Chapter 11
and Relationships
our chakras continually receive and send out energy, we are continually being affected by
and affecting others, sometimes in positive ways, sometimes not. No wonder some people
want to be hermits.
If your energies are strong, you will have an immediate impact upon anyone who comes into
your presence. Specifically what kind of impact will depend on the condition of the other
person's energy system. Someone who has weak energies or is not feeling well may be
intimidated, overwhelmed or wiped out in your presence; that person also could be
energized by you. If the other person also has strong energies, there is likely to be
better balance and a better rapport-a feeling of being equal.
We experience energy primarily through our most open chakras. If your sexual chakra is the
most open, then regardless of what you receive from others, you will experience it on the
sexual level. Not only that, but the other person's energy will primarily go out the
sexual level. If your heart chakra is the most open, you tend to experience life as love.
Energy received by overly open spleen or navel chakras will cause emotional reactions.
Some people receive most energy through their third or fifth eye; they deal with the world
primarily on a mental level. The unexpected reactions of others are due to this chakra
"snagging" process; more on this later. The reverse also true; you receive
strong energies from others through your strongest chakra. When you become aware of a
strong reaction to another person but do not understand that reaction, seek to know the
area or chakra of your body where you feel this energy most strongly. If you think your
energy response is inappropriate, consciously move the energy to a different chakra area
(such as the heart or brow).
When you become aware that your energies are too intense for comfort, stretch your body
and breathe deeply. This breaks up the stress pattern and increases energy flow. Another
way to achieve balance is to send energy out your feet and the top of your head. Dancing
equalizes energy throughout the body and is therefore a good release when you feel pent up
or blocked; it can also be used as a preparation for meditation or intense mental work.
who have strong mutual feelings establish energy ties which bind them even when they are
not physically together. The bind may be at the heart, brow, navel, or sexual chakras, or
combinations of the chakras. Those who are very sensitive to these energies can feel
them and the clairvoyant can see them. Two people who care deeply for one another but
ignore each other when in the company of others might suppose they are hiding their
connection; still, the bond between them can be felt or psychically seen.
When one person of a married couple starts sending energy to a third person, his or her
mate may notice something is missing, suspect an affair is brewing, or feel a sense of
loss and not know why. The reason is the diminished flow in the couple's energy
In marriage or close friendships a strong tie can be very beneficial and comforting.
When there are connections at all chakra levels, the partners have a feeling of blending
and really fitting together. Relationships with an easy flow and strong contacts have a
stronger chance of lasting. But intensity can be overwhelming. Too strong a tie may
represent a loss of individuality. Sometimes one person takes on characteristics of the
other. This is one reason we should be careful with whom we have our deepest contact.
Sometimes a parent will feel closer to or love one child more than another. This may stem
from a strong past life connection, or may be due to chakra energy rapport in this life.
Even when the parent tries to treat all the children alike, the other siblings usually
sense who receives the most energy attention. They may insist the parent likes the other
child better when actually there is only a stronger connection. Such connections can and
do change during lifetimes. Negative feelings between people often manifest in a hatred
connection between their spleen or navel chakras.
Exercise. Close
your eyes. With whom do you have psychic ties? Are they negative or positive? Where do you
feel them in your chakras? What are your ties with the other person's chakras? Do these
ties drain or reinforce you?
and High Energy People
people have strong energy fields which they can use in positive or negative ways. Have you
ever listened to a speaker whom you thoroughly enjoyed only to wonder later how you could
have agreed with the person's ideas? You were under the speaker's "spell,"
feeling a charismatic energy while in his or her presence. Great speakers can send the
essence of their message through their energy and really touch their audiences, sometimes
inspiring them. Great actresses and actors do the same thing. So do con artists. A
charismatic person has the ability to send energies from different chakras which can snag
the chakras of others.
Sometimes you will find that other people literally blow your mind with their forceful
energies. You may be at a loss to answer the person, think clearly or verbalize your
thoughts. You feel defenseless. This type of person usually sends very strong energies
from the third eye (between the eyebrows) or the fifth eye (in the center of the
forehead). If you find this happening to you, send energy out either your third or fifth
eye, whichever seems appropriate, and let it meet the other person's half way; you will
keep your thought patterns from getting messed up. If you find it difficult to follow or
comprehend a speaker, send energy gently out your fifth eye.
Some charismatic people are so filled with love and peace that they seem single-handedly
to change the vibrations everywhere they go. Just being in their presence others can
experience the elevating effect of their energies.
strong energy flow from a particular chakra may snag you in that same chakra. Being with
someone who is very irritable and upset may snag you; you become irritable and upset
yourself. You may wish to send peace from your navel chakra to counteract the other
person's energies. You may also find that concentrating on a higher chakra will help to
balance things.
We all have to be careful of being snagged, careful too of what we send to others. One
person in a crabby mood can set off everyone else, whether at home or work. Co-workers
often leave a negative situation only to go elsewhere and complain about it, unaware they
got snagged with the negativity and are spreading it. A wonderful gift you can give to
other people is to let them have their space and not get caught in their moods or acting
as if you caused them; likewise, you can feel your own moods without feeling compelled to
snag others into it.
Children, especially, can snag their parents with their negative thoughts and emotions.
Adults may give children their own way or totally shut them out as ways of getting them to
stop snagging the chakras. Living together creates a situation where all people in a group
tend to block or open the same chakras. children pick up many of their parents' attitudes
and feelings, even on a subliminal level, getting clues that certain chakras should be
closed or open at certain times; without anyone's realizing it, the child takes on the
parents' ways of relating to the world.
Every thought and feeling you have about another person becomes an energy form which goes
to that person. It affects the person on some level. Do remember that anything you send
out eventually returns to you. You get what you give.
If you feel inundated with thoughts and feelings from others, imagine yourself surrounded
with a psychic ultraviolet light. If the feelings or thoughts get stronger, they are
yours; if they fade away, they are someone else's. You may even be aware of the person
sending them or see his or her face. The person probably does not mean any harm. There are
many careless thoughts and feelings which pollute our air.
Unto Others
you want someone to have certain energies, such as confidence or peace, feel that in your
energies and usually it will reflect in the other person. Sometimes you may be angry over
another's lack of calm or peace, but this only makes matters worse.
what you are thinking or saying helps you be aware of what you really mean. It also helps
convey the essence of your message and you will be more easily understood.
with low levels of energy may unconsciously drain or sap energy from others. Such people
have not learned to absorb energy from the surrounding air, instead pulling it predigested
from another person; or they are so emotionally disturbed or physically weak as not to be
able to pull energy in for themselves. "Predigested" means that the energy has
already been brought in by another person and transformed to a usable frequency; it is an
easy way out.
People who for no apparent reason make you feel drained or irritable are sapping your
energy. Energy pulled from you leaves you weakened. You may feel your aura shutting down.
When this happens, your energy comes back toward you and your body tightens. You may look
for excuses to get away from the sappers. When you have gotten away and your energy truly
becomes yours again, you may wonder why you acted as you did . Were you uncaring or too
hasty? Should you have stayed? Guilt feelings may ensue, which an awareness of this
sapping dynamic may help you understand.
Feeling drained, you may wish to become aware of the chakra or chakras from which energy
is being pulled. You can then make the choice either to close the chakra or send energy to
the other person. Sharing energy is a gift, and what you give strengthens you. But when
the person to whom you send energy does not relax and come into strength, you may need to
stop sending energy. Sometimes people become dependent on others' energies. When you
choose not to send energy, seek protection by filling and surrounding yourself with a
white light, consciously willing your own aura to be stronger and creating a force-field
against draining influences. Another procedure is that of imagining a glass wall between
you and the sapper.
Who Stir It Up
person with highly charged or unbalanced chakras may seek stimulating conditions, such as
arguments, which aid the release of these excess energies. Some people are happier when
they have caused a commotion. Their needling and fight-starting may stimulate their own
energy and release blocks, but neither does much for the other person. Gossip, heavily
judgmental, is another form of stir-it-up release. In the company of someone who is trying
to stir it UP, try to remain peaceful and not get snagged. You may need to change the
subject or ask the person not to talk meanly of others in your presence.
with sexual thoughts or feelings may stem from excessively opened sexual chakras. Whether
or not a person in this situation is aware of it, others pick up the sexual energies,
perhaps even to the point of supposing interest in a sexual encounter. This can be
confusing. Make sure in this situation that your own sexual chakras are balanced or your
higher chakras are open; you will be less inclined to take things personally.
Sometimes people with very high spiritual energies and blocked sexual energies will
attract people with blocked spiritual energies and high sexual energies. It is an
attraction of opposites; but we are also dealing with higher and lower octaves of the same
energy and it may be that one person's very spiritual energies attract sexual responses
from another. Seek protection by filling and surrounding yourself with a radiant light and
feeling balance all over your body. Relationships and sex are best when all chakras are
balanced, open and flowing well.
spend a great portion of our lives in relationships, surrounded by the energy others are
sending out. It is important both how we receive others' energies and how our own energies
are received by others. In the company of someone whose chakras are blocked, you may feel
shut out, as if that person wants nothing to do with you. This may not be the case at all-
The person may very much want interaction but is so used to having blocked chakras that to
open them in your company is a frightening proposition; relationships in this situation
can be scary and tense
When you want to be more open, feel your chakras as relaxed, open, and receptive to
others' energies. There are some very positive benefits to openness: a sense of
connection, strength, cuddliness, or of not being alone in the world. When you want others
to be more receptive of you, let your energies out in a peaceful way. Do not force them or
the person receiving them may feel bombarded.
Understanding Your Chakras: An Exercise
Close your eyes. Imagine that a significant person
in your fife is standing in front of you or near you. Be aware how your body reacts to
this presence. Which chakras open or close? You will feel relaxed where they are open and
tight where they are closed. More aware of the movement of your own energies, you will be
able to have more control and enjoyment in life. Remember that energy patterns change
according to the situation and the people you are with.
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