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Bibliography: K

Author names and work titles beginning with:
K., E.
Epistle dedicatory and glosses to Spenser's Shepheardes calender 1579
K., F. 1673
K., G.
An essay for the discovery of some new geometrical problems c 1680 (1697)
K., I. 1598
K., J. (? J. Kersey)
A new English dictionary 1702 (1731)
K., J. E.
The telephone in principle and practice 1882
Kæmpfer's (E.) History of Japan tr. J. G. Scheuchzer 1727
Kahn, David
The codebreakers: the story of secret writing 1967 (UK 1968)
Kahn, Herman
On escalation: metaphors and scenarios 1965
Kaleidoscope, The; or, Literary and scientific mirror 1818–31
Kalender of shepherdes, The tr. 1503 (1506, 1656; 1892)
Kalisch, Moritz M.
A Hebrew grammar 1862–63 (1878)
Kames, Henry Home, Lord
Elements of criticism 1762 (1833)
Essays upon several subjects concerning British antiquities 1745 (1747)
Introduction to the art of thinking 1761 (1789)
Sketches of the history of man 1774 (1807)
Kane, Elisha K.
Arctic explorations: the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John Franklin 1856
The U.S. Grinnell (first) expedition in search of Sir John Franklin 1853 (1856)
Kane, Harry Hubbell
Opium-smoking in America and China 1882
Kansas City Star (Kansas City, Missouri) 1880–
Kansas City Times (Kansas City, Missouri) 1868–
Kantor, Jacob Robert
An objective psychology of grammar 1936
Kantorowicz, G. F.
ed. Inlays, crowns, and bridges
Kapp, Gilbert
Dynamos, alternators, and transformers 1893
Kapunda (S. Australia) herald 1890
Karch, Robert Randolph & Buber, Edward J.
Graphic arts procedures: the offset processes 1967
Karp, David
All honorable men 1956
Leave me alone 1957
Karr, Walter S. Seton-
Karsner, Howard Thomas
Human pathology 1927
Kater, Henry & Lardner, D.
A treatise on mechanics 1830
Katharine de Medicis, Estienne's (H.) Mervaylous discourse upon the lyfe..of tr. 1575
Katherine, St., The legend of St. Katherine of Alexandria a 1225 (Abbotsford Club 1841)
The life of Saint Katherine a 1225 (E.E.T.S. 1884)
The life and martyrdom of Saint Katherine of Alexandria c 1430 (Roxburghe Club 1884)
The life of St. Katharine c 1450 (Halliwell 1848)
See also Capgrave, J.
Kathleen, St., or the rock of Dunnismoyle (by A. Sutherland) 1820
Katz, Jerrold Jacob
The philosophy of language 1966
Kauffman, Donald T.
Dictionary of religious terms 1967
Kauffmann, Stanley Jules
If it be love 1960
The tightrope 1952 (UK ed. 1953 with title The philanderer)
Kavanagh, Julia
Dora (a novel) 1868
French women of letters 1862
Kay, or Caius, John
Caoursin's (G.) Siege of..Rhodes c 1482 (with Gibbon's Crusades 1870)
Kay, Stephen
Travels and researches in Caffraria 1833
Kay, William
Crisis Hupfeldiana 1865
A lecture on St. Augustine of Africa 1860
Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James P.
Scarsdale; or life on the Lancashire and Yorkshire border 1860
Kaye, Sir John W.
The life and correspondence of..Sir J. Malcolm 1856
Peregrine Pultney; or, life in India (anon.) 1844
Kaye, Marvin
A lively game of death 1972
Kaye, Mary Margaret’ (Mary Margaret Kaye Hamilton)
The far pavilions 1978
House of shade 1959
Kaye-Smith, Sheila
Mrs. Gailey 1951
Kazmann, Raphael G.
Modern hydrology 1965
Keane, Augustus H.
The Boer states: land and people 1900
Ethnology 1896
Man, past and present 1899
tr. A. Hovelacque's The science of language 1877
Keane, Charles Alexander
Modern organic chemistry 1909
Keane, John F.
Three years of a wanderer's life 1887
Kearley, George
Links in the chain, or popular chapters on the curiosities of animal life 1862
Kearton, Richard
Wild life at home 1898
Keary, Charles F.
The dawn of history 1878 (1888)
English coins 1885 (in S. Lane-Poole, Coins and medals)
Keate, George
An account of the Pelew islands 1788
Sketches from nature taken and coloured in a journey to Margate 1779
Keating, Henry Reymond Fitzwalter
Bats fly up for Inspector Ghote 1974
Filmi, filmi, Inspector Ghote 1976
Inspector Ghote hunts the peacock 1968
Inspector Ghote plays a joker 1969
Keatinge, Maurice
Travels through France and Spain to Morocco 1816 (1817)
Keaton, Buster (Joseph Francis Keaton)
My wonderful world of slapstick 1960 (UK 1967)
Keats, Gwendoline
Keats, John
Poetical works a 1821 (1889, 1907)
The cap and bells, or the jealousies 1819
Endymion: a poetic romance 1818
The eve of St. Agnes 1820
Hyperion 1820
Isabella; or the pot of basil 1820
Lamia 1820
Letters ed. M. B. Forman 2 vols. 1931
Letters, 1814–1821 ed. H. E. Rollins 2 vols. 1958
Otho the great, a tragedy 1819
Plays a 1821 (Forman, Poetical works 1889)
Keble, John
The christian year 1827
Letters of spiritual counsel and guidance a 1866 (1870)
The life of Bishop Thomas Wilson 1863
Lyra innocentium 1846 (1873)
Occasional papers and reviews a 1866 (1877)
Sermons academical and occasional 1847 (1848)
Keddie, Henrietta
Keeble, John
The theory of harmonies 1784
Keene, Charles S.
Life and letters ed. G. S. Layard 1892
Keeney, Arthur Hail
Ocular examination: basis and technique 1970
Keep, Robert P.
Autenrieth's (G.) Homeric dictionary tr. 1876 (1877)
Keepnews, Orrin & Grauer, William
A pictorial history of jazz: people and places from New Orleans to modern jazz 1955
Keesing, Felix Maxwell
Cultural anthropology, the science of custom 1958
Kefauver, Estes
Crime in America ed. S. Shalett 1951 (UK 1952)
Kehoe, Vincent J. R.
Aficionado! The pictorial encyclopedia of the Fiesta de Toros of Spain 1959
The technique of film and television make-up 1957
Keightley, Thomas
The fairy mythology 1828 (1847)
The history of England 1837–39
The mythology of ancient Greece and Italy 1831 (1877)
The secret societies of the middle ages 1837 (1848)
Keigwin, John
Mount Calvary or the history of the passion, death and resurrection of..Jesus Christ tr. (from the Cornish) 1682 (1826)
Keill, James
Essays on several parts of the animal {oe}conomy 1717 (1738)
Keill, John
An examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the earth 1698 (1734)
An introduction to the true astronomy tr. 1720 (1778)
Moreau de Maupertius' (P. L.) Dissertation on the different figures of the c{oe}lestial bodies tr. a 1721 (1734)
Keim, De Benneville Randolph
Sheridan's troopers on the borders: a winter campaign on the plains 1870
Keith, Agnes Newton
Land below the wind 1939
Keith, Arthur
The antiquity of man 1915
Human embryology and morphology 1902
Keith, Charles
Farmer's ha', a Scots poem (anon.) 1776 (1801)
Keith, George
A second narrative of the proceedings at Turners-Hall the 29th of April 1697
Keith, Leslie’ (Grace L. Keith Johnston)
The Indian uncle 1896
'Lisbeth 1893
The love of Prue 1895
My bonny lady 1897
Keith, Patrick
A botanical lexicon 1837
A system of physiological botany 1816
Keith, Bp. Robert
The history of the affairs of church and state in Scotland 1734
A large new catalogue of the bishops of the several sees within the kingdom of Scotland 1755 (1824)
Kelham, Robert
A dictionary of the Norman or old French language 1779
Keller, Helen Adams
The story of my life ed. J. A. Macy 1903
Kelly, James
A complete collection of Scotish proverbs 1721
Kelly, Mary Theresa
The Christmas egg 1958
The Spoilt kill 1961
Kelly, Michael
Spinifex 1970
Kelly, Patrick
The universal cambist and commercial instructor 1811
Kelly, Walter K.
Arago's (D. F. J.) Popular lectures on astronomy tr. 1848 (1854)
Blanc's (L.) History of ten years 1830–40 tr. 1848
Curiosities of Indo-European tradition and folk-lore 1863
Kelman, John
Salted with fire 1915
Kelsey, Joseph
Sermons upon several occasions 1703
Kelso, Roxburghshire. Liber S. Marie de Calchou. Registrum cartarum abbacie Tironensis de Kelso 1113–1567 (Bannatyne Club 1846)
Kelty, Mary A.
Osmond, a tale (anon.) 1822
Kemble, Frances Anne
Journal of a residence on a Georgian plantation 1839 (1863)
Record of a girlhood 1878
Records of later life 3 vols. 1882
Kemble, John M.
ed. Anglo-saxon dialogues of Salomon and Saturn 1845–48 (Ælfric Soc.)
ed. Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonici 1839–48
The Saxons in England 1849 (1876)
ed. Vercelli codex. The poetry of the Codex Vercellensis, with a translation 1843 (Ælfric Soc.)
Kemble, Mrs. Marie T.
The day after the wedding, an interlude 1808
Kemelman, Harry Gregory
Monday the rabbi took off 1972
Saturday the rabbi went hungry 1966 (UK 1967)
Wednesday the rabbi got wet 1976
Kemp, Dixon
A manual of yacht and boat sailing 1878 (1884, 1895)
Kemp, Ian
British G.I. in Vietnam 1969
Kemp, James Furman
A handbook of rocks, for use without the microscope 1896
Kemp, Peter Kemp
Fleet Air Arm 1954
Kemp, Peter Mant MacIntyre
Alms for oblivion 1961
Mine were of trouble 1957
No colours or crest 1958
Kemp, William
K.'s nine daies wonder, performed in a daunce from London to Norwich 1600 (Camden Soc. 1840; Arber, Eng. Garner VII)
Kempe, Alfred J.
ed. Manuscripts..illustrative of English history from Henry VIII to James I, preserved at Losely house 1836
Ken, Bp. Thomas
Works a 1711 (1721)
Anodynes or alleviations of pain 1709–11
Edmund, an epic poem a 1700
Hymnotheo or the penitent a 1700
Hymns a 1697, a 1711
Psyche or Magdalum a 1711
Sermons a 1711
Kendall, Edward A.
Travels through the northern parts of the United States 1809
Kendall, Geroge Wilkins
Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé expedition 2 vols. 1844
Kendall, Henry
Poems and songs 1862
Kendall, Maurice George & Buckland, William R.
A dictionary of statistical terms 1957
Kendall, Thomas
A grammar and vocabulary of the language of New Zealand (ed. by S. Lee from materials supplied by T. Kendall) 1820
Kendall, Timothy
Flowers of epigrammes... Trifles devised and written at sundrie tymes 1577 (1874)
Kendrew, Wilfrid George
The climates of the continents 1922
Kenelworth parke 1594
See B., O.
Kennard, Mrs. Nina H.
Diogenes' sandals 1893
Kennedy, Benjamin H.
The public school Latin grammar 1871 (1874)
Kennedy, Grace
Father Clement, a Roman catholic story 1823 (1869)
Kennedy, Harry A. A.
St. Paul's conceptions of the last things 1904
Kennedy, James
A new description of the pictures..and other Wilton 1758
Kennedy, John P.
Annals of Quodlibet 1840 (1860)
Horse-shoe Robinson, a tale of the Tory ascendancy 1835 (1860)
Memoirs of the life of William Wirt 1849 (1860)
Rob of the bowl, a legend of St Inigoes 1838 (1860)
Swallow barn, or a sojourn in the old dominion 1832 (1860)
Kennedy, Ludovic Henry Coverley
Very lovely people 1969
Kennedy, Margaret
The constant nymph 1924
The heroes of Clone 1957
Lucy Carmichael 1951
Kennedy, Patrick
Journal 1773 (in T. Hutchins, Topogr. descr. Virginia etc. 1778)
Kennedy, Patrick
The banks of the Boro: a chronicle of..Wexford 1856 (1867)
Evenings on the Duffrey 1869
Kennedy, Quintin
Ane compendius tractive 1558 (Wodrow Soc. Miscellany 1844)
The ressoning..betuix the abbot of Crossraguell and J. Knox 1563 (1812)
Kennedy, Walter
Poems a 1508 (Schipper 1901)
The flyting of Dunbar and Kennedie 1508 (Ramsay, Evergreen 1724; Dunbar's poems, S.T.S. II, 1893)
Kenneison, William C. & Spilman, Alan J. B.
Dictionary of printing, papermaking and bookbinding 1963
Kennett, Basil
Romæ antiquæ notitia, or the antiquities of Rome 1696 (1713)
Kennett, Bp. White
ed. Cowel's (J.) Interpreter of words and terms 1701
Monitions and advices delivered to the clergy of the diocese of Peterborough 1720
MS. collection of provincial words (MS. Lansdowne 1033) c 1700
Parochial antiquities attempted in the history of Ambrosden, Burcester, and adjacent parts in Oxford and Bucks 1695 (1818)
Dialectal words (E.D.S. 1879)
Witt against wisdom, or a panegyrick upon folly tr. (from Erasmus) 1683
Kennicott, Benjamin
A word to the Hutchinsonians; or, remarks on three extraordinary sermons lately preached before the University of Oxford by Dr. Patten, Mr. Wetherall, and Mr. Home. By a member of the University (i.e. B. Kennicott) 1756
Kenrick, William
A new dictionary of the English language 1773
Kent, James
Commentaries on American law 1826–30 (1858)
Kent, John
Racing life of Lord George Cavendish Bentinck 1892
Kent, Ruth Kimball
The language of journalism: a glossary of print-communications terms 1970
Kent, W. Saville
Kent, William
The mechanical engineers' pocket-book 1910 (ed. 8)
Kentish, Edward
Essay on warm and vapour baths 1813
Kentish sermons, Old c 1250 (O.E. Misc., E.E.T.S. 1872)
Kenyon, John Samuel
American pronunciation: a text-book of phonetics for students of English 1924
—(ed. 6) 1935
Kenyon, Kathleen Mary
Archaeology in the Holy Land 1960
Digging up Jericho 1957
Kenyon, Michael Forbes
Deep pocket 1978
The 100,000 welcomes 1970
Mr Big 1975
The whole hog 1967
Kenyon, Robert L.
The gold coins of England arranged and described 1884
Kenyon review 1939–70
Kepers, John
Romei's (A.) Courtiers academie tr. by I. K. 1598
Kephart, Horace
Camping and woodcraft 2 vols. 1916–17
—(new edn.) 1921 (2 vols. in 1)
Our southern highlands 1913
Ker, John Bellenden
An essay on the archæology of popular English phrases and nursery rhymes 1834–42
Ker, William Paton
The dark ages 1904
ed. Essays of John Dryden 1900
Kernahan, Coulson
Scoundrels & Co. 1901
Kerouac, Jack
On the road 1957 (UK 1958)
Kerr, Mrs. Alexander
Ranke's (L. von) History of Servia tr. 1847 (1853)
Kerr, James
The covenants and the covenanters 1895
Kerr, John
Curling (Badminton library) 1892
Kerr, Robert
General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick 1813
Kerr, Robert
Maggie o' the moss; and other poems a 1848 (1891)
Kerr, Robert
The gentleman's house; or how to plan English residences 1864
Kerry-Nichols, J. H.
The King country: explorations in New Zealand 1884
Kersey, John
Dictionarium Anglo-Brittannicum or a general English dictionary 1708 (1721)
Elements of algebra 1673–74
See also K., J.; Phillips, E.
Kersh, Cyril
The aggravations of Minnie Ashe 1970
Kersh, Gerald
They die with their boots clean 1941
Kersley, Leo & Sinclair, Janet
A dictionary of ballet terms 1952
Kettle, Edgar Hartley
The pathology of tumours 1916
Kettlewell, John
Works a 1695 (1719)
A companion for the penitent 1694
A companion for the persecuted 1694
An help and exhortation to worthy communicating 1683
The measures of christian obedience 1681
Kew bulletin of miscellaneous information 1887–
Key, Thomas H.
The alphabet. Terentian metres etc. 1844
Language: its origin and development 1874
Philological essays 1868
Keyes, Edward L.
Keymis, Lawrence
A relation of the second voyage to Guiana 1596
Keymor, John
Observations made upon the Dutch fishing c 1601 (1664)
Keynes, John Maynard
The economic consequences of the peace 1919
The general theory of employment, interest and money 1936
A treatise on money 2 vols. 1930
Keynes, John Neville
Studies and exercises in formal logic 1884 (and several later editions used)
Keysler's (J. G.) Travels through Germany etc. tr. 1756–57 (1760)
Khory, Rustamji N.
A digest of the principles and practice of medicine 1879
Kichenside, Geoffrey Michael & Williams, Alan Reginald
British railway signalling 1963
Kidd, Benjamin
Social evolution 1894
Kidder, Bp. Richard
Charity directed: or the way to give alms 1676
Kilburne, Richard
A topographie, or survey of the county of Kent 1659
Killigrew, Thomas
Comedies and tragedies 1664
Pandora, a comedy 1664
The parson's wedding 1663 (1664; Dodsley)
Killingbeck, John
Eighteen sermons 1717
Kilpatrick, Thomas B.
New Testament evangelism 1911
Kilvert, Robert Francis
Diary ed. W. Plomer 3 vols. 1938–40
—(selections, ed. W. Plomer) 1944
Kimball, Richard B.
Under-currents of Wall-street 1861
Was he successful? a novel 1863 (1864)
Kimber, Isaac
The life of Oliver Cromwell (anon.) 1724 (1731)
Kimbolton, Lord
See Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester
Kimenye, Barbara
Kalasanda revisited 1966
Kinahan, G. Henry
Manual of the geology of Ireland 1878
Kincaid, Dennis
British social life in India, 1608–1937 1938
Kinderley, Nathaniel
The ancient and present state of the navigation of..Lyn, Wisbeach, etc. 1721 (1751)
Kindersley, Nathaniel E.
Specimens of Hindoo literature 1794
King, Adam
Canisius' (P.) Catechisme or schort instruction of christian religion tr. 1588 (1622; part, Catholic tractates, S.T.S. 1901)
King, Charles
The British merchant 1721
King, Charles
Foes in ambush 1893
King, Charles Cooper-
Map and plan drawing 1874
King, Charles W.
Antique gems 1860 (1866)
King, Clarence
Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada 1872
King, Francis Henry
The widow 1957
King, Gordon John
The audio handbook 1975
King, Mrs. Harriet E. Hamilton
The disciples (J. Ruffini, U. Bassi, etc.) 1873 (1877)
King, Bp. Henry
Poems, elegies, paradoxes and sonnets 1657, 1664
Sermons 1621, 1626, 1640
Two sermons (by H. K., and J. King) 1625
King, Humphrey
An halfe-penny-worth of wit 1613
King, Captain James 1784
See Cook, Captain James
King, Bp. John
Lectures upon Jonas 1594 (1597, 1618)
Sermons 1607, 1608, 1619, 1620
King, John
David's strait (with a sermon by H. King) 1625
King, John Edward & Cookson, Christopher
The principles of sound and inflexion as illustrated in the Greek and Latin languages 1888
King, Martin Luther
The trumpet of conscience 1968
King, Peter, 1st Baron King
An enquiry into the constitution..and worship of the primitive church 1691 (1712)
King, Peter, 7th Baron King
The life of J. Locke 1829 (1830)
King, William
The art of cookery, in imitation of Horace's Art of poetry 1708 (1807)
The art of love, in imitation of Ovid 1709
An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes 1711 (1722)
Miscellanies in prose and verse 1709
Naudé's (G.) Political considerations upon refin'd politicks tr. 1711
Poems a 1712 (1790)
Remains..containing miscellaneous pieces in verse and prose a 1712 (1732)
M. Sorbiere'sJourney to London in 1698 1698
The transactioneer, with some of his philosophical fancies: in two dialogues (anon.) 1700
Useful transactions in philosophy (anon.) 1709
King, Woodie
ed. Black short story anthology 1972
King and a poor northern man, The (attrib. to Martin Parker) 1633 (Percy Soc. 1841)
King Horn
See Horn
King of the beggars, The. The life and adventures of G. A. Brine 1883
King of Tars. The kyng of Tars; and the soudan of Dammas c 1330 (Ritson, Metrical romances II)
King: see also Kyng(e
Kinglake, Alexander W.
Eothen, or traces of travel brought home from the east (anon.) 1844
The invasion of the Crimea 1863–87 (1877–88)
Kinglake, Edward
The Australian at home. Notes and anecdotes of life at the Antipodes 1891
Kingsford, Charles L.
ed. Chronicles of London 1905
ed. Life of King Henry the fifth 1911
Kingsley, Charles
Alexandria and her schools, four lectures 1854
Alton Locke, tailor and poet 1850
At last: a Christmas in the West Indies 1871
Glaucus, or the wonders of the shore 1855
Hereward the wake,last of the English’ 1865
The heroes, or Greek fairy tales 1856
Hypatia, or new foes with an old face 1853
Letters and memories of his life a 1875 (1877)
Miscellanies a 1859 (1860)
Phaethon, or loose thoughts for loose thinkers 1852
Poems 1835–74 (1884)
Prose idylls new and old 1873
The Roman and the Teuton, a series of lectures 1864 (1875)
The saint's tragedy 1848
The tutor's story. Revised and completed by Lucas Malet (1916)
Two years ago 1857
The water of life, and other sermons 1867
The water-babies; a fairy tale 1863
Westward ho! or the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh 1855
Yeast: a problem 1848
Kingsley, George H.
Notes on sport and travel (1851, etc.) a 1892 (1900)
South sea bubbles. By the earl (of Pembroke) and the doctor (G. H. K.) 1872
Kingsley, Henry
Austin Elliot 1863
The grange garden, a romance 1876
The Hillyars and the Burtons 1865
Ravenshoe 1862
The recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn 1859
Silcote of Silcotes 1867
Kingsley, John S.
Comparative anatomy of vertebrates 1912
ed. The standard natural history 1885
—(reissued as) The Riverside natural history 1888
Kingsley, Mary H.
Travels in West Africa 1897
Kingsley, Nelson
Diary ed. F. J. Teggart 1914
Kingsmill or Kingesmyll, Andrew
A treatise for all such as are..troubled in mynde or afflicted in bodie. Whereunto is adioyned a verie godly..exhortation (Comf. Afflict.). Also a conference betwixt a godly learned christian and an afflicted conscience (Confl. Satan) a 1569 (1585)
A viewe of mans estate..Whereunto is annexed a godlie advise..touchyng mariage a 1569 (1580)
Kingston, Miss Agnes D.
Verne's (J.) The steam house ii. Tigers and traitors tr. 1881
Kingston, William Beatty-
Kingston Whig-Standard (Kingston, Ontario) 1926–
Kington, afterwards Kington-Oliphant, Thomas L.
History of Frederick the second, emperor of the Romans 1862
The new English 1886
The old and middle English 1878 (1891)
Kingzett, Charles T.
Animal chemistry 1878
Kinloch, Alexander Angus Airlie
Large game shooting in Thibet and the Northwest 2 vols. 1869–76
Kinloch, George R.
Ancient Scottish ballads 1827
The ballad book 1827 (1868, 1885)
Kinneir, David
A new essay of the nerves, and the doctrine of the animal spirits considered 1737
Kinross, Albert
Joan of Garioch 1908 (1911)
Kinsey, Alfred Charles, et al.
Sexual behavior in the human female 1953
Sexual behavior in the human male 1948
Kipling, Rudyard
Actions and reactions 1909
Barrack-room ballads 1892
A book of words 1928
Captains courageous 1897
The city of dreadful night and other sketches 1890 (1891)
The day's work 1898
Debits and credits 1926
Departmental ditties 1886 (1899)
A diversity of creatures 1917
The five nations 1903
A fleet in being 1898
From sea to sea 2 vols. 1899 (UK 1900)
Independence 1923
ed. The Irish Guards in the Great War 2 vols. 1923
The jungle book 1894
The second jungle book 1895
Just so stories 1902
Kim 1901
Land and sea tales 1923
Letters of travel 1920
Life's handicap 1891
The light that failed 1891 (1900)
Limits and renewals 1932
Many inventions 1893
The phantom 'rickshaw, and other tales 1888 (UK 1890, revised)
Plain tales from the hills 1888 (1890)
Puck of Pook's Hill 1906
Recessional (poem) 1897
Rewards and fairies 1910
The seven seas 1896
Soldiers three 1888 (1891)
Something of myself for my friends known and unknown 1937
Songs from books 1912 (UK 1913)
Stalky and Co. 1899
Traffics and discoveries 1904
Under the deodars 1888
Wee Willie Winkie, and other child stories 1888 (UK 1890)
The years between 1919
—— & Balestier, Wolcott
The Naulahka: a story of west and east 1891
Kippis, Andrew
Biographia Britannica 1778–93
—— et al.
A collection of hymns and psalms selected 1795
Kirby, Richard & Bishop, J.
The marrow of astrology 1687
Kirby, Thomas Austin & Woolf, H. B.
Philologica: the [Kemp] Malone anniversary studies 1949
Kirby, William
On the power, wisdom and goodness of God as manifested in the creation of animals and in their history, habits and instincts (Bridgewater treatise) 1835 (1852)
—— & Spence, W.
An introduction to entomology 1815–26 (1843)
Kirby, William F.
European butterflies and moths 1882
Kirk, John
The cloud dispelled; or the doctrine of predestination examined 1847
Kirk, John F.
History of Charles the bold, duke of Burgundy 1863–68
Kirk, Raymond E. & Othmer, Donald F.
eds. Encyclopedia of chemical technology 17 vols. 1947–60
—(ed. 2) 23 vols. 1963–71
Kirk, Raymond Maurice, Maynard, J. D., & Henry, A. N.
Surgery 1974
Kirk, Thomas
The forest flora of New Zealand 1889
Kirkaldy, Jane W. & Pollard, E. C.
Boas' (J. E. V.) Text book of zoology tr. 1896
Kirkaldy, John Francis
General principles of geology 1954
Kirkaldy of Grange 1849
Kirkbeck, Tales of 1848–50
Kirkbridge, Ronald
Tamiko 1959
Kirkby, B.
Lakeland words, a collection of dialect words and phrases as used in Cumberland and Westmorland 1898
Kirkby, John
Barrow's (I.) Mathematical lectures tr. 1734
Kirkcudbright, Minute book kept by the war committee of the covenanters in 1640–41 (1855)
Kirke, Edmund’ (J. R. Gilmore)
The life of J. A. Garfield 1880
My southern friends 1863
Kirkland, Caroline Matilda
Forest life: a tale 2 vols. 1842
A new home—who'll follow? Or, Glimpses of western life 1839
Western clearings 1845
Kirkland, John
The modern baker, confectioner and caterer 6 vols. 1907–9
Kirkman, Francis
The English rogue
The famous and delectable history of Don Bellianis of Greece tr. 1671–73
The loves and adventures of Clerio and Lozia tr. 1652
The unlucky citizen..described by F. K. 1673
Kirkpatrick, John
History of the religious orders and communities..of Norwich c 1725 (1845)
Kirkpatrick, William
ed. The letters of Tippoo Sultan to various public functionaries 1811
Kirkton, James
The secret and true history of the church of Scotland from the restoration to..1678 a 1699 (1817)
Kirkup, James Harold
Japan behind the fan 1970
The only child 1957
Tropic temper: a memoir of Malaya 1963
Kirwan, Daniel Joseph
Palace and novel; or, Phases of London life 1870
Kirwan, Richard
Elements of mineralogy 1784 (1794–96)
Geological essays 1799
Kitchin, George W.
A history of France 1873–77
Kitchin, John
Jurisdictions; or the lawful authoritie of courts leet, courts baron etc. tr. 1651 (1675)
Kitchiner, William
Apicius redivivus, the cook's oracle 1817 (1822)
The traveller's oracle, or maxims for locomotion 1827
Kitto, John
A cyclopædia of Biblical literature 1845 (1856)
Daily Bible illustrations 1851 (1867)
Klaproth's (H. J. von) Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia tr. F. Shoberl 1814
Kleene, Stephen Cole
Introduction to metamathematics 1952
Mathematical logic 1967
Klein, Edward E.
Micro-organisms and disease 1884 (1885)
Klibansky, Raymond
ed. Contemporary philosophy: a survey 4 vols. 1968–71
Klopstock's (F. G.) Messiah tr. 1763 (1811)
Knack. A most pleasant..comedie called A knacke to knowe a knave 1594 (Hazl. Dodsley)
Knapp, Andrew & Baldwin, W.
The Newgate calendar 1824–26
Knapp's (Fr. C.) Chemical technology ed. E. Ronalds & T. Richardson 1848–51
Knapp, John L.
The journal of a naturalist (anon.) 1829
Knapp, M. L.
Astronomical etiology, or an insight into coming troubles on the earth from 1881 to 1885 1879
Knapp, William Ireland
Life, writings and correspondence of George Barrow 1899
Knaresborough, Yorkshire. Wills and administrations from the Knaresborough court rolls 1507–1661 (Surtees soc. 1902–05)
Knatchbull, Sir Norton
Annotations upon some difficult texts in..the New testament tr. 1693
Kneale, William Calvert
Probability and induction 1949
—— & Kneale, Martha
The development of logic 1962
Knecht, Edmund, Rawson, C. & Loewenthal, R.
A manual of dyeing 2 vols. 1893
Kneebone, Geoffrey Thomas
Mathematical logic and the foundation of mathematics 1963
Knewstub, John
A confutation of monstrous..heresies taught by J. N(iclas) and embraced of..the Familie of love 1579
Knickerbocker, William Shinkle
ed. Twentieth century English 1946
Knickerbocker, The: or New York monthly magazine 1833–62
Knight, Albert E.
The complete cricketer 1906
Knight, Brigid’ (Kathleen Henrietta Sinclair)
The covenant 1943 (UK 1944)
Westward the sun (UK ed. with title The sun climbs slowly) 1942
Knight, Cameron
The mechanician and constructor for engineers 1869
Knight, Charles
The English cyclopædia 1854–70
ed. London 1841–44
Passages of a working life during half a century 1864–65
The popular history of England 1856–62
School history of England 1865
Knight, Damon
ed. One hundred years of science fiction 1969
Knight, Miss E. Cornelia
Autobiography a 1837 (1861)
Knight, Edward
The triall of truth, wherein are discovered three greate enemies vnto mankind 1580
Knight, Edward H.
The practical dictionary of mechanics 1874–77
—Supplement 1884
Knight, Henry C. (‘Arthur Singleton’)
Letters from the south and west (U.S.) 1824
Knight, Henry Gally
An architectural tour in Normandy 1836
Eastern sketches 1830 (ed. 3)
Ilderim, a Syrian tale (anon.) 1816
Phrosyne, a Grecian tale, Alashtar, an Arabian tale 1817
Knight, Richard Payne
An analytical inquiry into the principles of taste 1805
An inquiry into the symbolical language of ancient art and mythology 1818 (1876)
Knight, Sarah (Kemble)
The journals of Madam Knight, and Rev. Mr. Buckingham...written in 1704 & 1710 1825
Knight, Sophia
Window on Shanghai: letters from China 1965–67 1967
Knight, William A.
Memoir of John Nichol 1896
Knight and his wife, The tale of the c 1485 (Halliwell 1848)
Knight of curtesy and the fair lady of Faguell, The ?c 1475 (Ritson, Metrical romances II; Hazlitt, Rem. pop. poetry II)
Knight of La Tour-Landry, The book of the a 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1868, revised 1906)
Knight of the swan. The history of..Helyas knyght of the swanne tr. c 1550 (Thoms 1828)
Knolles, Richard
The generall history of the Turkes, together with the lives and conquests of the Othoman kings and emperours 1603 (1621, 1638)
Knott, Frank Alexander
Clinical bacteriology 1939
Knowledge: an illustrated magazine of science 1881–
Knowles, James
A pronouncing and explanatory dictionary of the English language 1835
Knowles, James Sheridan
The rose of Arragon: a play 1842
Virginius: a tragedy 1820
Knowles, Richard G. & Morton, Richard
Baseball 1896
Knowles, Robert Edward
The attic guest 1909
Knowlson, John C.
The Yorkshire cattle-doctor and farrier 1843
Knox, Alexander
Remains a 1831 (1834–37)
Thiry years' correspondence between J. Jebb and A. K. a 1831 (1834)
Knox, Alexander
Glossary of geographical and topographical terms 1904
Knox, Alexander A.
The new playground; or wanderings in Algeria 1881
Knox, ‘Bill’
Knox, John
Works a 1572 (Wodrow Soc. 1846–64)
A faythful admonition..unto the professours of Gods truthe in England 1554
The first blast of the trumpet against the monstrous regiment of women 1558 (Arber)
A godly letter sent to the fayethfull 1554
The historie of the reformation a 1572 (1644, 1732, 1846)
Knox, Robert
An historical relation of the island of Ceylon 1681
Nineteen years' captivity (from the above, in Arber, Eng. Garner I)
Knox, Robert
Béclard's (P. A.) Elements of general anatomy tr. 1830
Cloquet's (J. H.) System of human anatomy tr. 1828 (1831)
Great artists and great anatomists 1852
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott
Broadcast minds 1932
The footsteps at the lock 1928
God and the atom 1945
The hidden stream: a further collection of Oxford conferences 1952
In soft garments: a collection of Oxford conferences 1942
Still dead 1934
Knox, Thomas W.
Overland through Asia 1870
Knox, Vicesimus
Essays, moral and literary 1778–82 (1819)
Remarks on the tendency of certain clauses of a bill now pending in parliament to degrade grammar schools 1821
Winter evenings, or lucubrations on life and letters 1788
Knox, William (‘Bill’)
Blacklight 1967
Little drops of blood 1962
The tallyman 1969
Knox-Little, William J.
The broken vow 1887
Knutsson, Bengt
A litil boke the whiche traytied and reherced many gode thinges necessaries for the pestilence 1485 (1910)
Kober, Arthur
Parm me 1945
Koch, Sigmund
ed. Psychology: a study of a science 6 vols. 1959–63
Kochman, Thomas
ed. Rappin' and stylin' out: communication in urban black America 1972
Koebel, William Henry
In the Maoriland bush 1911
The return of Joe, and other New Zealand stories 1907
Körner, Stephan
The philosophy of mathematics 1960
Koestler, Arthur
The age of longing 1951
Arrow in the blue: an autobiography 1952
Insight and outlook: an inquiry into the common foundations of science, art and social ethics 1949
The invisible writing [2nd vol. of Arrow in the blue] 1954
The lotus and the robot 1960
Promise and fulfilment: Palestine 1917–1949 1949
Scum of the earth 1941
Spanish testament 1937
Thieves in the night: chronicle of an experiment 1946
The trail of the dinosaur, and other essays 1955
Twilight bar: an escapade in four acts 1945
The yogi and the commissar, and other essays 1945
——et al.
The god that failed: six studies in communism ed. R. H. S. Crossman 1950
Kohl's (J. G.) Russia and the Russians tr. 1842–43
Kolbe or Kolben's (P.) Present state of the Cape of Good Hope tr. G. Medley 1731
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Section of Sciences
Proceedings (Eng. ed.) 1899– (1955– with title Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen)
Koppett, Leonard
The New York Times guide to spectator sports 1971
Kops, Bernard
The Hamlet of Stepney Green: a sad comedy 1959
Kostov, Ivan
Mineralogy tr. by the author, ed. P. G. Embrey & J. Phemister 1968
Kracke, Roy Rachford & Garver, Hortense Elton
Diseases of the blood and atlas of hematology 1937
Kramsch, Dieter M.
tr. E. Grundmann's General cytology 1966
Krantz, Judith
Scruples 1978
Krapp, George Philip
The English language in America 2 vols. 1925
Kratochvíl, Paul
The Chinese language today: features of an emerging standard 1968
Krefft, Gerard
The mammals of Australia 1871
Kroeber, Alfred Louis
Anthropology 1923
—(rev. ed.) 1948
Krogh, Schack August S.
Osmotic regulation in aquatic animals 1939
Krohn, F.
tr. G. Glaser de Cew's Magneto- and dynamo-electric machines ed. P. Higgs 1844
Krueger, Robert G., Gillham, N. W., & Coggin, J. H.
Introduction to microbiology 1973
Krummacher's (F. W.) Elisha tr. S. Jackson 1838
Kuhn, Irene
Assigned to adventure 1938
Kuper, Charles Goethe
An introduction to the theory of superconductivity 1968
Kurath, Hans
Studies in area linguistics 1972
A word geography of the Eastern United States 1949
Kurnitz, Harry
Invasion of privacy 1955 (UK 1956)
Kurtz' (J. H.) History of the christian church tr. A. Edersheim 1860–64
Kurz, S.
Forest flora of British Burma 1877
Kuzzilbash, The; a tale of Khorasan (by J. B. Fraser) 1828
Kwang-chih Chang
The archaeology of ancient China 1963
—(ed. 3) 1977
Kyd, Thomas
Works a 1595 (1901)
Cornelia (a tragedy by R. Garnier) tr. 1594 (Dodsley)
Pompey the great, his faire Corneliaes tragedy 1595 (Dodsley)
The Spanish tragedie 1592 (1602; Dodsley)
Tasso's (T.) Housholders philosophie tr. 1588
The trueth of the..murthering of Iohn Brewen 1592
See Jeronimo; Soliman
Kyle, Robert
Venus examines (UK ed. with title The love laboratory) 1968
Kynaston, Sir Francis
Leoline and Sydanis, a romance of the amorous adventures of princes 1642
Kyng Alisaunder 13.. (Weber, Metrical romances; also MS. Laud Misc. 622)
Kyng Horn
See Horn
Kynge Arthure (Copland 1557)

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