The Kundalini Book



Chapter 5

The Development of the Four Brains

The transformation of the brains is one of the most noticeable changes caused by Kundalini cleansing. Genius, where extraordinary creative abilities and great moral and spiritual truths are available, is the ultimate state of the refined brain. In genius the brains receive and utilize information from universal and cosmic levels.
But the four brains are more resistant to Kundalini cleansing than any other areas because of aberrations in one's thinking and approach to life to which we are prone. Some, with excessive Kundalini that has not yet become useable, are left to vegetate in mental institutions; their problems are not understood.
Your skull actually changes shape, becoming larger during development of the brains. It may change shape a number of times, bringing searing headaches. Massaging the skull at the seams of the bones promotes expansion. Radiating excess Kundalini out around the head brings relief. Locate particularly sore spots on your scalp with your fingers; massage them to release the energy, letting your mind ramble, becoming aware of the thoughts or attitudes which prevented mind expansion. You may relive some tension by telling yourself it is okay to have the "big head."
Dr. Paul McClean has done some wonderful work with his Triune Brain Theory, very applicable to the seven body approach.


The Reptilian or First Brain
The first brain relates directly to the physical body and deals mainly with territorialisrn and survival. We all need to be comfortable with our territory or space, especially in Kundalini raising, when we become over sensitive to others' energies and do not function as well in the world.
If you have had a poor sense of survival, you will notice an undercurrent of constant checking in yourself about the safety of places or situations. You will continually observe others either as threats or aids to survival. You will be overly concerned about "fitting in."

The Limbic System (Paleomammalian) or Second Brain
The second brain relates mainly to emotions and motivations and is connected with our emotional body. With an underdeveloped limbic system. a person does not have good motivational skills, is not a good self-starter and will be excessively concerned about feelings.

The Third Brain (Neo-Mammalian)
The third brain incorporates both the left and right hemispheres. It relates to the mental body and is concerned with reason, logic, thinking, and creativity, acting much like a computer in that it works with information it has received through experiences and learning. The development of this brain is based partially on the healthy development of the first and second brains. With an underdeveloped third brain a person has difficulty using reason and logic to comprehend complex situations. He or she may be limited to one point of view and subject to rigidity or prejudice.
It has been said many times that we use approximately ten percent of our mental capacities. This may be due to underdeveloped first and second brains, inadequate stimulation, and laziness (defined as always taking the easy way, not using full perceptive and creative abilities). The result is that people think they are not in touch with all of their mental capabilities, that something is holding back their brain power.
When the first two brains are well developed, but the third not, a person will be overly concerned with feelings and territory; there will therefore be little interaction with others. In such a state a person may spend time with others, but not attentively (the attention is focused on the self). Of course, the same problems may occur when the first two brains are underdeveloped.
Excessively mentally developed people may display a lack of "good old common sense," as in "how can anyone so smart be so dumb?" Each brain has its own awareness, intelligence, and agenda, each its own concept of how the world functions and its relationship and position relative to these functions. Each brain may act either independently of or cooperatively with the other brains. Kundalini cleansing and refinement not only develops these brains but increases their interaction.
Children will not function well in school without good reptilian development; they tend either to be more combative and belligerent, or withdrawn. Children who lack a healthy sense of survival have low self-esteem. Their poorly developed limbic system may cause poor study habits, or they may be overly concerned with relationships.

The Fourth Brain
We live in a time of great mind expansion, not only involving increased development of three brains already mentioned but the development of a fourth brain. The new brain is still in the etheric (energy) stage; it has not yet manifested in the physical.
Each brain overlaps the previous one (see illustration, opposite page). The first development of the fourth brain is under the crown chakra on top of the head, over the top of the two hemispheres of the third brain. It relates to the intuitional-compassionate level or fourth body and has a spiritual consciousness. Though it has not yet manifested in the physical, it is still useable. Where the main attribute of the third or mental brain is thinking, the main attribute of the fourth brain is awaring; a developed fourth brain will enable a person to
receive new, previously unknown information. Tapping in the Universal Mind, the fourth brain will have limitless potential for receiving information.
There are etheric forms of brains five, six and seven, but their development is more distant. They relate to the corresponding bodies.


For the Reptilian Brain
Meditate on how you feel about your territory; how can you change it to make it more supportive? Meditate on survival, to what extent it is an issue for you. What threatens or enhances your sense of survival?
Symbolism. Get a stuffed toy or picture of your favorite reptile. Feel connected to it occasionally during meditations.

Limbic System
Meditate on owning and enjoying your feelings. How many different feelings can you be aware at one time? Let cuddly feelings envelop your entire body; really enjoy them.
Symbolism. Color is highly related to and symbolic of emotions. To enhance and develop your emotions, make sure you have enough color in your life: in your surroundings, clothing, food, or artistic ventures.

Meditate on the left hemisphere, filling it with energy, then move the energy to the right hemisphere. Reverse the process and move energy from right to left hemisphere. Repeat this procedure several times. Feel the energy balance between the two sides and feel the corpus collosum (bridge between the two hemispheres) open for action. Give the entire area over to freedom and expansion.
Take some time each day to look hard at something; what else can you be aware of or see? This develops perception. Each day try to use your creativity. Read magazines or books on subjects you have not studied and in which you have no particular interest. This increases blood flow and helps open up new tracks in the brain; it also aids in expanding your ability to think and perceive.

Fourth Brain
Be aware of the area just below your crown chakra and across the top of your head under the skin. Move energy into this area, feeling it expand and open up.
Keeping your attention in the fourth brain area, ask questions, and let answers form. Don't rush the process; answers and pictures may take time to form. Meditate on using the information which comes to you through this awareness.

Kundalini Bath. Ask to feel and see the Kundalini energy as a golden light (mental); let it bathe inside your entire head, making sure each brain receives some attention. Vary the exercise by using a silvery light (spiritual). You may note heat in your head; this helps in the transformation, but when excessive brings headaches. For relief from headaches, equalize the energy throughout the head or send it out the crown chakra, mixing it with the divine energy above your head and letting the combination shower down around your body.

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