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Abbreviations beginning with: |
A | B | C | D | E | |
F | G | H | I | J | |
K | L | M | N | O | |
P | Q | R | S | T | |
U | V | W | Y | Z | |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
c. | century |
c. | counties |
c. | county |
cal. | calendar |
calc. | calculus |
calend. | calendar |
Calif. | California |
Camb. | Cambridge |
Cambr. | Cambridge |
Canad. | Canadian |
Canterb. | Canterbury |
Capt. | captain |
cartogr. | cartographic(al) |
cartogr. | cartography |
catal. | catalogue |
catech. | catechism |
Cath. | Catholic |
cent. | central |
cent. | century |
cert. | certificate |
certif. | certificate |
ch. | church |
chamb. | chamber |
char. | character |
charac. | character |
Chas. | Charles |
chem. | chemical |
chem. | chemistry |
Chesh. | Cheshire |
Chr. | Christian |
chron. | chronicle |
chronol. | chronology |
chrons. | chronicles |
cinematogr. | cinematographic(al) |
cinematogr. | cinematography |
circ. | circle |
cl. | club |
classif. | classification |
clin. | clinical |
Coll. | college |
col. | colonel |
coll. | collected |
coll. | collection |
collect. | collection |
colloq. | colloquies |
com. | commission |
comm. | commentary |
comm. | commission |
comm. | committee |
commandm. | commandment |
commend. | commendation |
commerc. | commercial |
commiss. | commission |
commonw. | commonwealth |
communic. | communication |
comp. | companion |
comp. | company |
compan. | companion(s) |
compar. | comparative |
compend. | compendious |
compend. | compendium |
compl. | complete |
compos. | composition |
conc. | concerning |
conc. | concise |
concl. | conclusion |
conf. | conference |
conf. | confession |
confid. | confidential |
confl. | conflict |
confut. | confutation |
congr. | congress |
congreg. | congregation |
congress. | congressional |
Conn. | Connecticut |
consc. | conscience |
consecr. | consecrated |
consecr. | consecration |
consid. | consideration(s) |
consol. | consolation |
constit. | constitution(al) |
constr. | construction |
contemp. | contemporary |
contempl. | contemplation |
contend. | contending(s) |
content. | contention |
contin. | continuation |
contradict. | contradiction |
contrib. | contribution |
controv. | controversial |
controv. | controversy |
conv. | convention |
convent. | convention |
conversat. | conversation |
convoc. | convocation |
Cornw. | Cornwall |
coron. | coronation |
corr. | correspondence |
corresp. | correspondence |
counc. | council |
courtsh. | courtship |
crim. | criminal |
crit. | critical |
crit. | criticism |
crt. | court |
crts. | courts |
ct. | court |
Ct. | count |
Cumb. | Cumberland |
Cumberld. | Cumberland |
Cumbld. | Cumberland |
cycl. | cyclopaedia |
cytol. | cytological |
cytol. | cytology |
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