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Abbreviations: I

Abbreviations beginning with:
A | B | C | D | E |
F | G | H | I | J |
K | L | M | N | O |
P | Q | R | S | T |
U | V | W | Y | Z |
I. Icelandic
Ibid. ibidem, ‘in the same book or passage’
Icel. Icelandic
Ichth. ichthyology
Icthyol. icthyology
id. idem, ‘the same’
Idg. Indogermanic
i.e. id est, ‘that is’
IE. Indo-European
Illyr. Illyrian
imit. imitative
Immunol. immunology
imp. imperative
imperf. imperfect
impers. impersonal
impf. imperfect
improp. improper(ly)
Ind. India(n)
ind. indicative
ind. indirect
indef. indefinite
indic. indicative
indir. indirect
Indo-Eur. Indo-European
Indog. Indogermanic
Indogerm. Indogermanic
Indo-Pers. Indo-Persian
Indo-Port. Indo-Portuguese
Industr. Rel. industrial relations
infl. influenced
infin. infinitive
instr. instrumental
int. interjection
interj. interjection
Internat. international
interrog. interrogative
intr. intransitive
intrans. intransitive
Invert. Zool. invertebrate zoology
Ion. Ionic
Ionic Gr. Ionic Greek
Ir. Irish
Ir. Gael. Irish Gaelic
Ir.-Gael. Irish Gaelic
iron. ironically
irreg. irregular(ly)
It. Italian
Ital. Italian

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