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Abbreviations beginning with: |
A | B | C | D | E | |
F | G | H | I | J | |
K | L | M | N | O | |
P | Q | R | S | T | |
U | V | W | Y | Z | |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
I. | Icelandic |
Ibid. | ibidem, ‘in the same book or passage’ |
Icel. | Icelandic |
Ichth. | ichthyology |
Icthyol. | icthyology |
id. | idem, ‘the same’ |
Idg. | Indogermanic |
i.e. | id est, ‘that is’ |
IE. | Indo-European |
Illyr. | Illyrian |
imit. | imitative |
Immunol. | immunology |
imp. | imperative |
imperf. | imperfect |
impers. | impersonal |
impf. | imperfect |
improp. | improper(ly) |
Ind. | India(n) |
ind. | indicative |
ind. | indirect |
indef. | indefinite |
indic. | indicative |
indir. | indirect |
Indo-Eur. | Indo-European |
Indog. | Indogermanic |
Indogerm. | Indogermanic |
Indo-Pers. | Indo-Persian |
Indo-Port. | Indo-Portuguese |
Industr. Rel. | industrial relations |
infl. | influenced |
infin. | infinitive |
instr. | instrumental |
int. | interjection |
interj. | interjection |
Internat. | international |
interrog. | interrogative |
intr. | intransitive |
intrans. | intransitive |
Invert. Zool. | invertebrate zoology |
Ion. | Ionic |
Ionic Gr. | Ionic Greek |
Ir. | Irish |
Ir. Gael. | Irish Gaelic |
Ir.-Gael. | Irish Gaelic |
iron. | ironically |
irreg. | irregular(ly) |
It. | Italian |
Ital. | Italian |
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