Liber Aleph vel CXI

The Book of Wisdom or Folly


Know, son, that the true Principle of Self-Control is Liberty. For we are born into a World which is in Bondage to Ideals; to them we are perforce fitted, even as the Enemies to the Bed of Procrustes. Each of us, as he grows, learns Repression of himself and his true Will. “It is a lie, this folly against self”: these Words are written in The Book of the Law. So therefore these Passions in ourselves which we understand to be Hindrances are not part of our True Will, but diseased Appetites, manifest in us through false early Training. Thus the Tabus of savage Tribes in such matter as Love constrain that True Love which is born in us; and by this Constraint come ills of Body and Mind. Either the Force of Repression carries it, and creates Neuroses and Insanities; or the Revolt against that Force, breaking forth with Violence, involves Excesses and Extravagances. All these Things are Disorders, and against Nature. Now then learn of me the testimony of History and literature as a great Scroll of Learning. But the Vellum of the Scroll is of Man’s Skin, and its Ink of his Heart’s Blood.


Index | α Apologia | β De Arte Kabalistica | γ De Vite Corrigenda | δ Legenda de Amore | ε Gesta de Amore | ϝ Ultima Thesis de Amore | ζ De Natura Sua Percipienda | η Altera de Via Naturae | θ Quo Modo Natura Sua est Legenda | ι De Somniis α Causa per Accidens | . . .