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[PDF]A Naturalist in Cannibal Land - A.S. Meek 1913 A.O.pdf263M
[PDF]The Philippine Islands - John Foreman 1906.pdf119M
[VID]Dances of the South Pacific - Mrs. C. W. Hacker (Mrs. J. Shipley Dixon).mp4 69M
[VID]Pacific Ocean Voyage - Arthur and Kate Tode 1930.mp4 61M
[PDF]The Pagan Tribes of Borneo, Vol. 1-2 - Charles Hose 1912 A.O.pdf 59M
[PDF]Encyclopedia of World Cultures Vol 2 - Oceania - D. Levinson 1991.pdf 52M
[PDF]Through the South Seas with Jack London - by Martin Johnson 1913 A.O.pdf 46M
[PDF]A History of the Philippines - David Prescott Barrows- 1914.pdf 40M
[VID]Trip Through North Borneo 1907.mp4 36M
[PDF]Hunted Through Fiji, or, Twixt Convict and Cannibal - Reginald Ernest Horsley 1897 A.O.pdf 34M
[PDF]Encyclopedia Of The Nations - Vol. 4 - Asia & Oceania - Mary Rose Bonk 2004.pdf 32M
[PDF]A Short History of the Philippines - Prescott Ford Jernegan 1905.pdf 30M
[PDF]Cannibal-land, Adventures With a Camera in the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) - Martin Johnson 1922 A.O.pdf 29M
[PDF]From Fiji to the Cannibal Islands - Beatrice Ethel Grimshaw 1907 A.O.pdf 25M
[PDF]The Fame of Gawa, A Symbolic Study of Value Transformation in a Massim Society, Papua New Guinea - Nancy D. Munn 1992.pdf 21M
[PDF]The Mythology of all Races, Vol 9, Oceanic - Louis Herbert Gray 1916 A.O.pdf 19M
[PDF]Myths and Songs from the South Pacific - William Wyatt Gill 1876 A.O.pdf 19M
[PDF]Te Tohunga, The Ancient Legends and Traditions of the Maori - by W. Dittmer 1907 A.O.pdf 17M
[PDF]New Zealand, The Dear Old Maori Land - Frances Brewer Lysnar 1915 A.O.pdf 17M
[PDF]John Rutherford, the White Chief, a Story of Adventure in New Zealand - George Lillie Craik 1908 A.O.pdf 15M
[PDF]Encyclopedia of National Economies Vol 3 Asia & the Pacific 2002.pdf 14M
[PDF]My First Britannica - 07, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand 2008.pdf 14M
[PDF]Through New Guinea and the cannibal countries - Webster, Herbert Cayley 1898 A.O.pdf 14M
[PDF]Frontier life, Taranaki, New Zealand - Edwin Stanley Brookes 1892 A.O.pdf 13M
[PDF]Old New Zealand, Being Incidents of Native Customs and Character in the Old Times - Frederick Edward Maning 1863 A.O.pdf 13M
[PDF]The New Zealanders - George Lillie Craik 1830 A.O.pdf 13M
[PDF]The Isle of Vanishing Men, A Narrative of Adventure in Cannibal-land - William Fisher Alder 1922 A.O.pdf9.1M
[   ]The Twilight Warriors, The Deadliest Naval Battle of World War II - Robert Gandt 2010.epub8.1M
[PDF]Two Cannibal Archipelagoes, New Hebrides and Solomon Groups - Emma Hildreth Adams 1890 A.O.pdf6.7M
[PDF]Spiritual and Mental Concepts of the Maori - by Elsdon Best 1922 A.O.pdf6.0M
[PDF]The Aryan Maori - Edward Tregard 1885.pdf5.6M
[   ]The Twilight Warriors, The Deadliest Naval Battle of World War II - Robert Gandt 2010.mobi4.0M
[   ]Tales Of The South Pacific - James A. Michener 1946.rtf3.4M
[   ]With the Old Breed, At Peleliu and Okinawa - E. B. Sledge 1981.epub2.8M
[   ]Decoding Maori Cosmology; The Ancient Origins - Laird Scranton 2018.epub2.3M
[   ]The Battle of Midway - Craig L. Symonds 2011.mobi2.2M
[DOC]Oceanic Mythology - Roland B. Dixon 1916.doc2.1M
[   ]The Battle of Midway - Craig L. Symonds 2011.epub1.8M
[PDF]Days with the Old Force, From, Recollections and Reflections of an Old New Zealander - E. Maxwell 1900 A.O.pdf1.8M
[   ]With the Old Breed, At Peleliu and Okinawa - E. B. Sledge 1981.mobi1.5M
[PDF]Social Change and Psychosocial Adaptation in the Pacific Islands - Anthony Marsella 2005.pdf1.3M
[DOC]The Island of Desire The Story of a South Sea Trader - Robert Dean Frisbie 1944.doc1.2M
[DOC]THE LORE OF THE WHARE-WĀNANGA - S. Percy Smith 1913.doc1.2M
[   ]The Ghost Mountain Boys, Battle For New Guinea - James E. Campbell 2007.mobi1.0M
[DOC]Through Central Borneo - Carl Lumholtz 1917.doc1.0M
[   ]The Ghost Mountain Boys, Battle For New Guinea - James E. Campbell 2007.epub787K
[PDF]The Little, But Affecting History of Mary Howard, Tattooing, New Zealand, 1835 A.O.pdf721K
[IMG]z - Ka Leo o Ka Makani Voice Of The Wind.jpg693K
[TXT]Oceanic Mythology - Roland B. Dixon 1916.txt616K
[DOC]Philippine Folk-Tales - Carla Kern Bayliss, Berton L. Maxfield.doc532K
[DOC]Polynesian Mythology - George Grey 1854.doc498K
[   ]The Battle for Iwo Jima - Robert Leckie 1967 & 2004.epub456K
[PDF]Oceanic Mythology - Roland B. Dixon 1916.pdf390K
[PDF]Polynesian Mythology - George Grey 1854.pdf361K
[   ]Okinawa, The Last Battle of World War II - Robert Leckie 1995.mobi281K
[DOC]Sunk at Sea Adventures of Wandering Will in the Pacific - R.M. Ballantyne 1869.doc242K
[   ]Okinawa, The Last Battle of World War II - Robert Leckie 1995.epub239K
[DOC]The Cannibal Islands or Captain Cook in the South Seas - R.M. Ballantyne 1869.doc219K
[   ]The Battle for Iwo Jima - Robert Leckie 1967 & 2004.mobi192K
[DOC]The Samoan Story of Creation, Vol 1- JOURNAL OF THE POLYNESIAN SOCIETY 1892.doc183K
[DOC]WHAT IS MAORI THEOLOGY - Michael Shirres.doc152K
[DOC]Philippine Folklore Stories - John Maurice Miller 1904.doc137K