Dew of the sea, and other stories 1927
The hill, a romance of friendship 1905
John Charity. A romance of yesterday 1900
Virgin 1929
On the transmission of disease by milk 1882
A college girl 1913
More about Pixie 1904
Voyages and travels to India, etc. 1802–06 1809
A dictionary of terms used in music 1824 (1833)
Collectanea de rebus Hibernicis 1770–1804
Memoir of the language, manners and customs of an Anglo-Saxon colony settled in the Baronies of Forth and Bargie (with a vocabulary of the language) 1788 (in Trans. R. Irish Academy, II, 1788)
The honourable prentice (anon.) a 1590 (1615)
Works a 1726 (1734, 1840, 1893)
Æsop (anon.) 1697
The confederacy (anon.) 1705
The false friend (anon.) 1702
The mistake (anon.) 1706
The pilgrim 1700
The provok'd wife 1697
The relapse, or virtue in danger 1697
The provk'd husband, or, a journey to London 1728
A practical treatise on the surgical diseases of the genito-urinary organs 1874
The deadly isles 1969 (UK 1970)
Baroque 1923
Cynthia-of-the-minute 1911
The destroying angel 1912 (UK 1913)
General view of the agriculture in the county of Cambridge 1794
General view of the agriculture of the county of Devon 1808 (1813)
General view of the agriculture of the county of Essex 1795
General view of the agriculture of Hampshire, including the Isle of Wight 1813
The yacht sailor; a treatise on practical yachtsmanship, cruising and racing 1862
Yachts and yachting 1873
The heart of the hunter 1961
The lost world of the Kalahari 1958
A story like the wind 1972
An introduction to general aeronautics 1965
The corpse on the dike 1976 (UK 1977)
Tumbleweed 1976
Fifty years of a showman's life, or the life and travels of Van Hare by himself 1888
The Dutch gardener; or, The compleat florist [anon. tr.] 1703
The devil's picture-books: a history of playing-cards 1890 (1892)
A narrative of the transactions in Bengal 1760–64 1766
eds. Lexicologie: een bundel opstellen voor F. de Tollenaere 1977
ed. Fanfare for Ernest Newman 1955
Fundamentals of ornithology 1959
Gara-Yaka: the story of a cheetah 1964
Gara-Yaka's domain 1966
Earnest words for earnest men 1870 (1878)
Memorials of Harrow Sundays 1859 (1863)
The young life equipping itself for God's service 1872 (1873)
Works a 1695 (Grosart 1871)
Poems, with the tenth satyre of Juvenal Englished 1646
A fast sermon (on Matth. v. 20 ) 1644
Silex scintillans, or sacred poems and private ejaculations 1650
—ed. 2, in two books 1655 (1858)
Thalia rediviva: the pass-times and diversions of a countrey-muse 1678
The reports and arguments of Sir J. V.; being all of them special cases a 1674 (1677)
A discourse of coin and coinage a 1672 (1675)
The age of great cities 1843
Essays and remains a 1857 (1858)
Hours with the mystics 1856 (1860)
Anima magica abscondita; or a discourse of the universall spirit of nature 1650
Anthroposophia theomagica; or a discourse of the nature of man and his state after death 1650
Euphrates, or the waters of the East 1655
Boccalini's (T.) New-found politicke (Part III) tr. 1626
Rudimenta puerorum in artem grammaticalem 1522 (1531)
Luther's Commentarie vpon the epistle to the Galathians tr. 1575 (1577)
Godeau's (A.) Life of the Apostle St Paul tr. 1653
A new and comprehensive vocabulary of the flash language 1812 (in Memoirs, II)
Memoirs, written by himself 1819
Poems a 1556 (Grosart 1872)
On mankind, their origin and destiny 1872
The conscience of Israel: pre-exile prophets and prophecy 1961
Orcadian sketches; legendary and lyrical pieces 1832
Poems 1842
Knowing and being 1889
The method, meditations, and selections from the principles of Descartes tr. 1879
The Tweed, and other poems 1875
Wieseler's (K.) Chronological synopsis of the four gospels tr. 1864
A companion for the sincere penitent tr. 1728
El Dorado; or, British Guiana as a field for colonization 1867
ed. The chemistry of synthetic dyes 8 vols. 1952–78
The principles of empirical or inductive logic 1889
Symbolic logic 1881 (1894)
Military and maritime discipline 1672
The imperfect impostor 1925
The baths of Bathe 1628 (1650)
A briefe and accurate treatise concerning the taking of the fume of tobacco 1621
Via recta ad vitam longam; also the true use of our famous bathes of Bathe 1620 (1628, 1650)
Mercies memorial 1656 (1657)
Milke and honey 1653
Fate, or Spong castle; a novel 1803
Poems a 1604 (Grosart 1872)
Commentaries a 1609 (1657; in Arber, Eng. Garner VII)
Three books, comprising the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, and Richard III c 1540 (Camden Soc. 1844)
Annual report (title varies) 1872–1908
The clipper of the clouds [anon. tr.] 1887
Meridiana; the adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa tr. 1873
Memoirs of the Verney family during the Civil war, compiled from the letters and illustrated by the portraits at Claydon house by F. P. Verney 16.. (1892)
—vol. III during the Commonwealth 1650 to 1660 compiled by Margaret M. Verney 16.. (1894)
—vol. IV 1660–96 16.. (1899)
—ed. 2, abridged and corrected by Margaret M. Verney v.d. (1904)
Lettice Lisle 1870
Stone Edge (anon.) 1868
See also above
ed. Verney letters of the eighteenth century, from the manuscripts at Claydon House 2 vols. 1930
Considerations for regulating the Exchequer 1642
The life of Dr. P. Heylyn 1681 (1682)
The compleat comptinghouse 1678
Poems on several occasions 1758
—Minor poems of the (E.E.T.S. 1892–1901)
A fruteful treatise of predestination 1561
The godly saiyngs of the old auncient fathers vpon the sacrament of the bodye and bloude of Chryste tr. 1550 (1846)
A moste necessary treatise of free wil, not onlye against the Papistes, but also against the Anabaptistes c 1561
A complete system of cookery 1759
tr. A. E. Haas's Atomic theory 1927
A restitution of decayed intelligence: in antiquities 1605 (1628, 1634)
Essays and poems 1839
—Poems and essays. Complete and revised ed. (1886)
ed. The book of the dog 1948
See Churchwardens' accounts
Coleman-street conclave visited 1648
England's worthies under whom all the civill and bloudy warres since 1642 are related (anon.) 1647
God in the mount 1641 (1642)
Jehovah-Jireh; God in the mount, or England's remembrancer (or parliamentarie-chronicle) (Parts 1 and 2 are an expanded ed. of ‘God in the mount’ 1641) 1642–46
The XII Aeneids of Virgil tr. 1632
A profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body 1548 (1577; E.E.T.S. 1888)
—another ed., entitled The Englishmans treasure. With the true anatomye of mans body (? 1585, 1626)
Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, 1848–61 (ed. Arthur Helps 1868)
—More leaves, 1862–82 (1884)
Mining surveyors' reports 1859–63
The city and the pillar 1948 (UK 1949)
In a yellow wood 1947
Kalki 1978
An Icelandic-English dictionary based on the MS. collections of the late Richard Cleasby, enlarged and completed by G. Vigfusson 1874 (1876)
Chamber of horrors: a glossary of official jargon both English and American 1952
A personal narrative of a visit to Ghuzni, Kabul, and Afghanistan 1840
Travels in Kashmir, Ladak, Iskardo, etc. 1842
Villari's (P.) Niccolo Machiavelli and his times tr. 1878–83
ed. Next year in Jerusalem 1976
Works a 1687 (1704, 1752)
The chances, a comedy (by F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher) corrected and altered 1682 (1735)
The rehearsal 1672 (Arber 1868)
—The fifth edition with amendments and large additions by the author 1687
The restoration, or right will take place (an adaptation of Beaumont & Fletcher's Philaster) a 1687 (1714)
Enchiridium epigrammatum Latino-Anglicum; an epitome of essais tr. 1654
Theoremata theologica: theological treatises 1654
The principles of hydrostatics 1800 (1806)
Photoperiodism in plants 1975
tr. A. Rittmann's Volcanoes and their activity 1962
The young gallant's academy (Dekker's ‘Gull's Hornbook’ adapted to the time) 1674
The voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the Euphrates, collected from Arrian 1797
Recollections of Fred Leslie 2 vols. 1894
A treatise on the institution of the sacrament of the Lord's supper a 1656 (1677)
Lectures on the physiology of plants 1886
Sachs' (J.) Text-book of botany tr. 1882
See also Prantl, K.
Humours unreconciled 1928
Villainage in England 1892
Fictitious and symbolic creatures in art 1906
Dictionnaire raisonné de l'architecture Française du xie au xvie siècle 1854–68
Calendar of Virginia state papers and other manuscripts ed. W. P. Palmer et al. 11 vols. 1875–93
An historical syntax of the English language 3 parts in 4 vols. 1963–73
Industrial psychology 1933
Glances back through seventy years 1893
Classification and index of the world's languages 1977
The black police; a story of modern Australia 1891
Elizabeth and her German garden 1898
The enchanted April 1922
Fräulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther 1907
Introduction to Sally 1926
Cat's cradle 1963
Slaughterhouse-five; or, The children's crusade 1969
Collected works ed. A. H. Taub 6 vols. 1961–3
Fun in a Chinese laundry 1965 (UK 1966)
A military dictionary 1876 (ed. 3)