
Understand, o my Son, in thy Youth, these Words which some wise One, now nameless, spake of old; except ye become as little Children ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. This is to say that thou must first comprehend thine original Nature in every Point, before thou wast forced to bow before the Gods of Wood and Stone that Men have made, not comprehending the Law of Change, and of Evolution Through Variation, and the independent Value of every living Soul.

Learn this also, that even the Will to the Great Work may be misunderstood of Men; for this Work must proceed naturally and without Overstress, as all true Works. Right also is that Word that the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth Violence, and the violent take it by Force. But except thou be violent by Virtue of thy true Nature, how shalt thou take it? Be not as the Ass in the Lion’s Skin; but if thou be born Ass, bear patiently thy Burdens, and enjoy thy Thistles; for an Ass also, as in the Fables of Apuleius and Matthaiss, may come to Glory in the Path of his own Virtue.


Index | α Apologia | β De Arte Kabalistica | γ De Vite Corrigenda | δ Legenda de Amore | ε Gesta de Amore | ϝ Ultima Thesis de Amore | ζ De Natura Sua Percipienda | η Altera de Via Naturae | θ Quo Modo Natura Sua est Legenda | ι De Somniis α Causa per Accidens | . . .