The Kundalini Book Menu
Chapter 13
As above, so below. Whatsoever ye sow, so shall ye
reap. For every action there is a reaction. Voids must be filled. All things change. Give to receive. Polarities will
seek balance.
is a Sanskrit word meaning "reaction follows action." It means that what you
send out, you get back. Such a concept could scare people into not doing anything;
"reactions" to errors might be too much to handle. But not to act when action is
required for life and growth may bring as great a problem. Intuition is a great help in
knowing when and when not to act or react. Relieve doubt, bring clarity and release the
tensions which aggravate karma by filling yourself and the entire circumstance with love.
We tend to label unpleasant karma BAD and pleasant karma GOOD. Karma is actually neither
good nor bad. It may be painful, but it also promotes growth. "Good karma" is
used to describe a condition of good things; but the problem with desiring "good
karma" is that you may put yourself in strange or difficult situations just so
someone can pay you some "good karma" and get you out of it! Karma may not
always be convenient, and to get caught up in doing good things for the sake of receiving
good sometimes defeats the purpose. What karmic situations do is help people understand
universal laws and how to work within their framework.
Learning the laws of karma and working within their framework, you lessen the possibility
of creating more karma. Ego-attachments are almost certain to bring karma. We need to
develop an attitude of detachment, which does not mean non-caring; a person may actually
care more deeply and risk more while practicing detachment. The Old Testament concept of
karma-"an eye for any eye, a tooth for a tooth"-is dated. More enlightened, we
understand and work with the New Testament's message of forgiveness, which involves
releasing karmic energies. Simply by understanding what you do, feel, or think, you
release karmic energy. It is helpful to ask God, Jesus or a high spiritual master to
facilitate this release.
We must change after karmic release, lest we bring similar experiences back upon
ourselves, having not learned the lessons. The energy of lessons unlearned goes into the next opportunity for the lesson, by that time
being more difficult
Those who create karma may still be learning and evolving, but at a slower rate or on a
lower path. Those who learn and use their energies correctly and are not caught up in
attachment travel the higher, more spiritual path. The latter use more understanding and
divine qualities in their interactions. In order to grow we must all go through learning
experiences; our attitudes and feelings toward these experiences make the difference in
how we travel the path. Not all problems, illness or misfortune should be labeled
"karma." We are in an evolutionary process, periodically receiving new energies
to work with, learn, and use, a process which strengthens our energies and our use of
them. This then is not karma, but opportunity-to grow and develop.
Learning to tell the difference between karma and opportunity can change how you act or
react to stimuli. Faced with opportunity, when a situation asks for growth and
development, you will feel PUSHED to grow, explore, or try new things; you may have a
sense of pioneering with your energies or going beyond what you thought you were capable
of doing. But if the situation is karmic, you will feel confused and PULLED toward the
action, as if you were part of a drama. You may not then or even later understand what is
going on, so going with your intuitions is best. Some people psychically check into these
situations to get information; others seek information from books or teachers. Whichever
way is best for you, it is important to do your best with it and remember what you are
learning. There are times when you have to learn completely new ways of doing things, so
ask yourself: "How else can I handle this?" It may be the opposite of your
habit. A leader may need to let others lead. A follower may need to take a leadership
and Attitudinal Karma
are two main types of personal karma: 1) situational, in which anything you have done to someone else in a past life is returned in kind
to you by that person in this life; and 2) attitudinal karma, in which, for instance, all
past life anger toward life or others affects all you do in this life.
Situational karma may go on for Many lives; not till one person grows enough to want to
change his or her actions or reactions, thus taking leave of the wheel of that
interaction, will the dynamic cease.
Attitudinal karma attracts anger back, working likewise for fear and worry. You should
become aware of all attitudes that are not in your best interest and work to release them.
Filling yourself with love will cause all that you do to be filtered through love. A
balance of good for all concerned is the best solution; work for "winwin"
Karma of Others
people get caught up in others' karma at one time or another. When we worry too much about
others, or interfere where we shouldn't, we are caught. Instead of worrying, send
blessings. It is the opinion of some that we should never do anything to interfere with
another's karma. On the other side, there is the Christian attitude of helping to
alleviate the karma or problems of others through healing, forgiveness of sins, walking
the extra mile, sharing burdens and giving. I personally believe in the latter approach,
but we should be careful not to meddle. There are many people who like to get involved in
another's karma as a means of control or out of guilt; perhaps they are bored or
fascinated by the other's concerns. Prayerful, intuitional consideration should influence
your decision whether to get involved. Balance is important. Those whose Kundalini
predominantly flows through the chakra at the back of the top of the head rather than
through the crown tend not to interfere with others. Those whose Kundalini comes heavily
out the front of the top of the head (seventh eye) tend to have an attitude of helping and
living for others. For balance and direction, the main energy should flow out the crown
may work on balance much as individuals. Determining for yourself the highest good of
the group helps you decide on your level of involvement. Functioning from greater
awareness, you will know whether to increase or decrease your interaction and will come to
know the purpose of the karma. More than ever we need to be careful of group involvement.
For some this challenge entails increased involvement; for others it means withdrawing
into their own work.
Choice of Karma
we are born into a life we help make the decision of what karma we want to balance and in
which areas we wish to grow. The more evolved a person is, the more choice he or she has
in the planning. There are those who planned to release so much karma in this life as to
be overwhelmed living through it; they have bitten off more than they can easily chew.
Others may have ambitious plans for growth, or choose illness as a means of developing
endurance, strength, understanding, and knowledge of illness. An illness may be part of a
group's total growth; for instance, Helen Keller may have chosen her life as a way of
demonstrating how the deaf and blind can function.
Positive Side
may yearn to achieve certain goals they did not meet in a previous life, whether
pertaining to relationships, career choices, growth and development, travel, artistic
pursuit, or any other facet of life; the energy of the yearning has not been fulfilled and
awaits an opportunity for completion. Everybody's choices are influenced to some extent by
this karmic drive, fulfilling latent desires.
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