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Bibliography: Ch-Cle

Author names and work titles beginning with:
Chadwick, Hector Munro
The origin of the English nation 1907
Chadwick, Henry
The art of pitching and fielding 1886
Chadwick, Leigh E.
tr. W. Linsenmaier's Insects of the world 1972
Chadwick, William
Life and times of De Foe 1859
Chaffers, William
Marks and monograms on pottery and porcelain 1863
—(ed. 2) 1866
Chafin, William
Anecdotes respecting Cranbourn Chase, with a very concise account of it 1818
Chalkhill, John
Thealma and Clearchus, a pastoral history c 1600 (1683)
Chalkley, Thomas
Works a 1741 (1751)
Challenger. Report of the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger 1873–76, Zoology vol. XXV 1888
Challice, Annie Emma
Heroes, philosophers, and courtiers of the time of Louis XVI (anon.) 1863
Challinor, John
A dictionary of geology 1961
Challis, Simon
Death on a quiet beach 1968
Challoner, Richard
The Catholick Christian instructed in the sacraments, etc. 1737 (1753)
Memoirs of missionary priests and of other Catholics that have suffered death in England from 1577–1684 1741–42
Chalmers, Alexander
ed. The works of the English poets from Chaucer to Cowper 1810
Chalmers, George
An apology for the believers in the Shakespeare papers which were exhibited in Norfolk Street, London 1797
Caledonia 1807–24
An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain 1782
An historical view of the domestic economy of Great Britain and Ireland 1812
The life of Mary queen of Scots 1818
Chalmers, Thomas
Works a 1847 (1849)
The evidence and authority of the Christian revelation 1814
Natural theology 1835
On political economy in connection with the moral state and moral prospects of society 1832
On the power, wisdom, and goodness of God as manifested in the adaptation of external nature to the moral and intellectual constitution of man (Bridgewater treatise) 1833
A series of discourses on the Christian revelation, viewed in connection with modern astronomy 1817
Sermons preached at S. John's Church, Glasgow 1823
Memoirs of the life and writings of, by William Hanna (1849–52)
Chaloner, Edward
Six sermons a 1625 (1629)
Chaloner, Sir Thomas (the elder)
The praise of folie. (Erasmi) Moriæ encomium tr. 1549
St. Chrysostom's Homilie tr. 1544
Chaloner, Sir Thomas (the younger)
A shorte discourse of the most rare vertue of nitre 1584
Chamber, John
A treatise against judicial astrologie 1601
Chamberlain, Mrs.
A glossary of West Worcestershire words 1882 (E.D.S.)
Chamberlain, Basil Hall
Things Japanese 1890
Chamberlain, E.
The Indiana gazetteer; or, Topographical dictionary of the State of Indiana (ed. 3) 1849
Chamberlain, John
Letters ed. N. E. McClure 2 vols. 1939
Chamberlain, John
Hosiery, yarns and fabrics 1926
Chamberlayne, Edward
Angliæ notitia: or the present state of England 1667 ( –1707)
Chamberlayne, John
The art of making tea, coffee, and chocolate 1685
Magnæ Britanniæ notitia: or the present state of Great Britain 1708 ( –1748)
The religious philosopher 1718
See also Natural history of coffee
Chamberlayne, William
Pharonnida; a heroick poem 1659 (also Caroline poets, ed. Saintsbury 1905)
Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder & Salisbury, Rollin Dean
Geology 3 vols. 1904–6 (UK 1905–6)
Chambers, Edmund Kerchever
The English folk-play 1933
The mediæval stage 2 vols. 1903
Chambers, Ephraim
Cyclopædia; or, an universal dictionary of arts and sciences 1728 (1738, 1741, 1751)
Supplement 1753
Le Clerc's (Sebastian) Treatise of architecture tr. 1723–24
Chambers, Eric
Photolitho-offset 1967
Chambers, George F.
Descriptive astronomy 1867 (1876)
Chambers, John D.
Divine worship in England in the 13th and 14th centuries, contrasted with, and adapted to, that in the 19th 1877
Chambers, Robert
The book of days 1863–64 (1868)
Essays familiar and humorous 1866
Popular humourous poems of Scotland 1862
Popular rhymes of Scotland 1826 (1870)
The Scottish ballads 1829
The Scottish songs 1829
The traditions of Edinburgh 1825
Vestiges of the natural history of creation 1844 (1845)
Chambers, Robert William
The common law 1911
The firing line 1908
Chambers, William
A tour in Holland in 1838 1839
Wintering at Mentone 1870
Chambers's Cyclopædia of English literature 1844 (1876)
Chambers's Edinburgh journal 1832–54
Chambers's Encyclopædia 1860–68
Chambers's Information for the people 1851–60
Chambers's Journal of popular literature 1854–
Chambers's technical dictionary ed. C. F. Tweney & L. E. C. Hughes 1940 (and several later editions used)
Chamier, Frederick
My travels: an unsentimental journey through France, etc. 1855
Champny, Anthony
A treatise of the vocation of bishops and other ecclesiasticall ministers 1616
Chancellor's preparation for a trial 1689 (in Harl. Misc.)
Chandler, John
Van Helmont's Oriatrike, or, physick refined tr. 1662
Chandler, Maurice Henry
Ceramics in the modern world: man's first technology comes of age 1967
Chandler, Raymond Thornton
The big sleep 1939
Farewell, my lovely 1940
The high window 1942 (UK 1943)
The lady in the lake 1943 (UK 1944)
The long good-bye 1953
Raymond Chandler speaking [letters and an unfinished novel] 1962 (paperback ed. 1966)
Trouble is my business, and other stories 1950
Chandler, Richard
Travels in Asia Minor 1775
Travels in Greece 1776
Chandler, Samuel
A critical history of the life of David 1766
Limborch's (P. van) History of the Inquisition tr. 1731
The history of persecution 1736
Sermons a 1766 (1768)
A vindication of the Christian religion 1725
Chandlery, Peter J.
Pilgrim-walks in Rome 1903 (1908)
Chang, Kwang-chih
Channing, Edward
Town and county government in the English colonies of North America 1884
Channing, George G.
Early recollections of Newport, R.I., from the year 1793 to 1811 1868
Chapel Royal, The old cheque-book, or book of remembrance, of the 1561–1744 (Camden Soc. 1872)
Chaplin, Charles Spencer
My autobiography 1964
Chapman, Abraham
ed. New Black voices: an anthology of contemporary Afro-American literature 1972
Chapman, George
Al fooles, a comedy 1605
The blinde begger of Alexandria 1598
Bussy D'Ambois: a tragedie 1607
Cæsar and Pompey; a Roman tragedy, declaring their warres 1631
Comedies and tragedies a 1634 (1873)
The conspiracie, and tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron 1608
The gentleman usher 1606
The Georgicks of Hesiod tr. 1618
The whole works of Homer in his Iliads and Odysses tr. 1616; Batrachomyomachia ? 1624; Hymns 1616; Seven bookes of the Iliades 1598; The Iliads of Homer 1611; Odyssey 1615
Juvenal's fifth satire tr. 1629 (1858)
May-Day. A wittie comedie 1611
Monsieur d'Olive: a comedie 1606
The divine poem of Musaeus tr. 1616 (1858)
Ouids banquet of sence 1595
A pleasant comedy entituled: An humerous dayes myrth 1599
The revenge of Bussy d'Ambois 1613
The tragedie of Alphonsus a 1634
The widdowes teares, a comedie 1612
——et al.
Eastward Hoe 1605
Chapman, James
Travels in the interior of South Africa 2 vols. 1868
Chapman, Reginald Frederick
The insects: structure and function 1969
Chapman, Robert McDonald & Bennett, Jonathan
eds. An anthology of New Zealand verse 1956
Chapman, Ronald George
Father Faber 1961
Chapman, Royal Norton
Animal ecology: with especial reference to insects 1931
Chapman, Valentine Jackson
Coastal vegetation 1964
Chapone, Hester
Letters on the improvement of the mind 1773 (1774)
Chappell, William
Popular music of the olden time 1855–59
Character of a coffee-house, with the symptomes of a town-wit 1673
Character of Italy, by an English chyrurgion 1660
Character of a quack-astrologer 1673
Charant's (Antoine) Letter in answer to divers curious questions concerning the religion, manners, and customs, of the countrys of Muley Arxid, King of Tafiletta tr. 1671
Chardin's (Sir John) Travels into Persia and the East Indies tr. 1686
The coronation of the present King of Persia, Solyman the Third tr. 1686
Charles I
Works a 1649 (1662)
A large declaration concerning the late tumults in Scotland 1639
Charles II. Moneys received and paid for secret services of Charles II and James II 1679–88 (Camden Soc. 1851)
Secret history of the reigns of Charles II and James II 1690
Charles II's Escape from Worcester 1660
Charles, Duke of Orleans
Charles Auchester 1853
Charles-Edwards, Thomas Charles & Richardson, Brian
They saw it happen Vol. III (1689–1897) 1958
Charleson, John M. M.
Eain Macarthon 1901
Charleton, Walter
Chorea gigantum; or the most famous antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-heng, restored to the Danes 1663
The darknes of atheism dispelled by the light of nature 1652
The Ephesian matron 1659
The Ephesian and Cimmerian matrons; two notable examples of the power of love and wit 1668
Onomasticon zoicon 1668
A ternary of paradoxes tr. (from J. B. van Helmont) 1650
Charlesworth, John Kaye
The quaternary era 2 vols. 1957
Charlton, Lionel Evelyn Oswald
Britain at war: the Royal Air Force from September 1939 to September 1945 5 vols. 1941–7
Charlton, Mary
The wife and the mistress 1803
Charnock, Richard S.
A glossary of the Essex dialect 1880
Charnock, Stephen
Works a 1680 (1683–84, 1864–65)
Several discourses of the existence and attributes of God a 1680 (1682, 1834)
Charters of the Abbey of Crosraguel v.d. (1886)
Charters of the Royal Burgh of Stirling 1124–1705 (1884)
See also Edinburgh; Peebles
Chase, John Centlivres
The Cape of Good Hope and the Eastern Province of Algoa Bay ed. J. S. Christophers 1843
Chastysing of goddes chyldern, The prouffytable boke for mannes soule called The, c 1491 (W. de Worde)
Chatelaine (Toronto) 1928–
Chatfield, Charles Hugh & Taylor, Charles Fayette
The airplane and its engine 1928
—(ed. 2) 1932
Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of
Letters to his nephew, Thomas Pitt a 1778 (1804).
See also Almon, J.
Chatterton, Edward Keble
The auxiliary patrol 1923
Chatterton, Thomas
Poetical works a 1770 (1842)
Poems supposed to have been written at Bristol by Tho. Rowley and others in the XVth century a 1770 (ed. T. Tyrwhitt 1777)
Chatto, William A.
On origin etc. of playing cards 1848
A treatise on wood engraving 1839 (1861)
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Collected works v.d. (Thynne 1532, –42, –50; Stowe 1561; Speght 1598, 1602; Urry 1721)
Complete Works v.d. (Skeat 1894)
Minor poems v.d (Parallel-text edition, Chaucer Soc.)
An A. B. C. c 1366
Anelida and Arcite c 1374
Astrolabe, A treatise on the c 1391 (E.E.T.S., Chaucer Soc. 1872)
Boethius De consolatione philosophiæ c 1374 (E.E.T.S. 1868; Chaucer Soc. 1886)
The book of the duchesse (= Dethe of Blaunche)
Canterbury Tales (quoted by the title of the tale) c 1386 (Six-text print, Chaucer Soc.; Harl. MS. 7334, Chaucer Soc.; also Tyrwhitt 1775–78)
The compleynt of Mars c 1374
The compleynte unto pite c 1368
The compleint to his empty purse c 1399
The compleynt of Venus c 1392
The dethe of Blaunche c 1369
The former age c 1374
Fortune c 1398
Gentilesse c 1393
The hous of fame c 1384
Lak of stedfastnesse c 1397
The legend of good women c 1385
Lenvoy to Bukton (= Mariage)
Lenvoy to Scogan c 1393
Mariage, The counseil of Chaucer touching c 1393
The parlement of foules c 1381
The romaunt of the rose (ll. 1–1705) a 1366
Troilus and Criseyde c 1374 (Parallel-text print, Chaucer Soc.)
Truth c 1390
Words unto Adam, his owne scriveyn c 1374
Chaucer Society
Publications 1868–
Chaucer's Dreme a 1500 (Speght 1598)
Chauncy, Isaac
An enquiry whether the gospel be a new law 1693
Neonomianism unmasked: or, the ancient gospel pleaded, against the other, called a new law or gospel 1692
A rejoinder to Williams' Reply to Neonomianism unmaskt 1693
Cheadle, Walter Butler
Journal of a trip across Canada, 1862–1863 1931
Cheeseman, Thomas Frederick
Manual of the New Zealand flora 1906
Cheever, George B.
Wanderings of a pilgrim in the shadow of Mont Blanc 1845
Cheever, H. T.
Cheke, Sir John
The hurt of sedicion howe greuous it is to a communewelth 1549
The New Testament in Englishe c 1550
A remedy for sedition 1536
Chemical abstracts 1906–
Chemical and engineering news 1942–
Chemical gazette 1842–59
Chemical news and journal of physical science (title varies) 1859–1932
Chemical Society of London
Annual reports on the progress of chemistry See under title
Journal 1862–
Proceedings 1890–1914
Quarterly reviews 1947–71
Chemistry and industry 1932–
Chemistry in Britain 1965–
Cheney, John
Cheng, Thomas Clement
The biology of animal parasites 1964
Chequered career, A: 15 years in Australia and New Zealand 1881
Cherubini's (M. L.) Treatise on counterpoint and fugue tr. 1854
Cheselden, William
The anatomy of the human body 1713 (1726)
Cheshire, Geoffrey Leonard
Bomber pilot 1943
Cheshire glossary 1886
Cheshire (south) glossary 1887
Chesley, Henry
The customes of Yardley Hastings 1609 (1881)
Chester, Bishop of
Charge 1691
Chester, Robert
Loues martyr: or, Rosalins complaint 1601 (New Shaks. Soc. 1878)
Chester mysteries c 1430 (Roxb. Cl. 1818)
Chester Whitsun plays ? a 1500 (Shaks. Soc. 1843, –47; E.E.T.S. 1893)
Chesterfield, 4th Earl of (Philip Dormer Stanhope) (1694–1773) Miscellaneous works v.d. (1777–78)
Advice to his son on men and manners 1775 (1778)
Letters ed. B. Dobrée 6 vols. 1932
Letters to his son 1737–68 (1774)
Chesters triumph in honor of her prince 1610 (Chetham Soc. 1844)
Chesterton, Gilbert K.
Autobiography 1936
The club of queer trades 1905
The flying inn 1914
Four faultless felons 1930
George Bernard Shaw 1910
Heretics 1905
The incredulity of Father Brown 1926
The innocence of Father Brown 1911
The man who was Thursday: a nightmare 1908
The Napoleon of Notting Hill 1904
Orthodoxy 1909
The thing 1929
The wisdom of Father Brown 1914
Chestre, Thomas
Launfal c 1400 (in Ritson, Metrical romances I. 1802)
Chetham, James
The angler's vade-mecum 1681 (1689)
Chetham Society
Publications 1844–
Chettle, Henry
Englandes mourning garment 1603
Kind harts dreame 1592 (Percy Soc. 1841)
The tragedy of Hoffman 1602 (1631)
—— & Day, John
The blind beggar of Bethnal Green 1600 (1902)
Chetwood, William R.
The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle 1726 (1735)
The voyages, dangerous adventures and imminent escapes of Captain R. Falconer 1720 (1724)
The voyages, travels, and adventures of W. O. G. Vaughan 1736
Cheuelere Assigne c 1430 (Roxb. Cl. 1820; E.E.T.S. 1868)
Chevy chase c 1465 (Child, Ballads 1889)
Cheyne, George
The English malady; or a treatise of nervous diseases of all kinds 1733
An essay on regimen 1740
A new theory of fevers 1702
Philosophical principles of natural religion 1705
Philosophical principles of religion, natural and revealed 1715
Cheynell, Francis
Divers letters to Dr. Jasp. Mayne concerning false prophets 1647
Cheyney, John
A vindication of oaths and swearing 1679
Cheyney, Reginald Evelyn Peter S.
I'll say she does! 1945
You can always duck 1943
Chicago (title varies) 1952–
Chicago Daily News 1876–1960
Chicago Record 1881–1901
Chicago Tribune 1847–
Chichevache & Bycorne
Chilcot, William
Practical treatise concerning evil thoughts 1698 (1851)
Child. Here begynneth a lytell treatyse called the wyse chylde of thre yere old ? 1520 (W. de Worde)
Child, Francis J.
ed. English and Scottish ballads 1857
ed. The English and Scottish popular ballads 1882–98
Child, Sir Josiah
A new discourse of trade 1690 (1698)
Child, Lydia M.
Romance of the Republic 1867
Child-marriages, divorces, and ratifications etc. in the diocese of Chester, etc. 1558–1600 (E.E.T.S. 1897)
Childe, Vere Gordon
The Danube in prehistory 1929
The dawn of European civilization 1925
—(ed. 3) 1939
—(ed. 6) 1957
The most ancient East 1928
—(rewritten with title New light on the most ancient East) 1934
—(rewritten) 1952
Childe of Bristowe c 1480 (in Hazlitt, Early popular poetry 1864)
Children, John G.
An essay on chemical analysis 1819
Children of Thespis 1792
Childrey, Joshua
Britannia Baconica; or the natural rarities of England, Scotland, and Wales 1661
Chillingworth, William
Works a 1644 (1704, 1742, 1838)
The apostolicall institution of episcopacy 1644
Nine sermons on occasional subjects a 1644 (1664)
The religion of protestants a safe way to salvation 1638
Chilmead, Edmund
Ferrand's (Jacques) {Elenis}{rho}{omega}{tau}{omicron}{mu}{alpha}{nu}{iota}{alpha}, or a treatise discoursing of the essence, causes, and cure of love, or erotique melancholy tr. 1640
Leon Modena's History of the rites, customes and manner of life of the present Jews tr. 1650
Chilmead, John
Hues' (R.) Learned treatise of globes tr. 1638 (Hakluyt Soc. 1889)
Chilton-Young, Francis
Every man his own mechanic (anon.) 1881
China now 1970–
Chinese letters 1741
See D'Argens, Marquis
Chipman, Nathaniel
Vermont Supreme Court reports 1789–91 (1871)
Chirche of the euyll men and women 1522 (W. de Worde)
Chisenhale, Edward
Catholike history 1653
Choate, Rufus
Addresses and orations a 1859 (1878)
Choice, chance and change 1606 (Grosart 1881)
Choice drollery; songs and sonnets 1656
Chomsky, Avram Noam
Aspects of the theory of syntax 1965
The logical structure of linguistic theory 1975
Syntactic structures 1957
—— & Halle, Morris
The sound pattern of English 1968
Chope, Richard P.
The dialect of Hartland, Devonshire 1891 (E.D.S.)
Some old farm implements 1919 (From Trans. Devonsh. Assoc. for Adv. Science, Lit. and Art, 1918)
Choppin, Gregory Robert
Experimental nuclear chemistry 1961
Chorley, Henry F.
Memorials of Mrs. Hemans 1836
Christ exalted, and Dr. Crisp vindicated 1698
Christian 1973–
Christian Century, The 1900–
Christian prayers, A booke of 1578
Christian religion's appeal 1675
Christian Science Monitor (Boston, Mass.) 1908–
Christian World, The 1857–
Christie, Agatha Mary Clarissa
The ABC murders 1936
An autobiography 1977
The body in the library 1942
Come, tell me how you live 1946
Curtain: Poirot's last case 1975
Elephants can remember 1972
Evil under the sun 1941
Lord Edgware dies 1933
The mirror crack'd from side to side 1962
The moving finger 1943
Murder in the mews 1937
The murder of Roger Ackroyd 1926
Murder on the Orient Express 1934
The mysterious affair at Styles 1921
The pale horse 1961
Peril at End House 1932
Poirot investigates 1924
Postern of fate 1973
Third girl 1966
Christie, Ella R.
Christis Kirke of the Greene a 1550 (Bannatyne MS., repr. Hunterian Club, p. 282– ).
See also Ramsay, A.
Christison, Sir Robert
Autobiography 1885
Christopher, John’ (Christopher Samuel Youd)
The twenty-second century 1954
Christophersen, Paul
The articles: a study of their theory and use in English 1939
Chrodegang, Rule of a 1000 (E.E.T.S. 1916)
Chronicle of Calais, in the reigns of Henry VII and VIII to the year 1540 15.. (Camden Soc. 1846)
Chronicle of England c 1325 (in Ritson, Metr. rom. II. 1802)
Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London 1556 (Camden Soc. 1852)
Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 c 1483 (1827)
Chronicle of the rebellion in Lincolnshire 1470 (Camden Soc. 1847)
Chronicle (English) of the reigns of Richard II, Henry IV, V, and VI c 1465 (Camden Soc. 1856)
Chronicles, Three fifteenth-century 14.. (Camden Soc. 1880)
Chronicles of the White Rose of York, The v.d. (1845)
Chronicon Vilodunense, sive de vita et miraculis Sanctæ Edithæ Regis Edgari filiæ c 1420 (1830; Horstmann 1883)
Chrysler, Charles Byron
White slavery 1911
Chubb, John
On the construction of locks and keys 1850
Chujoy, Anatole
The dance encyclopedia 1949
—(rev. ed. by A. Chujoy & P. W. Manchester) 1967
Church, Arthur H.
Food grains of India 1886
Precious stones 1883
Church, Benjamin
History of King Philip's war 1716 (1865–67)
Church, Richard Thomas
The voyage home 1964
Church, Richard W.
Bacon 1884
Pascal, and other sermons 1895
Spenser 1879
Church, William C.
The life of John Ericsson 1890
Church and court of Rome 1674
See Difference
Church and the world, The 1866
Church Missionary Society
A grammar and vocabulary of the language of New Zealand ed. S. Lee from materials supplied by T. Kendall 1820
Church of yvell men
See Chirche
Church quarterly review 1875–1968
Church Times, The 1869–
Churchill, Charles
Poems a 1764 (1763,–4,–5,–9)
The apology 1761
The ghost 1762
Night 1761
The Rosciad 1761
Churchill, John
Collection of voyages and travels (1704)
Churchill, Randolph Spencer & Gilbert, Martin
Winston S. Churchill 1966–
Churchill, Winston
Coniston 1906
The Crisis 1901
Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer
The end of the beginning: war speeches, 1942 compiled by C. Eade 1943
Into battle: speeches compiled by R. S. Churchill 1941
My early life: a roving commission 1930
The Second World War 6 vols. 1948–53 (UK 1948–54)
Secret session speeches compiled by C. Eade 1946
Victory war speeches, 1945 compiled by C. Eade 1946
The world crisis 6 vols. 1923–31
Church-lands not to be sold 1648
Churchwardens' Account book of St. Giles, Reading 15.. (ed. W. L. Nash. Privately printed)
Church-wardens' accounts of Croscombe, Pilton, Yatton, Tintinhull, Morebath, and St. Michael's, Bath 1349–1560 (Somerset Rec. Soc. 1890)
Churchwardens' accounts of S. Edmund and S. Thomas, Sarum 1443–1702 (Wilts. Rec. Soc. 1896)
Churchwardens' accounts of the town of Ludlow in Shropshire 1540–1600; and of St. Michael, Cornhill 1457–1563 (Camden Soc. 1869)
Churchwardens' accounts of St. Mary's, Reading 1550–1662 (1893)
Churchwardens' accounts of Pittington and other parishes in the diocese of Durham 1580–1700 (Surtees Soc. 1888)
Churchwardens' accounts of various parishes (quoted by the title of the parish) 14..–16.. (in J. Nichols, Illustr. Manners Ant. Times Eng. 1797)
Churchyard, Thomas
The firste parte of Churchyardes chippes 1575 (1817)
A generall rehearsall of warres 1579
A sad and solemne funerall of sir F. Knowles 1596 (1815)
Good will. Verses in the nature of an epitaph, for the Abp. of Canterbury 1604 (1815)
The worthines of Wales 1587 (1876)
Churton, Henry’ (Albion Winegar Tourgée)
Toinette 1874
Churton, Ralph
Eight sermons on the prophecies respecting the destruction of Jerusalem 1785
The life of A. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's 1809
Lives of W. Smyth, Bishop of Lincoln, and Sir R. Sutton, founders of Brasen Nose College 1800
Chylde, The wyse
See Child
Cibber, Colley
Dramatic works v.d. (1754, 1777)
Apology for his life 1739 (1740, 1756)
The careless husband 1705
Love makes a man 1701
Love's last shift 1696
The non-juror 1718
She wou'd, and she wou'd not 1703
See also Vanbrugh, Sir J.
Cicely of Roby 1795
Cicero: Of the nature of the Gods tr. 1741
Cieza's (Peter de) Travels tr. 1709: see Stevens, John
Circle of the sciences, Orr's. A series of treatises on the principles of science 1854–56
Circle of the sciences, The; ed. James Wylde 1862–67
Circunsision, The 14.. (in The visions of Tundale, etc. 1843)
Cist, Charles
Cincinnati in 1841: early annals and future prospects 1841
ed. The Cincinnati miscellany 2 vols. 1845–6
Sketches and statistics of Cincinnati in 1851 1851
City alarum 1645
Civil engineer and architect's journal, The 1837–
Clabburn, Pamela
The needleworker's dictionary 1976
Clacy, Ellen
A lady's visit to the gold diggings of Australia in 1852–53 1853
Clagett, William
Sermons a 1688 (1699)
Claiborne, John Francis Hamtramck
Life and correspondence of John A. Quitman 2 vols. 1860
Clancey, Phillip Alexander
The birds of Natal and Zululand 1964
Clanvowe, Sir Thomas
The cuckoo and the nightingale c 1403 (in Skeat, Chaucerian pieces 1897)
Clapham, Alfred William
Romanesque architecture in western Europe 1936
Clapham, Henoch
A briefe of the Bibles historie drawne into English poesy 1596
Errour on the left hand through a frozen security 1608
Errour on the right hand through a preposterous zeal 1608
Clapperton, Hugh
Journal of a second expedition into the interior of Africa 1829
Clapperton, Richard
No news on Monday 1968
Clare, John
Poems descriptive of rural life and scenery 1820
The rural muse 1835
The shepherd's calendar, etc. 1827
The village minstrel, etc. 1821
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of
A brief view and survey of the errors to Church and State in Hobbes' Leviathan a 1674 (1676)
A collection of several tracts a 1674 (1727)
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England 1647, a 1674 (1702–04, 1888)
His life, written by himself a 1674 (1759)
Clarendon, Henry Hyde, 2nd Earl of
State letters during the reign of K. James the second; and his Lordship's diary for the years 1687–90 16.. (1763)
Clarendonian, The 1919–
Claridge, R. T.
Every man his own doctor. The cold-water, tepid water, and friction-cure 1849
Clark, Alfred Joseph
Applied pharmacology 1923
—(ed. 6) 1937
Clark, David
Plane and geodetic surveying for engineers 2 vols. 1923
Clark, Donald Thomas & Gottfried, Bert A.
Dictionary of business and finance 1957
—(Apollo ed., with title University dictionary of ——) 1967
Clark, Douglas
Death after evensong 1969
Dread and water 1976
The gimmel flask 1977
Premedicated murder 1975
Sick to death 1971
Clark, Emily
The banks of the Douro 1805
Clark, George T.
Mediæval military architecture in England 1884
Clark, George Thomas
Leland Stanford, war governor of California 1931
Clark, Grahame
Clark, Hugh
A concise history of knighthood 1784
Clark, John Desmond
The prehistory of southern Africa 1959
Clark, John Grahame Douglas
Archaeology and society 1939
—(ed. 3) 1957
World prehistory 1961
—(ed. 3) 1977
Clark, John W.
Clark, Kenneth McKenzie
Another part of the wood: a self-portrait 1974
Civilisation: a personal view 1969
The nude: a study of ideal art 1956
Clark, Matthew
Home trade 1930
Clark, Nigel George
Modern organic chemistry: an introduction 1964
Clark, Percy Missen
The autobiography of an old drifter 1936
Clark, Ronald William & Pyatt, Edward Charles
Mountaineering in Britain 1957
Clark, Walter John
International language, past, present & future 1907
Clark, Wilfrid Edward Le Gros
The tissues of the body 1939
Clark, William
Jan van der Hoeven's Handbook of zoology tr. 1856–58
Clarke, Arthur Charles
The deep range 1957
The exploration of space 1951
The sands of Mars 1951
Clarke, Austin
Later poems 1961
Clarke, C. Cowden
Shakespeare-characters; chiefly subordinate 1863
Clarke, Charles
Observations on the intended tunnel beneath the River Thames 1799
Clarke, Edward D.
Travels in Russia 1811 (1839)
Clarke, Eliza
The sword; or, Father Bertrand's History of his own times 1791
Clarke, George Sydenham
Fortification: its past achievements, recent development and future progress 1890
Clarke, Hyde
A new and comprehensive dictionary of the English language 1855
Clarke, James
A survey of the lakes of Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Lancashire 1787 (1789)
Clarke, James F.
Self-culture 1880
Clarke, John
Dux oratorius. A twofold praxis 1633 (Pt. II. of Dux grammaticus)
Holy incense for the censers of the saints 1634
Par{oe}miologia Anglo-Latina in usum scholarum concinnata. Or proverbs English and Latin 1639
Clarke, John
An enquiry into the cause and origin of evil 1720 (1721)
Rohault's (Jacques) System of natural philosophy tr. 1710 (1729)
Clarke, John
An essay on the education of youth in grammar schools 1720 (1740)
Clarke, John Henrik
ed. Harlem, U.S.A. 1964
Clarke, Laurence
A compleat history of the Holy Bible 1737 (1740)
Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop
His natural life 1874 (UK 3 vols. 1875)
Clarke, Mary Cowden
Berlioz On modern instrumentation and orchestration tr. 1856
Clarke, Samuel
A geographicall description of all the countries in the known world 1657
The life of Tamerlane the Great 1653 (1664)
The marrow of ecclesiastical historie 1650
A mirrour; or, looking-glasse both for saints and sinners 1646 (1671)
Clarke, Samuel
Scripture-justification 1698
A survey of the Bible 1693
Clarke, Samuel
Works a 1729 (1738)
A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God (Boyle lecture) 1705
A discourse concerning the connexion of the prophecies in the Old Testament and the application of them to Christ 1725
A letter to Mr. Dodwell; wherein all the arguments in his epistolary discourse against the immortality of the soul are particularly answered 1706 (1711)
A defense of an argument 1707
A second defense 1707
A third and fourth defense 1708
The scripture doctrine of the Trinity 1712
Clarke, Stephen
Hortus Anglicus, or the modern English garden 1822
Clarke, William
Clarke papers. Selections from the papers of W. C. a 1666 (Camden Soc. 1891–1901)
Clarke, William
The natural history of nitre 1670
Clarke, William
Every night book; or, Life after dark 1827
Clarke, William B.
Narrative of the wreck of theFavourite’ 1850
Clarke, William Eagle
Studies in bird migration 2 vols. 1912
Clarke County Democrat (Grove Hill, Alabama) 1856– (title varies)
Clarkson, Thomas
An essay on the impolicy of the African slave trade 1788
Memoirs of the private and public life of W. Penn 1813
Classical Association
Proceedings 1904–
Classical quarterly 1907–
Classification of occupations 1960 See United Kingdom. General Register Office
Classification of occupations and directory of occupational titles 1972 See United Kingdom. Department of Employment
Claus' (Carl) Elementary text-book of zoology tr. by A. Sedgwick and F. G. Heathcote 1884–85
Clauser, Henry Ray
ed. The encyclopedia of engineering materials and processes 1963
Clavell, John
A recantation of an ill led life 1628 (1634)
Clayton, Benjamin
Dogs 1872
Clayton, John
Reports and pleas of assises at Yorke 1651
Clayton, Robert
A journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again tr. 1753
Cleanness (= Purity) c 1325
See Early English alliterative poems
Cleary, Jon
High Commissioner 1966
The long pursuit 1967
Peter's Pence 1974
The safe house 1975
The sundowners 1952
Cleaveland, Parker
An elementary treatise on mineralogy and geology 1816 (1822)
Cleaver, Robert
A briefe explanation of the whole book of the Prouerbs of Salomon 1615
Cleaver, William
Seven sermons on select subjects a 1762 (1808)
Cleges, Sir c 1410 (in Weber, Metrical romances I. 1810)
Clegg, John
The freshwater life of the British Isles 1952
Clegg, John Trafford
Works: stories, sketches and rhymes in the Rochdale dialect 2 vols. 1895–8
Cleghorn, George
Observations on the epidemical diseases in Minorca, from 1744 to 1749 1751
Cleife, Kenneth Philip H.
The slick and the dead 1972
Cleland, John
Memoirs of a woman of pleasure 2 vols. 1749
Cleland, Robert
Inchbracken, the story of a Fama Clamosa 1883
Cleland, William
Collection of poems a 1689 (1697)
Clemens, Samuel L.
Clements, Eileen Helen
High tension 1959
Honey for the Marshal 1960
Clements, Frederic Edward
Plant indicators: the relation of plant communities to process and practice 1920
Plant succession: an analysis of the development of vegetation 1916
Research methods in ecology 1905
Clements, Rex
A gipsy of the Horn 1924
Cleminshaw, E.
Wurtz' (C. A.) Atomic theory tr. 1880
Clene maydenhod c 1370 (E.E.T.S. 1867)
Clerk, Dugald
The gas engine 1886
Clerk, Sir John
Memoirs of the life of, a 1755 (S.H.S. 1892)
Clerke, Agnes Mary
Familiar studies in Homer 1892
Popular history of astronomy during the 19th c. 1885
Problems in astrophysics 1903
The system of the stars 1890
Clerke, Richard
Sermons a 1634 (1637)
Clerk-Maxwell, J.
Clery, Cornelius F.
Minor tactics 1875 (1877)
Cleugh, James
tr. R. Jungk's Brighter than a thousand suns 1958
Cleveland, John
Works a 1658 (1687)
The character of a London diurnall 1644 (1647)
The character of a diurnall-maker 1654
Poems v.d. (1651, 1653, 1659, 1660, 1677)
The rustick rampant 1658
Cleveland Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) 1845–
Clevely, Hugh Desmond
Public enemy 1953
Cleverly, C. F. M.

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