Gaap A great president and
prince, appears when the sun is in the southern signs, coming in a
human shape, and preceded by four powerful kings. He teaches
philosophy and the liberal sciences, excites love and hatred, makes
men insensible, gives instruction in the consecration of things
which belong to the divination of Amaymon, his king, delivers
familiars out of the custody of Magicians, gives true answers as to
past, present and future, transports men speedily from place to
place at the will of the exorcist. According to Weyer, he will
speak outside the triangle, but what he says will be false.
Galla From Kur, the Sumerian underworld, came seven demons
called Galla. They were the attendants and messengers of
Ereshkigal, the goddess of death and gloom, who sat naked on a
throne in her dark lapis lazuli palace, surrounded by seven great
walls. The central rule of the Sumerian hell stated that no one,
neither a mortal nor a god, who entered her dark domain, could ever
leave Kur again. To this the Galla were an exception, for they
could roam the world to relentlessly terrorize men and haul them
back to the dark abode. Gods and humans alike, on earth or in hell,
needed food and drink. But not the Galla who, to quote an ancient
Sumerian poem:
'Touched no food,
Drank no water,
Did not taste the sprinkled flour,
Did not know the sacred wine.
No bribe mollified the Galla,
Nor did they satisfy a woman's body
But hated children
And tore them from their parents' lap.'
The goddess, Innana, having failed in her attempt
to over throw her sister, Ereshkigal, who had imprisoned her in
Kur, managed to escape from the underworld. But the seven Galla
followed, threatening to drag her back if she could not find
another deity to take her place. When Innana found the shepherd
Dumuzi, her lover, celebrating instead of mourning her departure,
she cast the eye of death on him. He was delivered into the demons'
'The seven demons grip
his thighs,
They bite and tear his face,
They slash at his body with an axe,
They turn his face into the face of agony.
Gamygyn A great marquis, appearing in the form of a small
horse or ass, but afterwards in human shape. He speaks hoarsly
teaching the liberal sciences, and giving news of souls who have
died in sin. According to Weyer, he summons into the presence of
the exorcist the souls of drowned men, and of those detained in
Purgatory, called magickally Cartagra - that is, the affliction of
souls. They assume an aerial body, are visible to sight, and reply
to questions.
Geryon (literary- Dante) Centaur/Dragon who guards hell.
Ghaddar A demon (possible female) in the deserts of the Red
Sea countries. It catches travelers and tortures them by devouring
their genitals.
Ghul In Muslim folklore, the ghoul is a female demon of the
desert that is able to assume the shape of an animal. It is an evil
spirit that robs graves and feeds on the flesh of the dead. They
also lure travelers into the desert, sometimes beguiling them by
prostituting themselves, and then devouring them.
Goap Prince of the western region of Hell.
Gomory A powerful duke, appears like a beautiful woman,
wearing a ducal crown. He discovers past, present, and future, as
also the whereabouts of hidden treasures; he procures the love of
women, and especially of girls.
Gong Gong A Chinese demon who is responsible for the great
floods, together with his associate, the snake-like Xiang Yao. Gong
Gong is the eternal opponent of the highest ruler. Also called Kung
Gorgons The Gorgons were the three demonic daughters of
Phorcys and Ceto. The word Gorgons meant 'the grim ones,' and
because of their mother's name they were sometimes alluded to as
the Phorcydes. They had long, razor-shaped teeth, brazen claws,
while their faces and breasts were those of women. They were
usually considered demons of the underworld or of the deep sea.
Medusa ("ruler"), the most infamous of the three and the only
mortal one, had hissing vipers instead of hair. Her sisters, who
were both immortal, were named Stheno ("forceful") and Euryale
So dreadful was their appearance that the area outside the cave in
which they lived was surrounded by bodies of those who had had the
misfortune to look directly at a Gorgon's face. One glance sufficed
to turn the greatest hero into stone. Their faces were likened to
the pock-marked surface of the moon. To ward off undesired suitors,
ancient Grecian chastity belts were stamped with the Gorgon's
likeness above the keyhole. Bakers also painted their oven door
with a Gorgon face in order to discourage anyone from opening the
door and letting in a draught.
Medusa was the ugliest of the three because she had once dared
boast greater beauty than that of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.
The goddess promptly transformed Medusa into a hag. Later Athena,
still full of anger, helped the hero Perseus kill the Gorgon. She
told him to approach the demoness while she was asleep, and to be
sure not to look at her face but to guide his sword by looking at
her image in his highly polished shield. After chopping off
Medusa's head, Perseus presented the goddess with the trophy, which
she attached to the centre of her magic shield, the Aegis.
Gorson King of the southern regions of Hell.
Guecubu(Chili) Evil spirits. Among the Araucanians, an
Indian tribe of Chile, South America, the Guecubu were evil
spirits, who did all in their power to thwart and annoy the Great
Spirit Togin and his ministers.
Guison A mighty duke, who appears like a cynocephalus, and
discerns the past, present and future, answers all questions,
reconciles enemies and gives honours and dignities.
Guseyn A demon in the service of Agaliarept. Guta A
greatly feared Hungarian demon who beats his victims to death.