A narrative of the British embassy to China in 1792–94 1795
Joseph the bookman, a heroic-comic poem. By a gent 1821
An exposition of the hymne commonly called Benedictus 1573
A godlie sermon preached on newe yeeres day last, before Sir W. Fitzwilliam 1576
Poems, English and Scotch 1813
Coring and core analysis handbook 1975
Essays relating to agriculture. By a farmer 1775
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of the county of Aberdeen 1794
Structural aspects of language change 1973
Applied dental materials 1956
—(ed. 2) 1961
The Anglo-Saxon scop 1903
What price glory? in Three American plays 1926
Rydberg's Teutonic mythology tr. 1889
Cumberland ballads a 1833 (c 1850)
The trees of New South Wales 1932
—(ed. 2) 1947
History of the missions of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 1870–74
Lake Ngami; or, Explorations and discoveries, during four years' wanderings in the wilds of South Western Africa 1856
The Okavango River 1861
The history of the iconoclasts 1671
We three and Troddles 1894
The structure of the atom 1923
—(ed. 3) 1927
Selections from modern abstract algebra 1958
Jherom Brunswyke's Vertuose boke of distyllation tr. 1527
Noble lyfe c 1520
tr. E. D. P. de Robertis's General cytology 1948
Textbook of comparative histology 1959
Sermons a 1626 (1629, 1661, 1841)
ed. Methods of psychology 1948
Critical review of Foxe's Book of martyrs 1824–26
Alexis' (= Alessio's) Very excellent booke. The fourth and finall booke of secretes tr. 1568 (1569)
The school of fencing 1765
His reminiscences, with memoirs of his late father and friends 1828
Lancashire's Valley of Achor is England's doore of hope (anon.) 1643
See United States. Congress. Debates Debates and proceedings 1789–1824
See also under the names of particular institutions
Mysterium pietatis or mysterie of godlinesse 1671
Ogilvie's Imperial dictionary of the English language 1881–83
The ingenious and diverting letters of the Lady (Countess d'Anois); travels into Spain tr. 1692 (1697)
tr. L. J. J. Wittgenstein's Philosophical investigations 1953
Corporate strategy: an analytic approach to business policy for growth and expansion 1965 (UK 1968)
Bishops at large 1964
Scots fisherfolk 1950
The ancient world 1847
Elementary course of geology etc. 1850
Geology 1844
Manual of geographical science 1852
The Channel Islands 1862
An Election Ball 1776
The new Bath guide 1766 (1767, 1807)
The pariah 1889
The tinted Venus, a farcical romance 1885
Vice versâ, or a lesson to fathers 1882
Voces populi 1890, 1892
The pleader's guide 1796 (1803)
Notes upon ‘The representation of the people Act’ 1867
Report on practical medicine 1867 (in Biennial retrospect med., New Syd. Soc.)
Pastor's History of the Popes from the close of the Middle Ages tr. 1894–1924
ed. The Harvard dictionary of music 1944
—(ed. 2) 1970
The chase, turf, and road 1837 (1851)
See United Kingdom. General Medical Council
Letters on the prevalence of Christianity before its civil establishment 1778
The Gramineae: a study of cereal, bamboo, and grass 1934
Water plants: a study of aquatic angiosperms 1920
ed. An English Garner v.d. (1877–96)
ed. English reprints v.d. (1868–71)
ed. The English scholar's library v.d. (1878–84)
Works a 1735 (1751)
An essay concerning the nature of aliments 1731 (1735)
An essay on the effects of air on human bodies 1733
Law is a bottomless pit. Exemplified in the case of the Lord Strutt, John Bull, Nicholas Frog, and Lewis Baboon 1712 (in Arber, Eng. Garner VI)
A learned dissertation on dumpling 1726
Rules of diet 1732
Tables of the Grecian, Roman, and Jewish measures, weights, and coins 1705
Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus c 1714
The story of his life, by himself 1898
The beauty of holines 1621
Somerset religious houses 1892
The theatrical ‘world’ 5 vols. 1894–8
Dictionary of architecture 1852–92
See United States. Arctic, Desert and Tropic Information Centre
The territorial imperative 1966 (UK 1967)
Origins of totalitarianism 1951
—(new ed.) 1967
Developmental anatomy: a textbook and laboratory manual of embryology 1924 (7 later editions to 1974)
Management techniques: a practical guide 1969
Psychology and social problems 1964
The psychology of interpersonal behaviour 1967
Religious behaviour 1958
The social psychology of work 1972
The philosophy of belief 1896
Primeval man 1869
The reign of law 1867
Unseen foundations of society 1893
Proceedings 1888–96, 1900–
Supplementary volumes 1918–31
The Jurassic system in Great Britain 1933
Man's mortality 1933
‘Piracy’ 1922
The romantic lady 1921
Works v.d. (Grosart 1880)
Foole upon foole 1605 (1880)
The history of the two maids of More-clacke 1609
The Italian taylor, and his boy 1609 (1810)
A nest of ninnies 1608
The valiant Welshman, or Chronicle history of Caradoc the great 1615 (1663)
The black-eyed stranger 1951 (UK 1952)
Seven seats to the moon 1969
The art of preserving health 1744 (1807)
Satchmo: my life in New Orleans 1954 (UK 1955)
Illustrated glossary of snow and ice 1966
Stocks and stock-jobbing in Wall Street 1848
Price lists and Catalogues 1878–
A critical commentary upon the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, etc. 1744–52
The light of Asia 1879 (1881)
The light of the world 1891
Pearls of the faith 1882 (1883)
The Shell book of country crafts 1968
Culture and anarchy 1869
Essays in criticism 1865 (1875)
—2nd series 1879–88 (1888)
God and the Bible 1875
Last essays on Church and religion 1877
Lecture on modern art 1842
Literature and dogma 1873 (1876)
Mixed essays 1879
Poems v.d. (1877)
The popular education of France 1861
St. Paul and Protestantism 1870
Schools and universities on the continent 1868
Southern night 1861
The study of Celtic literature 1865–66 (1867)
History of the cotton famine 1864
Observations on the nature, kinds, causes, and prevention of insanity 1782–86
History of Rome 1838–42 (1844–49)
Lectures on modern history 1841–42 (1871)
Sermons on Christian life a 1842 (1845)
Life and correspondence; by A. P. Stanley (1844)
New Zealand letters of Thomas Arnold the younger, with further letters from Van Diemen's Land and letters of Arthur Hugh Clough; 1847–1851 ed. J. Bertram 1966
Chronicle (The names of ye baylifs custos mairs and sherefs of london) 1502 (1811)
A collection and abridgement of celebrated criminal trials in Scotland, from 1536–1784 1785 (1812)
History of Edinburgh 1779 (1816)
Laws from heaven for life on earth 1857–58
Elements of physics or natural philosophy 1827 (1833)
Law of marine insurance and average 1848 (1857, 1866)
The tablet; or moderation of Charles the first, martyr 1649
The encyclopedia of furniture 1965 (UK 1966)
Armilla catechetica; a chain of principles 1659
An embassy from heaven; or the ghost of queen Mary 1704
Sucker's progress: an informal history of gambling in America from the colonies to Canfield 1938
A report and discourse of the affaires and state of Germany 1552
The scholemaster, or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children the Latin tong a 1568 (Arber)
Toxophilus, the schole of shootinge 1545 (Arber)
An argument proving that man may be translated from hence into that eternal life, without passing through death 1700
The metamorphosis of man by the death and resurrection of Christ from the dead 1727
The practical dog book 1930
The new and complete dictionary of the English language 1775
Reichenbach's physico-physiological researches on the dynamics of magnetism, etc., tr. 1850
Poems v.d. (E.E.T.S. 1899)
Active policy of a prince a 1475
Dicta et opiniones diversorum philosophorum a 1475
A prisoner's reflections 1463
The lazy minstrel 1886 (1892)
A tale of the Thames 1896 (1903)
The Masonic manual, or lectures on Freemasonry 1813
The good mans death lamented. A sermon preached June 18th 1655
Travels in America performed in 1806 1808
Practical treatise on weaving and designing of fabrics 1879
The young visiters; or, Mr. Salteenas plan 1919
The double run 1973
Prisoner at the Bar 1969
The life of H. J. Temple, Viscount Palmerston 1876
Barri's Cochin-China tr. 1633
Loys le Roy Of the interchangeable course of things in the whole world tr. 1594
Malvezzi's Il Davide persequitato tr. 1637
Fasciculus chemicus: chymical collections 1650
The history and antiquities of Berkshire a 1692 (1717–23)
Memoirs..drawn up by himself by way of diary 16.. (1774)
Theatrum chemicum Britannicum 1652
See Oxford University. Ashmolean Museum
Eighteenth century waifs 1887
Social life in the reign of Q. Anne 1882
Jovius' (P.) Shorte treatise upon the Turkes chronicles tr. 1546
Sermons on several occasions 1770
Journal (title varies) 1832–
Earth is room enough 1957 (UK 1960)
Fantastic voyage: a novel based on the screenplay by H. Kleiner 1966
Inside the atom 1956
The naked sun 1957 (UK 1958)
Journal 1617–18 (Chetham Soc. 1848)
The deplorable state of New England by A. H. 1708 (1879)
ed. Angelsächsische Homilien und Heiligenleben v.d. (1889)
Communications 1958–
Journal 1954–
The origin and progress of writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary 1784
Fifty years of my life 1894
A history of Japanese literature 1899
Saavedra-Faxardo's Royal politician tr. 1700
See also Nation and Athenæum
A voyage to Guinea, Brasil, and the West Indies 1723–35 (1737)
ed. The art and practice of printing 6 vols. 1932–3
Ganot's Elementary treatise on physics tr. 1863
Herbert & Procter's Telephony
British birds' eggs and nests 1861
Forty years in a moorland parish 1891
Glossary of the Cleveland dialect 1868; 1876 (E.D.S.)
The last of the giant-killers 1891
Provincial names of birds 1864
Stanton Grange 1863
Walks, talks, travels, and exploits of two school-boys 1859
Field archaeology 1946
—(ed. 2) 1953
Recollections of the Tartar steppes and their inhabitants 1863
Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery in the time of Lord Chancellor Hardwicke 1765–68 (1781–82)
The original and growth of printing in England 1664
Parliamentary and political tracts a 1709 (1734)
The ancient and present state of Glocestershire 1712
Thomas à Kempis: A full deuout and gostely treatyse of the Imytacion and followynge the blessed lyfe of oure Sauyoure Criste tr. 1502 (E.E.T.S. 1893)
Life on earth: a natural history 1979
Discourse occasioned by the death of Lady Cutts 1698
Sermons v.d. (1723–37)
ed. The Catholic encyclopædic dictionary 1931
—(ed. 2) 1949
The Christian churches of the East 2 vols. 1961
Crime in corn-weather (UK ed. with title Murder in midsummer) 1935
An analysis of a course of lectures on the principles of natural philosophy 1784
Brief lives 1669–96 (1898)
ed. Letters written by eminent persons in 17th and 18th C. v.d. (1813)
Miscellanies upon various subjects 1696 (1784)
The natural history and antiquities of the county of Surrey a 1697 (1718–19)
The natural history of Wiltshire a 1691 (1847)
Remaines of Gentilisme and Judaisme 1686–87 (1881)
Journal and correspondence 1788–98 (1861–62)
Poems 1426 (Percy Soc. 1844)
About the house 1965 (UK 1966)
The age of anxiety: a baroque eclogue 1947 (UK 1948)
Another time 1940
City without walls, and other poems 1969
Collected poetry 1945
The dance of death 1933
The dyer's hand and other essays 1962 (UK 1963)
The enchafèd flood; or, The romantic iconography of the sea 1950 (UK 1951)
For the time being 1944 (UK 1945)
Homage to Clio 1960
Look, stranger! 1936
New year letter (UK title of US The double man) 1941
Nones 1951 (UK 1952)
The orators: an English study 1932
Poems 1930
—(ed. 2) 1933
The shield of Achilles 1955
The ascent of F6 1936 (US 1937)
The dog beneath the skin; or, Where is Francis? 1935
Journey to a war 1939
On the frontier 1938
tr. E. J. Schikaneder & K. L. Giesecke's libretto to Mozart's The magic flute 1956 (UK 1957)
Letters from Iceland 1937
I believe 1939
See I believe
England's common-wealth 1652
Ornithological biography: or, an account of the habits of the birds of the United States 1831–39
Genetics in the atomic age 1956
History and antiquities of Syon monastery, etc. 1840
Minor works ed. R. W. Chapman 1954
Novels v.d. ed. R. W. Chapman 5 vols. 1923
Emma 3 vols. 1816
Lady Susan a 1809 (in Memoir 1871)
Letters 1796–1817 ed. Ld. Brabourne 2 vols. 1884
Letters ed. R. W. Chapman 2 vols. or 1 vol. 1932
—(ed. 2) 1952
Mansfield Park 3 vols. 1814
Northanger Abbey and Persuasion 4 vols. 1818
Pride and prejudice 3 vols. 1813
Sense and sensibility 3 vols. 1811
The Watsons a 1809 (in Memoir 1871)
Memoir, by her nephew J. E. Austen Leigh (1870; 1871)
Treatise of fruit trees; and, The spirituall use of an orchard 1653 (1657)
The scourge of Venus: or the wanton lady (anon.) 1613 (1614; Grosart 1876)
Betty Alden, the first-born daughter of the Pilgrims 1891
Lectures on jurisprudence 1832 (1879)
How to do things with words (lectures, 1955) 1962
Sense and sensibilia (lectures, last delivered 1959) 1962
Birds of the world 1961 (UK 1962)
Characteristics of Goethe 1833
Germany from 1760 to 1814 1854
Ranke's History of the Reformation in Germany tr. 1845
Tour in England, Ireland, and France. By a German Prince tr. 1832
Devotionis Augustinianae flamma, or certaine meditations. Set forth by his wife Mrs. A. Austin a 1634 (1635)
Hæc homo, wherein the excellency of the creation of woman is described a 1634 (1637)
The insects of Australia 1970
The greatest Gresham 1962
Boxing reference dictionary 1954
The sportsman's glossary 1961
eds. A dictionary of Canadianisms on historical principles 1967
An essay on musical expression 1751
The fraternitye of vacabondes 1561 (E.E.T.S. 1869)
The central questions of philosophy 1973
The foundations of empirical knowledge 1940
Language, truth and logic 1936
—(ed. 2) 1946
Philosophical essays 1954
The problem of knowledge 1956
The ancient and present state of the University of Oxford 1714
Parergon juris canonici Anglicani 1726
An harborowe for faithfull and trewe subjects agaynst the late blowne blaste concerning the gouernment of wemen 1559
Memoirs of the life and writings of Alexander Pope 1745
Essays and sketches of character 1825
The ballads of Scotland 1858
Lays of the Scottish cavaliers 1849