic dictionary, a guide to the examination and investigation of..microscopic objects 1856 (1881–83)
Griffith, Matthew
The fear of God and the king (a sermon) 1660
Griffith, Richard
The Gordian knot, byHenry’ 1769
A series of genuine letters between Henry and Frances 1757 (1767)
Griffith, Thomas
The waist-high culture 1959 (UK 1960)
Griffith-Jones, Ebenezer
The ascent through Christ 1899
Griffiths, Frederick A.
The artillerist's manual and compendium of infantry exercise 1839 (1859, 1862)
Griffiths, Roger
An essay to prove that the jurisdiction and conservacy of the committed to the Lord Mayor and City of London 1746
Grigson, Geoffrey Edward Harvey
The Englishman's flora 1955
Grim, the collier of Croydon: or the devil and his dame. By I. T. a 1600 (Gratiæ theatrales 1662; Dodsley)
Grimalde, Nicholas
M. T. Cicero's Three bookes of dueties (Offices) tr. 1553 (1558, 1598)
Poems a 1557 (Tottel's miscellany, Arber)
Grimble, Arthur Francis
A pattern of islands 1952
Return to the islands 1957
Grimm's (J. L. C.) Teutonic mythology tr. 1880–83
Grimstone, Edward
Acosta's (J. de) Naturall and morall historie of the East and West Indies tr. E. G. 1604 (also Hakluyt Soc. 1880)
Goulart's (S.) Admirable and memorable histories tr. 1607
Matthieu's (P.) Heroyk life..of..Henry the fourth tr. 1612
A true history of the siege of Ostend tr. 1604
Grindal, Abp. Edmund
Remains a 1583 (Parker Soc. 1843)
Grindon, Leo H.
Life; its nature, varieties and phenomena 1856 (1875)
Grisebach, August H. R.
Flora of the British West Indian Islands 1864
Grisell. The history of patient Grisel 1619, c 1630
See also Dekker, T.
Grobianus 1739
Grollman, Arthur
Pharmacology and therapeutics 1951 (and several later editions used)
Groom, Percy & Balfour, Isaac Bayley
tr. J. E. B. Warming's Oecology of plants 1909
Grosart, Alexander B.
ed. The Chertsey worthies library 1876–
ed. The Fuller worthies library 1868–70
ed. The Huth library or Elizabethan-Jacobean unique or very rare books in verse and prose 1881–
ed. Occasional issues of unique or very rare books 1875–83
Small sins 1863 (ed. 2)
Grose, Francis
ed. The antiquarian repository 1775 (1807–09)
A classical of the vulgar tongue 1785 (also 1796, and Egan 1823)
Military antiquities respecting a history of the English army 1786–88
The olio; being a collection of essays, etc. 1793
A provincial glossary; with a collection of local proverbs etc. 1787 (also 1790)
A treatise on ancient armour and weapons 1786
Grose, John Henry
A voyage to the East-Indies 1757 (1766)
Gross, Charles
The gild merchant, a contribution to British municipal history 1890
Gross, Samuel D.
A practical treatise on the diseases..of the urinary bladder etc. 1851 (1876)
Grossinger, Jennie
The art of Jewish cooking 1958
Grossmith, George & Grossmith, Walter Weedon
The diary of a nobody 1892
Grote, George
Analysis of the influence of natural religion on the temporal happiness of mankind. By P. Beauchamp 1822
Aristotle a 1871 (1872)
Fragments on ethical subjects a 1871 (1876)
A history of Greece 1846–56 (1862)
Plato and the other companions of Sokrates 1865
Grote, John
An examination of the utilitarian philosophy (of J. S. Mill) a 1866 (1870)
Exploratio philosophica: rough notes on modern intellectual science 1865
A treatise on the moral ideals 1865 (1876)
Grotius (H.) Of the law of warre and peace tr. C. B(arksdale) 1654
See also Whewell, W.
Grout, Frank Fitch
Petrography and petrology 1932
Grove, Sir George
A dictionary of music and musicians 1878–89 (1904–10)
Grove, Matthew
The most famous and tragicall historie of Pelops and Hippodamia, etc. 1587 (Grosart 1878)
Grove, Sir William R.
Contributions to science a 1874 (in 6th ed. of next)
On the correlation of physical forces 1846 (1855, 1867, 1874)
Growth (Menasha, Wisconsin) 1937–
Growth of deism in England, An account of the 1696
Gruber, Jeffrey S.
Lexical structures in syntax and semantics 1976
Grub-street journal, The 1730–37
Grundy, George Beardoe
Fifty-five years at Oxford 1945
Grymeston, Elizabeth
Miscelanea, meditations, memoratives 1604
Gualtier, Bon
Guardian, The (By Sir R. Steele, Addison, etc.) 1713 (1756)
Guardian, The (continuation of The Manchester Guardian) 1959–
Guardian Weekly, The (continuation of Manchester Guardian Weekly) 1968–
Guazzo's (S.) Art of conversation tr. 1738
See also Pettie, G.
Gude and godlie ballatis. A compendious book of godly and spiritual songs commonly known as The gude and godlie ballatis 1567 (1868; S.T.S. 1897)
Günther, Albrecht C. L. G.
An introduction to the study of fishes 1880
Günther, Alfred
Microphotography in the library 1962 (Unesco; reprinted from Unesco bulletin for libraries Vol. XVI, No. 1, Jan.–Feb. 1962)
Guenther, Ernest
The essential oils 6 vols. 1949–52
Guest, Edwin
A history of English rhythms 1838 (also ed. Skeat 1882)
Guest, M. J.
Lectures on the history of England 1879
Guggisberg, Charles Albert Walter
S.O.S. Rhino 1966
Guibert's (P.) The charitable physitian, shewing the manner to make and prepare..all remedies, etc. tr. J. W. 1639
Guide to the stage, A 1751
Guidman. Legends of the north. The guidman o' Inglismill, and the fairy bride 1873
Guilfoyle, William Robert
Australian plants suitable for gardens, parks, timber reserves, etc. 1911
Guillemeau's (J.) French chirurgerye or the manualle operations of chirurgerye tr. A. M. 1597
Guilletiere's (G. Gillet's) Account of a late voyage to Athens tr. 1676
Guillim, John
A display of heraldrie 1610 (also 1632, 1638, 1660)
Guilpin, Edward
Skialetheia, or a shadowe of truth in certaine epigrams and satyres 1598 (Grosart 1878)
Guinness, Henry G.
The approaching end of the age viewed in the light of history, prophecy and science 1878
Guistard and Sismond, The stately tragedy of 1597 (in J. S., Certaine worthy MS. poems)
Guizot's (F. P. G.) General history of civilization in Europe tr. 1837
Gulbenkian, Nubar
Pantaraxia 1965
Gulland, William Giuseppi
Chinese porcelain 1898
Gullick, John Michael
Malaysia 1969
Gullick, Thomas J. & Timbs, J.
Painting popularly explained 1859
Gulliver, Lemuel, Jr.’
Modern Gulliver's travels 1796
Gulliver, Sam
The Vulcan bulletins 1974
Gully, James Manby
Magendie's (F.) Formulary for the reparation and medical administration of certain new remedies tr. 1835 (1836)
Gun Buster’ (John Austin)
Return via Dunkirk 1940
Gungwu, Wang
Gunning, Bp. Peter
The paschal or Lent-fast apostolical and perpetual 1662
Gunpowder Treason, The history of the (by Bp. J. Williams) 1678
A true and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late..traitors 1606
The gunpowder treason, with a discourse of the manner of its discovery, and a perfect relation etc. (1679)
Gunter, Archibald C.
Miss Dividends, a novel 1892 (1893)
Mr. Potter of Texas 1888
Gurnall, William
The christian in compleat armour, or, a treatise of the saints war against the devil (3 parts) 1655, 1658, 1662
Gurnett, John William & Kyte, Colin Henry John
Cassell's dictionary of abbreviations 1966
Gurney, Edmund, Myers, F. W. H., & Podmore, F.
Phantasms of the living 1886 (Society for psychical research)
Gurney, Henry P.
Crystallography 1878
Gurney, Hudson
Cupid and Psyche, a mythological tale from the Golden ass of L. Apuleius 1799 (1800)
Gurney, Oliver Robert
The Hittites 1952
Gurr, Edward
The rational use of dyes in biology, and general staining methods 1965
Synthetic dyes in biology, medicine and chemistry 1971
Gurwood, John
ed. The dispatches of..the Duke of Wellington 1799–1818 1834–38
Gustafson, Axel C. F.
The foundation of death, a study of the drink question 1884 (1888)
Gutch, John
ed. Collectanea curiosa; or miscellaneous tracts, relating to the history and antiquities of England and Ireland, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, etc. 1781
Guthlac. The Anglo-saxon version of the life of St. Guthlac, written by Felix..of Crowland c 1000. With a translation by Charles W. Goodwin (1848)
Guthrie, Frederick
Practical physics. Molecular physics and sound 1878
Guthrie, Gideon
G. G., a monograph written 1712–30 (1900)
Guthrie, John’ (John Brodie)
The little country 1935
Guthrie, Ramsay’ (J. G. Bowran)
Kitty Fagan: a romance of pit life 1900
Guthrie, Thomas
Christ and the inheritance of the saints 1858 (1860)
Guthrie, Thomas A.
Guthrie, Virgil B.
Petroleum products handbook 1960
Guthrie, William
The christian's great interest 1659 (1667, 1724)
Sermons a 1665 (1880)
Guthrie's (W.) New system of modern geography 1792
Guthrie-Smith, William Herbert
Tutira: the story of a New Zealand sheep station 1921
Guthry, Bp. Henry
Memoirs a 1676 (1702)
Guy of Warwick. The romances of Sir Guy of Warwick and Rembrun his son 13.. (Abbotsford Club 1840)
The romance of Guy of Warwick 13.. (E.E.T.S. 1883–91)
—(later version) 14.. (E.E.T.S. 1875–76)
Guy, Albert Glasgow
Physical metallurgy for engineers 1962
Guy, Richard
Practical observations on cancers, etc. 1762
Guy Livingstone 1857
Guylforde, Sir Richard
The pylgrymage of Sir R. G. to the Holy land 1506 1511 (Camden Soc. 1851)
Guy's Hospital reports 1836–
Guyton, Arthur Clifford
Textbook of medical physiology 1956
Guyton de Morveau (L. B.). A translation of the table of chemical nomenclature proposed by de Guyton, Lavoisier, Bertholet, and de Fourcroy (by G. Pearson) 1794, 1799
Gwilt, Joseph
An encyclopædia of architecture, historical, theoretical, and practical 1842 (1859)
Gwynne-Vaughan, Helen Charlotte I. & Barnes, Bertie Frank
The structure and development of the fungi 1927
Gzowski, Peter
Peter Gzowski's book about this country in the morning 1974

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