Persons born from November 23 to December 23, or those who have the sign Sagittarius rising at birth (which can be ascertained only through a knowledge of the hour of birth), will come under the dominion of the fiery, mutable, inspirational sign Sagittarius, symbolized by the Centaur, shooting an arrow, and ruled over by Jupiter, the "Greater Fortune." Sagittarius, the last of the fiery signs, is not so much fire itself as the reflection of fire. The symbol of the sign is the Centaur, part man and part beast.
The skull appropriate to Sagittarius is finely proportioned, being rather long with good proportional breadth. The forehead is high with the hair well back from the temples. The eyes usually possess a dreamy, far-away look, though this is notably modified by planetary influence. The nose is generally long and straight, but a powerful Jupiter often lends to it the curve of his eagle's beak, while a rising Moon may make it turn up slightly. The mouth is mobile, but rather inclined to fullness, this latter trait again being accentuated by any predominance of Jupiter. Unless this same influence works to make a jowl heavy, the chin is narrow and rather pointed. As a general rule, the eyes are gray or light brown in color. The {130} hair has often a tendency to auburn. This rule has, however, many obvious exceptions, since, for some reason, the blond type of humanity is tending to disappear.
It is almost always easy to recognize a resemblance between the expression of the Sagittarius native's face and that of a horse, a deer, or one of the long-nosed types of dog, to be distinguished from the short-nosed type of man, resemblance to which is seen in Leo and sometimes in Scorpio. In many cases, this likeness is extraordinarily plain to see. A most marked characteristic is the alert and ingenuous frankness of countenance. An aquiline nose may be combined with a pointed chin, and this gives a hatchet-like profile which might possibly be mistaken for the masculine type of Cancer, should the face happen to be unusually pale. This last circumstance, however, is rare with Sagittarius. The typical complexion is rosy pink. It is, on the whole, the most beautiful and delicate of all the complexions.
The body is sometimes confused with that of Libra, owing to its gracefulness and activity, but on careful observation the difference will be seen to be well marked. The classical type of Sagittarius is Artemis or Atalanta rather than Venus. The grace is more active than passive, and there is no hint of allurement or of languor. The stature, moreover, is usually much above the average, and the limbs are athletic and admirably fitted for all active pursuits.
There will always remain a certain touch of the high-strung or nervous temperament, which completely differentiates this sign from Libra. One of the chief characteristics is indeed the restless, and, in a way, purposeless activity of the body, which reminds one not a little {131} of the similar mental traits found in Gemini. People with this sign rising are nearly always extremely fond of outdoor exercise of every kind, from hunting to the more ordinary sports, but it may be said that they avoid those forms of hunting or sports in which there is a serious element of combat. They do not like to put themselves in danger of bodily peril, save so far as minor accidents incidental to the sports are concerned. In this good judgment is seen the influence of the lord of the sign, Jupiter. It is the natives of cherubic signs who enjoy grappling an antagonist at even or against superior odds. Sagittarius is like cavalry; it is framed for agile movement, for participation in victory, and its symbolic weapon is the arrow. It acquires its force from its own momentum. Over short distances, it is the best of all types of activity. It lives very much upon its nervous system. Indeed, the chief dangers to health in this type arise from overactivity of mind or body, and there is apt to be depletion of life force through unnecessary scattering of energy; but there is usually sufficient vitality to overcome these dangers and, generally speaking, the sign promises a good longevity.
Herbert Spencer lived continually on his nerves, but lived to a good old age. The early death of Shelley, an even better example of the Sagittarian type, does not contradict this rule, as his accidental death was indicated by planetary afflictions. A third type of nervous delicacy of constitution is given by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, but he also, in spite of the unfortunate habits which wrecked his life, lived to the age of sixty-two.
The constitution of the native is finely poised, rather like that of Libra, but less balanced. He lives on his activity. If deprived of his outdoor recreations, he would {132} pine; if he were forced into restraint, he would rapidly break down.
Sagittarius governs the hips and thighs, the locomotor muscles,and sympathetically, the hands and feet, the chest and lungs, the intestines and the nervous system. When the system becomes depleted or ill health overtakes these natives, they are likely to suffer from indigestion, sciatica, gout and rheumatism. The lungs and nervous system are also more or less subject to derangement. They may suffer from accidents to the hips, hands or feet, as well as dislocation of the joints. In case of fever, like the natives of Aries and Leo (both fiery signs, as is Sagittarius), they are in danger of suffering from delirium, as one extreme, or chills producing subnormal temperature as the other. In Sagittarian children, this frequently takes the form of convulsions. As a rule, however, it is well known that more octogenarians are born under Sagittarius than under any other sign.
They have great reserve force, which is partly due to the fact that they have the
ability to rest profoundly, although they are very easily awakened. In extreme cases, they
spend more nervous energy in daily life than does the average type, and they do not
economize strength as they should. This tendency to call unnecessarily upon the store of
force depletes their stock or capital, and it too often results in a nervous breakdown.
Certain forms of paralysis are indicted as possibilities. Environment, however, counts for
a great deal. Their love of active outdoor life, and their impetuosity may possibly cause
them to meet with accident more frequently than the natives of most other signs; but
accidental troubles apart, there is every reason to expect general good health and long
{133} life from Sagittarius. It is, however, to be said that since he is apt of scatter
his energies, he has no such power of resistance to disease as is given by the cherubic
signs; nor is his recuperative power as great. This native is naturally temperate in all
respects, but the sign is easily influenced and a planetary bad aspect may overcome the
original predisposition. In the case of Coleridge, we find a conjunction of Saturn, Venus
and Neptune, while Jupiter is weakened by the opposition of the Moon and the square of
Uranus. One cannot wonder, therefore, at his inability to resist the insidious temptation
offered to him by laudanum.
The Sigil of this sign is the rainbow. Being ruled by Jupiter, the temperament of its native is expansive and altruistic, and it is sometimes called the prophetic sign, as the objective and subjective mind work harmoniously together under its vibrations. The Sagittarian is a born idealist; he is the young man who sees visions and the old man who dreams dreams. But there is no unpracticability in his idealism, for he is capable of foreseeing the outcome of a transaction from its very inception and the activity and directness of his character is typified in the ancient pictorial representation of Sagittarius as a centaur who holds a bow outstretched, about to speed an arrow straight to its mark.
The Sagittarian quality of ideal vision was perhaps never better exemplified than in Abraham Lincoln, and he illustrates equally well the significance of the other pictorial symbol wherein the centaur, guided by the divine {134} intelligence of a human brain, expresses his animal joy in nature through the lithe, active and robust body of a swift horse. Frank, open-hearted, honest and sincere, always truthful and intolerant of those who are not, the Sagittarian is a child of nature, whose two sides constantly manifest themselves in varying moods; for he is bold, restless, daring, and at the same time sensitive, impressionable and retiring. His likes and dislikes are very pronounced, and he is exceedingly susceptible to inharmony either in his surroundings or in his associates.
Just as he is nimble and fleet of foot, so is he swift and accurate in thought. He is direct of speech and despises circumlocution in others; nothing so angers him as does duplicity, but his anger is short-lived and he never bears malice; often he will yield his point rather than enter a quarrel, although he can adhere very rightly to a position when a real principle is involved.
Small annoyances give him more distress than serious difficulties, and these he is generally able to avoid by a little forethought and diplomacy -- qualities with which he is well endowed. With all his pure idealism, he reasons out every question, and finds delight in facing life fairly, and frankly trying to reduce its problems to their simplest terms. An unusual degree of mental activity is one of the most marked characteristics of the sign; the alertness and directness of the bodily movements translate themselves into activity of the mind, and the native's conclusions are apt to hit the mark as swiftly and as straight as the arrow, which is a symbol of the sign. The general temper of Sagittarius is calm, buoyant and cheerful, and its natives consequently retain a certain youthfulness well into age; indeed, they never seem to be as old as their years; also, there are {135} those among them who develop slowly, not reaching their full powers until middle age or the later years of life.
The Sagittarian vision is very clearly shown in Cecil Rhodes' dream of world empire, though in this case Saturn and Uranus, both in earthy signs, assisted him in devoting his practical energies to the actual work of building his dreams into realty, and the trine of Neptune and sextile of Uranus to his Sun so magnified the dimensions of his vision that it was far more than even his extraordinary powers could possibly achieve. "So much to do; so little done," was his exclamation when dying. Of course, Jupiter rising also solidified and made more practical the aspiration characteristic of the pure Sagittarian. We find this same element present in the horoscopes of Queen Elizabeth and Lord Northcliffe. The careful comparison of their three charts should be very instructive to the student. In each case we find a vision that may almost be called abnormal, and in each we see Jupiter rising, giving increased practical power to the qualities of his own sign. A fourth example is to be found in the horoscope of King Edward VII, whose Jupiter, just above the horizon, is squared by Uranus, while Mars and Saturn are in the Ascendant. But where the influence of Jupiter is not strong, we are apt to find the vision more imaginative and expressing itself in more spiritual terms, as in the cases of Swedenborg, Shelley and Coleridge; or in more fanciful ways, as with Lewis Carroll and Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence.
We have already remarked that an extraordinary mental activity is the chief characteristic of the native of Sagittarius, and we have noted the insatiable curiosity and inexhaustible energy with which he reason out every {136} problem, finding joy in going to the bottom of things and reducing each question to its simplest terms. Thus, under favorable conditions, he not only makes rapid progress in intellectual development himself, but he is able to communicate his zeal to others; he may be an excellent teacher, usually following the Socratic method of instruction by interrogation. He is, therefore, best adapted to teach older pupils who can respond intelligently to argument and discussion. The legal profession is an excellent field for his talents, although he is likely to do well in journalism and often in literature, while the teaching of religion or philosophy is perhaps the most congenial of all occupations.
In conversation the Sagittarian is fond of argument and as he enjoys crossing swords with a good antagonist, he is apt to be a skillful dialectician. He seems to have an intuitive knowledge of the weak points in his opponent's reasoning, seldom misses his mark in his rejoinders, and excels in swift flashes of witty repartee. He is a clever cross-examiner, but, unless the emotional side of his nature is well developed, he is likely not only to disregard the feelings of others by persistent probings into their views or reasoning, but also to submit himself to such rigid examination that it kills sentiment. The best of these qualities were magnificently exemplified in Lincoln, his emotional nature being powerfully excited by a rising Neptune.
There is, in the average case, much tendency to discursive talk, with frequent interjection of the unnecessary, but full of the humor that is generally finely developed in the native of Sagittarius. An excellent example of this sort of conversation is shown in the "Table {137} Talk" of Coleridge. In writing, there is a very natural turn toward the dialogue form of literary expression and not infrequently to dramatic composition; but in this latter field the exaltation of the mental qualities is likely to make the plot unreal and the speeches long-winded, while the characters have not enough of physical life to make them seem real. The writings of Robert Browning show many of the defects as well as much of the best quality of the Sagittarian influence.
In regard to money matters, Sagittarius is Jupiter's own sign, and its native, unless badly limited by planetary affliction, is well equipped for financial success. He acts quickly and aims straight at the mark, and this is of first importance in most financial transactions. In undeveloped types, this may express itself in a reckless snap judgment, which may fritter away on small deals and prevent opportunities for larger operations, but the developed Sagittarian is apt to be a commanding figure in the financial world.
In business, the Sagittarius native is well adapted to succeed either alone or in partnership. His intense activity and energy, his fertility in expedient, his habit of reducing equations to the simplest terms and eliminating unnecessary details, and his general good judgment all contribute valuable factors for commercial success, but work of a nature that involves petty detail or business that is made up of an aggregate of small transactions is very distasteful to him; he is, therefore, not well adapted to clerical duties. It will be seen easily that these same qualities are as excellent in public affairs as in private concerns; and his abundant self-confidence and clearness {138} of vision, together with his frank bonhomie, should carry him far in political preferment.
One of the two greatest faults of the Sagittarian, however, is a certain impatience and hastiness which encourage premature action. He is apt to be so anxious to pick the fruit that he cannot always wait until it is ripe. Impatient of delay, he wishes his orders carried out almost before they are given. The cultivation of patience is therefore always to be recommended.
In dealing with servants, the amiability and tact of this native are considerable assets, but he is a little inclined to presume upon his position when dealing with inferiors and to make that presumption felt. The undeveloped native may be very spiteful when crossed, and exact petty revenge on those who displease him. He may acquire the liking of his inferiors, but seldom commands their affection.
Another general characteristic, which is apt to be particularly annoying, is that, wishing to please, the native of this sign may make promises and then forget them. Sometimes one can hardly say whether he ever intends to match promise by performance. Spain is under the influence of Sagittarius, and Spain is, above all, the country of grandiose manners, combined with a perfect casuistry. The Spaniard is a master of fine speeches, which mean nothing. On meeting a Spanish gentleman for the first time, he tells you where he lives and implores you to regard his house as your own, but if you were to pay so much as a formal call on this invitation, he would think you extraordinarily lacking in "savoir faire." It is always necessary to wait for a repeated invitation, backed by {139} some action, before attaching any meaning to what was merely a polite phrase. Similarly, in signing a letter, the customary closing phrase is always "your servant who kisses your hand," but one has yet to experience the sensation of having one's hand kissed by a Spaniard. Where such manners are a national trait and perfectly well understood, no harm is done, but in other countries, where the ideal of social intercourse is supposed to be blunt, honest frankness, the unwary may be totally misled and horribly disappointed. It is clear how cruel a situation may be created when the inferior is in some genuine distress.
The keen delight of the Sagittarius people is to be in the open air, and in all kinds of outdoor sports and occupations the native develops a frank and hearty democratic impulse which makes him willing to fraternize with all sorts and conditions of men, and develops a genuine compassion for those who are compelled to toil under restricted or shut-in conditions. These people are often deeply interested in projects for social reform and for the betterment of the condition of the laboring class. In such work they are extremely practical, for their theories will be based upon patient research into actual conditions, and they are too clear-sighted to be easily drawn into any unbalanced radicalism.
It is quite evident that the qualities of Sagittarius are admirable in the development of friendships, for its natives are impulsive and quick to reach out to those who interest them and, as their interest is mainly excited by mental qualities, there is usually a firm basis on which to build a lasting intimacy; and they are very loyal to those to whom they become attached. The same frank sincerity and outspoken honesty that {140} make the friendships of this native wholesome and genuine, when properly restrained by a due regard for the feelings of others, will be found to govern him in his love affairs; but there, even with genuine affection, these qualities will not always prove as satisfactory. If the native of this sign succeeds in finding a woman who really understands him enough to love him and trust him, his nature will expand to its highest and best and he will make a devoted and appreciative husband, but the great danger is that the average woman will not understand his frankness and he may have small success in his courtship of the ordinary romantic woman. He is also too apt to choose his wife by logical reasoning rather than by a true mental analysis of the qualities which ought to mate best with him. His impulsive and direct nature will allow him to begin easily a friendship with a woman and to enter precipitately into an engagement which, on reflection, he may find himself unable to fulfill; the native of Sagittarius finds it difficult to lie at the altar, and broken engagements are not uncommon to this type. The sign also produces many bachelors, largely from the caution and prudence that are equally characteristic of its influence. This seems regrettable, as emotional development is the most needed element in the Sagittarian nature.
In matrimony, the Sagittarian cannot tolerate restrictions or jealousy. Even though he may outwardly seem to submit, since his practicality often leads him to make the best of an existing situation, he will become irritable and sarcastic, and the union will be far from a happy one. In the undeveloped types these qualities will often express themselves in a cynical attitude toward matrimony itself; both sexes tend to grow selfish and inconsiderate, and {141] while they seldom allow their emotion to carry them away into actual liaisons, their unconventional disregard of public opinion may often subject them to scandal.
While the native of Sagittarius is warm-hearted and friendly to humanity at large, he has, from the very wideness of his sympathies, less devotion to the home and the family life than many whose geniality is less marked and whose democratic sympathies are less pronounced; consequently they are often found to be quite detached from their relatives and household. When their immediate kindred are congenial they treat them as friends, but if the relatives do not appeal strongly to them on these lines, they are apt to be very free in their criticisms and to point out shortcomings with embarrassing frankness. Even the children will analyze the qualities of their parents, and unless the latter meet this investigation with an honest response, there is likely to be a good deal of friction in any attempt to maintain discipline. But fair treatment and truthfulness will generally find a quick appreciation and willing compliance. It is among the natives of this sign as well as Virgo that we find many examples of the small boy or girl who is almost a vocal question mark. The parents of such children should provide the growing mind with plenty of exercise and food for reflection, and they should never neglect to stimulate the emotional side of the nature. Without this, the mind may injure itself by too rigid self-examination, and the child may also develop habits of teasing which will be extremely irritating and uncomfortable later in life.
In religious belief the Sagittarian may be somewhat of a skeptic because of his activity of mind and his innate desire to examine in and reason out faith, and wherever {142} he is brought up in religious teachings that will not bear such analysis, he is outspoken in his criticism of their shortcomings. But no sign ruled by Jupiter could be irreligious and his sense of due proportion often makes it easy for him to hold fairly orthodox opinions; indeed, Sagittarians often make excellent clergymen, far more concerned with the practical Christianity of caring for the welfare of their parishioners than for the exact adherence to the letter of the creed. It is manifest, however, that it is only a short slip from this sort of religion to philosophy, and in that field of thought the developed Sagittarius native naturally revels and excels.
In summing up, it may be said that the life and character of the greatest of ancient philosophers, Socrates, suggests Sagittarius at its best development and illustrates many of the peculiarities and even weaknesses of the sign. His method of teaching by conversational inquiry, compelling his pupil or his opponent, by clever cross-examination, to prove the truth of his postulates; his mental activity and his democratic freedom of companionship with men of every station in life; his defiance of public opinion and his uncompromising attitude toward the State; his utter indifference to the amenities of domestic life, his detachment from family ties, and his theories of marriage, as well as the geniality which made him a welcome companion outside his home; and the hopeless misfit of his marriage, in which he must have allowed his head instead of his heart to guide him, all are qualities unmistakably Sagittarian. Dr. Draper's noble defense of Xantippe points out all her common-place virtues as an everyday wife, and we can well understand the irritation produced in a really excellent domestic {144} woman by the very Sagittarian qualities which made the husband who seemed so impossible and trifling, from her viewpoint, a joy to his friends and a glory to the world, and we can realize the contempt which led her (although she dutifully kept and cleaned the philosopher's home) to empty her slop jar over his head.
The Sagittarius children are inherently unselfish, truthful and high-minded. They are naturally lighthearted and merry, as well as hopeful and trusting. They are fond of play, and dancing comes natural to them. Their spontaneity and enthusiasm should not be curbed, although these qualities should be wisely directed. The lack of suspiciousness in their make-up and their natural honesty make it difficult for them to believe that others are not equally open and aboveboard; for this reason they should be taught to weigh carefully what is told them before taking it as gospel.
Sagittarians are extremely fond of animals, particularly horses and dogs, and of all outdoor sports. As children they should be given pets to love and care for, and the opportunity to ride horseback if possible. They take to horses as naturally as ducks to water and are absolutely fearless, even at a very early age, when with horses. They prefer playthings that are alive or have some movement, rather than inanimate toys such as dolls or stationary objects. Unlike the Scorpio children, the Sagittarius-born are too physically active to devote much time to reading. Parents would do well to trust their Sagittarius children and to give them a great deal of freedom, treating them as chums and companions instead of dictating to them. They should be wisely guided rather than driven. It {144} would be well to allow them to select their vocation and to educate them accordingly.
Being so well balanced and normal, they enjoy excellent health, unless they are unwisely fed or exposed to contagious or infectious diseases. Even then, they throw off disease very readily and have splendid recuperative power. It is essential that they should not be made unhappy through suppression of their feelings or through having their natural enthusiasm and exuberance of feeling checked.
People born from the 22nd of March to the 21st of April, when the Sun is in the fiery, princely sign Aries, from the 24th of July to the 24th of August, when the Sun is in the fiery, noble sign Leo, are naturally sympathetic and helpful to those born under Sagittarius. Because their characteristics are complementary, they are good partners for the Sagittarius-born, matrimonially and otherwise. If too intimately associated with those born from the 20th of February to 22nd of March (Pisces), 22nd of May to 22nd of June (Gemini), 24th of August to 24th of September (Virgo), Sagittarians will need to check their impatience and curb their tendency to be too frank; such an intimacy might result in the native of Sagittarius becoming too sarcastic, too brusque, and too disregardful of consequences. For this reason, people born under Pisces, Gemini and Virgo will not make the most sympathetic or helpful of partners, either matrimonially or in a business way.
A period of about seven days -- December 21 to December 28 -- when the vibrations of Sagittarius are merging into those of Capricorn, and Capricorn still retaining {145} some of Sagittarius, is known as the cusp. People born between these dates will partake of the magnanimity and impulsiveness of Sagittarius and the conservatism and seriousness of Capricorn, or a combination of the two. As Mercury, ruling the mentality, and Venus, the love nature, are so close to the Sun, they, too, may partake of some of the qualities of the adjoining signs of Sagittarius; this will account for some of the complex personalities so difficult of comprehension.
The position of the Sun or Ascendant only has been considered in drawing these deductions; therefore it is probably that persons born under other signs than those mentioned will be congenial or uncongenial to the Sagittarius-born. The combinations of influences indicated by the individual horoscopes will make clear the reason for such variations.
These indications can be general only, and will not cover all the characteristics of an individual as he knows himself. A detailed statement or horoscope must be made to discover the modifications made by the planets. {146}