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Bibliography: Mon-My

Author names and work titles beginning with:
Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord
Of the origin and progress of language 1773–92
Moncrieff, Robert Wighton
The chemical senses 1944
Moncrieff, William T.
Tom and Jerry, or life in London 1821 (1828)
Money, Charles L.
Knocking about in New Zealand 1871
Money, E. Erule
A little Dutch maiden, a South African sketch 1887 (1888)
Money, Walter
ed. Parish church goods in Berkshire 1552 1879
Money masters all things, or satyricall poems 1698
See also Pecuniæ
Money-makers, The: a social parable 1885
Monfart's (H. de Feynes de) Exact and curious survey of all the East Indies tr. 1615
Monier-Williams, Sir Monier
Monipennie, John
The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicle etc. 1612 (1633, 1818)
Monist, The: a quarterly magazine devoted to the philosophy of science 1890–
Monitor, The; or British freeholder 1755–60
Monk, Bp. James H.
The life of Richard Bentley 1830 (1833)
Monk of Evesham, The revelation to the c 1482 (Arber)
Monkshood, G. F.’ & Gamble, George
Rudyard Kipling, the man and his work: an attempt at an appreciation 1902
Monmouth, Henry Carey, 2nd Earl of
Bentivoglio's (G.) Compleat history of the warrs of Flanders tr. 1654
Bentivoglio's (G.) Historicall relations of the United Provinces and of Flanders tr. 1652
Biondi's (G. F.) History of the civill warres of England betweene the houses of Lancaster and Yorke tr. 1641–46
Boccalini's (T.) Advertisements from Parnassus..with the politick touch-stone tr. 1656 (1674)
Malvezzi's (V.) Romulus and Tarquin tr. 1637
Paruta's (P.) History of Venice tr. 1658
Paruta's (P.) Politick discourses tr. 1657
Senault's (J. F.) Man become guilty tr. 1650
Senault's (J. F.) Use of passions tr. 1649
Monographic medicine 7 vols. 1916 (by various authors)
Monro, Alexander
The anatomy of the human bones 1726 (1741)
to which is added, an anatomical treatise of the nerves 1732 (1741)
An essay on comparative anatomy 1744 (1782)
Monro, Alexander Jr.
Monro's (A.) Anatomy of the bones, nerves etc. 1782
A treatise on comparative anatomy 1783
Monro, Donald
A description of the western isles of Scotland called Hybrides 1549 (1774, 1805)
Monro, Robert
His expedition with the worthy Scots regiment called Mac-keyes regiment etc. 1637
Monsarrat, Nicholas John Turney
The cruel sea 1951
This is the schoolroom 1939
Monson, Sir William
Naval tracts a 1642 (Churchill's Collection of voyages and travels III, 1704; 1752)
Montagu, Basil
Bacon's (F.) Wisdom of the ancients tr. 1825
Montagu, Charles
Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester
The lord Kimbolton his speech in parliament 1642
Montagu, Elizabeth
Letters a 1800 (1809–13)
Montagu, George
Ornithological dictionary; or alphabetical synopsis of British birds 1802. Suppl. 1813
—ed. by J. Rennie (1831, 1833)
Testacea Britannica, or natural history of British shells 1803–08
Montagu, Sir Henry M., 1st Earl of Manchester
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
Works a 1762 (1803)
Complete letters ed. R. Halsband 3 vols. 1965–7
Letters (1763–67, 1790, 1820)
Letters and works (1837, 1893)
Poetical works (1768, 1785)
Montagu, Bp. Richard
The acts and monuments of the church before Christ incarnate a 1641 (1642)
Appello Cæsarem, a just appeale from two unjust informers etc. 1625
Articles of enquiry and direction for the diocese of Norwich, in the first visitation 1638
Diatribæ on the first part of the late History of tithes (by J. Selden) 1621
A gagg for the new gospell ? 1624
Immediate addresse unto God alone 1624
Montagu, Walter
The accomplish'd woman tr. 1656
Miscellanea spiritualia or devout essaies 1648–54
Montagu, William D., 7th Earl of Manchester
Court and society from Elizabeth to Anne 1864
Montague, Charles Edward
Disenchantment 1922
A hind let loose 1910
Montague, William
The delights of Holland, or a three months travel about that and the other provinces 1696
Monteath, John
Dunblane traditions 1835 (1887)
Monteith, Robert
A theater of mortality 1704
Montford castle; or the knight of the white rose, an historical romance 1795
Montgomerie, Alexander
Poems a 1605 (1821; S.T.S. 1887, 1910)
The cherrie and the slae a 1585
The flyting betwixt M. and Polwart a 1585
Miscellaneous poems a 1568, a 1586, 1592
Sonnets c 1585
Montgomery, Florence
Misunderstood (a tale) 1869
Tony, a sketch 1898
Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Anne of Avonlea 1909
Anne of Green Gables 1908
Anne of Ingleside 1939
Montgomery, James
Poetical works a 1854
Pelican island, and other poems 1827
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Catalogue and buyers' guide No. 57, Spring & Summer 1895
Month, The; an illustrated magazine of literature, science and art 1864–
Monthly magazine and British register, The 1796–1825
Monthly packet of evening readings for younger members of the English church, The (ed. C. M. Yonge) 1851–99
Monthly repository of theology (title varies) 1806–38
Monthly review, The 1749–1828
Monypenny, William Flavelle & Buckle, George Earle
The life of Disraeli 6 vols. 1910–20
Moodie, Susannah
Life in the clearings versus the bush 1853
Moor, Edward
Suffolk words and phrases 1823
Moore, Arthur W.
The surnames and place-names of the Isle of Man 1890
Moore, Brian
Catholics 1972
Moore, Doris Langley
E. Nesbit: a biography 1933
Moore, Edward
The gamester, a tragedy 1753
—— & Brooke, H.
Fables for the female sex (anon.) 1744
Moore, Francis
Travels into the inland parts of Africa 1738 (1740)
Moore, Francis Cruger
How to build a home 1897
Moore, Frank
ed. Songs and ballads of the American revolution 1856
Moore, Frank Frankfort
A gray eye or so 1893
I forbid the banns, the story of a comedy which was played seriously 1893 (1899)
Moore, George
The lost tribes and the Saxons of the east and of the west 1861
Moore, George
Esther Waters, a novel 1894
A mummer's wife 1884
Moore, James Carrick
A narrative of the campaign of the British army in Spain 1809
Moore, John
A mappe of mans mortalitie 1617
Moore, John
Columbarium; or the pigeon-house 1735 (1879)
Moore, John
A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland and Germany (anon.) 1779 (1789)
A view of society and manners in Italy 1781 (1790)
Moore, John Hamilton
ed. A new and complete collection of voyages and travels c 1785
The practical navigator and seaman's new daily assistant 1772 (1828)
Moore, Sir John Henry
Poetical trifles (Absence, The debtor etc.) 1778 (1783)
Moore, John S.
ed. The goods and chattels of our forefathers: Frampton Cotterell and district probate inventories 1539–1804 1976
Moore, Sir Jonas
M.'s Arithmetick 1660
Modern fortification a 1679 (1689)
A new systeme of the mathematicks a 1679 (1681)
Moore, Marian
Lascelles 1802
Moore, Philip
The hope of health, wherein is conteined a goodlie regiment of life 1564 (1565)
Moore, Preston L., et al.
Drilling practices manual 1974
Moore, Raymond Cecil
Introduction to historical geology 1949
ed. Treatise on invertebrate paleontology 1953–
——, Lalicker, C. G., & Fischer, A. G.
Invertebrate fossils 1952
Moore, Ruth
Candlemas Bay 1950
Moore, Samuel & Aveling, Edward Bibbins
tr. K. Marx's Capital: a critical analysis of capitalist production 1887
Moore, Stuart A.
A history of the foreshore, and the law relating thereto etc. 1888
Moore, Thomas
Poetical works a 1852
Alciphron, a fragment 1839
The Epicurean, a tale 1827 (1839)
Epistles, odes and other poems 1806
Fables for the holy alliance, rhymes on the road etc. 1823 (1880)
The Fudge family in Paris 1818
—(sequel) The Fudge family in England 1835
Intercepted letters; or the twopenny post-bag 1812 (1813)
Irish melodies 1807–35
Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance (The veiled prophet of Khorassan, Paradise and the peri, The fire-worshippers, Nourmahal) 1817
Letters and journals of Lord Byron, with notices of his life 1830 (1860)
Memoirs, journal, and correspondence a 1852 (1853–56)
Memoirs of the life of R. B. Sheridan 1825
Odes of Anacreon tr. 1800
The poetical works of Thomas Little 1801
Rhymes on the road 1819
Tom Crib's memorial to congress 1819
Travels of an Irish gentleman in search of a religion 1833
Moore, Thomas
The history of Devonshire 1829
Moore, Thomas
British ferns and their allies 1859
A handbook of British ferns 1848 (1857)
Moore, Walter John
Physical chemistry 1950
Moore, Wilfred George
A dictionary of geography 1949
Moorehead, Alan McCrae
No room in the ark 1959
Rum Jungle 1953
Moores baffled, being a discourse concerning Tanger, The 1681
Moorhouse, Walter Wilson
The study of rocks in thin section 1959
Moral ode, A (Versions)
a 1200 (O.E. Homilies I, E.E.T.S. 1868)
c 1200 (O.E. Homilies II, E.E.T.S. 1873)
c 1250 (O.E. Miscellany, E.E.T.S. 1872)
c 1275 (E.E. Poems, Philol. Soc. 1862)
Moral state. Angliæ speculum morale; the moral state of England 1670
Moran, James
The composition of reading matter 1965
Moran, Patrick Alfred P.
An introduction to probability theory 1968
Moray, A survey of the province of 1798
Morden, Robert
Geography rectified, or a description of the world 1680 (1688)
More, Hannah
The bas bleu
See Florio, below
C{oe}lebs in search of a wife 1808
An estimate of the religion of the fashionable world 1790 (1791)
Florio; a tale: and The bas bleu; or conversation, two poems 1786 (1827)
Letters ed. R. B. Johnson 1925
Sacred dramas (Moses, David and Goliath, Belshazzar, Daniel, Hezekiah, Sensibility) 1782 (1827)
A search after happiness, a pastoral 1773
Strictures on the modern system of female education 1799
More, Henry
A collection of several of his philosophical writings 1662 (1712)
Complete poems 1614–87 (Grosart 1878)
The theological works a 1687 (1708)
Annotations upon J. Glanvill's Lux orientalis 1682
An answer to..a learned psychopyrist 1681 (1688)
An antidote against atheisme 1653 (1662, 1712)
appendix 1655–87 (1712)
An antidote against idolatry 1669 (with Exposition seven epistles)
An appendix 1673
Apocalypsis apocalypseos; or the revelation of St. John unveiled 1680
An answer to several remarks on M.'s Expositions of the apocalypse and Daniel, as also upon his Apology 1684
His apology 1664 (with Mystery of iniquity)
A brief discourse of the real presence of the body and blood of Christ in the celebration of the holy eucharist (anon.) 1686
Conjectura cabbalistica; or a conjectural essay of interpreting the minde of Moses according to a threefold cabbala 1653
The defence of the threefold cabbala 1653
A continuation of J. Glanvill's collection of remarkable and true stories of apparitions and witchcraft 1682
Democritus platonissans; or an essay upon the infinity of worlds out of platonick principles 1646
Divine dialogues 1668 (1713)
Enthusiasmus triumphatus, or a discourse of the nature, causes, kinds and cure of enthusiasme 1656 (1712)
An explanation of the grand mystery of godliness 1660
An exposition of the seven epistles of the seven churches 1669
An illustration of the book of Daniel and the revelation of St. John, by continued..notes 1685
The immortality of the soul 1659 (1713)
Letters on several subjects a 1687 (1694)
A modest enquiry into the mystery of iniquity (second part Synopsis prophetica; the apology) 1664
Observations upon Anthroposophia theomagica and Anima magica abscondita 1650 (with Euthusiasmus 1656)
Paralipomena prophetica, containing several supplements and defences 1685
A plain and continued exposition of the prophecies of Daniel 1681
{Psi}{upsilon}{chi}{omega}{delta}{iota}{alpha} platonica; or a platonicall song of the soul 1642
—(ed. 2) Philosophicall poems 1647
Remarks upon two late ingenious discourses (by Sir M. Hale) 1676
Some cursory reflections made upon Mr. R. Baxter 1685
Synopsis prophetica 1664 (2nd pt. of Mystery of iniquity)
More, Robert Jasper
Under the Balkans 1877
More, Sir Thomas
Workes a 1535 (1557)
Answer to Frith See Letter, below
The answere to the fyrst parte of the poysened booke 1533 (1534, 1557)
The apologye made by hym 1533 (1557)
The confutation of Barnes 1532 (with next)
The confutacyon of Tyndales answere 1532; the seconde parte 1533 (1557)
De quatuor novissimis See Treatyse, below
The debellacyon of Salem and Bizance 1533 (1557)
A dialoge of comforte against tribulation 1534 (1557, 1847)
A dyaloge wherin he treatyd dyvers maters as of the veneration and worshyp of ymagys etc. (= A dialoge concerning heresyes) 1528 (1529, 1557)
The history of kyng Richard the third unfinished 1513 (1557; 1883)
—(see also Hardyng, J. (1543); Hall, E. 1548; Grafton, R. 1568)
The historie of the pitifull life and unfortunate death of Edward V (1641)
A letter impugnynge the erroneouse wryting of John Fryth agaynst the blessed sacrament of the aultare (= Answer to Frith) 1533 (1557)
The lyfe of Jhon Picus tr. c 1510 (1557)
The supplycacyon of soulys made..agaynst the supplycacyon of beggars 1529 (1557)
A treatice upon the passion of Chryste unfinished 1534 (1557; a part tr. Mary Basset)
A treatyse uppon these wordes of holye scripture Memorare novissima etc. (= De quatuor novissimis) 1522 (1557)
Utopia tr. See Burnet, G.; Robinson, Ralph
More, Sir Thomas (a play) c 1590 (Shaks. Soc. 1844; Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)
Morecambe Guardian 1920–
Morehead, Robert Page
Human pathology 1965
Morer, Thomas
A short account of Scotland 1702
Moresby, John
New Guinea and Polynesia: discoveries and surveys in New Guinea etc. 1876
Moreton, Andrew’
Moreton, J. B.
Manners and customs of the West Indies 1790
Morfill, William R.
The dawn of European literature, Slavonic literature 1883
Russia (Story of the nations) 1890
Morfit, Campbell
The arts of tanning and currying 1852 (1853)
Morgan, Conwy Lloyd
Animal biology 1887
Animal life and intelligence 1890–91
Habit and instinct 1897
Morgan, J.
A complete history of Algiers 1728–29
Morgan, J.
Ph{oe}nix Britannicus, being a miscellaneous collection of scare and curious tracts 1731–32
Morgan, Charles Langbridge
The flashing stream 1938
The fountain 1932
The judge's story 1947
Portrait in a mirror 1929
The voyage 1940
Morgan, John Glanfil
Involved 1967
Morgan, Lewis H.
Ancient society; or researches in the lines of human progress, from savagery..into civilization 1877
Morgan, Mary Ella
How to dress a doll 1908
Morgan (formerly Owenson), Sydney, Lady Morgan
Florence Macarthy, an Irish tale 1818
France 1817 (1818)
The life and times of Salvator Rosa 1824
Passages from my autobiography 1818–19 (1859)
The wild Irish girl 1846
Morgan, Sylvanus
The sphere of gentry 1661
Morgan, Thomas
The moral philosopher (anon.) 1737–40
Morgan, Thomas H.
Evolution and adaptation 1903
Regeneration 1901
——et al.
The mechanism of Mendelian heredity 1915
Morgan, William A.
ed. TheHouseon sport, by members of the London stock exchange 1898
—(suppl. vol.) 1899
Morgans, William
Manual of mining tools 1871
Moriarty, Denis I.
The husband hunter 1839
Morice, Anne
Killing with kindness 1974
The men in her death 1981
Murder in mimicry 1977
Morice, William
C{oe}na quasi {kappa}{omicron}{iota}{nu}{ghgrave}, The new-inclosures broken down, and the Lords supper laid a diatribe, and defence thereof 1657
Morier, James J.
The adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan 1824
Ayesha, the maid of Kars 1834
Morison, David
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect 1790
Morison, James Cotter
Gibbon (English men of letters) 1878
The life and times of St. Bernard 1863
The service of man: an essay towards the religion of the future 1887 (1889)
Morison, Sir Richard
Vives' (J. L.) Introduction to wysedome tr. 1540
Morison, Samuel Eliot
The European discovery of America: the northern voyages 1971
The European discovery of America: the southern voyages 1974
Morison, William M.
The decisions of the Court of the form of a dictionary 1811
Supplement to the dictionary, by M. P. Brown (1826)
Moritz' (C. P.) Travels, chiefly on foot, through several parts of England in 1782 tr. 1795
Morland, Sir Samuel
The Count of Pagan's method of delineating all manner of fortifications 1672
Tuba stentoro-phonica, an instrument of excellent use as well at sea as at land etc. 1671
Morland, Samuel
A specimen of a dictionary English and Latin 1723
Morley, Christopher Darlington
Thorofare 1942 (UK 1943)
Kitty Foyle 1939
Morley, Henry
Cornelius Agrippa. The life of Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim 1856
A first sketch of English literature 1873 (1886)
Of English literature in the reign of Victoria 1881
Morley, Henry F.
Morley, John
Burke (English men of letters) 1879
Critical miscellanies 1871, 1877
Diderot and the encyclopædists 1878
Edmund Burke: an historical study 1867
The life of R. Cobden 1881
The life of W. E. Gladstone 1903 (1908)
Modern characteristics 1865
Oliver Cromwell 1900
On compromise 1874
Rousseau 1873
The struggle for national education 1873
Voltaire 1872 (1886)
Morley, Thomas
A plaine and easie introduction to practicall musicke 1597
Morning Chronicle, The 1780–1832
Morning Herald and Daily Advertiser 1780–1869
Morning Post, The 1772–
Morning Star, The 1856–69
Morning Star 1966–
Morphy, Marcelle, Countess’ (Marcelle Azra Forbes)
ed. Recipes of all nations 1935
Morrall, Michael T.
History and description of needle making 1852
Morrell, Robert Selby, et al.
eds. Synthetic resins and allied plastics 1937
Morris, Alexander
Canada and her resources 1855
Morris, Alfred J.
Religion and business 1853
Morris, Charles William
Signs, language and behavior 1946
Morris, Clara (Clara Morris Harriott)
Life on the stage: my personal experiences and recollections 1901
Morris, Desmond John
The mammals: a guide to the living species 1965
Manwatching: a field guide to human behaviour 1977
The naked ape 1967
Morris, Edward E.
Austral English, a dictionary of Australasian words, phrases and usages 1898
Morris, Francis Orpen
A history of British birds 1851–57
A history of British butterflies 1853
A natural history of British moths 1859–70
Morris, George S.
Ueberweg's (F.) History of philosophy tr. 1872–74
Morris, Gouverneur
Morris, John
A catalogue of British fossils 1843
Morris, John
ed. The troubles of our Catholic forefathers, related by themselves 1872–75
Morris, John’ (John Hearne & Morris Cargill)
Fever grass 1969
Morris, Joseph
Sermons 1743
Morris, Sir Lewis
The epic of Hades 1877
The ode of life 1880
Songs of two worlds 1871–75
Morris, Marmaduke C. F.
Yorkshire folk-talk 1892
Morris, Mowbray
Claverhouse 1887
Morris, Ramona & Morris, Desmond John
Men and apes 1966
Men and pandas 1966
Men and snakes 1965
Morris, Richard
Historical outlines of English accidence 1872
Specimens of early English 1867 (1872–87)
See also Skeat, W. W.
Morris, Robert
An essay in defence of ancient architecture 1728
Morris, Terence & Morris, Pauline
Pentonville: a sociological study of an English prison 1963
Morris, William
The Æneids of Virgil tr. 1875
The earthly paradise, a poem 3 vols. 1868–70
The life and death of Jason 1867
News from nowhere; or, An epoch of rest 1890 (UK 1891)
The Odyssey of Homer tr. 1887
Poems by the way 1891
The story of Sigurd the Volsung, and the fall of the Niblungs 1876 (1877)
—— & Bax, E. B.
Socialism: its growth and outcome 1893
Morris owner's manual 1925
Morrison, Arthur
A child of the Jago 1896
Tales of mean streets 1894
Morrison, Richard J.
Zadkiel's grammar of astrology 1840 (1852)
Morrison, Robert
Memoirs of William Milne, compiled from his own documents 1820
Morrison, William Douglas
Lombroso's (C.) Female offender tr. 1895
Morrow, W. C.
Bohemian Paris of to-day 1899
Mors, Roderigo
Morse, Eric Wilton
Fur trade canoe routes of Canada: then and now 1969
Morse, Jedidiah
The American geography 1789 (1794)
The American universal geography 1796
Morse, Mary
The unattached: a report of the project carried out by the National Association of Youth Clubs 1965
Morse, Philip McCord
Vibration and sound 1936
Morselli's (E.) Suicide, an essay on comparative moral statistics tr. 1881
Morte Arthur, Le, a romance a 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1903; Roxb. Club 1819; Furnivall 1864)
Morte Arthure, or the death of Arthur ?a 1400 (E.E.T.S. 1865, revised 1871)
See also Arthur; Malory, Sir T.
Morten, Honnor
Sketches of hospital life 1888
Mortimer, Mrs. Favell Lee
Far off: or Asia and Australia described 1852
Africa and America described 1854
Mortimer, Geoffrey’ (Walter M. Gallichan)
Like stars that fall 1895
Pyrotechny: or a familiar system of recreative fire-works 1852 (1853)
Mortimer, John
The whole art of husbandry 1707 (1721)
Mortimer, John Clifford
A voyage round my father 1971
Mortimer, Penelope
Daddy's gone a-hunting 1958
Mortimer, Thomas
Every man his own broker 1761 (1762)
A general dictionary of commerce etc. 1810 (1819)
Morton, Henry Canova Vollam
In search of England 1927
In search of South Africa 1948
Morton, John
The natural history of Northamptonshire 1712
Morton, John C.
A cyclopedia of agriculture, practical and scientific 1855 (1856)
Morton, Nathaniel
New-Englands memoriall 1669
Morton's (R.) Phthisiologia: or a treatise of consumptions tr. 1694
Morton, Bp. Thomas
A direct answer (to T. Higgons) 1609
A discharge of five imputations 1633
{Elenis}{pi}{iota}{sigma}{kappa}{omicron}{pi}{omicron}{fsigma} {alenis}{pi}{omicron}{sigma}{tau}{omicron}{lambda}{iota}{kappa}{omicron}{fsigma} or the episcopacy of the church of England justified to be apostolical a 1659 (1670)
The opinion of T. Morton concerning the peace of the church 1641 (Good counsels 1641)
A preamble unto an incounter with P. R. 1608
Morton, Thomas
New English Canaan or new Canaan, containing an abstract of New England 1637
Morton, Thomas
Secrets worth knowing, a comedy 1798
Morwyng, Peter
Joseph, Ben Gorion's Compendious history of the latter times of the Jewes commune weale tr. 1561 (1567)
The treasure of Evonymus tr. 1559
Morysine, R.
Moryson, Fynes
An itinerary 1617
Shakespeare's Europe, unpublished chapters of F. Moryson's Itinerary (1903)
Mosedale, John
Football 1972
Moseley, Henry
Lectures on astronomy 1839 (1854)
Moseley, Henry N.
Notes by a naturalist on theChallenger’ (1872–76) 1879
Moseley, Walter M.
An essay on archery 1792
Moser, Joseph
The hermit of Caucasus, an oriental romance 1796
Moss, Stirling Craufurd
In the track of speed 1957
Mossom, Robert
The preacher's tripartite 1657
Mostyn, Sydney’
Motherby, George
A new medical dictionary 1775
Motherwell, William
ed. Minstrelsy, ancient and modern 1827
Poems, narrative and lyrical 1832
Poetical works a 1835 (1847, 1881)
Motives to godly mourning and rejoycing 1698
Motley, John Lothrop
Correspondence a 1877 (1889)
History of the united Netherlands 1860–67 (1868)
The life and death of John of Barneveld 1874 (1879)
The rise of the Dutch republic 1855 (1866)
Motor, The 1903–
Motor boat 1904–
Motor-car world 1899–1905
Motor cycle, The 1903–
Motor manual, The 1903–59
Motoring annual and motorist's year book, The 1903
Motteux, Peter A.
Cervantes' History of Don Quixote tr. 1700–03 (1712, 1733)
ed. Rabelais' (F.) Works by Sir T. Urchard (Urquhart) and others and tr. books IV, V (Pantagruel's voyage) 1694 (1708, 1737)
Saint-Olon's (F. Pidou de) Present state of the empire of Morocco tr. 1695
Mottram, Ralph Hale
The Spanish farm 1924
Mouat, Frederic J.
Adventures and researches among the Andaman islanders 1863
Moubray, Bonington’
Moufet, Moffett, or Muffet, Thomas
The silkwormes and their flies: lively described in verse by T. M. 1599
M.'s Theater of insects: or lesser living creatures tr. J. R(owland) 1658 (appended to Topsell, Hist. four-footed beasts)
—— & Bennet, C.
Healths improvement (a 1604) Corrected and enlarged by C. Bennet 1655 (1746)
Moule, Bp. Handley C. G.
Colossian studies 1898
Mountain, Armine S. H.
Memoirs and letters a 1854 (1857)
Mourtray family, The 1800
Movie 1962–
Moxon, Elizabeth
English housewifery 1749 (1764)
Moxon, Joseph
Barozzi (G.), Vignola: or the compleat architect tr. 1665
Mathematicks made easie: or a mathematical dictionary 1679 (also 1701)
Mechanick dyalling 1668
Mechanick exercises, or the doctrine of handy-works 1677–1700 (1683, 1703)
—, printing 1683 (repr. De Vinne 1896)
Regulæ trium ordinum literarum typographicarum: or the rules of the three orders of print letters 1676
A tutor to astronomie and geographie 1659 (1665)
Moyer, James Ambrose & Wostrel, J. F.
Radio handbook: including television and sound motion pictures 1931
Moyes, Patricia
The curious affair of the third dog 1973
Dead men don't ski 1959
Murder à la mode 1963
Who saw her die? 1970
Moyle, John
Abstractum chirurgiæ marinæ; or an abstract of sea surgery 1686
Moysie, David
Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland 1577–1603 (1755; Bannatyne Club 1830)
Mozley, Mrs. Harriet
The lost brooch (anon.) 1841
Mozley, James Bowling
Eight lectures on miracles (Bampton lectures) 1865
Essays, historical and theological v.d. (1878)
Ruling ideas in early ages and their relation to Old Testament faith 1877 (1878)
Sermon on the atonement 1873
Sermons before the university of Oxford and on various occasions v.d. (1876)
M. P.'s Letter on Royal Navy 1758
See Letter
Mr. Gray and his neighbours 1876
Mrs. Raven's temptation, by the author of Dr. Hardy's marriage 1882
Mucedorus. A most pleasant comedie of Mucedorus..and Amadine 1598 (Hazl. Dodsley; Shakespeare Apocrypha 1908)
Mucklebackit, Samuel’
Mudge, Thomas
Thoughts on the means of improving watches 1763 (1799)
Mudie, Robert
The feathered tribes of the British islands 1834 (1841)
Man, in his physical structure and adaptations 1839
Müller's (C. O.) Ancient art and its remains tr. J. Leitch 1847 (1850)
Müller, Ferdinand von
Introduction to botanical teachings at the schools of Victoria 1877
Müller, Friedrich Max
Chips from a German workshop v.d. (1867–75, 1880)
Introduction to the science of religion 1873
Lectures on the science of language 2 ser. 1861–64
Rig-Veda-Sanhita, the sacred hymns of the Brahmans tr. 1869
Theosophy; or, Psychological religion (Gifford lectures) 1893
Muffet, Peter
A commentarie on the whole booke of the proverbs of Salomon 1596 (1868)
Muhlenberg, Gotthilf Henry Ernest
Catalogus plantarum Americæ Septentrionalis..; or, A catalogue of the..plants of North America, arranged according to the sexual system of Linnæus 1813
Muilman, Peter
A new and complete history of Essex 1769–72
Muir, Edwin
Collected poems, 1921–1958 ed. W. Muir & J. C. Hall 1960
Muir, George
The Clydesdale minstrelsy 1816
Muir, John
The mountains of California 1894
Muir, Matthew M. Pattison
A treatise on the principles of chemistry 1884 (1889)
—— & Morley, H. F.
ed. Watts' (H.) Dictionary of chemistry 1888–94
Muir, Robert
Text-book of pathology 1924
—— & Ritchie, James
Manual of bacteriology 1897 (and several later editions used)
Muir, T. S.
Characteristics of old church architecture &c. in the mainland and western islands of Scotland 1861
Muir, W. J. Cockburn
Pagan or christian ? or, notes for the general public on our national architecture 1860
Muir, Ward
Observations of an orderly: some glimpses of life and work in an English war hospital 1917
Muir, William
Poems on various subjects a 1817 (1818)
Muirhead, James
The institutes of Gaius and rules of Ulpian tr. 1880
Mulcaster, Richard
The first part of the elementarie which entreateth chefelie of the right writing of our English tung 1582
Positions, wherin those primitive circumstances be examined, which are necessarie for the training up of children 1581 (1888)
Mulcaster, Robert
Fortescue's (Sir J.) Learned commendation of the politique lawes of England tr. 1567 (1573)
Mulford, Clarence Edward
Bar-20 1907 (UK 1914)
The Bar-20 three 1921
Black Buttes 1923
The coming of Cassidy—and the others 1913
Cottonwood Gulch 1925
Hopalong Cassidy 1910
Hopalong Cassidy's protégé 1926
Johnny Nelson 1920 (UK 1921)
The man from Bar-20: a story of the cow-country 1918
The orphan 1908
Rustlers' valley 1924
—— & Clay, John Wood
Buck Peters, ranchman 1912 (UK 1921)
Mulford, Elisha
The republic of God 1882
Mulgan, John Alan Edward
Man alone 1939
Mullally, Frederic
The Munich involvement 1968
Mullard, Chris
Black Britain; with an account of recent events at the Institute of Race Relations by A. Kirby 1973
Muller, John
A treatise of artillery 1768
Mullin, Glen Hawthorne
Adventures of a scholar tramp 1925
Mulliner, John
A testimony against periwig and periwig-making 1677 (1881)
Mulock, Miss Dinah M.
Mumford, John Kimberley
Oriental rugs 1900 (UK 1901)
Mumford, Lewis
City development: studies in disintegration and renewal 1945 (UK 1946)
The city in history: its origins, its transformations, and its prospects 1961
Munby, Arthur J.
Dorothy; a country story in elegiac verse (anon.) 1880
Munch's (P. A.) Throndjems domkirke, The cathedral of Throndheim 1859
Munchausen, Baron. Gulliver revived: or the singular travels, campaigns, voyages and adventures of Baron Munchausen (by R. E. Raspe) 1786 (1792)
Munday, Anthony
The book of John a Kent and John a Cumber, a comedy 1595 (Shaks. Soc. 1851)
Busche's (A. van den; le Sylvain) Orator; handling a hundred severall discourses tr. 1596
The defence of contraries tr. out of French by A. M. 1593
A discoverie of E. Campion and his confederates 1582
The downfall of Robert earle of Huntington afterwards called Robin Hood 1599 (1601; Hazl. Dodsley)
The English Romayne lyfe 1582 (Harl. Misc.)
The famous history of Palmendos tr. 1589 (1653)
The first part of the..history of Palmerin of England ? 1581 (1602, 1639)
A view of sundry examples (anon.) 1580 (with John a Kent etc., Shaks. Soc. 1851)
The woorthy enterprise of John delivering 266 Christians a 1598 (Hakluyt, Voyages 1598; Arber, Eng. Garner I)
The admirable deliverance of 266 Christians by J. Reynard (or rather Fox) (1608)
—— & Chettle, H.
The death of Robert earle of Huntington, otherwise called Robin Hood 1601 (Hazl. Dodsley)
Mundus et infans c 1500
See World and the child
Mundus muliebris 1690
See Evelyn
Mundy, Godfrey C.
Our antipodes: or residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies 1852 (1857)
Pen and pencil sketches, being the journal of a tour in India 1832
Municipal corporations. First report of the commissioners appointed to inquire into the municipal corporations in England and Wales (with Appendix, pts. I–V) 1835
Muniments of the royal burgh of Irvine v.d. (1890–91)
Munro, George Campbell
Birds of Hawaii 1944
Munro, Neil
The daft days 1907
Doom Castle, a romance 1901
John Splendid, the tale of a poor gentleman 1898
The lost pibroch 1896
Munro, Robert
Prehistoric Scotland and its place in European civilisation 1899
Munroe, Kirk
The golden days of '49: a tale of the California diggings 1889
Munroe, Ruth Learned
Schools of psychoanalytic thought 1955 (UK 1957)
Munrow, David
Instruments of the Middle Ages and Renaissance 1976
Munsey's Magazine (N.Y.) 1891–
Munson, Kenneth
Pioneer aircraft 1903–1914 1969
Muralt's (B. L. de) Letters describing the character and customs of the English and French nations tr. 1726
Murchison, Charles
A treatise on the continued fevers of Great Britain 1862 (1873, 1884)
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
Siluria: the history of the oldest known rocks containing organic remains 1854 (1859, 1867)
The Silurian system, founded on geological researches 1839
Murdoch, A.
A Yoshiwara episode. Fred Wilson's fate. By A. M. 1892
Murdoch, Alexander G.
The laird's lykewake and other poems 1877
Lilts on the Doric lyre 1873
Murdoch, Jean Iris
The bell 1958
Flight from the enchanter 1956
Henry and Cato 1976
Nuns and soldiers 1980
The sacred and profane love machine 1974
The sandcastle 1957
The sea, the sea 1978
A severed head 1961
The time of the angels 1966
Under the net 1954
An unofficial rose 1962
A word child 1975
Murdoch, Walter & Drake-Brockman, Henrietta F. Y.
eds. Australian short stories 1951
For 2nd ser. see James, Brian’
Mure, Sir William
Works a 1657 (S.T.S. 1898)
Mure, William
A critical history of the language and literature of antient Greece 1850–57
Murfree, Mary Noailles (‘C. E. Craddock’)
The despot of Broomsedge cove 1888
In the Tennessee mountains 1884
The prophet of the great smoky mountain 1885
Where the battle was fought 1884 (1885)
Murfree, William L.
A treatise on the law of sheriffs 1884
Murphy, Arthur
Works v.d. (1786)
All in the wrong, a comedy 1761 (1775)
An essay on the life and genius of Samuel Johnson 1792
The Gray's Inn journal 1752–54
The way to keep him, a comedy 1760
The works of C. Tacitus tr. 1793
Murphy, Edmund
The present state and condition of Ireland 1681
Murphy, Gardner
Personality 1947
Murphy, James G.
A critical and exegetical commentary on Genesis 1863; on Exodus 1866; on Leviticus 1872
Murray, Alexander Stuart
Manual of mythology 1873
Murray, Amelia Matilda
Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada 2 vols. 1856
Murray, Charles
Hamewith 1900
Murray, David Christie
The church of humanity 1901
Cynic Fortune 1886
Hearts, a novel 1883
The making of a novelist 1894
Rainbow gold, a novel 1885
Tales in prose and verse 1898
The weaker vessel 1888
—— & Herman, H.
A dangerous catspaw 1889
One traveller returns 1887
Murray, Elizabeth A.
Ella Norman; or, a woman's perils 1864
Murray, Eustace C. Grenville-
The Russians of to-day 1878
Murray, George
Islaford and other poems 1845
Murray, Henry Alexander
Explorations in personality 1938
Murray, Hugh
Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America 1829
Murray, Sir James A. H.
The dialect of the southern counties of Scotland 1873 (Philol. Soc.)
The evolution of English lexicography (Romanes lecture) 1900
Murray, James E.
A summer in the Pyrenees 1837
Murray, John Clark
Solomon Maimon: an autobiography tr. 1888
Murray, Katharine Maud Elisabeth
Caught in the web of words: James A. H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary 1977
Murray, Lindley
English grammar 1795 (1824)
Murray, Peter John & Murray, Linda
A dictionary of art and artists 1959
Murray, Robert
Rudimentary treatise on marine-engines 1852 (1858)
Murray, William Buckley
The sweet ride 1967
Murray's Hand-book for travellers in southern Germany 1837
Murrell, John
Two books of cookerie and carving 1638
—(another ed.) A new book of cookerie 1641
Murry, John Middleton
The necessity of pacifism 1937
Pencillings: little essays on literature 1923
The voyage 1924
Musarum deliciæ 1655
Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University
Bulletin 1863–
Museum rusticum et commerciale: or select papers on agriculture etc. 1763–66
Musgrave, George Musgrave
By-roads and battle-fields in Picardy 1861
Nooks and corners in old France 1867
A pilgrimage into Dauphiné 1857
Ten days in a French parsonage 1864
Mush, John a 1617
See Clitherow, Margaret
Music. A short explication of such foreign words as are made use of in musick books 1724
Musical Association
Proceedings 1875–
Musical magazine, The 1835
Musical quarterly 1915–
Musical times 1844–
Musical world, The 1836–91
My ducats and my daughter (by H. Hunter & W. Whyte) 1884
My first book: the experiences of Walter Besant, J. Payn (et al.) 1894
Mycologia 1909–
Myers, Arthur Wallis
Twenty years of lawn tennis 1921
Myers, Ernest
Poems 1877
See also Lang, A.
Myers, Frederic
Catholic thoughts on the Bible and theology (anon.) 1841–48
Myers, Frederic W. H.
Human personality a 1901 (1903)
Poems 1870
Myers, Leonard Morris
Electron optics: theoretical and practical 1939
Mynshul, Geffray
Essayes and characters of a prison and prisoners, by G. M. 1618
Myrc, John
Instructions for parish priests a 1450 (E.E.T.S. 1868, revised 1902)
See also Mirk's Festial
Myroure See Mirror
Mysterie of iniquitie 1643

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