Baal Baal, Bael (Hebrew)
devil. Means "the lord." The Canaanites worshipped Baal and held
rituals at which children were burned for sacrifice. According to
Wierius, this demon is the first monarch/Grand Duke of hell. Bael
is cited in the Grand Grimioregeneral of the infernal armies and
commander of sixty-six legions. He is depicted as a creature with
three heads - a cat, a crowned man and a toad. His pudgy torso ends
in a spider's legs. Those who invoke him are made alert and cunning
and are taught the means of making themselves invisible when
Baalberith Balberith - (Canaanite) Lord of covenant later
made god of death. According to Wierius - a demon master of the
infernal alliance. Demon of blasphemy and murder. Demon of the
second order. Chief Secretary and Archivist of Hell, master of the
Infernal Alliance. He is depicted as a pontiff seated among princes
of the infernal regions. Originally he was the Phoenician
(Canaanite) god of covenants. He was one of the demons who
possessed an Ursuline nun at Aix-en-Provence in 1610.
Baalzephon(Canaanite) Captain of guard and sentinels of
Hell according to Wierius.
Babael (Unk) A demon known as the Keeper of Graves.
Bachelor One of the names given to Satan, when he appeared
in the guise of a great he-goat, for the purpose of love
intercourse with the witches.
Bael A demon cited in the Grand Grimoire and head of the
infernal powers. It is with him that Johann Weyer commenced his
inventory of the famous Pseudomonarchia Daemonum. He alluded to
Bael as the first monarch of hell, and said that his estates are
situated on the eastern regions thereof. He had three heads, that
of a crab, a cat, and a man. Sixty-six legions obey him.
Balaam (Hebrew) avarice and greed.
Balam Among the seventy-two spirits of the brazen vessel, as
enumerated in the Lesser Key of Solomon, there is a demon called
Balam. He features as number fifteen in what some authors refer to
as 'the false monarchy of demons.' Judging by the various
descriptions of Balam, he is identical with several other demons
whose names are given by writers of the same period as Balan,
Balaam, and Balemm.
He is described as being a great and terrible king in hell,
commanding forty legions of infernal soldiers. He appears at times
with three heads: the middle one is that of a man, while the others
are those of animals, usually a bull and a ram. Furthermore, Balam
is equipped with a serpent's tail and eyes so fierce that they spit
forth fire and flames.
Usually, though, Balam is said to appear as a naked monster riding
on a bear. He wears a royal crown, surmounting two long and upward
horns, and a pair of extremely hairy ears stick out at right angles
from his skull. The sharp, goat-like facial features are enhanced
by a long, scraggly beard. His limbs terminate in unnaturally long
fingers and toes, capped by sharp-pointed nails that look as deadly
as the claws of the goshawk perching on his right wrist. Balam,
once an angel of the Order of Dominations, is quite easily invoked
and relatively harmless to deal with. Like many of his species, he
answers questions concerning past, present and future events, and
he is willing to reveal the secret of invisibility. He is an
excellent teacher of the subtle art of cunning, and he imparts wit
and finesse to whoever queries him on these matters.
Balan (Unk) A demon in Wierius' hierarchy said to be high
in the monarchy. The demon of finesse and ruses. Also a prince of
Balban (Unk) A demon of delusion.
Bali An ancient Indian demon, king of the Daityas. He ruled
the sky and the earth, but this power was wrested from him by
Vishnu in the avatara of Vamana, the dwarf. Since then he rules the
Baltazo (Unk) One of the demons supposed to have possessed
Nicole Aubry of Laon, France, in the year 1566. He went to dine
with her husband under the pretext of freeing her from demon
possession, which he did not accomplish. It was observed that at
supper he did not drink, which showed that demons are averse to
Baphomet God of the Templars. Worshiped as Satan. The
Templar's are thought, by some, to be one of the earliest sects of
Bar-Lgura (Semitic) A gargoyle type demon. Ancient Semitic
demon said to sit on the roofs of houses and leap on the
inhabitants. People so afflicted were called d'baregara.
Barbas (Unk) According to the medieval hierarchies he was
the demon of mechanics.
Barbatos (Unk) A great count and duke, who appears when the
sun is in Sagittarius with four noble kings and three companies of
troops; he gives instructions in all the sciences, reveals
treasures concealed by enchantment, knows the past and future,
reconciles friends and those in power, and is of the Order of the
Virtues. He also understands the songs of birds and the language of
other animals.
Barqu (Unk) Demon in whose keeping was the secret of the
Philosopher's Stone.
Barzabel Associated with Machidael and Barchiel.
Bast (Egyption) goddess of pleasure. Represented by a
BathymBathim, Bathin (Unk) One of the three demons in the
service of Fleuretty. Duke of the Infernal Regions. He has the
appearance of a robust man but his body ends in a serpent's tail.
He bestrides a steed of livid colour. He is well versed in the
virtues of herbs and precious stones according to Wierius. He is
able to transport men from one place to another with wondrous
speed. He commands thirty legions. Also known as Marthin. One of
the 72 spirits of Solomon
Bayemon Named in the Grimoire of Pope Honorius a reigning
Monarch powerful demon of the western parts of the Infernal
Regions. To him the following invocation is addressed; "O King
Bayemon, most mighty, who reigneth towards the western parts, I
call upon thee and invoke thy name in the name of the Divinity. I
command thee in the name of the Most High to present thyself before
this circle, thee and the other spirits who are thy subjects, in
the name of Passiel and Rosus, for the purpose of replying to all
that which I demand of thee. If thou dost not come I will torment
thee with a sword of heavenly fire, I will augment thy pains and
burn thee. Obey, King Bayemon."
Although ascribed to Pope Honorius III, supported by what is
claimed as a Papal Bull authorizing ordained priests to invoke
spirits and control demons, this grimoire is denounced by Catholic
writers as a forgery. The grimoire became popular among
seventeenth-century occult magicians.
Bearded Demon The demon who teaches the secret of the
Philosopher's Stone. He is but little known. The demon barbu is not
to be confused with Barbatos, said to be a Duke in Hades, although
not a philosopher; nor with Barbas, who is interested in mechanics.
It is said that the bearded demon is so called on account of his
remarkable beard.
Bechard Bechaud- (Unk) A demon alluded to in the ancient
Grimoire The Key of Solomon as having power over the winds and the
tempests. He makes hail, thunder and rain. Demon of the natural
Beelzebub Beelzebuth, Belzebath (Hebrew) The scriptures
call Beelzebub the 'prince of demons,'Lord of the Flies. Among the
demons blamed for the demonic possessions of the nuns at Loudun.
Chief of false gods. St. Matthew reports that the Pharisees accused
Jesus of casting out demons in his name:
'It is only by
Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this man casts out
demons'Matthew 9:34
He was an idol of the Canaanites, and his best known shrine was in
the Philistine city of Ekron. When King Ahaziah of Israel consulted
his oracle in Ekron, he brought upon himself the wrath of the
prophet Elijah.
Baal or Bel means 'lord,' and was a title given to a great number
of deities. Beelzebub means 'lord of the flies;' though it is not
known if this is a reference to the practice of divination by the
flight of flies, or to the idol's power of delivering men from
flies which ruined their crops. It may possibly refer to the fact
that the god's statue, dripping with sacrificial blood, must have
attracted large numbers of flies.
Most medieval demonologists consider him as the sovereign ruler of
the infernal empire. One book called In Zodiaco Vitae, describes
him as being of prodigious height, sitting on a giant throne. A
band of fire encircles his forehead, his chest is swollen, his face
puffed up; while sparkling eyes and lifted eyebrows enhance his
menacing air. He has cavernous nostrils and two big horns sprout
from his head; while large bat wings adorn his back. He has ducks'
feet, a lion's tail and is covered from head to foot with thick
black hair.
According to the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, Beelzebub was not
at first the most powerful potentate of hell. Satan was the 'prince
and captain of death.' After Christ's crucifixion, Satan conversed
with Beelzebub at the gates of hell, bragging that he was about to
bring Jesus down to his infernal abode. He rejoiced as Jesus was an
enemy who had deprived him of many a victim. Beelzebub begged his
master not to attempt this dangerous feat because 'the very power
of His name disturbed him and him impious company.
"Then Hell, receiving
Satan the prince, with sore reproach said unto him:
O prince of perdition and chief of destruction, Beelzebub, the
scorn of the angels and spitting of the righteous why wouldest thou
do this?
Thou wouldest crucify the King of glory and at his decease didst
promise us great spoils of his death: like a fool thou knewest not
what thou didst.
For behold now, this Jesus putteth to flight by the brightness of
his majesty all the darkness of death, and hath broken the strong
depths of the prisons, and let out the prisoners and loosed them
that were bound. And all that were sighing in our torments do
rejoice against us, and at their prayers our dominions are
vanquished and our realms conquered, and now no nation of men
feareth us any more.
And beside this, the dead which were never wont to be proud
triumph over us, and the captives which never could be joyful do
threaten us. O prince Satan, father of all the wicked and ungodly
and renegades wherefore wouldest thou do this?
They that from the beginning until now have despaired of life and
salvation - now is none of their wonted roarings heard, neither
doth any groan from them sound in our ears, nor is there any sign
of tears upon the face of any of them.
O prince Satan, holder of the keys of hell, those thy riches which
thou hadst gained by the tree of transgression and the losing of
paradise, thou hast lost by the tree of the cross, and all thy
gladness hath perished.
When thou didst hang up Christ Jesus the King of glory thou
wroughtest against thyself and against me. Henceforth thou shalt
know what eternal torments and infinite pains thou art to suffer in
my keeping for ever.
O prince Satan, author of death and head of all pride, thou
oughtest first to have sought out matter of evil in this Jesus:
Wherefore didst thou adventure without cause to crucify him
unjustly against whom thou foundest no blame, and to bring into our
realm the innocent and righteous one, and to lose the guilty and
the ungodly and unrighteous of the whole world?
And when Hell had spoken thus unto Satan the prince, then said the
King of glory unto Hell:
Satan the prince shall be in thy power unto all ages in the stead
of Adam and his children, even those that are my righteous
- Gospel of Nicodemus VII (XXIII)
As they were discussing the matter, a thunderous voice sounding
like rushing winds proclaimed: 'Lift up your gates, O ye princes,
and the King of Glory shall come in.' Terrified, Beelzebub pushed
Satan away from the mouth of hell, and told him indignantly to
fight Jesus by himself if he yearned for a divine conquest so much.
Beelzebub then slammed the gates shut, and commanded the rest of
the demons to bar the way with all the strength they could
But inside, the souls had heard Christ's booming voice and rushed
forward, jostling the fiends,desperately trying to speak to the
Saviour. Fear lent the demons enough strength to push the souls
back and to barricade the gates even more tightly, but nothing
could bar Jesus' way. He trampled over Satan, deprived Beelzebub of
his powers, and with a single word, snapped the chains of the
imprisoned souls. All the saints held captive in hell were
released. They joined hands and flew up to heaven. As Jesus was
about to take leave of himself, he turned to Beelzebub and
'Satan the prince
shall be in thy power unto all ages in the stead of Adam and his
children, even those that are my righteous ones.' - Gospel of
Nicodemus VII (XXIII)
In medieval times Beelzebub also had great power. It was very
difficult to get rid of him once the conjured demon had appeared.
The nineteenth century scholar, MacGregor Mathers, remarked
'the invocation to
make visible the appearance of such fearful potencies as
Amaymon,Egyn, and Beelzebub would probably result in the death of
the exorcist on the spot; such death presenting the symptops of one
arising from epilepsy, Apoplexy, or Strangulation.'
One of the spells used to conjure up Beelzebub was:
A manuscript containing another appeal to Beelzebub is housed in
the British Museum. It says:
'I conjure bind and
charge thee by Lucifer Beelzebub, Sathanas, Jauconill, and by their
And by the homage thou owest unto them And also I charge thee by
the triple crown Of Cerberus' head, by Styx and Phegiton,
By your fellow and private devil Baranter, That you do torment and
punish this disobedient Demon until you make him come
To my sight and obey my will and Commandments in whatsoever I shall
charge Or command thee to do. Fiat, Fiat, Fiat.
At witches' sabbaths Beelzebub was lord and master over all the
rites, and it was in his name that Jesus was denied. Eucharist was
given with the seal of Beelzebub imprinted upon the pieces of bread
instead of the symbol of Christ. The witches then chanted:
'Belsabub goity,
Belsabub beyty'
meaning 'Beelzebub above, Beelzebub below.' After forming a
semicircle around the altar and lying flat on the ground, they
swallowed 'two mouthfuls of an infernal medicine and brew, of so
foul a flavour that they sweated to swallow it, and so cold it
froze them.' Beelzebub then copulated with all the participants and
this triggered the commencement of a frenzied orgy.
In the seventeenth century, Beelzebub along with a host of other
demons possessed the nun, Sister Madeleine de Demandoix, of the
Ursuline Convent near Aix-en-Provence. In his power, the wretched
nun was compelled to writhe on the floor exposing her genitals. She
also had gruesome visions of sodomy and cannibalism. Beelzebub was
finally exorcised, never to return to that convent again.
Behemoth The Apocryphal Book of Enoch gives the following
description of this monster's origins:
'And that day will two
monsters be parted, one monster, a female named Leviathan in order
to dwell in the abyss of the ocean over the fountains of water; and
(the other), a male called Behemoth, which holds his chest in an
invisible desert whose name is Dundayin, east of the garden of
Eden.' - 1 Enoch 60:7-8
According to the Islamic tradition, when God created the earth, he
realized that it was not secure. To stabilize it, he placed under
it first an angel, then a huge rock made of ruby, then a bull with
four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, tongues, and feet. But
even the bull did not stand firm. So below it God placed Behemoth,
who rested on water which was surrounded by darkness.
Some authors have identified Behemoth with the Egyptian deity
Taueret. She was a hippopotamus goddess with whom we are acquainted
through the writings of the Greek historian, Herodotus.
The most powerful description of Behemoth is found in the Book of
Job (Job 40:15-24):
'Behold Behemoth,
which I made as I made you; he eats grass like an ox. Behold, his
strength is in his loins, and his power in the muscles of his
belly. He makes his tail stiff like a cedar; the sinews of his
thighs are knit together. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs
like bars of iron. He is the first of the works of God; let him who
made him bring near his sword! For the mountains yield food for him
where all the wild beast play. Under the lotus plant he lies, in
the covert of the reeds and in the marsh. For his shade the lotus
tree covers him the willows of the brook surround him. Behold, if
the river is turbulent he is not frightened; he is confident though
Jordan rushes against his mough. Can one take him with hooks, or
pierce his nose with a snare?'
The Rabbinical tradition has somewhat alleviated the fear of
Behemoth by prophesying an end for the beast. He is described as
the deadly enemy of Leviathan, and on the Day of Judgement,
'Behemoth will slay, and be slain by a gigantic whale. For his fate
is to furnish the meat for the Messiah's feast, and this food the
Lord will distribute among the faithful.'
Behemoth is not mentioned in the most complete of the many
medieval demonic hierarchies, the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
Although the author, Johann Weyer, does talk about the monster in
another work called De Praestigiorum Daemonum. In that book, Weyer
speculates that Behemoth might very well be a representation of the
vast powers of the archfiend Satan himself.
But a number of medieval demonologists do place Behemoth in their
infernal hierarchies; though they mostly describe him as an
overweight and rather stupid demon, whose domains are gluttony and
the pleasures of the belly. They add that in hell his functions
correspond to those of a headwaiter, or the caretaker of wine
cellars. Belancre, a renowned French demonologist, maintains that
Behemoth is not a monstrous animal of evil, but rather a spirit who
likes to take on the shapes of extremely large animals. According
to the same authority, Behemoth is also able to disguise himself
perfectly as a cat, a dog, a fox, or a wolf.
Behemoth (Hebrew) Another name for Satan.
Beherit (Syriac) Another name for Satan.
Beleth A great king and terrible, riding on a pale horse,
before whom go trumpets and all melodious music. He commands
eighty-five legions. He is very furious when first summoned, and
must be commanded into a triangle or circle with the hazel wand of
the Magician pointed to the South-East. He must be received
courteously and with homage, but a silver ring must be worn on the
middle finger of the left hand, which must be held against the
face. He procures love between man and woman, and is of the Order
of the Powers.
Belial Beliar (Hebrew) The earth elemental. Speculation has
suggested the name Belial comes from the Hebrew phrase beli ya 'al
meaning "without worth." Prince of trickery. One of the 72 princes
of Solomon. 'Never has Hell received a more dissolute, more
heinous, more worthless spirit, or one more in love with vice for
vice's sake!'
The demon thus characterized by a medieval writer is Belial
(Beliar is the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew), the demon of lies.
His name is derived from the Hebrew 'beli ya'al,' meaning 'without
worth.' He is said to have been created immediately after Lucifer
himself, and was one of the first angels to revolt against God.
This is why he was expelled from heaven. He was partly of the Order
of the Virtues and partly of the Order of the Angels.
Among certain sections of the Jews, Belial was considered the
chief of all the devils. In The War of the Sons of Light and the
Sons of Darkness, one of the Dead Sea scrolls, Belial is the leader
of the Sons of Darkness:
'But for corruption
thou hast made Belial, an angel of hostility. All his dominions are
in darkness, and his purpose is to bring about wickedness and
guilt. All the spirits are associated with him are but angels of
Belial is also mentioned in the Fragments of a Zadokite Work,
which states that at the time of the Antichrist, "Belial shall be
let loose against Israel, as God spake through Isaiah the prophet."
(6:9). The Fragments also speak of "three nets of Belial" which are
said to be fornication, wealth, and pollution of the sanctuary.
(6:10-11) In this work, Belial is sometimes presented as an agent
of divine punishment and sometimes as a rebel, as Mastema is. It
was Belial who inspired the Egyptian sorcerers, Jochaneh and his
brother, to oppose Moses and Aaron. The Fragments also say that
anyone who is ruled by the spirits of Belial and speaks of
rebellion should be condemned as a necromancer and wizard.
Belial is also mentioned in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs.
The author of the work seems to be a dualist because he presents
Belial as God's opponent, not as a servant, but does not mention
how or why this came to be. Simeon 5:3 says that fornication
separates man from God and brings him near to Beliar. Levi tells
his children to choose between the Law of God and the works of
Beliar (Levi 19:1) It also states that when the soul is constantly
disturbed, the Lord departs from it and Beliar rules over it.
Naphtali (2:6, 3:1) contrasts the Law and will of God with the
purposes of Beliar. Also, in 20:2, Joseph prophesies that when
Israel leaves Egypt, they will be with God in light while Beliar
will remain in darkness with the Egyptians. Finally, the Testament
describes that when the Messiah comes, the angels will punish the
spirits of deceit and Beliar (3:3) and that the Messiah will bind
Beliar and give to his children the power to trample the evil
spirits (18:12).
In the Martyrdom of Isaiah, Belial is the angel of lawlessness and
is the ruler of this world.
"And Manasseh turned
aside his heart to serve Beliar; for the angel of lawlessness, who
is the ruler of this world, is Beliar, whose name is Matanbuchus."
- Martyrdom of Isaiah 2:4
According to the medieval hierarchies, Belial was a king in hell,
where he commanded eighty legions of demons. He appears in the form
of a beautiful angel seated on a chariot of fire-belching dragons.
To conjure Belial, one must make offerings and sacrifices to him.
He answers in the most suave and pleasant of voices, but this is
deceptive. Unless one keeps him in check by continually invoking
the name of God, this Belial deceives all and sundry. To those
successful in gaining his friendship, it is said that he
distributes favours and preferences, and gives excellent familiars.
Belial is also supposed to be the infernal ambassador to
Belphegor Belphegore, Baalphegor (Moabites?) Demon of
discovery, invention, and riches. Belphegor was originally a
Moabite deity called Baal-Peor, who was adored on Mount Phegor. For
his generative and productive powers he was worshipped in the form
of a phallus.
In the Kabbalah, Belphegor is the archdemon of the Togarini, whose
name means the 'wranglers.' MacGregor Mathers, in his book The
Kabbalah Unveiled, lists him as the sixth of the evil Sephiroth,
who were the demonic counterparts of the ten divine Sephiroth, or
emanations of the substance of God.
A medieval legend tells how Belphegor set forth from hell to
investigate rumours concerning the happiness and misery of married
couples on earth. For a while he lived among men, imitating all the
intimacies that men experienced. He is said to have fled back to
hell in horror, happy that intercourse between men and women did
not exist there. This is the reason why the name of Belphegor is
sometimes applied to misogynists and licentious men.
But his dislike of women seems to be contradicted by a number of
demonologists who maintain that he usually appeared in the form of
a beautiful young girl. He was difficult to summon, though it was
known that he distributed riches with great generosity, if the
conjuror was agreeable to him. His gifts were also the power of
discovery and ingenious invention. He was sometimes depicted as a
naked woman and sometimes as a hideous demon with a gaping mouth,
beard and with horns and painted nails.
In the Dictionnaire Infernal, De Plancy mentions that several
rabbis maintained that Belphegor was paid homage to sit on a
'pierced chair,' because excrement was the usual sacrificial
offering to this demon.
Bensozia According to Dom Jacques Martin (1684-1751) in his
Religion de Gaulois (1727), "chief deviless" of a certain Sabbatic
meeting held in France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. She
was, he says, the Diana of the Ancient Gauls, and was also called
Nocticula, Herodias, and "The Moon." One finds in the manuscripts
of the church at Couserans that the ladies of the fourteenth
century were said to go on horseback to nocturnal revelries of
Bensozia. All of them were forced to inscribe their names in a
Sabbatic catalog along with those sorcerers proper, and after this
ceremony they believed themselves to be fairies. There was found at
Montmorillin in Poitou, in the eighteenth century, a portion of an
ancient temple, a bas-relief with the figure of a naked woman
carved upon it, and it is not unlikely, according to J. Collin de
Plancy (author of Dictionnaire infernal, 6th ed., 1803) that this
figure was the original deity of the Bensozia cult.
Berith According to the detailed description of the
seventy-two major demons,Spirits of Solomon as put forth in the
Lemegeton, or the Lesser Key of Solomon, Berith takes his place
among the truly powerful spirits. Weyer mentions that this demon
was also called Beal, while certain necromancers knew him as Bofi
or Bolfri. In hell, he was ranked as a duke having command over
twenty-six legions of minor demons.
He appears clad in a soldier's uniform, wears a golden crown and
is mounted on a red horse. He can only be safely summoned with the
help of magic rings, bearing his specific seal. Berith's voice is
clear and persuasive, but he is a notorious liar. Anything he says
must be weighed with great care, though he does reveal the past and
the future. Berith also has the power to transmute all base metals
into gold; thus he is sometimes known as the demon helper to the
unscrupulous alchemists. Lured by a handsome reward, he will ensure
that great public dignities and manifold riches are bestowed upon
the conjuror. Finally, he possesses the rather singular power of
lending clarity of sound and ease of elocution to the voices of
In books on magical recipes, Berith is associated with a method of
conjuring him under a form resembling a mandragora. On a Monday
night a black chicken is bled at a crossroads. One must say:
'Berith will do all my work for twenty years and I shall recompense
him.' Or else one may write the spell on a piece of virgin
parchment with the chicken's blood. The demon thus evoked will
appear the same day, and put himself completely at the conjuror's
disposal. But after twenty years, Berith will claim his reward for
services rendered.
Beyreva Indian demon, master of souls that roam through
space after being changed into airy demons. It is said to have
crooked nails with which it lopped off one of Brahma's heads.
Bhutamata A Hindu demon goddess. She is a form of
Biffant A little-known demon, chief of a legion who was
said to have entered the body of Denise de la Caille and who was
obliged to sign with his claws the proces verbal of exorcisms.
Biffant (Unk) The demon who allegedly possessed Denise de
la Caille.
Bifrons (Unk) Wierius' demon of astronomy, geometry, and
other such sciences, planetary influences. He often takes the form
of a man. He is acquainted with the virtues of herbs, precious
stones and plants. He can transport corpses from one place to
another. It is he who lights the strange corpse lights above the
topbs of the dead. He commands twenty-six legions.
Bile’ (Celtic) god of Hell.
Bileth One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon.
Bitru Great Prince of Hell. He appears in the form of a
leopard with the wings of a griffon. When adopting a human form, it
is invariably one of great beauty. It is he who awakes lust in the
human heart. He commands seventy legions. Also known as Sytry.
Blisargon (Unk) Known as the Grand Enticer of Thieves, he
eventually leads all of his followers to destruction.
Bonifarce One of the two demons said to have been
successfully exorcised from Elisabeth Allier in 1639 by Francois
The two demons who had possessed her for twenty years admitted
that they had entered her body by means of a crust of bread which
they had put into her mouth when she was seven. They fled from her
body in the presence of the Holy Sacrament. The other demon's name
was Orgeuil.
Botis A great president and earl, who appears like a horrid
viper, but when commanded, assumes a human shape, with large teeth
and horns. He bears a sharp sword in his hand, discerns past,
present and future, and reconciles friends and foes. One of the
three demons in the service of Agaliarept.One of the 72 spirits of
Buer (Unk) One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. A great
president and demon of the second order. He has the form of a star,
though sometimes depicted with the head of a lion and the feet of a
goat. He is gifted with a knowledge of philosophy and of the
virtues of medicinal herbs. He gives domestic felicity and health
to the sick. He is in charge of fifty legions. Also one of the
three demons in service to Agaliarept. He appears when the Sun is
in Sagittarius.
Bune (Unk) One of Wierius' demons of death. Grand Duke of
the infernal regions. He speaks only by sign. His form is that of a
man. He removes corpses, haunts cemeteries, and marshals the demons
around topbs and the places of the dead. Commander of thirty
infernal legions. He enriches and renders eloquent those who serve
him. The demons under his authority are called Bunis, and regarded
by the Tatars as exceedingly evil. Their power is great and their
number immense. But their sorcerers are ever in communication with
these demons by means of whom they carry on their dark practices.
He has also been depicted as a three-headed dragon, the heads being
respectively those of a dog, griffin and man.
Bushyasta In Zoroastrian mythology, the yellow demon of
lethargy and sloth. He is the evil genius which causes men to
oversleep and to neglect their religious duties.
Buta An evil demon in Indonesian mythology. A demon with
hooked teeth is called Buta Cakil.
Buyasta An ancient Persian demon of laziness who tries to
prevent people from working. He is one of the Daevas.