{Illustration on this page: An image of the god of the sun, driving a six-horse chariot directly toward the reader.}


The Sun, the star to which the visible planets belong, is the parent body of the solar system. The Sun rules over the sign Leo, both by day and night, and his exaltation is in 19 degrees of Aries. He has no latitude, being always in the ecliptic, and is never retrograde. He seems to cooperate sympathetically with all the planets except Saturn. He is considered temperately hot, dry, masculine and diurnal; and when well dignified, equal to one of the fortunes. He is said to be good or evil, according to the planets in configuration with him.

It cannot be too clearly understood that in Astrology, as in Nature, the Sun is the center and the giver of All Life, and as it were, the backbone of the whole system. The Moon is the giver of form; consequently the conjunction or opposition between the Sun and the Moon is malignant on the physical plane, or the same when in parallel of declination. It is most apparent that the relationship of the Sun and Moon very largely determines whether life can be expressed harmoniously or the reverse. If the aspects are friendly, our personality and individuality cooperate and we are not confronted with the many oppositions and conflicting conditions present when the Sun and Moon are unfriendly or in parallel to each other. The author has found, in her extensive research work, that many of the Joan-of-Arcs of the past have been born at the full Moon, and in nearly every instance {197} they have been forced to play the part of the martyr; even if they were not burned at the stake as was the original Joan of Arc, they suffered in some degree in attempting to put over their message.

When the Sun is strongly placed, particularly if his own sign, Leo, is rising, the native has a large, bony, strong body; piercing eye and well-made person; broad, high forehead; light, sandy, curly hair, which will fall out while he is still young, leaving him bald.

If the Sun be well dignified, the disposition is noble, proud, magnanimous and generous, humane and affable, a faithful friend and a generous enemy. It causes one to be overfond of magnificence. If the Sun is ill dignified, the native is foolishly proud or vain, arrogant, troublesome, stubborn, superficial, restless and uncharitable.

Where the Sun is a dominant influence in the life, the will is strong and the character masterful, and the confidence given by self-respect and a cheerful outlook toward life will cause the native to attract much good fortune. He may find it necessary to guard against being too frank and outspoken and to cultivate caution an secretiveness. He must not allow his fondness for display to encourage the "exhibition complex." He is qualified to look into the mysteries of life, to make a study of nature's finer forces, and is given the power to rise above the station to which he is born; others will just naturally turn to him for counsel and assistance, but he must always bear in mind that "there is danger in another's duty." Many holding government positions or those of a purely executive character are born strongly under the influence of this luminary, and it all depends on one's sphere as to the degree and type of success attained. {198} The native of the Sun is easily led, but can be very stubborn and difficult to manage if he feels that he is being "bossed" or in any way imposed upon.

The Sun represents the constitution, the life principle, and the character of the native. Where the Sun is strong, it does not, of itself, imply more than the vigor of powerful animal life, which enables the native to reap the rewards of favorable planetary aspects and, conversely, to suffer and endure the buffets of adverse influences. Where the Sun is weak, no amount of benefits from the other planets will counteract that affliction. A moment's reflection will disclose the soundness of this proposition, since it is evident that no matter what capacity a man may possess, he will not be able to employ it profitably if his life is too short for him to develop it or too broken by spells of illness for him to prosecute it with that continuity which is necessary to success.

The Sun governs the back, the heart, the arteries and eyes; also the retentive faculty or memory. His diseases are faintings, palpitation of the heart and weak sight. It must ever be born in mind that the Sun rules organic troubles and the Moon functional disorders.



Just as the Sun stands for individuality, or Life Force, so the Moon expresses the personality and has rule over the sign Cancer. The Moon performs her synodical course, or the period between her conjunctions, in twenty-nine days, twelve hours, forty-four minutes. She is a cold, moist, watery, phlegmatic, feminine, nocturnal luminary, and fortunate or otherwise, according to the way she is configured.

The pure type gives a fair stature, fair, pale complexion, round face, gray, full eyes, short arms, thick hands and feet, smooth, corpulent and phlegmatic body. If combust or approaching to a conjunction of the Sun, the native is likely to be very delicate during the first four years of life. The Moon being so easily influenced by every other force, it is of prime importance to investigate everything that may, by any possibility, react upon her. She is more sensitive to the influence of the signs of the zodiac than any of the planets. Indeed, the horoscope of two children, born only a few moments apart, would be to all intents and purposes identical, except for the degree on the Ascendant and the position of the Moon. This slight change would produce the greatest difference in the two lives, owing to the Moon having moved, say from Taurus into Gemini, and the Ascendant from Capricorn to Sagittarius. This is the reason why twins are often so unlike each other.

Not only do the signs themselves affect the Moon tremendously, {200} but also their subdivisions into the decanates. This refinement, however, is too subtle to treat of in this volume.

{Illustration on page 201, entire page: This is a fanciful depiction of the Lunar goddess, as a nude figure draped about the loins. She pours out a star-stream which forms a crescent moon. The rectangular frame shows partial phases of the moon in the corners: waxing and waning thin crescents, half and full.}

If the Moon is well aspected, the native will be mild, soft, kind, ingenuous and polite, but timid and thoughtless, unsettled and fond of rambling about, yet peaceful and wholly averse to disputes or trouble of any kind. If ill dignified, he is apt to be idle, stupid, beggarly and fond of drinking.

The Moon governs the brain, the stomach, the bowels, the bladder and the left eye. It also seems to have much influence over the fluids of the body, the saliva, lymphs, glands, and in the case of a woman, the breasts. Her diseases are rheumatism, consumption, colic, vertigo, palsy, apoplexy, scrofula, smallpox, dropsy, and lunacy in its various forms. A badly aspected Moon is one of the most unquestionable threats to the health and is the cause of most of the functional disorders.

If the Moon is the Star of Destiny, it is necessary to consider the curiously double quality of this planet, for its vibrations can either produce extreme purity and devotion to the higher things, or it can make one a slave to the emotions. It is important that people born strongly under its impressionable influence should choose well their associates and adopt some line of life in which discipline is rigid, otherwise they are in danger of being "everything by turns and nothing long." They are extremely sensitive and naturally absorb all kinds of influence, so they must try to discriminate between the true light and the false, between things worth while and those which are useless. There seems to be no middle path {202} for those born under the influence of Luna; she either stands for "Isis, Guardian of the Mysteries," or for the "Mother of Illusion."

Their extreme adaptability can give them charm, make them versatile and help them to take advantage of opportunities or cause them to be simply straws to indicate which way the wind blows. Turner, the artist, Stevenson, Bernard Shaw, Bulwer Lytton, as well as the late J. Pierpont Morgan, were all born when this luminary was in the Eastern sky, proving that its force can be stabilized provided one exercises sufficient will power to overcome the tendency to diffuse one's forces. It can give the "wanderlust" (like Mercury), a desire to change one's occupation or place or residence too frequently, or, if one lives a more restricted life, may cause one simply to enjoy rearranging the furnishings in one's home.

When the Moon is the dominant force, one rarely follows the vocation chosen early in life, although it is often the stepping-stone that leads to one's true work later on. It brings many changes of position and fluctuations of reputation. Such people are not destined to lead an obscure or uneventful life, and should so govern their affairs that any publicity which comes may be conductive to success and happiness. This planet often brings an opportunity to play an important part in public affairs, politics or clubs. As the Moon rules the populace, many who enjoy great popularity and who influence the masses are born strongly under it. In a more personal way, it frequently brings about either scandal or prominence of a better sort, through being connected with distinguished people or those involved in public affairs. {203}

As the Moon governs the home, the women born under its beams make excellent wives and mothers, but, because of their love of novelty, change and sensation, they frequently find it necessary to have a large circle of friends and acquaintances and to be given great freedom; otherwise they chafe and become restless and discontented with their domestic life. The masculine natives of the Moon are more often the "mothers" of the family, as they are likely to attract for wives a masculine type. Unless they cultivate will and grow more self-assertive, they are likely to develop into being "henpecked husbands."

Although the Moon is negative in influence, she is of extreme importance, because she represents the Sensorium. Whatever qualities a man may possess, whatever may pertain to his ego, whatever, in short, goes to make up what a German philosopher would probably call "the him-in-himself"; all these things can only come into manifestation through the medium of the senses. For example, a man might have a genius for music, but it would be only potential unless to some degree he mastered the art. Art consists of two things, genius and technique. No matter how great a man may be in himself, he must have material with which to work and the whole of this material comes to him through the senses; the whole of the possibility of a man's employment of his original gift depends on the accuracy of the information conveyed to him through these channels. Part of the quality of the work of a great artist depends on his outlook on the Universe. There is, for example, a tremendous difference between the conception of women shown by Titian and that exhibited by Burne-Jones, but this difference is the {204} difference in the soul of the two painters; their eyes were equally normal. Taking two other painters, J. J. Henner and Eugene Carriere, we find nothing very individual or remarkable in the point of view of the artist in either case. The pictures of both are rather conventional, but they gain a distinctive character, through the very peculiar formation of their arts. Henner saw everything with a blurred outline; Carriere saw everything in a mist. It is hoped that the distinction between soul and sense is sufficiently obvious. If not, it can be made so by taking an extreme case of a painter who becomes blind. However great he might be, the affliction would put a stop to his painting, just as much as if he were dead.

Regardless of other aspects in the chart, it must be borne in mind that an afflicted Moon cuts one off from the ability to make use of all that might be promised by the remainder of the horoscope, so that, although one may have plenty of corn ready for grinding, no meal can be expected where the mill is not in working order. Just as the Sun, if too badly afflicted, cuts off the life, so that its inherent qualities can never develop, so any affliction of the Moon inhibits these qualities owing to faulty conditions for operation. For a concrete example, take the actual horoscope of a congenital idiot: with the Sun and Moon in trine to Neptune, which should make him spiritual and illuminated; with Jupiter in the seventh house, which should mean a fortunate marriage; and with Venus in conjunction with Mars, which should make him violently passionate. None of these things have developed, because of a Moon which has very bad afflictions, and which afflicted the Sensorium sufficiently to prevent any real impulses from reaching his Ego from without. {205} In order to attain perfection, all things must work together for good. The intricate machinery and tremendous engine power of the "Titanic" were of no use to her when she had a gash in her hull.

The influence of the Moon has been described at length, partly because, being of swifter motion than the planets, she forms more aspects and is found to indicate minor incidents, circumstances, changes, and all actions of daily life, and is therefore responsible for the mundane happenings which interest the average man or woman. We must look to the Sun and the planets for the great, broad and epoch-making events.

At a later date, the author hopes to consider the Sun and the planets in an even more exhaustive manner.



Mercury, the "Winged Messenger of the Gods," also known as Hermes, symbolized by the Caduceus (two serpents curled around a staff and looking in a mirror), is never more distant from the Sun that twenty-eight degrees and performs his orbit in eight-seven days, twenty-three hours. He is considered as cold, dry, earthy, masculine or feminine, diurnal or nocturnal, good or bad, lucky or unlucky, according to the planets with which he is configurated, and he has domain over the signs of Gemini and Virgo. Just as mercury, or quicksilver, is wholly dependent on temperature for its rise or fall, so with the temperament of those who have this planet as their Star of Destiny. We may liken it to the pencil, which needs support in order to stand erect and immediately topples when its prop is taken away. Mercury takes on the vibration of whatever sign and house it is placed in or whatever planet it is aspected by.

In the old mythology, Mercury was supposed to take delight in tricking the gods, and to a greater or lesser extent, this planet plays the same part in the affairs of men. He is sometimes referred to as the god of thieves, merchants and lawyers. It naturally depends on whether Mercury is supported by friendly aspects or is ill dignified as to what prompts the motives back of the actions of all those born strongly under its influence. There is said to be honesty even among thieves!

The pure type of the Mercury-born is tall, straight figured, has a deep forehead, straight nose, thin lips, narrow {207} chin, thin, narrow face, long arms, hands, fingers, thighs, legs and feet.

If Mercury be oriental, it tends to make the type shorter and of a more sanguine complexion and disposition, but if occidental, more lean, shallow and pallid.

If well dignified, the mind is strong, active and subtle, the memory retentive and the native eager in the pursuit of all kinds of knowledge, a good orator, eloquent, witty and pleasing in disposition. If in conjunction with the Sun, it then makes one more qualified for trade than for learning.

If ill dignified and badly afflicted, the native will be of a mean, shuffling, unprincipled character; even prone to become a liar, thief, talebearer and gambler, void of any kind of useful knowledge or ability, but very conceited.

If Mercury be void of aspect with Saturn, it is very essential for its natives to be concrete in thought, and to avoid making promises without carefully considering just what it will mean to carry them out; also, to visualize as perfectly as possible any new project or personal interview before attempting it. By doing this, they will add fifty per cent to their efficiency, and will avoid embarrassment and expense. They find it difficult to realize that others are not as frank and sincere as themselves, and are therefore in danger of making mistakes through being too trusting and optimistic. It might be wise, therefore, for them not to be too credulous, and even to look askance at those with whom they have business dealings until the latter have proved themselves worthy of their confidence. This type of mind will meet with more success where inspiration, brilliancy of thought or quick action are {208} called for rather than concentration, method or persistency.

{Illustration on page 209, entire page: This is a nondescript rendering of the god Mercury in a decorative frame.}

Mercury governs the thought centers of the memory, speech, the nostrils, the hands, feet, lungs and nerves. His diseases are consequently vertigo, apoplexy, convulsions, stammering, lisping, dumbness, stoppage of humor in the nose or head, nervous cough, hoarseness, and gout in the hands and feet. Many mental diseases result from an afflicted Mercury. To quote from Regulus, "This planet has without doubt chief rule of the nerve forces and mental faculties of mankind. ... When Mercury is strong and well supported at birth, his natives are led to choose, and they become distinguished or eminent in, the intellectual and literary pursuits; but when badly afflicted at birth, the natives are likely to prove mean and unprincipled in character, full of deceit and low cunning, promoters of lies, swindlers, forgers and thieves."

Mercury is the most truly sensitive of all the planets. Venus and the Moon are more easily affected, it is true, but for them a better term is "impressionable." Mercury responds to every impression as does the weathervane, which is a very different thing from the receipt and reflection of every impression. In slightly different language, Mercury is not modified by the signs as are the more passive planets; rather, each excites him to give a special expression of opinion. Mercury is, as we have already indicated, the mind; and while the contents of the mind are determined by the food of the mind, yet different minds deal quite differently with identical foods. It has been well said that thousands of people before Newton saw apples fall from trees, but their only impulse was to eat them. The proper and best influence upon {210} Mercury is Saturn, and without his steadying hand to hold him in tutorship to a profounder wisdom, Mercury may be frivolous and vain. It is only when Mercury is overpowered by Venus that the mental qualities become subservient and slavish, so that one may say of the native that "he has no mind of his one."

Again, like mercury in the thermometer rising and falling according to temperature, Mercury is still Mercury, and so whatever aspects may exist will not alter the essential character of the planet. The main point to remember is the delicate sensitiveness of the mental ruler and the fact that such impressions as are made on him are not like seals upon wax, but like the rise and fall of the column of quicksilver at every change in the atmosphere.

The desire for knowledge, the longing for change, and the cosmopolitan spirit of those born strongly under this planet will cause them to feel the "wanderlust," and consequently to take many journeys and make many changes. Their keen intuition and ability to sense what people are about to say often causes them to interrupt in conversation and to change the subject so quickly that at times it is difficult to follow them. It will all depend on their environment and mental development whether their inquisitive nature will cause them to be curious over petty things or those of more importance. They should realize that their restiveness and tendency to be too easily bored is caused by their own mercurial nature and is not the fault of people or circumstances. Lack of decision and a tendency to allow the attention to wander are two of their outstanding characteristics, which may prevent their permanent success.

The mind of these people is never at rest, and for this {211} reason they require more sleep and fresh air than does the average person. They should guard against being too introspective and should associate as much as possible with spiritually minded people.

The reader is referred to the occupations ascribed to Gemini and Virgo to ascertain those in which the person with Mercury as his Star of Destiny will excel. {212}


Aphrodite, or Venus, "Goddess of Love and Beauty," is never above forty-eight degrees distant from the Sun, and has for a period two hundred and twenty-four days and seven hours. She is a feminine, nocturnal, temperate planet, considered as the "Lesser Fortune," and is the Star of Destiny of those born under Taurus or Libra. It may at first sight appear difficult to differentiate between the action of Venus and Jupiter, which is considered the "Greater Fortune." Both represent the expansive and altruistic vibration, but Venus is the handmaiden of the Sun and consequently is attached to the vital force, even as Jupiter is more closely an emanation of the other extreme of the system -- Neptune, or the soul. Altruism in Venus, therefore, commonly means love in a quiet, conventional, often selfish sense; her expansiveness is often mere amiability, possibly assumed, in order to gain some end associated with the instinct of self-preservation; and finally, Venus is altogether more personal and, so to speak, more material than Jupiter. The more material a planet is, the more easily it is influenced. The vaster planets are not radically disturbed by zodiacal stress; for example, Uranus, which is more mystic than material, operates in Aries in much the same manner as in Libra, whereas Venus in Gemini operates wholly differently from Venus in Sagittarius.

The pure Venus type is usually elegantly formed and extremely beautiful, with sparkling, dark, hazel eyes, {213} round, smooth face, light or chestnut hair, dimples in the cheek or chin, a wandering eye denoting desire, sweet voice and very engaging address. If the gift of pleasing be indeed, as Baudelaire says, "the brightest and rarest of all the benefactions of the fairies," then the native of Venus is endowed beyond his fellows. It must be remembered, however, that the amount of influence this planet will contribute towards bestowing all the above qualities on the native of Venus depends largely on its position with regard to sign, house and aspect. For instance, if Venus is friendly to the degree on the Ascendant, or to Jupiter, it enhances the beauty, whereas if it is unfriendly to the Ascendant or to any of the planets, it tends not only to mar the beauty, but to interfere with the harmony of the character. Venus, even at her best, tends to make one pleasure-loving, rather superficial, and inclined to go along the line of least resistance; unwilling to make the sacrifices and do the hard plodding that are essential to great accomplishment. These people are the dilettantes of the world, dabbling in this, that or the other thing; with them, more than most people, "necessity is the mother of invention," and they are frequently too fortunate to be fortunate.

A badly afflicted Venus will often cause the native to be profligate, indolent, without shame, and wholly abandoned, and open to every species of lust and depravity. As a rule, however, the natives of this sign are mild, inoffensive, and their sins are more of omission than commission.

It would be well for them to realize that, in the eyes of the world, "birds of a feather flock together," and it is therefore most essential that they show discretion in the selection of their intimates. {214}

{Illustration on page 215, entire page: This is a picture of the goddess Venus with one bare breast and lyre, standing on a orb with dependent cross. The effect is like that of an old fashioned radiator cap ornament. The border is a vesica inside a rectangle.}

When Venus is the dominating influence, a great deal of good fortune in the way of favors, kindness and patronage are bestowed on the native; he will have powerful friends who will assist in making his path in life easy and pleasant. It frequently brings friendships or attachments with people in high positions, or even with those holding titles. The element of love will play a very prominent part in the destiny and directly or indirectly be the source of much happiness. Gifts and favors will be showered upon them, as their own love of pleasing naturally attracts kindness and consideration from others.

While persons born strongly under Venus might feel as did Charlotte Cushman, who remarked that, although she had had the world at her feet, she considered her life a failure because she had not enjoyed the devotion of any one man, they must realize that, by contracting a too early marriage, they are in danger of "marrying in haste and repenting at leisure." As a rule, when a marriage is contracted by these people before twenty-eight or thirty, the strong, motivating force is generally due to sex, and, in consequence, when this physical attraction wears off, there is nothing lasting to hold the partnership together. The more mature mind realizes that, in order to have a lasting marriage, there must be first of all real companionship, congeniality of tastes and mental understanding.

As Venus has domain over the signs Taurus and Libra, it would be well to refer to either of these signs for more detailed information regarding this planet.

Venus rules jewels, perfumes, gewgaws and pastel shades in colors, as well as beauty of form, both in human and still life. Consequently, those who have this planet for their Star of Destiny will have a marked tendency {216} to over-expression of ornamentation. It will all depend, however, on their training environment whether they will select diamonds, emeralds and rubies, have a faint aroma of delicate perfume, and clothe themselves in a refined symphony of color, making a harmonious whole, or adorn themselves with cheap gewgaws, exhale a cloud of musk perfume, wear extremes of colors, and look like a "Christmas tree" generally. {217}


Mars is the planet which precedes Jupiter in the heavens, and performs his course in one year, three hundred and twenty-one days and thirty-two hours. It is a hot, dry, fiery, choleric, nocturnal, violent planet, and is called the "less-in-fortune," just as Saturn is the "great-in-fortune."

Mars is exalted in twenty-eight degrees of Capricorn and rules the signs Aries and Scorpio. His place in a nativity always stirs to action that which is ruled over by the sign and space of heavens in which it is operating.

The color of Mars is fiery, and when in perigee he appears like a flame or bright spot in the heavens. It is generally observed that at this time the weather is warmer than usual for the season, particularly if Mars happens to be in aspect to Jupiter. Murders are more frequent and of a more atrocious nature, when this planet is nearest the earth; robberies and innumerable calamities mark the whole period when he is retrograde, particularly if Jupiter be near his apogee at the same time, and when Mars retires to his apogee they will gradually diminish.

When he is in conjunction with the Sun he tends to produce about the same effects. The true Martial type gives a strong, well-set, but short body, bony, lean and muscular; complexion red, rather than ruddy; sharp hazel eyes, violent countenance, light brown, flaxen or red hair. When Mars is rising, the hair is often Titian and a scar is frequently to be found on the head or face. {218}

{Illustration on page 219, entire page: This is a nondescript rendering of the god Mars in a decorative frame.}

The disposition, when Mars is well dignified, is fearless, violent, irascible and unsubmitting, fond of war and contention, but in other respects prudent, rational and even generous and magnanimous.

If ill dignified, the native is prone to violence, quarrels, treachery, robbery, and many species of cruelty and wickedness. The real disposition of Mars people is to anger, violence and an apparently eager wish to be in quarrels and mischief. They expect and exact universal submission, and, although often generous and magnanimous, there are rarely kind or sociable. Such dispositions, however, are seldom seen, as the aspects of the other planets alter the influence of Mars very materially.

Mars governs the parts of the body ruled by the signs Aries and Scorpio; i. e., the head and face and sympathetically the stomach, kidneys and knees; also the groin, bladder and organs of generation and, sympathetically, the heart, throat and circulation.

The illnesses most menacing to those born under Mars are those of an inflammatory kind and those resulting from wounds or burns, especially if afflicting the face or organs of generation. Tumors, abscesses, and fevers of all kinds, smallpox, toothache, headache, diabetes, strangury, jaundice, measles, shingles, hot eruptions, carbuncles, etc., are also afflictions caused by this planet.

It must be born in mind that mars simply represents physical force and that it wholly depends upon the individual whether this is utilized in a constructive way. It can either furnish the native with vitality, courage, "pep" and ambition, or make him unreasonable, intolerant, too hasty in arriving at decisions, cause him to take hazardous or foolhardy risks and an attitude that {220} antagonizes and brings to the surface the most undesirable qualities of those with whom he may be thrown.

If the native of Mars is to be happy, he must be "full of business" and feel that he is conquering and overcoming obstacles. He must avoid taking offense too easily and carrying a "chip on his shoulder."

Mars not only causes fevers and sudden attacks of illness, but also is responsible for the majority of accidents. While it is perhaps more difficult to avert accidents because of the quick and unexpected action of Mars, many accidents can be avoided by maintaining the equilibrium, by keeping the temper even, and by not becoming confused or absent-minded.

Just as Saturn sometimes interferes with accomplishment, through too great caution or introspection, Mars can have much the same effect, through a failure to formulate definite plans; for the actions of the Martian native will be futile unless reflection and visualization precede them. Deeds have no endurance unless they proceed from intelligently directed thought; therefore the native must take time to think out clearly his course of action and not act on impulse. The more he tempers his anger or resentment with mercy, and the more sympathetic and tolerant he is toward the shortcomings of others, the greater will be his success, popularity and happiness. Just as in the affairs of the nation, "the pen is mightier than the sword," so in the life of the individual, counsel and patience are mightier than coercion.

The reader is referred to the occupations listed under the signs Aries and Scorpio, to ascertain those in which the native born with Mars as his dominant influence will excel. Mars rules iron and sharp instruments; therefore {221} metal workers, carpenters, barbers, butchers, as well as soldiers, military men, surgeons, chemists and dentists will all be included in the occupations for which a native of Mars should have the greatest aptitude. {222}


Jupiter is next in orbit to Saturn and is of a beautiful, clear brightness. His period is eleven years, three hundred and fourteen days, twelve hours, twenty minutes and nine seconds. He is considered a hot, moist, airy, sanguine, masculine, beneficent, social planet, the author of temperance, justice and moderation. He is known as the "Greater Fortune" and rules over the fiery, magnetic sign Sagittarius. His exaltation is in fifteen degrees of Cancer.

When a native is born under Jupiter's influence unmodified, he will be tall, well made, erect and free in carriage, handsomely proportioned, robust, ruddy, with a sober, commanding aspect, oval face, high forehead, full gray or blue eyes, soft, thick brown hair, wide chest, long feet, and be firm and frank in his manner. We rarely, however, find a pure Jupiter type.

If Jupiter is well dignified, the person born strongly under his influence will be wise, magnanimous, jovial, affable, just and good, mild in manner, temperate, moderate and inclined to be religious. If ill dignified, the native will be prodigal, indifferent, conceited, careless, of shallow abilities, easily let astray, and a fanatic in religion. He will be too dependent upon luxury, inclined to be lazy and too self-indulgent.

The real character of Jupiter is to make one just, good-natured, a lover of freedom, and to give a disposition that would be most uncomfortable in doing or contriving to do wrong; the native could never, under any circumstances, {223} be what is considered a bad character. His sins are apt to be more of omission than of commission, and he is often his own worst enemy. His prepossessing appearance and frank countenance cause him to enjoy the confidence of others, and everyone feels happy and secure in his society.

When one is strongly under the influence of this beneficent planet, it increases one's chances of success and helps to mitigate any threatening indications from any less favorable aspects. It adds to the executive ability, makes the sympathies broad, the judgment sound, and give unusual vision.

Jupiter is often called the "eleventh-hour" friend, and he who is born strongly under his rays will always be given the strength to bear any misfortune which may overtake him; he will afterwards realize that the experience he may have gained through the suffering has been worth the cost. "There is no royal road to wisdom." The greatest misfortune in life of the native of Jupiter will come as the result of forcing issues or neglecting to take advantage of the opportunities which come to him naturally.

Jupiter governs the lungs, the liver, the veins, blood and all the viscera; the diseases to which the native of this sign is subject are those which are seated in these parts, or which arise from plethoric habit or corrupt blood. When afflicted at birth, particularly by Saturn, the greatest care is required to keep the liver from being torpid and to be sure that waste substance is freely eliminated.

The sign in which Jupiter is placed and also that portion of the heavens which he occupies at birth, are the {224} sources from which the greatest good fortune of the native proceeds. The reader is referred to the occupations which are listed under the sign Sagittarius to ascertain those in which the native born with Jupiter as his dominating influence will excel.

{Illustration on page 226, entire page: This is a nondescript rendering of the god Jupiter in a decorative frame.}

As Jupiter is the symbol of wisdom and is the largest planet of our solar system, it very naturally exerts a powerful influence not only over man but over everything in existence. Its effect is, however, very much modified by its position and aspects to other planets. For instance, if Jupiter is in aspect to Mars, it gives tremendous executive ability, but a little more grandeur in the influence than will be the case if in aspect to Saturn, which has a subduing influence and restricts optimism and faith.

Jupiter, in a general classification, may be said to be the precise contrary of Saturn. The latter constricts and conserves; the former expends and spends. The one is egoism, the other altruism. In religious symbolism Saturn is Jehovah. Jupiter is the instinct of creation, of generosity and hospitality and of the religious emotions generally. He represents these qualities in the cosmos as bestowed upon the man and hence, "Good Fortune." His actions, however, with regard to this scope, depend very largely upon its aspects of Neptune and Uranus. Unless these planets lend their more subtle influence, a good Jupiter will be no more than a luck-bringer in business or profession and will contribute toward making the character noble, generous and easy-going. Three forceful and passionate poets, Shelley, Baudelaire and Swinburne, were born under a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter. They are in a class by themselves with regard to the intensity of their fire. They may not be so {226} truly great as others in some ways, but they exceed them all in this one respect, the devouring brilliance of the flames that consume them.

In the religious world we have Martin Luther, mighty enough to destroy the power that had held Europe enthralled for twelve centuries. We had J. P. Morgan, and still have J. D. Rockefeller, in finance, the most dominant figures of all America's sons, and, on the whole the most constructive, as marked examples of the effect of Mars and Jupiter in conjunction.

In politics we have Kruger, who built up the Transvaal Republic so powerfully that it was able to defy the armed might of England -- a handful of sixty thousand farmers against four hundred thousand soldiers -- for three years.

There is also Winston Churchill, one of the most successful politicians that England has produced in the present generation.

The soft delicacy and beauty of Venus combine well with Jupiter's large sight, power and beneficence. Unless these planets are strengthened by a third of more robust and severe character, however, there is a tendency to softness, which, so long as it finds expression in art, is altogether to be praised, but if applied to life may be inadequate to the stern conditions of that ordeal.

The greatest men who have Jupiter and Venus in aspect will always be found to have some stiffening influence in their composition from such a planet as Uranus, Mars, the Sun or Saturn. These suggestions will be sufficient to give the student a hint of how all the planets must be combined in order to obtain an intelligent means of interpreting the various planets and their aspects. {227}


Saturn is the most distant from the Sun of all the planets, with the exception of Uranus and Neptune. He is twenty-nine years, one hundred and sixty-seven days and five hours in finishing his revolution, which is the duration of his year.

Neptune and Uranus being forces so spiritual, and therefore so powerful, it is to them that we look for those qualities which make a man a genius. We must not expect that Saturn alone will produce more than a unique and individual character. An isolated Neptune and Uranus means far more to genius than a Saturn dignified by the whole host of heavens. Such a combination would only be subsidiary to the soul and the personality. Neptune answers the question, "Who is the man?" in the deepest sense of the word. Uranus answers, "Why is the man?" "What is his true purpose?" From Saturn and the other planets we get a reply to this question only, "How will this man fare?"

For this reason the Astrologer will occupy himself, when considering Saturn, more with the action of the planet on the man and less with the action of the planet in the man. Let us, however, consider this lesser phase first. The Saturn portion of any man represents his wisdom; that is to say, his innate and accumulated experience. In this respect, so far as Saturn implies obstacle and delay, he does so because he signifies prudence and caution. His is also the force of isolation and concentration. One is not {228} to confuse the two former qualities with stress of circumstances, or to mistake the latter two for will power. The exact meaning will become clearer as we study the effect of the planet in its various positions.

{Illustration on page 229, entire page: This is a rendering of the god Saturn with scythe and mounted on the ringed planet in the form of a naked old man. It is in a decorative frame.}

When, however, we consider Saturn as acting upon the man as part of his environment, we are entitled to consider him as generally unfortunate. He means delay, which is the enemy of the will: "Hope deferred maketh the heart sick." He is the element of Time itself and he is the slow fire that chars the brand of Meleager. He is the force of age and of all that wastes and clogs. It is to be observed that in some respects these two qualities of action are fundamentally opposed. For the same force that conserves a man's energy in his character also opposes to that energy in mundane affairs the restricting stagnation of inertia. The planet is, therefore, a good indicator of the amount of success in life which depends so much on these two factors.

The question then arises, "Is it better to have a strong Saturn, or a weak Saturn which can do little harm?" The answer is easy; weakness is always evil and delays are not always bad in the long run. Greater energy is generated by the crash of two suns than by the rubbing of two dry sticks. It is undeniable that the greater a man is, the greater are the obstacles which he must overcome. A genius without such obstacles is inconceivable. So that the stronger Saturn is, the better. It is, of course, well that his aspects should be favorable, but unquestionably it is not good to find Saturn in his fall or even in his detriment; it requires very good aspects to mitigate so obviously malefic an influence.

The influence of Saturn is most powerful during the {230} first thirty years of live, and after the sixtieth year. This point may well be carefully noted, since during the most active years of the ordinary mortal's live, the influence of Saturn upon mundane affairs is apt to be materially lessening, which, of course, in some cases, will quite change its significance. Here is another very important significance of Saturn, which should not be overlooked. We have said that Saturn is the force of age and of all that eats and clogs. So also on the physical plane he represents diseases which proceed from cold and obstructions, such as melancholy, agues, epilepsy, black jaundice, toothache, cold defluxions, catarrh, phthisis, atrophy, fistulas, palsy, apoplexy, dropsy and leprosy.

As the sign indicates a specific section of the human body, the position of Saturn in the zodiac will show clearly which portion of the body will be most sensitive to diseases resulting from poor circulation, such as chills or from accumulation of pathogenic bacteria caused by inhibition of the excretory functions. Thus in Aries, Saturn indicates sensitiveness of the head, with danger of catarrhal troubles; consequently deafness is often found with natives in this position. In Taurus, the illness would be apt to be adenoid growths, tonsilitis, diphtheria, or glandular swellings upon the neck. In Gemini, the danger is through bronchial tubes, chest or lungs. From these suggestions, the student will easily determine the threat to the health that is implied by Saturn's affliction in any one of the twelve signs.

When one is born under the sign Capricorn, or Saturn dominates the horoscope, the life will be one of discipline and experience; the motto should be: "No cross, no crown." Those born strongly under Saturn will have much {231} to endure and much to overcome, but the austerity and dignity of Saturn will impart the moral strength to attain great reward. Self-sacrifice and service should be the keynotes of life, and the sooner the natives understand this, and the more cheerfully they acquiesce, the less will they suffer. If they meet the blows halfway, the impact will be less. They should not let failure dishearten them; they should learn to "rise on stepping-stones of their dead selves to higher things." As they grow older, this attitude will come more easily, and the asperities of life will be materially softened, provided they have manfully battled against circumstances. But if they fail to realize that their thorny path is, after all, just as truly a road to the great goal as one strewn with rose petals, and allow themselves to be beaten in the struggle, they may fall into melancholy and take a jaundiced and bitter view of life. Only when confidence and courage cease to support them can they be considered among those who have failed.

The hermit in his cell may be as much the master of circumstances as the king upon his throne; patience, diligence and austerity bring their reward as surely as those more obvious and shining traits of children of a supposedly happier fortune. Those under Saturn should guard against taking life too seriously and assuming too much responsibility regarding the destiny of others. They should try to select for friends, partners, or business associates those who are naturally more optimistic and less seriously minded than themselves, for with such associates they will be a greater force in the world. The child of Saturn will do well to try to feel, "My wealth {232} consists not in the abundance of my riches, but in the fewness of my wants."

Until those born strongly under Saturn learn to cultivate patience, they are likely to encounter one obstacle after another. Their successes will usually come only after hard work and much delay. They will often endure difficulties rather than make a change, fearing that they may meet disappointment. They are wedded to old customs and conditions, although, in a large way, they are progressive and optimistic. They are also sympathetic with elderly people, and the older they grow the younger they will be in their feelings. They may find it difficult to get comfort from others because of their tendency to live within themselves, although they crave love and sympathy.

The influence of Saturn often inclines persons born strongly under its influence to give up at just the moment when the tide would naturally turn, and unless they overcome their timidity and selfconsciousness, they will often have their feelings hurt when nothing of the kind was intended. Because they magnify the importance of obstacles, they will miss opportunities and keep much good from coming to them.

Where Saturn has a strong bearing on the marital relations, or business partners, it tends to cause the partner to be older in years or one who will shirk responsibility but will expect to share equally in the profits. When Saturn is elevated, it invariably causes persons to rise in life and be in a position to wield power; but, if a selfish use is made of their authority, they will meet with downfall. Napoleon is a striking example of how a "Waterloo" may {233} come for those having Saturn in this position. The more secure these people seem to be at any time, the more cautious they must be to make no false step. They must not disregard the best interests of those whose trust they hold. They must avoid being too ambitious for power, enjoy what they have, realizing that no matter what they may attain they will still crave for more kingdoms to conquer. Saturn elevated often denies benefits through parents and usually takes one or both of them out of the life early.

The self-made man and woman is usually found to be born strongly under Saturn, and their early efforts are generally attended by obstacles and delays. Their success does not usually come until after the age of thirty.

The developed Saturnian is always economical, thrifty and provident, having a natural aversion to wastefulness and all undue extravagance. He will ever strive to succeed through his persistency, perseverance, punctuality and great attention to detail. He has overcome all the tendency to be argumentative, too critical, and has learned the value of silence and the wisdom of meditation. Many men who have either attained great power during their lifetime, or who have been lauded by historians, were born strongly under the beneficent influence of this planet. Gladstone is a marked example of the Saturn nature at its best. He loved power, he was ambitious, but because of the influence of Jupiter with Saturn, his every act was tempered by mercy, combined with justice. He considered himself a divine instrument and that he was peculiarly adapted to solve the problems of the British Government. {234} His tremendous self-control and concentration made it possible for him to play the important part he did in the politics of his day.

Many of these same qualities were possessed by Woodrow Wilson, but the fact that Saturn afflicted his Moon was doubtless responsible for his failure to realize his hopes, and his ultimate breakdown which resulted in his death.

The undeveloped Saturnian holds a very narrow outlook on life generally and is not above deception or not unwilling to take advantage of his less fortunate fellows. Until he realizes that we take out of life just in proportion to what we put into it, and that it pays to be honest, even from a selfish standpoint, he is likely to meet with one misfortune after another, as he cannot escape the law of cause and effect. While Saturn may be a corrosive, hindering and retarding influence, it is also a crystallizing, building and constructive force when used unselfishly. Although Saturn gives a strong sense of self-preservation and those under its influence appear selfish, these people can be more intelligently sympathetic with pain and misfortune, because of their own unfortunate experiences, than many who are born under planets that give more noble qualities. We must realize, therefore, that Saturn's good influence bestows qualities which make it possible for us to reach our highest goal, whereas its malign influence tends to encourage carelessness, indifference, suspiciousness, fear, frequently amounting to cowardice, melancholy and laziness. Unless those who are strongly under Saturn transpose this depressing influence to a higher plane, they may sink to such depths and court {235} such misfortune that they may have a very sad and lonely old age, and even end their life by suicide.

The reader is referred to the sign Capricorn for a list of the occupations in which the person with Saturn as his Star of Destiny will excel. {236}


Uranus, which is the most distant planet, with the exception of Neptune, was discovered by Sir William Hershel on the thirteenth of March, 1781. It passes through one sign of the zodiac in about seven years, and completes its circuit around the Sun in eighty-four years and twenty-seven days with a velocity of 250 miles per minute.

This planet having been known to astrologers only one hundred and forty-six years, we have no record from the Ancients as to its nature, its electric or magnetic emanations or its extraordinary influence on human life. Modern astrologers, however, have determined quite definitely its general nature and major attributes.

Considering how baffling this lack of knowledge concerning Uranus (and also Neptune) was in former times, and how many difficulties must have arisen on this account in making any astrological calculations, it is not surprising that all students of this science in the past met numerous difficulties; and yet there are people so extremely unreasonable as to require from the astrologer what they demand from no one else -- infallibility.

This occult, revolutionary, unconventional planet, which has its greatest influence in the sign Aquarius, stands for the interior, subconscious, magical Will of persons born strongly under its influence. At one time the native may be in complete harmony with his surroundings and he will naturally describe himself as "lucky." At another time he will be entirely out of unison and {237} consider himself as one of the unfortunate ones. Either view is, of course, unintelligent and unworthy of a philosopher. There is, however, no doubt that Uranus, more than any other planet, produces the most extraordinary vicissitudes. Sometimes he may occasion death, but not often by disease; his force is too vital, and one might almost say too spectacular, to bring about anything so banal as the mere fall of the curtain. Where he does bring death, it is usually of a catastrophic and tragic kind, but for determining the time when critical events in the career will occur and the effects thereof, Uranus has no equal among the planets. The influence of Neptune is so subtle and obscure that, even though it be more truly profound, it does not affect the destiny in the same way. The tragedies of the soul are usually invisible except to the eye of the poet, philosopher and mystic.

Both Uranus and Neptune might be considered as outposts, moving in an opposite direction, and therefore do not really belong to our solar system in the effect they have on humanity. For this reason, both Uranians and Neptunians are usually going in an opposite direction from the masses, both in thought and action. By the time any custom, fashion or idea has become popular, they have outgrown it or lost interest in it. The other planets treated of in the preceding chapters are much more mechanical and calculable in their actions. Perhaps it would be useful, as an explanation of certain difficulties in interpreting the action of the two greater planets (Uranus and Neptune), to suggest that they are not so simple and constant in their movements as are the others. It is quite conceivable that, from time to time, they receive new and varying influxes of the force from the higher {238} planes, or from planets not yet discovered; and, if so, however far we may advance in the science of Astrology, pure and simple, there would always be a possibility of our calculations being upset by some such cause and disturbance. This hypothesis is, to a certain extent, supported by the already discovered characteristics of both these planets. In such cases, there is a peculiar uncertainty about their acting which we, living as we do, mostly upon the material plane and upon a planet comparatively close to the Sun, are apt to call tricky, or at least unaccountable.

{Illustration on page 239, entire page: This is a purported rendering of the god Uranus, but it appears to be a female deity of some sort with crown of stars, orb and wand. It is in a decorative frame.}

The vibrations of Uranus transcend the ordinary dimensions of length, breadth and thickness, and go over into what is known as the fourth dimension. This is often called the Planet of Destiny and indicates that, when persons are born strongly under its influence, Fate plays a large part in their existence; it gives an individuality which has something of the divine in it. Few but the Uranian and Neptunian are able to understand those marvelous lines of Baudelaire's, "I am the wound and the steel, I am the buffet and the ear, I am the limbs and I am the wheel, Victim and Executioner." If Uranians are children of Fate, they are also children of Opportunity; therefore, opportunism is indicated as their best strategy -- they have the ability to be "all things to all men." Freedom is essential to these people -- they cannot work in harness; they will rebel at what appears to them to be the stupidity of others, and they should use the wisdom of the serpent to avoid expressing their thoughts in this respect too freely.

Uranians are more or less ducklings in a brood of chickens, just as Neptunians are pheasants in a barnyard. {240} Their family and their friends may consider them most impractical, too readily resentful of opposition, and so out of tune with the commonplace affairs of life that it is difficult or impossible to cooperate harmoniously with the average mortal.

The action of Uranus is sudden and unexpected, at one time conferring great material benefits, when least expected, and again causing too great independence, too great impatience, and so opposing routine or prescribed methods as to court the opposition and misunderstanding of associates. Until Uranians learn to value the law of non-resistance and to realize that nothing happens by chance, they will experience most unusual happenings, suffer from estrangements, and be considered odd or even eccentric. The moods of Uranus change so rapidly and are so different at times, that those born strongly under its influence may find it difficult either to be understood or to understand themselves. They should make the most of each opportunity and live one day at a time, forming few definite plans too far ahead. This caution will save them much nervous strain and unnecessary disappointments. The mission of this planet is to prepare mankind for an advance state of spiritual knowledge and to make people more impersonal and less possessive in their attitude toward life. Its influence can be reactionary, if one lives in an uncongenial atmosphere or with people who are too materialistic. Like the X-ray, Uranians penetrate and understand what appears to the ordinary individual to be impossible. The occupations or avocations which seem in sympathy with this strange planet are progressive, inventive, exploring, and of a humanitarian nature. The influence of {241} Uranus is the least personal, and the most universal in the zodiac; consequently any endeavor for the betterment of humanity is favored by those who are strongly responsive to its vibration.

Uranus does not seem to favor occupations for which one gets a stated income or to help one accumulate wealth; for this reason, when one who is under its influence has a "run of luck," a wise provision should be made for less favorable periods. This explains why any money made during a good aspect of this planet is rarely saved; the same tide that brings it in is almost sure to carry it away; and the successful operator, even in Wall Street, should bear this law in mind. The moment he begins to lose should be a sign that the tide has changed, and, for a time, inaction is the only safe course.

Many astrologers, scientific research workers, investors, and those who make a study of the undiscovered, are born strongly under the influence of this planet. Uranus stands for the higher octave of Mercury, and, in order to court its most favorable vibrations, it is essential to be impersonal, unprejudiced and without any ulterior motive. To often the force of this mighty planet becomes very destructive and malefic, because it no longer operates on the universal plane, having become personal and self-interested. Like the sign Aquarius, over which it rules, it is the planet of Universal Brotherhood, and it is essential that it remain on this lofty pinnacle. Highly developed natures under Uranus aim at great and noble things, are fond of philosophical studies, have strong intuition, and desire to rise above the material. They are romantic, unsettled, and prophetic, not only as regards personal matters, but also in national and race {242} questions. In short, they are extraordinary characters.

Unless one understands the finer force of nature, the influence of Uranus is apt to make one eccentric, abrupt and brusque in manner, altogether out of tune with everyday people and affairs, and, if under restraint, reckless, headstrong, and even rebellious, with a great desire for rule and authority.

Uranus is the controlling planet in governmental bodies, large corporations, and public enterprises. During recent years, our nation has been plunged into political unrest, commercial anxiety, and business chaos, because of the influence of this mystical planet. When Uranus is seriously afflicted, mundanely, it may cause strikes, rioting, rebellion, resistance to authority, inharmony between master and man, or superior or inferior, as well as explosions and accidents.

It seems probable, however, that Uranus has other and more important national functions to perform than these. Uranus is somewhat aristocratic in its tendencies, or at least autocratic and also individualistic, whereas Neptune appears rather to be democratic and socialistic. Looked at in this way, it should be noted that, during the years when Uranus was in the sign Scorpio, Morocco, ruled by this sign, was the scene of frequent mutations, attended by bloodshed; that Norway, also ruled by Scorpio, shook itself free from Sweden (ruled by Aquarius, a sign in which Uranus has its greatest power) and is now a separate kingdom, and lastly, that the Transvaal, the scene of the Boer War, was also ruled by Scorpio.

Uranus rules the nervous system and, when afflicted, has a very malign influence upon the cerebrospinal axis {243} of man, and often superinduces such strange symptoms of a psychic character that the regular practitioner will find them difficult to diagnose or cure.

In the few years during which Uranus has been under observation, it has been found that, if afflicted, it is the source of incurable organic diseases, collapse of fortune, and individual as well as national destruction. It is demonstrable that, in inharmonious nativities, evil Uranian influences, both rough transits and directions, have brought about headlong destruction from bad habits, misdirected affections, illicit connections before or after legal marriage, according to the signification of the place or radical affliction in the horoscope.

It is necessary that the appetites and passions be under subjection to the will, that every step be taken in obedience to enlightened reason, and that the mind rest in the repose of an unfaltering trust in the Divine Spirit, if the evil vibrations of Uranus, when threatening the bodily or mental health (which are in effect one), are to be overcome.

Where Uranus operates strongly in a horoscope in the marital relation, its effects are generally very disastrous. The great danger seems to lie in the fact that Uranus gives so much individuality to the character that it is not easy for a husband or wife to merge the life in that of the other. A strong safeguard would be for each party to have a definite interest in life, leaving the other free of conventional restrictions, because of absolutely mutual confidence.

Where the Uranian force operates on the material plane, it causes its natives to be overconfident, too ambitious and inclined to go into hazardous undertakings {244} and schemes which often result in heavy and sudden losses, unless great caution and the best of judgment are exercised. These people are likely to be very enthusiastic about a thing to-day, but to-morrow absolutely indifferent; so they should realize that this variation in feeling is due to the influence of this strange planet. They should not make sudden changes or depart from legitimate activity without serious thought, otherwise they will certainly have strange vicissitudes of fortune and great ups and downs in their lives.

Uranus is often termed the "emancipator" and brings about some new current of thought, possibly of a very original character. It increases intuition, stimulates the telepathic faculties and elevates the mind to a higher state of consciousness, particularly during sleep. Those born strongly under the influence of this planet may find that problems which have perplexed them before retiring will solve themselves by morning. A good rule to follow when undecided will be to concentrate without worry on the subject in question, while falling asleep, and then trust to the thoughts which come upon awakening.

Uranus being very slow, as well as irregular in motion, is stimulated to activity only about once in twenty-one years, and this always marks an epoch in the life. Just as it is the herald of movements that are in advance of the times, so with the individual, it stirs to activity departments of the mind as yet not awakened, and pushes out one's boundaries into the unknown beyond anything experienced hitherto. At such times, those who come under its sway should not set their will against the Will of the Universe, but rather make the most of the opportunities which Fate presents, and not be surprised if they almost {245} attain many things which, at the last moment, elude them. Uranus is perfectly in accord with the higher natural law, and appears to be a violator of man-made laws only in the eyes of those conventional souls who have not the courage of their convictions or who cannot think independently.

Uranus gives tremendous occult force which, if used constructively, can make Uranian natives powers in their own sphere and enable them to be the vehicles through which comes a message to mankind. That message may be uttered in terms of art, science or philosophy. The artist who understands the law of vibration in relation to color, the physician who looks beyond ordinary physical symptoms for the causes of disease, the scientist who is willing to admit that there may still be new theories that will explode the old and accepted, the chemist who is still looking for the "Philosopher's Stone" and who realizes that the Ancients had a deeper motive than simply changing base metal into pure gold, the inventor who is more interested in discovering something to save life than something to save labor, the astrologer who is more interested in the spiritual interpretation of the message of the stars than in predicting events, and the preacher who is also a teacher and priest, are all true children of Uranus. It is safe to predict that, in the not-too-distant future, we shall see a financier whose motive for amassing a huge fortune will be that he may give it to a great human cause, and a statesman who is all that that word implies. From an astrological point of view, it will only be "then" that we shall reach the culminating point in which discord, inharmony, anxiety, and commercial and political chaos will not longer hold sway. The masses will then come {246} more and more into their own, through the evolution of humanitarian impulses, which will induce realization of the fact that in the welfare of each lies the happiness and security of all. "Each for all and all for each" will become less of a mere platitude and more of a conscious realization.

The occupations in which a native of Aquarius is likely to excel are those that appeal most strongly to one whose Star of Destiny is Uranus. {247}


Neptune is so vast, so slow, so mystical, that, in order to study his action in the zodiac, we shall do best to consider him not so much as an influence on individuals but rather as an indication of the tendency of the period, a barometer of the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times.

Neptune requires about one-eighth of a generation to move through a single sign. To give account of his effects would be to write the history of the world. One can gauge him to some extent by consideration of comparatively recent events. Practical matters are usually directed by men of between forty-five and fifty-five; and the consensus of their influence may be divined from the place of Neptune at their birth.

Thus, the Revolution of 1848 was brought about by men influenced by Neptune in Libra -- they struggled for freedom and justice, but their policy lacked virility and directness. Similarly, the French Revolution was begun by people influenced by Neptune in Leo, and prepared for by people with that planet in Cancer and Gemini. Cromwell's Neptune was in Leo. The late Great War was doubtless due to the influence of Neptune in Aries; and the rebuilding of civilization is now falling upon those laborious and initiated Free Masons for whom Neptune works through Taurus.

The scientific advance of the nineteenth century was due to pioneers stimulated by Neptune in Capricorn; and the fruit of their labors was gathered by men born under Neptune in Aquarius. Neptune was in Pisces, influencing {248} the artistic, psychic decadent generation of the nineties. Times when skeptical thought attacks tradition by purely intellectual methods and makes constructive work possible are those influenced by Neptune in Gemini. Immanuel Kant, who destroyed the old philosophy, Voltaire, who destroyed the old religion, and their contemporaries were of such a generation.

{Illustration on page 249, entire page: This is a vague rendering of the god Neptune with trident and stylized dolphin in a decorative frame.}

Neptune being the planet of Spirit, is always revolutionary. Forever he increaseth new life, the material varying according to the signs through which he works. We may, therefore, tabulate very simply Neptune's whole zodiacal course as follows:

Aries -- Political upheaval of a military character. (Julius Caesar -- Religious revolution headed by initiates of the Gnosis, the founders of Free Masonry.)

Taurus -- Constructive program of civilization.

Gemini -- Great increase in learning. Reaction against previous sign. More intellectuality of thought. (Shakespeare.)

Cancer -- Principally digestion of previous more active signs.

Leo -- Revolutions of a national character, constructive in type. (Christ, Robespierre, Cromwell.)

Virgo -- Great lawgivers. Completion of previous sign. (Napoleon -- Declaration of Independence.)

Libra -- Political upheaval of the people led by humanitarians. (Shelley.)

Scorpio -- Skeptical and realistic thought. Realization of previous influences. (Kant, Erasmus, Albrecht Durer, Michael Angelo.)

Sagittarius -- Artistic revival. New religious ideas. (Wagner, Luther.) {250}

Capricorn -- Materialistic, scientific, skeptical thought. (H. Spencer, Huxley, Pasteur, Blavatsky.)

Aquarius -- Scientific thought applied. (Edison).

Pisces -- Absorption of and reaction against last signs. Revival of art, religion, and the like in a weak and deciduous form. (Oscar Wilde, Swedenborg.)


Neptune, the outermost planet of our solar system, was discovered by Adams of Cambridge (1845) and by Leverrier of Paris (1846). This discovery is considered the most triumphant achievement of mathematical astronomy, as both of these men determined its position from no other data than certain perturbations of Uranus. It makes a revolution around the Sun in one hundred and sixty-four years, at a velocity of about three and one-half miles per second.

Neptune, this mystic, romantic, irresponsible planet, the hermit of the solar system, might be considered the planet of the fourth dimension to an even greater degree than Uranus. It represents the forces of nature too undifferentiated to be understood by the average mortal, or to be utilized on the material, practical plane. One born strongly under its influence is generally possessed of a highly organized nervous system and most acute sensibilities, a very fascinating and elusive magnetism, and such a one exerts a peculiar influence over others. People who seem too obvious, those who say just what they mean, or mean just what they say, soon bore the Neptunian. They seem to anticipate the thoughts of others before expressed, but must endeavor to hide their impatience. {251} Unless they allow their companions an opportunity to finish their line of thought, it causes confusion and is likely to end in misunderstanding. Because of their ability to broadcast so far and to visualize the complete picture, persons who are born strongly under Neptune can foresee the outcome of events and are rarely surprised at whatever may happen. They must overcome their tendency to be too vague on the practical details of a plan, and should depend on someone less creative and more objective to do this for them; otherwise, they will undertake impossible tasks and be accused of being visionary or impractical. The Neptunian influence on the physical plane is strangely disorganizing, often manifesting itself in obscure nervous troubles and heart complications. These appear to be valvular, but the source, in reality, is purely nervous and psychic. Its diseases are always of an unusual kind; sometimes of a slow wasting nature, and sometimes just the opposite. Under great excitement, this influence produces psycho-hysteria. Neptune does, however, give very young arteries, and generally causes one to be older in youth and younger after middle life. It causes those born strongly under its influence to hear, see and feel things which are not registered by those less sensitively organized. It gives a love of experience and the ability to get the meat out of the coconut, while the average mortal is attempting to crack its shell.

The Neptunian influence causes people to be so remote from the average individual that they may feel themselves somewhat solitary figures among their contemporaries. They have a hunger for love, sympathy and happiness, but not the same as the craving of the ordinary {252} mortal. They realize so clearly that "all the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players" that they find it difficult to take life seriously. It is always present to them -- at least, subconsciously -- that the curtain will soon ring down:

"The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces,

The solemn temples, the great globe itself,

Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve;

And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,

Leave not a rack behind: We are such stuff

As dreams are made on, and our little life

Is rounded with a sleep. ..."

This planet being the ruler of the sign Pisces, it necessarily follows that the description of the sign and the planet must be read in combination, in order to get a complete understanding of the character and its possibilities. Many psychics are born under powerful Neptunian influence, and to this vibration may be attributed second sight, warning dreams, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and similar phenomena.

It is usually easy to recognize persons born strongly under the influence of Neptune. Even at the first glance, it is apparent that they are not as others. The impression they convey is difficult to define, but it is unmistakable. They seem, in some way, peculiar, strongly individual, but not with any common kind of strength. The eyes have a peculiar magnetic quality, the effect of which is often weird and startling. They are often coldly penetrating, and when the type is undeveloped they are frequently shifty and secretive, with a slight hint of perversity or madness in them. So characteristic is this appearance that {253} only a few observations of people who possess it are necessary to familiarize the student with it. This indication from the eyes is often especially valuable when the hour of birth is not accurately known; for, if Neptune happened to be rising, there can be no possible doubt, and the figure may then be cast for the appropriate hour with perfect confidence.

The moral and mental characteristics of people with Neptune dominant are singular and subtle. The action of Neptune, taking place as it does, in the remotest fastnesses of the soul, causes deep-seated upheavals of the personality. Nothing so upsets the normal indications drawn from the sign and ruler as the presence of Neptune. It does not modify them; it introduces an entirely new influence from a finer and more powerful plane. The first result of the Neptune influence is that the person often betrays a contradictoriness, a whimsicality, a perversion, or introduces some fantastic element of mockery or masquerade. In some natures, this will be very profound and far-reaching; in others, shallow, even superficial.

This question must be determined by consideration of the relative strength of Neptune, essential or accidental, to the rising sign, its ruler, and in multitude of aspects it forms with the Sun, Moon and planets. We may, however, mention a few of the practical observations which have been made, especially characteristic of Neptune's effect. In younger souls, which have not freed themselves even partially from the gross influence of the physical, a yearning of the spirit, that Neptune represents, is likely to manifest itself in seeking after strange gods. The use or abuse of drugs which break down the limitations of time and space and seem to develop the individual, though {254} only temporarily, at the expense of his environment, is frequent. For exactly the same reason, abnormal vices are resorted to by the Neptunian. The common satisfactions of life appear to him banal -- he has not yet developed that mastery of his soul which brings the seeker after the hidden mysteries of life back to sanity. The advanced soul knows that life is a dream, but he knows also that it is a divine dream. He no longer mixes the planes. In the beginning of his search, inspired by a sense of dissatisfaction, he imagines quite naturally that, by reversing the established order of things which he has decided to be bad, he will attain to good. Indeed, this state of thought is probably necessary for everybody at some time or other. However, by following this path, he comes to the conclusion that after all, things are no better upside down than they were the right way up. He will then sensibly enough take the easiest way -- he will become content with life, no longer in the unthinking way which is characteristic of the lower animals, but through his having gained a divine wisdom. No doubt, he and everyone else in the world are but players on the stage, shadows in a dream, but he sees also that in this play, he should make the best of his part. In his dream, he should not invoke the powers of the nightmare.

For these reasons, as well as because of our own understanding of the divine tolerance which pours the smiles of the Sun and the tears of the rain alike upon the just and the unjust, we must not blame younger Neptunians for these peculiarities which seem to our elder judgment to be destroying his soul. In extreme cases, it may be necessary that the soul should be allowed to attack itself, for only through destruction lies redemption. Our {255} attitude, therefore, should be sympathetic. We should endeavor to understand these wonderful impulses. It will be useless for us to endeavor to suppress them. They are divinely ordered, but we may advise the control of these passions, where they seem to us to be doing more harm than good. It will be well to remember that the source from which they spring is irrepressible. It comes from depths which are the very seat of character, and any attempts to deal harshly with them are foreordained to prove futile. Our efforts would only excite opposition, and that opposition would be justified, for to our worldly wisdom it would array in battle the army of the All-wise Providence. There is one characteristic of the native of Neptune which is excessively annoying to the person possessing it. This has been described by Edgar Allan Poe in his story, "The Imp of the Perverse." The mind of the individual may be perfectly made up, his judgment may be sound and his desire unhampered, but at the moment of putting his will into execution, he balks. Ibsen has pictured the same quality in his description of "Troll in Us," but perhaps the clearest and most succinct of all accounts of this curious quality is given by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans. This is not to be confused with the war of the flesh against the spirit, which takes place constantly in all of us, or with doubt, hesitation, vacillation and a conflict of impulses, or the difficulty in striking a balance of judgment. It is pure perversity.

The quality of aspiration to things beyond the limits of life is common to all Neptunians, and in elder souls which have passed through the purifying fires, in those {256} sane minds which possess knowledge and understanding of the Cosmos and have learned how to deal with passion and emotions, it assumes the less devastating form. There is still the determination to attain to the Bournless Beyond, but the method which appeals is carefully reasoned instead of being instinctive, and common sense takes care that health, reason, fortune or social relations are not endangered. A person thus gifted may study strange philosophies and sciences, but he will not go astray in them; will devote himself during his spare time to prayer and meditation, but will not become a fanatic; will adopt mystical practices which might appear entirely foolish to the average man, but will probably keep his own counsel in the matter.

The gamut of Neptune's influence is thus seen to extend from the darkest abyss of Hell to the crown of Heaven's everlasting, shining mountains, but the underlying impulse is always the same. It is the hunger for the Infinite. The drug fiend, the psychopath, the lunatic and the saint are all members of the same family, and that which divides them is not the result of any differentiation of the soul, but rather in the degree of knowledge and experience. It is his mentality which separates St. Francis of Assisi from the Marquis de Sade; and, in judging any particular horoscope, the characterizations of a native must be determined by those houses and planets which govern the mind. To recount a few of the less important Neptunian qualities, the same impulse which causes an Ignatius Loyola, Gilles d'Rais, an Indian Yogi, or a Napoleon to determine to be something extraordinary makes unpractical persons, with less sense of actuality, determine to {257} pretend to be something extraordinary; hence, we find people who assume titles to which they have no right, who love to wear extraordinary clothes, who smother themselves in exotic perfumes, or who make up their faces to a fantastic degree. This idea may again express itself in a different kind of action; such, for example, as a love of intrigue, of playing practical jokes, of hoaxing their friends or the public, or of playing some part upon the stage of life, which is not altogether natural. Better balanced persons will probably manifest this tendency by actually going on the stage, where the impulse finds a legitimate and accepted expression.

In all these matters, it is rare to find a true creative tendency. Mimicry and imitation are the rule, but there is usually a certain spice or originality invoked. As an example of a whole period under Neptunian influence, we may cite the time of Moliere, when everybody masqueraded. It was not merely the valets and maids who pretended to be their masters and mistresses, but the nobles themselves could not conduct the most ordinary flirtation without pretending to be shepherds and shepherdesses of the time of Virgil. It has been necessary to elaborate on this masquerading quality of Neptune, lest the student confound it with the coarseness, quite inexcusable, of snobbery.

The Neptunian is usually a somewhat irresponsible person. He is very inconstant and his moral character appears weak, because it is based on what seems mere impulse or whim, rather than on judgment, inspired by self-interest. He usually knows that he is making himself ridiculous by his antics, but the elfishness of his spirit leads him to continue with them, and a hint of opposition {258} will often cause him to exaggerate the errors of which his friends complain. Neptune also gives a disposition to wander, a discontent with the place where one happens to be. We would refer the reader to Baudelaire's prose poem, "Anywhere, anywhere, out of the world," which gives the most eloquent picture of the spirit of which we are speaking. It follows from all that has been said that the purely Neptunian type lives almost entirely in and through the psychic nervous system. Very often his body is frail, delicate and flower-like, but the soul in him burns strong and may easily wear out the bodily scabbard. At any time when the physical functions are depressed and the nerves cannot obtain that supernormal energy which they so insistently demand, the result is likely to be hysteria and nervous breakdown. Persons who suffer in this way are perhaps fortunate, for the warnings of nature in such cases are insistent and demand absolute rest and quiet. Where the body is stronger and responds with more elasticity to the extravagance of the nervous system, the result is likely to be worse; for, then, insidious and often incurable disease obtains a hold before the patient is aware of it. Such troubles as locomotor ataxia, general paralysis of the insane, softening of the brain and other obscure lesions may perhaps be caused, in part, by this influence. Worry and all its attendant illness are very often Neptunian in origin, as are also certain other wasting diseases whose nervous origin is not yet understood by the less advanced schools of orthodox medicine. {259}


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Astrology: Your Place in the Stars | Foreword | Zodiacal Signs, Planets and their Symbols | The Signs of the Zodiac | Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces | The Planets | The Sun | The Moon | Mercury | Venus | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune | Influence of Neptune on the Individual | Table of Ascendants | How to Cast a Horoscope | Horary Astrology | Description of the Twelve Houses | Free Will versus Destiny