Glossary of linguistic terminology 1966
The story of language 1949 (UK 1952)
Words in sheep's clothing 1969 (UK 1970)
A dictionary of linguistics 1954
Collected papers ed. C. Hartshorne, P. Weiss & A. W. Burks 8 vols. 1931–58
Some helps for the Indians 1658
An abridgment of ecclesiastical history from the creation to end of 17th century 1768
A course of chemistry 1771
View of Sir Isaac Newton's philosophy 1728
The iron pirate 1893
The phantom army 1898
Queen of the jesters 1897
Report on the Eastern frontier of British India 1835
Vindiciae fidei, or a treatise of iustification by faith a 1623 (1625, 1629)
The Psalmes of David, translated into verse. Begun by Sir P. Sidney (i-xliii), and finished by the Countess of Pembroke c 1586 (1823)
The tragedie of Antonie tr. 1595
ed. American handbook for electrical engineers 1914
A glossary of English furniture of the historic periods 1925
The archaeology of Crete: an introduction 1939
Cytology and cellular pathology of the nervous system 1932
The history of the wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians 1703–26 1726 (1859)
Artachthos; or a new booke declaring the assise or weight of bread 1638
A handful of honesty, or, Cato in English verse tr. 1623
Macarius' Institutes of Christian perfection tr. 1816 (1828)
Works a 1718 (1726, 1782)
An account of William Penn's travails in Holland and Germany, anno 1677, by way of journal 1694 (1835)
An address to Protestants upon the present conjuncture 1679
A brief account of the rise and progress of the people called Quakers 1694
The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated by scripture, reason and authorities 1674
Correspondence between William Penn and James Logan..and others 1700–50 (Memoirs of Hist. Soc. of Pa. 1870–72)
England's present interest discovered with honour to the Prince 1675
The great case of liberty of conscience once more briefly debated and defended by the authority of reason, scripture, and antiquity 1670
Journal of his life a 1718 (prefixed to 1726 ed. of Works)
No cross, no crown 1669
Some account of the Province of Pennsilvania 1681
Some fruits of solitude 1693
The spirit of truth vindicated 1672
Arctic zoology 1784–87 (1792)
British zoology 1768–70; ed. 4, 1776–77 (1812)
The journey from Chester to London 1782
Literary life, by himself 1793
Of London 1790 (1813)
Synopsis of quadrupeds 1771
—another ed., entitled History of quadrupeds 1781
A tour in Scotland 1769 1771; Supplement 1772
A tour in Scotland and voyage to the Hebrides 1772 1774–76
A tour in Wales 1773 1778–81 (1883)
The view of Hindoostan 1798–1800
Works a 1722 (1815)
A collection of Scots poems on several occasions a 1722 (1756, 1787)
A geographical, historical description of the Shire of Tweeddale, with a miscelany of Scotish poems 1715
An historical account of the blue-blanket 1722 (1756)
Streams from Helicon; or, poems on various subjects 1720
The stream of pleasure 1891
The angler-naturalist; a popular history of British fresh water fish 1863 (1885)
Fishing (Badminton library) 1885 (1893)
The modern practical angler 1870
The cream of Leicestershire 1883
A topographical and historical account of Linlithgowshire 1832
Letters on different subjects 1766–67
The romance of a dull life (anon.) 1861
Girl watcher's funeral 1969 (UK 1970)
See also under real name
The guardian's instruction (anon.) 1688 (1897)
Memoirs. Comprising his diary from 1659 to 1669, and a selection from his private correspondence 16.. (1825, 1871, 1875–79, 1893–99)
Bibliotheca Hispanica. Containing a grammar, with a dictionarie in Spanish, English, and Latine 1591
— J. Minsheu 1599
An account of the Island of Ceylon 1803
Essays medical and experimental 1767–78
A key to the New Testament 1769
Mallet's (P. H.) Northern antiquities tr. 1770 (1847)
ed. Reliques of ancient English poetry 1765 (1839, 1876–77)
Bishop Percy's folio manuscript. Ballads and romances c 1650 (ed. J. W. Hales and F. J. Furnivall 1867–68)
Sonnets to the fairest Coelia 1594 (Grosart 1877; in Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
The elements of materia medica 1839–40
Lectures on polarized light 1843
—ed. 2, greatly enlarged, ed. B. Powell (1854)
Treatise on food and diet 1843
Baby, it's cold inside 1970
Crazy like a fox 1944 (UK 1945)
Westward ha! or, Around the world in eighty clichés 1947
Key profession: the history of the Association of University Teachers 1969
Organic chemistry 1894–95 (1902)
Historical handbook of Italian sculpture 1883
Italian sculptors 1868
The whole treatise of the cases of conscience a 1602 (1619)
The royal martyr, or the life and death of King Charles I (anon.) 1676
The mitre. A sacred poem 1757
Jacobs vowe, or the true historie of tithes 1627
Elements of political economy 1866
Dictionary of banking (ed. 11) 1965
The history of the Church of England 1861–64
An account of the stopping of Daggenham Breach 1721
The state of Russia under the present Czar 1716
Chemical engineers' handbook 1934
—(ed. 3) 1950
The thought and character of William James as revealed in unpublished correspondence, together with his published writings 1842–1910 2 vols. 1935 (UK 1936)
The world of the tiger 1964
One good death deserves another 1976
The royal standard English dictionary 1775
The synonymous, etymological and pronouncing English dictionary 1805
Historical collections relating to the American Colonial Church 1870–73
Varieties: or, a surveigh of rare and excellent matters 1635
Foundations of general topology 1964
Despatches 1669–77 (Camden Soc. 1903)
A relation or diary of the siege of Vienna 1684
Notes on Orkney and Zetland 1822
Rentals of the ancient Earldom and Bishoprick of Orkney 1820
A critical dissertation on the Book of Job 1751
Black is the colour of my true-love's heart 1967
The piper on the mountain 1966
A general history of Connecticut 1781
ed. Encyclopædia of firearms 1964
Travels in central Africa, and explorations of the western Nile tributaries 1869
Aquatilium animalium Amboinæ, etc. icones et nomina 1713
Gazophylacii naturæ et artis, in 10 decades 1702–11
Herbarii Britannici Raii catalogus (A catalogue of Mr. Ray's English herball) 1713–15
Musei Petiveriani centuria prima (-decima) rariora naturae continens 1695–1703
Petiveriana seu naturæ collectanea 1716–17
Elizabetha quasi viuens, Eliza's funerall 1603 (in Harl. Misc.)
A compendious history of the Catholick Church 1662
The ecclesiastical architecture of Ireland 1845
ed. Monumenta historica Britannica, or materials for the history of Britain 1848
Despatch of a dove 1969
Murder by precedent 1964
Guazzo's (S.) Ciuile conuersation tr. 1581
—with addition of Book IV tr. by B. Young 1586
A petite pallace of Pettie his pleasure 1576 (1908)
Sedimentary rocks 1949
—(ed. 2) 1957
Africanderisms: a glossary of South African colloquial words and phrases of place and other names 1913
Fleta minor: the laws of art and nature in assaying metals 1683 (1686)
Fodinæ regales: or the history, laws, and places of the chief mines and mineral works in England, etc. 1670
The advice of W. P. to Mr S. Hartlib, for the advancement of some particular parts of learning 1648
The discourse made before the Royal Society concerning the use of duplicate proportion 1674
The political anatomy of Ireland 1672 (1691, 1769)
Political arithmetick, or a discourse concerning the extent and value of lands, people, etc. a 1687 (1690; in Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
A treatise of naval philosophy a 1687 (in Hale, Account of several new inventions 1691)
A treatise upon taxes and contributions (anon.) 1662 (1769)
Will 1685 (in Ld. E. Fitzmaurice, Life 1895)
The divine catastrophe of the kingly family of the House of Stuarts 1652 (1731)
The glasse of time, in the two first ages diuinely handled 1620
Goeurot's (J.) Regiment of life tr. 1544
—The regiment of life, whervnto is added a treatyse of the pestilence, with the booke of children, newly corrected and enlarged 1545–46 (1553, 1560)
The seuen first bookes of the Eneidos of Virgill tr. 1558
—the nyne fyrst bookes, (and part) of the tenthe booke a 1560 (1562)
—the whole xii bookes (books X–XII tr. by T. Twyne) (1573)
Hedged in 1870
Sealed orders 1880
The silent partner 1871
The story of Avis 1877
Trotty's wedding tour 1874
Collectanea Glocestrensia 1842
Researches in South Africa 2 vols. 1828
Villare Cantianum: or Kent surveyed and illustrated 1659
Considerations against the dissolving and taking away the Court of Chancery 1653
Regale necessarium: or the legality of the rights claimed by the King's servants 1671
Thirty four conferences between the Danish missionaries and the Malabarian Bramans tr. 1719
Poems a 1749 (1810)
The distrest mother; a tragedy 1712
The life of John Williams, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal 1700
Pastorals 1709 (1710)
Poems a 1709 (1715, 1810)
Blenheim 1705
Cyder 1708
The splendid shilling 1701
An authentic journal of the expedition under Commodore Anson 1744
A dead ending 1962 (UK 1963)
Escape a killer 1971 (UK 1972)
The twisted people 1965
The vanishing senator 1972 (UK 1973)
The voice of blood, in the sphere of nature and of the spirit-world 1864
The art and craft of coachbuilding 1897
Voyage to Botany Bay 1789
J. H. van Linschoten his discours of voyages into ye Easte and West Indies tr. 1598 (Hakluyt Soc. 1885; partly in Arber, Eng. Garner III)
The purchasers pattern 1654 (1656, 1676)
Sport in the Crimea and Caucasus 1881
Inorganic chemistry 2 vols. 1965–6
The plum tree 1905
Susan Lenox: her fall and rise 1917
Letters of state, written by Mr. John Milton 1649–59. tr. To which is added, An account of his life 1694
The mysteries of love and eloquence 1658
The new world of English words: or, a general dictionary 1658 (1662, 1678, 1696; ed. 6 by J. Kersey 1706)
Theatrum poetarum; or a compleat collection of the poets 1675
The elements of Syriac grammar 1837
Chamisso de Boncourt's (L. C. A. von) Faust tr. 1881
Historical sketches of the paper currency of the American Colonies 1865–66
Notes upon the collection of coins and medals now upon exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum 1879
La Framboisière's (N. A. de) Art of physick made plain and easie tr. 1684
A satyr against hypocrites (anon.) 1655
The six voyages of J. B. Tavernier through Turkey, into Persia and the East-Indies; to which is added, a new description of the Seraglio tr. 1677–78 (1684)
A general history of inland navigation 1792–93
A treatise on inland navigation 1785
A glossary of the Devonshire dialect 1839
Geology of Oxford and the valley of the Thames 1871
Manual of geology (in Encyclopædia Metropolitana 1834–35) 1855
Memoirs of Dr. William Smith 1844
The rivers, mountains, and sea-coast of Yorkshire 1853
A treatise on geology 1830
Vesuvius 1869
Some South African recollections 1899
The man in the moon: a farce 1818
Essays from ‘The Times’ 1851–54 (1871)
Speeches, lectures, and letters 1863
—second series 1891
An elementary introduction to the knowledge of mineralogy 1816 (1823)
An outline of mineralogy and geology 1815 (1818)
A manual of the British discomycetes 1887
Children of the mist 1898
Down Dartmoor way 1895
The good red earth 1901
The human boy 1899
Lying prophets 1897
The portreeve 1906
The secret woman 1905
Sons of the morning 1900
The striking hours 1901
The thief of virtue 1910
The observator reproved 1684
Bibliographical and historical miscellanies 1854–
Proceedings 1842–53
Transactions 1854–
The Grumbletonian crew reprehended 1689
—continued as London, Edinburgh, and Dublin philosophical magazine 1832–
—Abridged by John Lowthorp et al. (1716–56)
Examinations and writings a 1555 (Parker Soc. 1842)
A dictionary of practical apiculture 1884
The English in France (anon.) 1828
The journal of a voyage for making discoveries towards the North Pole 1773 (1774)
Guillemin's (A.) The sun tr. 1869 (1870)
Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and burlesques 1856
Landmarks, and other poems 1872
The ceremonies and religious customs of the various nations of the known world [anon. tr.] 1733
Descriptive physical oceanography: an introduction 1963
The Dominie's legacy 1830
Miscellaneous poems, songs, etc., partly in the Scottish dialect 1813
Poems and epistles, mostly in the Scottish dialect; with a glossary 1788
The organization of cells and other organisms 1960
The fashion dictionary 1957
The language of fashion 1939
Nan Darrell; or the gipsy mother 1839
A vocabulary, or collection of words and phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America 1816
ed. City of Liverpool. Selections from the municipal archives and records 12..–1835 (1883–86)
The gain of a loss 1866
The last of the Cavaliers 1859
Dictionary of aviation 1911
A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees 1655 (1657)
The divine philanthropie defended against the declamatory attempts of certain late printed papers 1657
Sinhalese social organization: the Kandyan period 1956
The laboratory of chemical wonders 1860
The neolithic cultures of the British Isles 1954
Carbohydrates 1957
Chemistry of the carbohydrates 1948
The female jockey club 1794
The economics of welfare 1920
Prose sketches and poems, written in the western country 1834
Phonetics: a critical analysis of phonetic theory and a technic for the practical description of sounds 1943
Language in relation to a unified theory of the structure of human behavior 3 parts 1954–60
—(ed. 2) 1967
The barren ground of northern Canada 1892
An account of expeditions to the sources of the Mississippi 1805–07 1810 (1895)
Works a 1576 (Parker Soc. 1842)
Aggeus the prophete declared by a large commentarye 1560
Aggeus and Abdias prophetes, both at large declared 1562
An exposition vpon Abdyas 1562
The true report of the burnyng of the steple and churche of Paules (anon.) 1561
The burnyng of Paules church in London 1563
A view of the present state of Derbyshire 1789
Celebrity; or, the unfortunate choice 1815
Remarks upon several passages of scripture 1759
See Churchwardens' accounts
The magistrate 1892
The second Mrs. Tanqueray 1895
Ancient Scotish poems from the MS. collections of Sir R. Maitland 1786
An enquiry into the history of Scotland, preceding the year 1056 1789
An essay on medals 1784 (1789)
A general collection of voyages and travels in all parts of the world 1808–14
The history of Scotland from the accession of the House of Stuart to that of Mary 1797
Petralogy; a treatise on rocks 1811
Scotish poems, reprinted from scarce editions 1792
Scottish tragic ballads 1781
—ed. 2, entitled Select Scotish ballads 1783; vol. II. Ballads of the comic kind 1783
Travels through the South of France in 1807–08 1809
The birthday party 1959
The caretaker 1960
The dumb waiter 1960
The homecoming 1965
The room 1960
Treen and other wooden bygones: an encyclopædia and social history 1969
Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson 1786
British synonymy 1794
Observations and reflections made in the course of a journey through France, Italy, and Germany 1789
Letters to and from the late Samuel Johnson v.d. (1788)
ed. Lens metabolism in relation to cataract: proceedings of a symposium 1962
Food resources, conventional and novel 1969
An inquiry into the constitution, powers and processes of the human mind 1858
A text-book of geology 2 parts 1915 (Pt. I by Pirsson, Pt. II by Schuchert)
—(ed. 2, by Pirsson alone) 2 parts 1920–4
Ancient criminal trials in Scotland (1488–1624); compiled from the original records and MSS. v.d. (Bannatyne Cl. 1833)
Mission life in Greece and Palestine; memorials of Mary B. Baldwin 1881
A relation of the great sufferings and strange adventures of H. P. 1689 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VII)
Poems a 1748 (1810)
Poems and translations 1727
The Æneid of Virgil tr. 1740
—The works of Virgil in Latin and English. The Aeneid transl. by C. Pitt. The Eclogues and Georgics, by J. Warton 1753 (1778)
General view of the agriculture of the county of Stafford 1794
See Churchwardens' accounts
The present state of the European settlements on the Mississippi 1770
This city is ours 1975 (UK ed. 1976 with title Target Manhattan)
A true and faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mohammetans 1704 (1738)
A cyclopædia of costume; or dictionary of dress 1876–79
Descent of the Danube from Ratisbon to Vienna 1828
Extravaganzas ed. T. F. D. Croker & S. Tucker 5 vols. 1897
History of British costume 1834 (1847, 1874)
Love and fortune 1859
Thesaurus Theutonicæ linguæ 1573
Delightes for ladies, to adorne their persons, tables, closets and distillatories 1602 (1605)
The jewell house of art and nature (Divers new experiments. Diverse new sorts of soyle. Divers chimicall conclusions concerning the art of distillation. The art of molding and casting. An offer of certaine new inventions) 1594
Ariel 1965
The bell jar 1963
The colossus 1960
—(another ed.) 1967
Crossing the water 1971
The history and antiquities of Nantwich in the County Palatine of Chester 1818
The pushbutton butterfly 1970 (UK 1971)
The book of curiosities 1822
Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs 1975
Illustrations of the Huttonian theory of the earth 1802
Outlines of natural philosophy 1812–16 (1819)
Wit and mirth; an antidote against melancholy 1682
A brief introduction to the skill of musick; in two books 1658 (1662)
—ed. 3, enlarged To which is added, a third book, entituled, the art of descant by Thomas Campion 1660 (1674)
Select musicall ayres and dialogues 1652–53 (1659)
I speak of Africa 1927
Museum pieces 1952
The natural history of Oxfordshire 1677
The natural history of Staffordshire 1686
Les comentaries, ou les reportes de dyuers cases esteantes matters en ley 1571
Rambles in search of wild flowers 1863
Life of John Hacket 1675 (in Hacket's Century of sermons 1675)
Döllinger's (J. J. T. von) Hippolytus and Calistus tr. 1876
tr. H. Lichtenstein's Travels in southern Africa 2 vols. 1812–15
The tragedies of Sophocles tr. 1865 (1877)
The character of a good commander 1689
Altare Christianum; or, the dead vicars plea 1637
Records of the Reformation; the Divorce 1527–33. Collected and arranged by N. Pocock. v.d. (1870)
A commentary on the Prophecy of Hosea 1685
A description of the East 1743–45
Travels through England 1750–57 (Camden Soc. 1888–89)
Works a 1849 (1865)
The complete poetical works, with three essays on poetry a 1849 (1909)
Poems a 1849 (1859, 1864)
The space merchants 1953 (UK 1955)
Manners and customs of the New Zealanders 2 vols. 1840
New Zealand: being a narrative of travels and adventures 2 vols. 1838
The gallery of nature and art 1814–15
Ancient and modern furniture and woodwork in the South Kensington Museum 1874
Acts of English martyrs hitherto unpublished 1891
A discourse of trade and coyn (anon.) a 1692 (1697)
Depression and its treatment 1965
The underworld speaks 1935
The land laws 1883 (1896)
Oxford lectures and other discourses 1890
The Pollock-Holmes letters: correspondence of Sir Frederick Pollock and Mr. Justice Holmes, 1874–1932 ed. M. de W. Howe 2 vols. 1942
The history of English law before the time of Edward I 1895
Fencing, by W. H. Pollock, F. C. Grove, & C. Prevost 1889 (Badminton Library)
Sport in British Burmah, Assam, and the Cassyah and Jyntiah hills 1879
Law and lawyers 1840 (1858)
The law of nations 1845 (in Encycl. Metrop. II)
Introduction to plant geography and some related sciences 1960
Flyting with Montgomerie a 1585 (in Montgomerie's Poems, S.T.S. 1887, 1910)
A Cornish-English vocabulary 1808
The history of Cornwall 1803–06 (1816)
The history of Devonshire 1793–1806
Traditions and recollections 1826