Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm

August 31, 2007

Patrick Grimm’s To-Do List

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:55 pm

Bring down the Zionist criminal network

Expose Jewish supremacism at every turn

Disclosure, truth-telling and brutal honesty

Break the societal taboo on discussing all things Jewish

Bring to light the flaws, contradictions and self-chosen myth-making of specific Jewish scriptures

Give a finger to the internet censors, the MSM overlords and the Jewish gatekeepers

Network with those who are fighting Jewish fanatical hatred

Label and stigmatize anti-Gentilism for the blatant bigotry it is

Be an outlaw in the fight for our future

Tell the world that Jewish banking is the bane of our existence upon this planet

Make it very clear that Jews want to genocide white people

SMILE as the Jews online froth and rage and insult, but never argue


Your hatred will be my music, your poison pen my song

August 30, 2007

Parting Is Such Aspartame Sorrow

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:06 pm


By Patrick Grimm

Oh, parting is such aspartame sorrow! No, actually it is as unsurprising as a man who has committed a crime, leaving DNA and physical evidence strewn about the scene, only to sit in his living room the next morning rakishly huffing on an unfiltered Camel as the police beat on his front door. When he lets them in, he nonchalantly breathes in the midst of a liberal drag “What took you so long?”

Indeed, what did take you so long, Google? You are owned, bought and paid for by the Jewish overclass that has fetched such handy generous returns in an anesthetized country of brain-collapsed dolts. Your problem is singular and it is this: the dolts are waking up from their snoozing with a hang-over and a crushing case of the spins and a head full of fog from the roofies you’ve slipped down the political gullet before the mind-raping commenced. Aspartame? Artificial? You betcha. But yet it’s Yiddish pseudo-karma at the same time. If a man doesn’t kill the grasshopper in the garden, hoping that by sparing it he too will be spared from the remorseless revengeful hands of fate, smoldering and frying in an automobile tinderbox, then so too do Gentiles avoid tipping the scales too much in their favor, knowing, almost sure, panting breathlessly coward-like to stave off Jewish wrath and Jewish lucre-power just a little bit longer.

But no, the game is not going to be played on your terms, in your way, for your ends and following your blueprint. So you “never forgive, never forget”? Well, guess what? Neither do I. I’m not forgetting, and my heart is not glowing with love in your direction. I’m not going to induce myself into amnesia for any of you glib-tongued smart-boy Jews at Google. Ahhh, but I do have to hand it to you, you and your fascist compatriots. You are good at what you do, aren’t you? I’ve never denied that and would never deny it. The Jews with noses shaped like the number 6 who have bitched and whined and agitated until you gave in, got their little ways. You’re smart, you’re clever, but so is a serpent or a fox. And your concern for free speech is almost touching in about the same way food poisoning is. You don’t delete my blog because you believe in freedom and expression and all the things that you use to masquerade as real Americans, which you are not and never will be. You simply tweak my settings and leave my work intact, extant, but here’s the funny little catch. Only I, the author, can have access to it. Apparently it is far too dangerous and truthful for the Noahided and Talmudicided Gentile beast to move his sight line across.

People often tell me that by focusing on Jews I am attaching too much importance to them. I have never tried to deny that Jews are important. They have to be or I wouldn’t be looking at them with a death ray stare and a pen full of poignant poison truth. They are important in the same way it is important to look out for grizzlies in certain parts of the Canadian Rockies or to possibly cart along a snake-bite first aid kit if you are going on a hiking expedition of any considerable length. Yes, Jews are important because of the kind of power plays they are executing daily.

Now blogs and websites are disappearing, vanishing like a relative into the dankness of a Siberian gulag. The Jewish extremists are calling down the thunder, some of them praying to their desert god of hate and favoritism, others only text messaging their World Bank and Judeo-Convict media Conglomeristas. Andrew Winkler, an Australian freedom fighter against Zionism, apartheid Isra-Hell and the racist special treatment Jews demand has had his fine website ransacked by what are without doubt hacker Jews, probably taking a respite from running an online hard-core porn empire.

A German man may be IMPRISONED for nominating the WRONG PERSON for a Nobel Peace Prize! The Jews who own Germany and have introduced their trademark degeneracy into German schools (pedophilia, incest, child rape, usual Jewish fare, Talmud sex ed) are ready to lock this man up for nominating a Nazi. Yet Lenin, Trotsky or Stalin could have been offered up for acclaim with little fanfare from their Jew admirers, the neo-Bolsheviks who even now are doing the same things that landed them in concentration camps in the twentieth century. Germany is one big Weimar Republic through and through, painted over with Jew anti-values and the banking greed that always spells backlash for the Whining Wall set.

Yeah, you’ve called down the thunder! Yes, now you are going to get it. This action by Jewgle has only intensified my efforts, my work, my mission to collapse your empire in the best way I can. Words are swords and the cuts are going to hurt you more than the lingering nightmare of manual labor. Things are going to get worse for every damn one of you Jewish supremacists before they get better for the Gentiles. Why? Because the word is out and you can’t stand it, can you? You overreached again, your grasp extended further than your wisdom. Your obstinate and petulant hate is greater than your prudence and obviously is larger than your non-existent humility. The world wasn’t enough, the earth and its treasures and gold and diamonds and rubies you stole couldn’t sate the hunger that never dies. You couldn’t call the whole thing off. I asked you nicely months ago, but no, the Bolshevik mental illness that infests you wouldn’t permit that, couldn’t abide a cease-fire or even a moderating of your deconstruction of everything we love. For God’s sake, you could have at least slowed down your work! But now it’s too late. The news is out all over town, as Hank Williams put it.

It seems to me, you lunatic Jews (and you know who you are) don’t want to talk about it. You wanted the Gentile to walk away. But it’s out in the open now, the cards are on the table, marked with ink that can only been seen, can only appear visibly with special glasses. But we see you now. Our eyes are wise to you. The multiculti hell on earth you’ve made of this country and all of our once white countries has not shielded your alien faces from our purview. “Be sure that your sin will find you out” the Bible said. It’s happening and guess what? You can’t kill all the messengers, you can’t snuff out millions of Gentiles and a billion Muslims who know who and what you are.

Aspartame. The end game. “What took you so long?” I have been pondering that question, but I ponder no longer. If I ever had a day of doubt, not sure of the height, length and breadth of the JEWISH PROBLEM, perhaps believing that I had grown too hardened and harsh, that I was swathing with the broad brush once too often, those second thoughts are banished. If you (Jews) are the thought police and I am the murderer of the illusions you have created, if I am the thought criminal insouciantly waiting for your imminent arrival, I will smile as you cave in my front door. Then I’ll breezily take that Camel unfiltered cigarette I am smoking on and glibly stub it out in your eye. You asked for it. Soon you will see what full and unremitting disclosure and truth-telling really look like. It’s not going to be pretty.

Patrick Grimm’s Quotes For the Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 1:53 pm

By Patrick Grimm

“If there are actual living and breathing Hebrew dissenters from the Ziogentsia’s party line agenda of Jew supremacy, eventual Gentile fragmentation/extinction and wholesale international banking thievery, these Jewish ‘eccentrics’ have been and remain as quiet as synagogue mice.”

“Genius and madness often go hand in hand. But one must be either insanely clever or wholly insane to think that the two can be handily and bloodlessly separated.”

“Jewish control can only be permitted to reign supreme in a culture or society where the common man has shed all freedoms and aspirations towards self-determination and the freely-chosen methods of an autonomous moral actor.”

“Thomas said ‘do not go gentle into that good night.’ I insist that the night we are traversing into must be kicked and beaten until it bleeds daylight.”

“A Jew is a Jew is a Jew. A Gentile is only a Gentile if he does not succumb to the wiles of the Other.”

“Why must the Jew firebrand pull down? Mainly because ‘pulling down’ has been rewarded repeatedly by fear, acquiescence, monetary advantage or the tattooed psychosis of a self-indulgent martyr complex brought on by expulsion or deserved punishment from the rightly enraged Gentile, spitting mad from being harangued and meddled with.”

“There is nothing so galling to a radicalized Jew than the notion of free speech.”

“Israel is not hated because it is the ‘Jew among nations.’ It is loathed the world over because its behavior is more egregious and unapologetic than the ‘Gentiles among nations’ who stake no sonorous and simultaneously tone-deaf claims on moral or intellectual superiority.”

August 21, 2007

Thin Crusts and Misplaced Moxy

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 3:39 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Havelock Ellis told us that civilization is a thin crust over a volcano. Yet the Jewish extremists are constantly and ceaselessly picking at that crust, playing on our worst impulses, manufacturing deeper divisions where genuine resentment and bad blood already exist, and appealing to the base and perverse desires and potentialities that lie latent and dormant in the heart of every man. The flaws, foibles, sins, shortcomings and even the bare necessities of humanity present the bread and butter of Jewish supremacism.

The Protestant work ethic of white Gentiles, bequeathed and passed down over centuries has been used and exploited, against our will because work is both a necessary curse and a divine blessing, to fuel the engine of mammon-hungering Jewish Rothschild bankers. Our lack of thrift and savings and the “charging” of our children’s future only enriches the Jewish lenders who border on loan sharks and racketeers under our supposed “free market” economy which in actuality is a Federal Reserve counterfeiting scheme only enriching the few while the wages of the many are contracted, shrunk or shipped away where skinflint corporatists can profit from the labor of slavery. This is the “shadow government” that truly rules us all. Our politicians and President are only titular heads serving its every whim and edict.

The high sex drive of men, more unrestrained and irresponsible when compared to that of women is seen as a way for Jews to gain more profit as they mainstream pornography. I am no prude and no Puritan and there is certainly nothing wrong with voluptuous images of the beautiful female body (in fact there is something quite nice about them), but rapacious radical Jews have seen fit to bring hard-core pornography featuring bondage, sadomaschocism, bestiality, rape, scatology and child exploitation from the back room of seedy adult bookstores in the red light district to the front counter of the local neighborhood convenience store. The thin crust of post-Victorian restraint, its vestiges still holding back a flood of unspoken perversities, has now not been picked away, but jack hammered through by the Jewish perverts who run the entertainment industry.

The resentments felt by both the white and black races because of their histories together in the United States (blacks having been dragged by mostly Jewish slave traders to America) is only a weapon in the hands of Jewish filmmakers who rewrite the historical record to make Caucasians guilty and stained with iniquity, declared blameworthy for the lower IQs and general lack of accomplishment (save music and sports) by blacks when compared to other minorities. In this area, the thin crust (segregation of the races) that shielded whites from the onslaught of black criminality born of their nature as a tribal people was torn away, punctured and pummeled by Jewish Communists who created the NAACP and forced supposed integration on those citizens, the majority, who were of European descent.

Now we can see the failure of the integration experiment. We have the gift of integrated schools that cater to the lower intellectual capacity of blacks (proven by every IQ testing of the last 100 years), degraded and often discarded educational standards, violence in said schools, rising drug use and rape, and on and on the whole program plods until we arrive at the sight of the dumbed-down white young person that can be seen like a daily staple in this country, full of self-esteem but lacking even the fundamentals of knowledge.

There are a slew of other examples to cite the “picking away” at the crust that holds back the beastly nature, the anarchy within the heart of man. Yet the Jewish ethnocentrists seem to prefer a Lord of the Flies civilization as long as they are shielded from the results of it in their gated and “segregated” (mostly by wealth) communities. When the realities of “integration” reach their dark and blood-drenched hands into Jewish enclaves, only then will the media squawk and caterwaul about “racism” or “anti-Semitism.” “Anarchy is a healthy diet for the white Gentile, but how dare you demand that we swallow even a few morsels of it!”

Again, it’s zero-sum, with the Jews’ wins netted against constant Gentile losses. A world banking empire run from London guarantees that Jews stay on top, never feeling the sting of their deadly international agendas, while Gentiles work harder and harder, get poorer and poorer and pay the piper for the privilege of being mediocrely miserable. More multiple millions of Gentiles grow dumber and more brain-addled, mush-minds full of the leprous PC-world of junk theory and junk science and self-hate, while Jews open the volcano’s gaping mouth wide. Young men wax never poetic, but only prosaic, only horny and stoned and indolent, their heads full of an attic of anti-white motifs and forms only resembling real ideas as they fall but never rise in the sewer that is a Jewish America, pornofied and perplexed by any concept less elementary than mere masturbation.

Tens of millions of white women have been ravaged and raped, victims of a crime epidemic of titanic proportions, where the darker races commit 60% of all violent acts and where the white men who dare to shout about the injustice of the ravaging and raping of their females are pariahs and ethno-fascist eccentrics.

Yes, the volcano’s crust has not merely been picked off by the prying Hebrew hands previously alluded to. The volcano’s mouth is naked and as exposed as a Jewish porn star fornicating for a paycheck. The volcano is erupting! Its molten lava is burning, scorching and melting away our people. The “pickers” and “pryers” have gotten what they have longed for. No, they couldn’t and still can’t leave well enough alone. Only heaven knows what our world would have looked like without their meddling phalanges and their misplaced moxy. But now Vesuvius is active and no one is safe.

August 20, 2007

The Coming Weeks and Months

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:37 pm

In the coming weeks and months I will be delving deep into a plethora of different topics associated with Jews, Judaism, Zionism and both racial and economic supremacism. These include:

The Rothschild world banking elite
The Federal Reserve and its power
The murdering of United States Presidents by Zion
The battle between Jew bankers and German patriots
The Jewish role in the comic book industry
The effects of Jews intermarrying with the Gentiles
The Jewish identity and how it has been shaped by media
The Jewish grip on the economic sphere and what it portends
The difference between Jewish leftists and Gentile leftists

The Talmudic sanctioning of book-burning and book-banning
The history of crypto-Jews and their concealed identities
The implications of Zionism on the Christian church

And much more……

Keep reading and commenting. I appreciate your support and your collective feedback on my work.

Patrick Grimm

August 16, 2007

Speaking, Acting and Behaving

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:15 am

By Patrick Grimm

Are we, as of now, so unlovely as not to deserve survival? Are our visages so torn, so grim, or even perchance, so dastardly as to merit our extermination? The answers are ‘no’ and ‘no.’ But we are torn, we are grimly peering with sideways glances at our fates which seem to be chiseled into the Hebrew stones. The Jews are brimming over with blame, but so must we also pull the guilty verdict to our bosoms and enfold it if ever we want to be rid of it. We must realize that we all personify guilt for our situation and our inheritance, for the Jews have not done this without the help of our quiet apathy, our ignorance, our tacit treason and sometimes our assisting hands.

The Zionists have strewn apart the bodies of our bright and young and able in wars for their purposes, but have we not offered up our children, our offspring freely to their causes and their Mogen David? Have we not become their annex, their “proxy above all proxies”, their imperialist invaders, usurpers and subverters?

The Jews have aborted our white children in their abortion mills, puncturing and collapsing skulls in late-term procedures and selling fetal body parts on the Jewish black market. But haven’t our women willingly offered up these kosher slaughters for the greedhead members of a race cult who will do anything and everything for profit?

Have we not falsely believed that the Jewish extremists can be called off, satiated and appeased by offers of “good will” from the Gentile populace, just to find their appetites only further whetted for what they are hell-bent on seeing through to the end, that being the extinction of the white race?

Oh, how we have strived, yes, deluded our minds, bending and masturbating our thoughts into the idea that a media, an education system, a publishing industry and a government run by the Jews can still somehow be good for us, the eternal “Other” to the Self-Chosen. No, the truths of centuries, of millennia have caught up to us like a ball of fire and now our country burns like a tinderbox. Our children, our families, our institutions are now almost incinerated.

We have allowed it, we have permitted it by thinking that the Jew is no different from the Gentile, or at least by believing that the Jew possesses the same conscience as the Gentile. He does not and cannot. The Jew is as different and eternally separate from the Gentile as the black is from the white. There is an unbridgeable gulf, a chasm between “us” and “them” and no syrupy equalitarian nothings whispered in our ears can erase away this fact from the slate of trial and error.

But the horror story is far from over. The Jewish chauvinists, the Zionists, the one-worlders, the globalists, the Marxian utopians, the dreamers of befouling dreams and the Messianic malcontents among us, most of them speaking with a forked Hebrew tongue, are still at their work, their continuum of a mission. But the sleepwalking among us and the somnolent souls we call friends and family should not keep us from our mission.

We may not have started this fire, but we sure as hell can work on putting it out. The only way we can accomplish this is to stop being part of the problem. We can wed our unceasing night-and-day social action with a little bit of “racial/ethnic realism” on the Jewish Question. Jews are not going to stop speaking, acting and behaving like Jews. All we need now is for white Gentiles to start speaking, acting and behaving like the crafters of Western Civilization.

August 15, 2007

The Anti-Gentilist Beast of Zion

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:50 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The Anti-Gentilist Beast of Zion is towering, glowering, never cowering and always empowering its Rothschild-padded propaganda and the cavalcade of decadence that always follows in train. This Beast in true Shakespearian description “doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs and peep about to find ourselves dishonourable graves.” The shadow doth fall, and the Gentile like a lemming or a mouse can only look on and gasp, his universe both narrowing and broadening as the information age both gives and takes.

But still the Beast lumbers on, fantastical floods of capital infusing it with a strength, an endurance, a power it would never have without the largesse of the Money Masters who have netted the world and proxyize all existence from London and from the World Bank and from the West Bank and the Potomac. The heavy footfalls of the Beast of Zion as they fall are the crunch and bracket creep and the devaluing ‘heard round the world.’ Let us mince no words as the Beast restrains not its avarice, its counterfeiting and its kingdom. Let us joust no more with the shadow boxers of “liberalism” or even “secularism.” Nay, tarry not. Nay, hurry much. Make haste as the Beast lays to waste.

What is the number of the Beast of Zion? Is it the number of perfection or the number of deception? The Beast sleepeth not, eateth only our young and never its own. It grows strong and taut and tick-full with treasure whose sweat and toil belongs to another. The dissolution of higher life is the Beast’s aim. The defining down of deviancy, of degeneracy, of disease and dismay is the gift to the nations, the multitudes, the non-Mensches, the Goyus Nothingus, the slugs. And why? The Beast is hungry and thirsting after, not righteousness, but lucre, and license and blood.

The Beast is rumbling, never stumbling and forever slanting towards Gomorrah. Sodomy, sickness and cinder are its lofty promise, its malsplendorous malady come to pass. The Leviathan, the Colossus, the “darkness unto the degradations” are its Unholy promises of the Old Age and of the New. The cattle are restless, but only for lack of cutting edge frivolities. The Beast kills us with, not kindness, but distractions. White noise is food for the Goys. Goy toys are broken and discarded, jettisoned and junked.

Yes, the Anti-Gentilist Beast of Zion is towering, glowering and deflowering our once budding world, pretty with the loveliness of our creations, but now uglied beyond recognition by alien life, “leveling” ideals and the “duncing-down” of our children. Dostoevsky said that “Only beauty can save us” and perhaps he was correct. By clinging to the “shafts of divine glory” now welling up within our people, the Beast shall be blinded, then swiftly bloodied, stymied and slain, toppled from its stomping stride athwart the razor thin line that is its home.

August 14, 2007

How It Works

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 8:48 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Here’s how it works:

Jews = group rights
Whites = individual rights

Jews = intermarriage is genocide
Whites = intermarriage is healthy, multicultural and tolerant

Jews = cannot be collectively blamed for any nefarious event, even Communism
Whites = often collectively blamed for “white privilege”, slavery, segregation, Nazism, etc.

Jews = always victims of unreasoning hatred
Whites = always victimizers, even when they are victimized

Jews = clannishness and a “team effort” are encouraged and admirable
Whites = clannishness and a “team effort” are latently or overtly “racist” and should be discouraged

Jews = domination of an industry is a sign of “hard work” and “initiative”
Whites = domination of an industry is a sign of an “old boys club” or a “WASP establishment”

Jews = Jews-only clubs and organizations are a way of promoting Jewish culture and enriching Jewish solidarity
Whites = whites-only clubs and organizations are a way of “self-segregating” and amount to “discrimination”

Jews = a “Jewish nation” is a means of protecting the Jewish people and preserving their unique genotype
Whites = a “white Christian nation” equals nothing but hatred and racism and is against “pluralism”, “democracy”, “multiculturalism” and “inclusion”

Funny how it all works, isn’t it?

August 13, 2007

Alan Dershowitz’s “Disarming” Personality

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 10:00 pm

By Patrick Grimm

As most sane-brained individuals are aware, Harvard professor and renowned attorney Alan Dershowitz is the most famous torture advocate in the world and also the most exceedingly giddy male cheerleader for barbarous and unremitting state terrorism committed by the only country he is loyal to, the state of Israel. Dershowitz has spent the last decade truckling hard for this rogue “nation”, this monstrosity, this almost beastly aberrational phantom of the Middle East, which haunts our planet Earth with its hate, its murder, its espionage, its treason and its proxying out of the once great United States of America to fight its Hot Wars.

But Mr. Dershowitz is more than just an acolyte bending a knee to the Zionist gods of the present age who rule from their criminal headquarters as he spreads their “Gospel” to every creature with lies, propaganda and smear campaigns rivaling the worst of his Communist ancestors. No, Dershowitz is an advocate for tyranny, for enslavement, for the Zionist imprisonment of our planet. And he distributes these ideas like intellectual napalm across college and university campuses where few dare to challenge him for fear of those embalming words “You’re an anti-Semite!” But you might say “Let him rave on, that men shall know him mad.” No, my friend, I cannot, for silence in the face of such evil, proves in the end to be more unforgivable and more egregious a fault than the original evil left to its devices as it germinates.

Several years ago, before my awakening to the age-old conundrum of Jewish supremacism, I read a few of Alan Dershowitz’s books including Chutzpah, The Vanishing American Jew and The Case For Israel. Already aware of the preponderance of Jewish commitments to liberal and left-wing causes, the author’s positions were unsurprising, even kosherly insouciant in their brazenness. Civil libertarianism at any cost seemed to be his calling card as a lawyer and as a Jewish activist, and shriekings of “anti-Semitism” directed at powerful individuals, including Catholics in Europe and Protestants in America were par for the Dershowitzian course it seemed. For a man so much in the public eye, Dershowitz played the part of a victim when it suited him (Holocaust OCD) and circled the Hebrew wagons whenever the media camera angling cast their favorable light fixtures upon his scowling mug.

Alan Dershowitz prides himself on being almost a free speech absolutist, even proudly declaring his opposition to the imprisonment of “Holocaust deniers” or “Holocaust minimizers” which I’m sure he would defend for a few extra shekels. He has even gone to bat for Jewish pornographers (I know it’s redundant) like Harold Reams, the distributor of the hard-core porn film Deep Throat, arguing that pornography of any kind is protected under the First Amendment. Dershowitz believes that unlimited abortion, sodomy and homosexual marriage are somehow covered by the Constitution, whose authors must surely have envisioned the beautiful matrimonial union of two men who met the night before at a leather bar.

Yet despite the fact, or maybe because of the fact that Dershowitz stakes his cases and his philosophy on an “evolving” Constitution, a document that grows and shape-shifts itself to the zeitgeist of the times (which coincidentally is always to the Left), his opinion on another crucial Amendment stands out like a Nazi at a Bar Mitzvah. The Second Amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” [1] Yet the Cato Institute informs us that “Harvard’s Alan Dershowitz, a former ACLU board member, says he ‘hates’ guns and wants the Second Amendment repealed.” [2] Though Dershowitz is more honest than most liberals and does admit that the Second Amendment does refer to individual gun rights rather than only a state militia’s, he wants to scrap the entire Amendment. The most pertinent question would be “Why?”

This is the same Alan Dershowitz who is a robust partisan for Zionism. He wants a nuclear-armed Israel answerable to no one, where every citizen, from a child in elementary school to an elderly rabbi, can carry an Uzi submachine gun down the street. He desires an Israeli citizenry armed to the teeth and ready for gun fights in the middle of Tel Aviv, blasting it out with Palestinian militants if necessary, yet he envisions an America of the future that is disarmed and weak even in the face of the so-called War On Terror and despite the black criminality that is burgeoning into an epidemic of cataclysmically powder keg proportions in most of our major cities.

The agenda of Dershowitz and the Zionist Jews is insidious and telling. Since “the Dersh” and the gang of Jews who read his books and fund his work are lobbying for a gun-free America, we can surmise that they are also campaigning for gun control throughout Europe, and this is exactly what we find. The Jewish gun-grabbers have been much more successful in their quest for a gunless Europe however, and with the help of habitual Gentile socialists, they have for all practical purposes, guaranteed that most major Western countries have rigid laws against gun ownership. Almost every Jewish organization in the world is anti-gun in both intention and in political action. Disarmament is one of the biggest planks in the Zionist Jew’s platform.

Okay, so we have the evil Zionists snatching away the weaponry, the self-defense mechanisms of millions of whites worldwide, leaving them as targets of crime, terrorism and government tyranny. But this is not where it ends. The Jewish extremists also want a Muslim world without any means of defending itself. Who has cried the loudest at the possibility, the mere possibility of a nuclear Iran? According to Israel, there are no credible reasons for any Middle Eastern nation to arm itself, save the Jewish state.

So where does this leave us? Dershowitz and his allies want no people to be armed except for Israel. Let’s call a spade a spade. Why do they want only the most radical and tribalistic of their brethren to be holding the firearms at the end of the day? Why are they so keen on insuring that the rest of us are defenseless and dependent upon a corrupt and corruptible federal government along with undependable local law enforcement to keep us safe and secure; neither have proven they are capable of doing even a passable job. Why do Dershowitz and his cronies tell us we have no right to make sure European-Americans have the same wide-open rights that Israelis take for granted? No, Dersh and the Jews want open-ended “self-defense” (translate that: liberality with genocide) and easy armament for Israel and “liberal” gun laws and criminal rights legislation (translate that: Brady Bills and ACL-Jew lawyers for the lawless) for Gentile societies.

Why? At the basal level, Dershowitz and the Zionists want what Big Jewry (Jewish leadership) has always craved. They salivate after world domination, utterly complete and totalistic (fatalistic for Gentiles) world supremacy. This may sound conspiratorial and perhaps even a little radical, but one must not forget that Dershowitz is bound at the hip with the racist Chabad Lubovitch Hassidic wing of Judaism. These are the ultra-Orthodox Talmudic hatemongers who have infiltrated and permeated the White House of the United States and are making their dark presence known on many a college and university campus.

The Lubovitchers see Gentiles as “refuse” and “beasts on two legs” likening the Goyim to animals while Jews are enshrined at the top of the Pax Judaica as the “DNA of God.” Dershowitz, who always castigates folks like David Duke for their “hatred” sees no hypocrisy in befriending Jews who would make Klansmen and neo-Nazis blush with their unabashed vitriolic loathing of all of Gentile humanity, race-hate that is embedded in and encouraged by their “Holy Scriptures.” The same Jewish lawyer who chastises America for its Jim Crowe segregationist past and smatterings of lynchings, does not just align himself with the world’s longest running racists, organized Jews, but wishes to spread the “joys” of the Lubavitch cult to more and more universities, contaminating the minds of young Jews in the process. The Lubavitchers are Talmudic fundamentalists who see a Messianic day in the future when all Gentiles will be crushed and forced to serve their masters, the Jews. Don’t you think disarming every Goy would make this Noahide theocracy a tiny bit simpler for these Jews to pull off? Think about it.

The Talmudic Jews, including Dershowitz have the shared vision of all the Zionists, mostly Communists, who founded the state of Israel through terror, bombings, piano wire hangings, rape, murder and bloodshed. David Ben-Gurion’s pronouncement from 1962 bears repeating. “…With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.” [3] You still think the Jewish drive for gun confiscation is simply explained by their “liberalism” by their “concerns for social justice”, “peace” and carrying that lamp of “enlightenment” unto all nations? No, organized Jewry wants a one-world government run only by Jews and stationed in the only country they believe should be armed!

Somewhere within the deviously tweaked and mammon-hungry Jewish brain of Alan Morton Dershowitz, whether implicitly or explicitly, lies the need for dominion over the Gentile. Caught in his wiring like an inherited glitch, a kink from the ties of closely-knit breeding or a dominant trait shoved to the forefront of his personality by the “better-than-thou” writ of the Jewish religion, Dersh and his “kin” are grabbing for our last defenses. It is no accident, nay, it can’t be accidental that Jews are the largest players in every scheme to neuter and nullify our self-protective Constitutional freedoms, the ones our Founders knew beyond a shadow of a doubt were our last life-line, our only savior from government gone bad.

“When guns are outlawed, only radical Zionists will have guns.” This is a fresh axiom, but axiomatic it still remains. When the Gentiles are degunned, NOTHING will stand in the way of their being globally herded into the Goy pens, the sheeple stables by the Zionist Jewish herders. Firearms are the only objects that can rescue us from the strong arms and the strong-arming of the Zionists!

Yes, you could say that Alan Dershowitz, Attorney-at-Lawlessness is disgusted by the existence of the Second Amendment, or you could merely observe that this famous Harvard academic has a “disarming” personality.

[1] http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html
[2] http://www.cato.org/testimony/ct-rl062805.html
[3] http://www.truthtellers.org/israel/lasttemp.html

August 10, 2007

Jewish Lies Couched in Religion

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:51 am

By Patrick Grimm

1 Now Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had taken Ai and totally destroyed [a] it, doing to Ai and its king as he had done to Jericho and its king, and that the people of Gibeon had made a treaty of peace with Israel and had become their allies. 2 He and his people were very much alarmed at this, because Gibeon was an important city, like one of the royal cities; it was larger than Ai, and all its men were good fighters. 3 So Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem appealed to Hoham king of Hebron, Piram king of Jarmuth, Japhia king of Lachish and Debir king of Eglon. 4 “Come up and help me attack Gibeon,” he said, “because it has made peace with Joshua and the Israelites.”
5 Then the five kings of the Amorites—the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon—joined forces. They moved up with all their troops and took up positions against Gibeon and attacked it.
6 The Gibeonites then sent word to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal: “Do not abandon your servants. Come up to us quickly and save us! Help us, because all the Amorite kings from the hill country have joined forces against us.”
7 So Joshua marched up from Gilgal with his entire army, including all the best fighting men.
8 The LORD said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.”
9 After an all-night march from Gilgal, Joshua took them by surprise. 10 The LORD threw them into confusion before Israel, so Joshua and the Israelites defeated them completely at Gibeon. Israel pursued them along the road going up to Beth Horon and cut them down all the way to Azekah and Makkedah. 11 As they fled before Israel on the road down from Beth Horon to Azekah, the LORD hurled large hailstones down on them, and more of them died from the hail than were killed by the swords of the Israelites.
12 On the day the LORD gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the LORD in the presence of Israel: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on [b] its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. 14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the LORD listened to a human being. Surely the LORD was fighting for Israel!
15 Then Joshua returned with all Israel to the camp at Gilgal. [1]

This passage is taken from the Old Testament book of Joshua chapter 10, verses 1-15. This is a story I was taught as a small child, both in Sunday school at a typical Baptist church and in several sermons I can scarcely remember. I also attended a Christian school in my formative years and this tale was recalled as if it were factual, a part of confirmed world history.

Not only does this passage show you the historically protracted bloodthirsty attributes of many Jews throughout time, it also reveals just how many Gentiles will believe almost anything they are told if it is couched in religion. Haven’t we been taken in by Jewish myths and Jewish fables for long enough?

Like the legend of the “Holocaust” which is thoroughly debunked right here, most of the Old Testament is pure ahistorical fabrication. While many of the Jewish or Judahite genocides may have occurred, we can be quite sure that God was not high-commanding them and cheering them on, colluding with his “Chosen People” in the dispossession and wiping away of other tribes of human beings.

This is not even to mention the scientific reality that the sun does not “stand still” in order for night not to fall. The earth would have to stop in its spinning and in its orbit. Nicolai Copernicus was excommunicated from the backward Catholic Church of his day for his heliocentric model of the universe which didn’t gel with their rigid anti-intellectual fairy tales, derived from the scribblings of nomadic Jews. In his book, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies which was finally published while he lay dying, he proved that the earth was not the center of the universe as the Jewish Old Testament proposes, and that the earth revolves, along with the other planets, around the sun. Isn’t it funny how a book that is supposedly authored by God Himself, a God who even used ancient scribes as His personal fax machines (or so our fundamentalist preachers tell us) to pen the whole tome, couldn’t at least get the astronomy parts of his “infallible Word” correct? Yet many of the ill-educated laypeople sitting in the pews gobble these stories up like they are, well, Gospel. The fundamentalists treat the Old Testament as a real honest-to-God history book. It’s unbelievable!

It indicates one thing. Gentiles will swallow anything, no matter how ludicrous and laughable if you wrap the whole preposterous package in religiosity and talk of God transcribing it through His spirit of perfection. Like the “Holocaust” hoax, the Jews have been lying unceasingly throughout their entire history, making up outlandish and often silly little stories to justify their killing, stealing, raping and swindling of other nations. They’ve bled Germany and the United States dry utilizing so-called eyewitness accounts so full of holes, contradictions and scientific impossibilities that a semi-retarded child should be able to easily figure out that they are false. But like the Old Testament, the Holohoax is also part of a religion, although it hasn’t murdered quite as many people as the implemented ideas in the OT helped to slay over the centuries.

So learn to spot the Jewish lie, the many Big Lies of the Jews. Martin Luther warned us to beware “the Jews and their lies” and you should heed his words. At least most of the falsities in the Bible have been uncovered, or are so blaringly obvious as to have been squelched a long time ago in the minds of thinking persons. Soon perhaps the whole “Holocaust” fraudulence can be put to rest and sent to its deathbed. But it may be much harder to separate many American religionists from more comfortable falsehoods, like their unbridled faith in the “Chosen People” and their unproven “goodness.”

[1] http://www.ibs.org/niv/passagesearch.php?tniv=yes&passage_request=Joshua%2010

August 9, 2007

“Tricky Dick” Warman and His War On Dissent

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:36 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Judaism is a criminal network made up of interconnected gangs and employing the sordid services of a variety of henchmen, heavies and ball-breakers, although most Jews tend to use mobs of lying lawyers, rather than Mafioso types to execute the unrighteous brand of injustice they are famous for the world over. If Judaism is one of the supposed monotheistic faiths, it must be a creed focused on being ‘litigious’ rather than ‘religious.’ Yarmulkes are often less in the fore than Brooks Brothers suits and NYU and Columbia law degrees. The smart Jewish boys have a flock of crooked, money-grubbing shysters on hand (side-lock free to avoid tipping off the Goyim) for whenever free speech, non-Jewish religious expression or Gentile autonomy crops up unexpectedly. All of these things will be pompously ground under the Jewish heel the minute they exert themselves and a peep, an indecipherable squeak of protestation equals “Jew-baiting” in the Talmudic media.

But now, ladies and gentleman, we have a prototype, a real living and breathing prototype of the disease that is the Judaistic mind in all its inexplicably overbearing ardor, now ready, willing and shot up with chutzpah and running wild in the north. He is Richard Warman, somehow described by that arm of Judeofascism, Wikipedia as “a Canadian human rights lawyer.” [1] No, Warman cares nothing about “human rights”, however loosely that term might be unpacked, but everything about annihilating the enemies of the Talmudicans who have run Canada into the ground with their smothering control of media, finance and most outlets of communication. Sound familiar?

Wikipedia also claims that Richard Warman is not Jewish, something I find highly unlikely considering that “in June of 2007 Warman received the Saul Hayes Human Rights Award from the Canadian Jewish Congress for ‘distinguished service to the cause of human rights’” The tribalism of Jewish groups almost requires them to rarely dish out awards to the Goyim, unless of course they find them particularly useful idiots for their dishonorable causes, a la John Hagee.

But whether Warman is a stone-hearted Jew megalomaniac on a mission of merciless slaying of all dissenters or simply a Shabbas Goyim who has bartered his soul and his people for thirty silver slivers from the shylocks, it matters little. This man holds between his ears the prototypical Jewish extremist mind with its paranoia, its almost inbred disgust for the Gentile and his culture, its power-mad delusion of god-like control over the masses, its “inalienable right” not to be offended, its reflexive and intractable totalitarianism (the Bolshevik brain) and the borderline personality disorder of so many Jewish power-players in the zealous Zionist crime syndicate.

How does Dick Warman, either crypto-Jew or Shoddy Goy, play the pimp for Big Jewry so effectively? Simple. He is part of the Government/Jewry Complex. Thanks to the hijacking of the compliant and complacent Canadian government, Jews have managed to keep Nuremberg trials of their enemies going all year round. And you thought kangaroo courts were only for Nazis? No, the Jews get to trump up bogus charges and fine and imprison their critics in the year 2007 in supposed modern-day “democracies.” If you don’t like the gulags built for those who won’t worship the “synagogue of Satan”, why then you must be an unreconstructed “anti-Semite.”

It’s called the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, the faux court of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, both fronts for Big Jewry, and their mission statement tells us “The purpose of the Canadian Human Rights Act is to protect individuals from discrimination. It states that all Canadians have the right to equality, equal opportunity, fair treatment, and an environment free of discrimination. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) applies these principles to cases that are referred to it by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC). The Tribunal is similar to a court of law, but is less formal and only hears cases relating to discrimination.” [2]

But despite its flowery egalitarian mission statement, the Tribunal and its Commission are nothing more than leftist agencies sworn to the agenda of fascistic Jewish hate groups. In 1989 the CHRC defined a homosexual couple as a family. [3] In 2005, supposed “same-sex marriage” was enshrined into Canadian law, provincial or public opinion be damned.

A careful search will reveal that on every issue of public moment, the CHRT and the CHRC come down on the side of radical socialism and eerily concur with all the “position papers” of both the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress.

But what the CHRT/CHRC kissing cousins are doing at the behest of Warman is even more dangerous than promoting the radical homosexual agenda and other lecherous leftisms. What they are doing is totalitarian and Jewish in nature. What they are doing is silencing all dissent. How have they accomplished this? Through legislation similar to Europe’s more restrictive (when compared to the US) laws governing “hate speech.” Canada has in place “hate and genocide laws” that severely curtail free speech, especially in regard to controversial political views and opinions. These laws have been utilized by Dick Warman and the Jewish Fifth Column in Canada and applied broadly to censor and silence any ideas they deem “offensive” or politically incorrect, i.e. anything Big Jewry doesn’t bless.

“Tricky Dick” Warman has truly been at the vanguard of this terrorizing atmosphere of police statism and the eradication of thought crimes. The Talmudic Encyclopedia Wikipedia again: “Richard Warman, an ex-CHRC employee is the primary complainant pursuant to Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act. 24 out of 29 Complaints referred by the Commission to the Tribunal since 2002 have been complaints filed by Warman.” [3] In other words, Warman has been on the war path.

Who has this agent of Big Jewry gone after during his disgustingly infamous career? Here are a few of his targets:

“Warman has initiated complaints against a large number of groups and individuals he claims have violated the Canadian Human Rights act. These include the Canadian Heritage Alliance and its leader Melissa Guille;[3] Jason Ouwendyk and the Northern Alliance; Marc Lemire[4]; Tomasz Winnicki[5]; Alex Kulbashian[6] and James Scott Richardson of the Canadian Ethnic Cleansing Team[7]; Bobby Wilkinson and his Canadian Nazi Party [8]; Craig Harrison; Terry Tremaine[9]; Glenn Bahr, Peter Kouba[10], Jessica Beaumont and Ciaran Paul Donnelly[11], all formerly with the group Western Canada For Us; Alex Di Civita; Liz Lampman[12]; Fred Kyburz[13]; and, Eldon Warman [14]. In addition to Kyburz and Eldon Warman, Richard Warman also raised concerns about Wally Dove, another member of the Canadian detax movement who was attempting to use his qualifications as a Certified General Accountant (CGA) to promote unlawful tax evasion schemes. The Chartered General Accountants of Ontario later revoked Dove’s CGA and obtained an injunction ordering him to stop claiming to be a CGA thereafter. Warman has also sued three far-right figures for libel, Paul Fromm[15], Jason Ouwendyk and David Icke[16].”

Yes, Warman has been a busy little Bolshevik beaver for his Jewish masters or Jewish compatriots (whichever the case may be) surfing the internet, finding a Canadian website whose political views don’t jibe with the interests of Jews (read anti-Zionist or Holocaust revisionist) and then whining like a baby only a Jewish mother could love to the Canadian “authorities”, those being B’nai B’rith Canada, the Canadian Jewish Congress and their Jewish flunkies in the CHRT and the CHRC. And then the website disappears, its owner is brought to the CHRC, summarily condemned and is then hauled before the CHRT with an attorney in tow.

But here’s the gag. The Tribunal, doing the bidding of the Commission has never acquitted a single individual brought before the “court.” Not a single solitary person has ever been found innocent! For you see, it’s Jewish justice they receive. It’s the same justice that in the 1940s permitted blood-thirsty Jewish liars to stomp beyond repair the testicles of German soldiers. This is the justice that Warman and Big Jewry Inc. are after.

Paul Fromm, a Canadian dissident and tireless advocate for free speech tells us “that’s the protection the industry gives to one of their own in the Soviet-style Human Rights Tribunal kangaroo courts of Canada. If you think that’s overstating the case, consider this: In 28 years no victim has ever been acquitted of a 13.1 charge — hate on the Internet or on telephone answering machines. No one! Also, all the victims have been on the right of the political spectrum. It’s Soviet style political censorship.” [4]

Dick Warman has used harassment, threats and legal action to realize his agenda, and boy do the accolades keep flowing from Canada’s Jews. I’m sure this vile man is backed to the hilt with Jewish money, Jewish muscle (lawyers) and good Jewish press. He also might want to think about a bodyguard, seeing as how he has been besieged with death threats from both Canadians and the Americans he has tried to extend his campaign against, promising that his Judeofascism may make a play at flinging its tentacles into the online sphere to the south. Warman has even reportedly been linked to radical left-wing terrorist organizations known to commit violent acts.

One blogger recounts some troubling stories and he has links to back his claims:

“Richard Warman finds himself in a similar position. He recently seems to have sponsored an urban terrorist group called the ‘Anti-Racist Action’ to protest in front of another individual’s house whose ideas he did not agree with and he considered a ‘Neo-Nazi’ (Mr. Warman has a tendency to call anyone he considers a racist by that name to create the maximum effect). [ link ]

They picketed his street with masked faces and sticks and weapons. the cops acted as a barrier between them and Mr. Fromm’s house. This group of individuals that Richard Warman has given speeches to and financed, were also responsible for the firebombing of Ernst Zundel’s house in the mid-90s, including the posting of instructions to make a moltov cocktail printing beside a picture of Zundel. (link with news articles and pictures on the ARA, including the firebombing, and articles about them attacking police horses’ eyes with sharp sticks during protests) [ link ]

And if you visit the website of ARA Toronto [ link ] , the first page is a video that shows their members in another county of ganging up on an individual sleeping on a train that they suspected was racist and assaulting him while filming it.

After the protest, this group posted Paul Fromm’s address online in a ‘declaration’ about their ‘successful’ mission attacking his house. [ link ]

While they were protesting however, a member of the group was holding up a sign that said, ‘Thank you Richard Warman for the bus rental’. Another with ‘Die Nazi Scum’ (could that be considered a death theat?)[ link ] and [ link ]

As you can see in the pictures, some of the members are masked in this protest.” [5]

But this is all par for the course. Those who sidle up to the Jewish Zionist Syndicate don’t generally have to abide by the same rules as those of us on the stodgy old benighted Right side of the spectrum, do they? Do you think Dick Warman will be hauled in to the CHRC and brought up on charges of hatred and “incitement to genocide” against Paul Fromm or Ernst Zundel? Not a chance. No, Jewish hatred or Jewish-financed hatred is the only crime that is never punished, not in Canada, not in the US and definitely not in Europe.

Now as Canadians yawn or with blank eyes applaud their own Jewish Caligulas, Warman and his ilk are only empowered, only drawn to pull the noose tighter around the forces of freedom and true equality. For Warman (Jew in disguise or self-hating white) has the hounds of hell backing his play, cheering his movements and fattening his bank account. B’nai B’rith, a worldwide blanketing beast of totalitarianism has brought the same imprisonment, the same Talmudic tyranny to every nation whose government it has infiltrated. The Canadian Jewish Congress is much the same. Like the American Jewish Congress, it believes in the dystopian 3000-year-old dream of a Hebrew Noahide empire run from its headquarters in Jerusalem and making every Gentile a serf and a slave to the Jew.

By breaking the cornerstones, silencing our tongues and dissolving our racial solidarity, they shall rule supreme. This is the Final Solution to the non-Jewish problem, and it would be an impossibility without Judaism, that coordinated criminal organization that morphs into whatever it needs to be at the moment. Like a chameleon, like Plato’s “necessity is the mother of invention”, Judaism reinvents itself when necessary. Sometimes it’s an ethnicity. Sometimes it’s a race. Other times it’s a religion. Then it switches to nationalism or an idea. It can be all or none of these things, but one thing it remains is a diabolical destroyer of the Gentile, a “nation within a nation” intent on stealing from us, robbing us of our birthright by manipulating our courts and our laws. It has a jealous and psychopathic essence, and it sees what we represent and personify only through the lens of the paranoid supremacist mind.

This is why people like “Tricky Dick” Warman work for the beast, take money from the beast and do the beast’s bidding. This explains the morass of laws, regulations and the interpretive pretzel-making the Jewish extremists do to plain language and clear statutes, turning them into weapons against their adversaries. This reveals to us why armies of reptilian lawyers are seen by our enemies as a necessity to their success.

The Judeofascists cannot be reasoned with. We cannot ask politely for ceasefires and peace treaties. No, they must be defeated, starting in the arena of ideas. Even as they refuse to debate, we must bring our countrymen and countrywomen, of whichever country we call home, to see the uncomely face of raw Jewish supremacist Talmudic hatred. It gleams from the eyes of Dick Warman and from every sordid fascist Jew who attempts to imprison our people, erase our heritage and crush our spirits and willingness to fight.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Warman
[2] http://www.chrt-tcdp.gc.ca/index_e.asp
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Human_Rights_Commission
[4] http://www.canadianfreespeech.com/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=121&Itemid=35
[5] http://fairnessfairy.blogspot.com/2006/08/warman-v-crtc-canada-canadian-public.html

August 8, 2007

Name Just One!

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:30 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Name just one Jewish organization that is actually working for the good of all Americans. I’ll bet you can’t name one. I can’t. Even Jews For Firearm Ownership has been acknowledged to have been created for the purpose of changing the public perception (read lying) of all Jews as gun-grabbing leftists who hate the Second Amendment. Nothing that organized Jews bring to this nation is good. No, it’s always seedy, it’s tawdry, it only ups the influence and riches of the Tribe and does nothing else.

Name just one Jewish organization that will condemn EVERYTHING that is rightly criticized on this site. I’ll bet you can’t name a single one. No, Big Jewry is too busy ratcheting up its own belligerency against the things that most Americans hold to be important. Now we have no real conservative movement, the National Rifle Association is headed by a Jewish woman (read Trojan Horse) and the National Review and other journals have fallen like dominoes to the battering ram of conventional “Jewish wisdom” and Jewish mammon.

Name just one Jewish organization that is both anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish supremacism. Just one! You can’t because none exist and none have ever existed in American history. Jews agitate for themselves and they only petition for others (blacks, Mexicans) when their empowerment will serve Jews in the end game. It’s time that white people start getting bold and also agitating, without shame, for their own rights. Only then can the jealous and hateful pillaging project of Jewish extremism be brought to an end.

August 7, 2007


Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 5:00 pm

By Patrick Grimm

People of Jewish heritage and Jewish ethnicity have been the greatest killers of the twentieth century. Ingest this trenchant article that confirms it, then get back to me as fast as your fingers can deliver you. But despite this reality, the Nazi regime and all its “anti-Semitic” antics are purportedly the only thing untoward that occurred in the last hundred years. Yet despite the fact, or perhaps because of the fact that Jews ran history’s most egregious killing mills and slaughter factories, the historical record is generally silent about Jewish wrongs, but very vocal about supposed wrongs done unto Jews. They are history’s “Poor-Little-Meeeeeees” and nothing they are involved in is anything short of angelic, golden, high-minded, beneficent, godly (if godly is the right word for a people who are majority atheistic), enlightened, ennobling and selfless, not to mention really, really intelligent.

Yet it’s all pure balderdash when the fables are dashed and famished and starved of the food siphoned to them by the Jewish feeding tube, the Jew Tube that is television. History is carved up like scrimshaw, its uneasy portions extricated from the whole for fear that the rinsed and spun brains of the people may draw a line between a dot or three. But the connection is commencing, in spite of the efforts of all the best and most erudite of the Jewish confusants, bound and damned determined as they are to make all the pieces unfit even if an edge or a corner has to be hacked away and burned, stricken from our sight-lines before we start to figure it out, begin to wake up from our Winkleish long nap after a century of hitting the snooze button.

What animates this game of deceit? Fear of the truth-leak perhaps? Hate perchance? Power peradventure. All of the above, most likely, yes. If a Jew anywhere will even deign to concede only one part, one crack in the “infallibility” of their tribalistic fantasies of collective irreproachable virtue, martyrdom at the hands of Others and everlasting guilt-free goodness, of never having to say a Jewish “sorry”, then the whole structure creaks and folds under the tonnage of accumulated deceits. They know this very well, and the apologies are obviously not forthcoming as so many scholars and laypeoples have wryly noted. What are forthcoming are the obstreperous cries of “blood libel” from Jewish totalitarians, who are essentially asking us not to apply the same medicine to Jews as they shove down the throats of every other identifiable grouping on the planet.

For you see, Germans can be collectively and still contemporaneously guilty for Nazism and the overblown fable of the “Holocaust” and can be made out as demons and virtual genetic “anti-Semites” ad infinitum, or at least as long as the cash cow keeps pumping out “green” excretions and the Germans don’t vote for a real Holocaust this go-round. Ukrainians can be portrayed as scum, as drug-dealing, gun-running sub-human garbage in Jewish Hollywood films for simply exuding less than warm feelings towards the Jewish people who starved them out by the millions and have denied it ever since. Polish folks can be denigrated for “anti-Semitism” and made the butt of jokes, though they were some of the biggest losers in the Jewish Communist Giant Leap forward. Christians, to the Jewish purveyors of the shoddy Hebrew entertainment they crank forth, are frothing-at-the-mouth lunatics, liars, child molesters and lecherous degenerates and the Savior they put their trust in was in all likelihood a fraud and was, inter alia, an Elmer Gantry style opportunist preying on the simple-minded and the deficient. The Arab is always a bomb-toting and backward savage who possesses little if any human qualities.

These are all common and over-used stereotypical caricatures crafted by the Jew, without apology, or for that matter, even a twinge of irony. For the Jew, ravaging others is as natural as breathing. When the “others” cry foul, they are “anti-Semitic” for even noting what is being done to them, for even feeling the brunt of the insults heaped upon their heads like hot coals. They are haters for only wishing they weren’t hated by the Jew.

But as I stated before, history and Jewish nature are being rewritten daily right before our eyes. Almost every on-screen portrayal of Jews is positive (unless you are watching a Woody Allen picture) and Jews are sensitive, self-effacing and bristling with an overabundant outpouring of love for all of humanity. In other words, they are shown as everything that most of them are not. They are self-sacrificing, wise and sometimes world-weary from living amongst those who don’t appreciate how wonderful and sinless they are. They are shown, for lack of a better word, as semi and sometimes fully Divine.

How many Holocaust films have you seen where upon witnessing the Jewish characters you say “Come on! Nobody, Jew or Gentile, is this righteous, pure and lovely!”? It’s all part of the fashioning of the mystique, the narrative that has served them so exquisitely and placed them in an advantageous stead. Public relations dances in tandem with “Poor-Little-Meeeeeeeism” and the waltz they perform wows the ignorant, who have knowingly or unknowingly purchased the complete package.

There was a time in my life when I auditioned for the play The Diary of Anne Frank. I wasn’t cast in the production, but I did notice one thing about all the actors who came to read for the various roles. They were all full of awe and solemnity when the subject matter, the script was placed before them, almost as if they were attending Mass or confessing their sins, and in a way they were. Like rote, and subconsciously, they all pledged allegiance to the shrine of eternal Jewish innocence and immutable Jewish goodness. They paid their lip service to the gods of this world, of this age. These gods could be nothing short of benevolent and even their imperfect actions in the script were caused by the diabolical deeds of others. Their foibles were and are never to be divvied up among the perpetrators, but, if recounted at all, are to be laid at the doors of the non-Jewish Others.

Jewish misdeeds, even when accidentally disclosed, are always motivated by the pogroms and pestilences visited on Jews, always without cause and without reason or stimulus. Hence Bolshevism was not born of Jewish hatred and for the purpose of swindling the Russian people or because of Jewish lust for control and dominance, but only the Tsar was the catalyst.

If Jews are ever blamed for anything in history, and they rarely are, they will quietly resort to the “Devil-Made-Me-Do-It” interpolation, smudging the facts, making the truth of the matter as indecipherable as a wet letter. Thus we learn from “Jewish history” (often an oxymoron) that Jews were “forced into” usury and money-lending because all other occupations were closed off to them due to crazy Christian “anti-Semitism” that kept them out of all other trades. What is never explained is why they decided to almost collectively stay ensconced in money-lending and usury even after they were given emancipation in many countries and were able to work within any occupation they so chose. But what I am quite sure of is that Jewish historians, those gatekeepers who scramble to blot out every Jewish sin from the public record, have already concocted a perfectly reasonable, though perhaps historically questionable explanation that will settle nicely into the gray matter of the pliable Gentile mind, already pumped through with a lifetime of Jew-aggrandizing lies and anti-white farcical immorality tales.

But we can say both ‘hurray’ and ‘alas’ as we all open the giant Misfortune Cookie and find that everything we ever knew was wrong, dreadfully wrong. As the Gentile humanoid uncovers the awful and awe-inspiring truth of the Hidden Hand, he must both applaud and grimace. He must applaud because he has maneuvered his way through a maze of lies and obfuscation and a slew of fake maps and fraudulent guidebooks to grab hold of the Pearl of Wisdom that is the pieced together, but extant record of the Jewish Problem. But his grimace will surely creep upon him like a dark cloud of self-inflicted derision and conditioned, deeply conditioned self-doubt, for he has pierced the Taboo that is above all other taboos. Racial realism, bell curves, incest, pedophilia, bestiality, cannibalism and freakish sexuality all pale in comparison to this unspoken breach in the order of things.

A false idol, a graven image has been toppled. “Could it be?” he asks himself. “That these people aren’t so Chosen after all? Could it be that my preacher, my teacher deceived me?” And then the search is on. The Old Testament becomes less a book of a beautiful covenant between God and man than the twisted tales of a racial band of blood-letters whose mark even now is still being felt upon the earth, whose hatred is still unquenchable and kindled against all who do not share their sense of superiority and “blood purity.”

Call them Judeans, Judahites, Jews, Khazars, Ashkenazi or Sephardim. Whether they are the tribes of old or the converted interlopers who now mind the store, the mission is the same, the façade is unchanged. The unstinting posture of everlasting innocence, the smothering of dissent, the expunging of real history, the “for fear of the Jews no one spoke openly”, the atavistic loathing of the nations, the unstoppable hunger for domination, the shredding of the Other’s distinctions and cultures and the “pulling down” of his temples and “false gods” has been unwavering in the theology and the theosophy of both religious and secular Jews. For these Jews, the world is not enough. Its inhabitants must pay homage and bow before their superiors, must bend and move to the beck and call of “God’s Chosen People”, the “Master Race” as Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin candidly worded it.

So we end where we began, with a wincing glance at the forgotten and buried horrors of what Jewish power eventually looks like. The “Poor-Little-Meeeeeees” squeal as they bayonet your baby with trademark Red Comintern finesse, cry out as they strike you, wet vacuum up all the blood and then claim they are the victims of unreasoning hatred from your neighbors who were very fond of your adorable new-born child and who babysat him on your marital date nights. It’s the same old template, over and over and over again. The pattern doesn’t change, the attitudes are never altered, but the cover-up sure gets a lot more devious, methodical and effective, doesn’t it? In fact, it’s downright Jewish of them.

August 6, 2007

I’m Not Anti-Semitic, I’m Anti-Jewish

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 2:05 am

By Patrick Grimm

It’s time to clear up a few misunderstandings with the Jewish fiends who only come around to threaten and debase this space. These little totalitarians wish to shut down anyone who has anything less than praise for their easily confirmed criminal enterprises. Sorry, but that is not going to happen for you, and even if it did, my work and my words are not going anywhere. Like a penny, good, bad or neutral, they will always turn up somewhere.

But let me be frank. If you wish to accost me with name-calling, at least be more politely formal about it. Don’t call me an “anti-Semite”, a word that to you only means anyone who doesn’t appreciate what you are doing to wreck our foundations and who exposes your little fibs about Israel, the Jewish religion and the entire shoddily constructed anti-intellectual framework of the Holohaux you moan about like incessant babies. No, Jewish provocateurs, I will not genuflect before you, will not bend the knee when I hear the word “Jews” in hushed tones that I would liken to a monastery dedicated to the religion of Taken-With-Thyself-ness. As Edgar Steele famously said “THAT’S MR. ANTI-SEMITE TO YOU!” and I would second his sentiments.

The truth of the matter is though, “anti-Semite” is not really the proper terminology for me. For the fact remains, most Jews are not “Semites” and many non-Jews are. A lot of the Palestinians are “Semitic” but you have no qualms about indiscriminately slaughtering them, gunning down their children in cold blood and desecrating their graves, and then having your apparatchiks in the US help procure alms to pay for the whole atrocity that you call a country while thousands of Gentiles die for your proxyish little adventures in the desert sand, which I’m sure gets quite a chuckle of anti-Gentile disdain in the Knesset. You are almost flummoxed that the Goyim could be so stupid and short-sighted on your account, and I couldn’t agree with you more.

No, you little Jewish totalitarians–the ones who bitch and infantilely demand that this blog be stricken from the internet because it refuses to worship you–I am not “anti-Semitic” at all. The best way to describe me would be to call me “anti-Jewish”, a phrase far more narrow and exacting and accurate, as well as provocative and gosh, just plain fun too because it gets you fuming and swearing in Yiddish! I don’t have a big personal problem with “Semites” but I do have a huge personal problem with all of the Jews–some of them even blue-eyed and blonde, or red-headed and green-eyed–who are jack hammering away at our foundations. Perhaps some tepid folks are afraid to say it, but America has a Jewish, an organized Jewish problem of almost incalculable proportions. And I am fully aware that some in this movement would think it unseemly, perhaps even obscenely unseemly, to talk this way.

Oh, some will cry “All Jews are not part of the Jewish supremacism/Jewish extremist/Jewish criminality/Jewish enter your complaint here problem! It’s just their ‘evil Jewish leadership’!” But this argument is tired. If all Jews do not give moral or financial support to what the most visible and the most irascibly censorious and sinister among the Jewish powerbrokers are doing, let them step forward and say so. Let them “come out from among them and be separate” so as not to be victimized by the worldwide Gentile backlash which inevitably will come (it always has) if this behavior is not curtailed. Let even a small organization of righteous Jews stand up and decry, not just the crimes of Israel, for this is no longer sufficient, but the crimes and dirty-dealing of the entire Jewish establishment which is even now itching to collapse Western Civilization and has already stolen free speech guarantees from most of Europe.

Are there ANY JEWS who will speak out against these things? Will ANY JEWS lend their influence, their finances and their acumen to the cause of freedom and justice? Will ANY JEWS ANYWHERE do more than just wag their fingers at the Zionist anti-humanitarian pockmark for its state terrorism, and instead lend their tongues to wag against the Jewish open borders agenda, the Jewish hard-core and child pornography agenda, the Jewish anti-white agenda, the mostly Jewish globalist agenda, the disproportionate Jewish white sex slave agenda, the Jewish ADL, JDL, AJC, ACLU agenda, the Jewish anti-gun and anti-Second Amendment agenda, the overwhelmingly Jewish drug trafficking agenda coming out of Israel, the Jewish organized crime agenda, the Jewish media black-out of black crime agenda, the Jewish Hollywood slandering of Christianity agenda, the Jewish religious Orthodox hatred of Gentiles agenda and all the rest? Will ANY JEWS unequivocally and without excuses, subterfuge and double-talk CONDEMN ALL OF THESE JEWISH AGENDAS?

I’m sorry, but my “Benefit of the Doubt” is broken. So I will do exactly what John “Birdman” Bryant tried on his famous website. I will ask any Jews who are reading my words and who agree that what Big Jewry and all its financial backers are doing is wrong, to condemn all of these dastardly deeds right here on this blogspot. There should be no excuses, no “well the Gentiles let us do it” which to our eternal discredit is true, but is not a good enough excuse to wipe away the sins of the Jewish community.

Day by day, the silence is deafening from the Jews in America. More and more of our citizens are slowly beginning to believe (and not without good reason) that Jewish influence and Jewish power have only brought us disaster. I may be incorrect, but the time may come when silence = complicity. If there are good Jews waiting, perhaps frightened and even horrified by the hideous strength accrued and easily utilized by their scruple-free brethren, let them identify themselves, separate themselves and exonerate themselves from the hatred that is being piled up against them by the activities of the Jews running the show at the top, those Jews who couldn’t buy a conscience, even if someone offered one to them wholesale. This is the only good faith gesture that many Gentiles would require of Jews, just to ease our minds. And so I extend the olive branch to you now.

But until I can look out upon the parched landscape of American politics and spy at least more Jews than I can count on one hand standing against Big Jewry, I will label myself, not “anti-Semitic”, but anti-Jewish. And no Jewish scientific discoveries, brainy inventions and Nobel Peace prize lists, all of them quoted and brandished like absolvents, will make a dime’s worth of difference to me or to anyone else who is aware of the facts.

August 3, 2007

God’s Special Little Creatures

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 9:13 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The Jews are “God’s special little creatures” at least in their own myopic eyes. Their media tells us this, yammering like a spliced and looped tape which plays the same mantra over and over. Yet anyone else who has spent a lot of spare time with them hardly seems as enamored and worshipful as the Jews are of themselves; well, perhaps that is not wholly true. Our government is very obeisant to the self-adulatory community of miscreants who assure us that they are at the top of God’s Favorites list. George W. Bush has created a special department just for the sole purpose of not allowing critical notes to be dropped in the Complaints box of universal world opinion and a monitoring bureaucracy that rabidly scouts for traces of “anti-Semitism” with all of the subtlety that Kaganovich exuded when he ran a razor blade across the balls of white Gentile Russian Christians.

No, perhaps all Jews don’t hold on to an illusion of a future “Ziotopia” with Goyish cattle slavishly toting water, catering kosher meals and doing the nails of Jewish JAPs who spit at even the potential of having a potential thought of performing manual labor for themselves. But enough do (hold on to the illusion) to make politically galvanized and “aggrieved” Jews a hazard to the white Gentile population of America, which is, despite all bad faith efforts and Jewish hand-wringing, still a majority of the demographic. Yes, Big Jewry, you are a problem, the biggest problem. Of course, you always have been.

God’s special little creatures–Even now this saccharin-sanct band of Woody Allen-wannabes (thank you, Mark Glenn) are bitching, whining, waving their arms about and agitating for special privileges that are undeserved. And they are gaining these privileges too. The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs assures us unhappily that “The United States plans to increase military aid to Israel by 25 percent—from $2.4 billion to $3 billion per year, guaranteed for the next 10 years. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert told reporters in Jerusalem on July 29 that President George W. Bush agreed to this new $30 billion military aid package when they met at the White House on June 19.” [1]

And then the article places the whole charade into financial perspective:

“U.S. taxpayers are being asked to donate $30 billion to help Israel buy weapons at a time when our own nation’s financial resources are stretched thin. According to a June 28, 2007 Congressional Research Service report, the U.S. has spent $611 billion on the ‘war on terror’ since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, including $567 billion in Iraq alone. Our own economy, schools, and health care are in shambles thanks to this war that many, including President Bush, believe is being fought to protect Israel.”

God’s special little creatures–Like a lover that won’t be true, Israel and its Jews are pushing hard for Gentile moneys, but this Goyim affection is always Hebraically unrequited. Yes, you could say that Israel has had some “momentary lapses” in her faithfulness to her supposed “ally.” Here’s another apropo incident recalled by hardly an “anti-Semitic” outlet of news, The Jerusalem Post:

“Israelis may no longer have to apply for visas to visit the US under bills before both houses of Congress.

If the proposed legislation passes, it will clear the way for Israel to participate in the visa waiver program, which currently allows nationals from countries such as Britain, France and Australia to come to the US without having to interview at American consulates and pay for entrance permits.

Each chamber has proposed different versions that would have to be reconciled before being sent to the White House for signing into law. While each bill authorizes the government to expand the visa waiver program to include Israel, the decision to do so would be left to the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security.” [2]

Yeah, and I’m sure Israeli Zionist agent and V. I. Lenin look-alike Michael Chertoff is going to nix this thing, isn’t he? Not a chance in hell, or should I say instead, not a chance that the apartheid, warmongering little welfare baby in the Middle East won’t get what she wants for the millionth time. No, the terrorist country that has consistently spied on Americans, that runs most American phone systems, that has stolen our secrets and sold them for big bucks to our enemies will get the whole enchilada once again. The treasonous Jews always get what they clamor for even as they breach our security and rob us blind. Ahhh, but who cares? “What’s good for the Jews” is the main objective of our government anyway.

God’s special little creatures–A Jew in Europe will wail and petition the government if a swastika is found on a Jewish headstone (and many Jews have been caught vandalizing their own synagogues for media attention) or if a Jewess cuts herself with a kitchen knife and wants to blame it on an Arab or a far-right white nationalist. But woe unto us if we even acknowledge what is happening in the Jewish state, which is not coincidentally the most hated country on earth. The Israelis show their racist hatred, egged on by the Chabad Lubavitchers and the Shmuel Boteach rabbinical hatemongers, those pox upon all the world’s houses. Read on:

“Israel occupation soldiers have vandalized and desecrated Palestinian graves near the southern West Bank town of Hebron, locals and human rights activists said.

According to relatives, hundreds of soldiers and as many as 20 military vehicles stormed the small village of ‘Marah al- Baqqar’ on Tuesday, 31 July, terrorizing locals and vandalizing property.

The forces reportedly stormed the village shortly after midnight Monday amid intensive shooting. The village was placed under military curfew, locals said.

At one point, a military bulldozer destroyed two graves, exposing the remains of the dead.

‘I don’t know if Hitler did this to the Jews, but look how they are treating us. This is the same people who make a big outcry whenever someone touches a Jewish grave in Europe,’ said Aziz Amer.

Taleb Hasan Amr, an 80 -year-old, whose son’s and mother’s graves were desecrated said he never saw such a brutal ugliness in his life.

‘I lived under many states, but never saw some thing like this. Imagine, they are after the dead. Where is the conscience of the world? These people are worse than the Nazis.’” [3]

Yes, these Zionist beasts make the Nazi state look very tame indeed, unless you swallow the proven lies they have cooked up about the Germans, tearfully recounted to the Jewsmedia by the Wiesel/Wiesenthal demagogic hucksters who turn on the waterworks for the flash bulbs.

God’s special little creatures–The only thing “special” about organized-crime-Judaism (and this branch of Judaism includes all branches, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform and Secular Chosenism), that Jewish mafia all dolled up with the accoutrements of ceremony and gaudy pageantry, is its duplicitousness and pushiness, forever shilling, agitating for unique privileges and exclusivity that the Gentile should apparently not have or even be able to petition for, if only for the protection of his own heritage and rights. No, Jews get group rights, while Gentiles must settle for the crumbs of “up-by-your-bootstraps” individualism. Jews receive exemptions from the rules we have to follow because they are so “special.” Oh, they’re special, all right. But the only specialty they can claim is a penchant for the perverse, the criminal, the traitorous, the back-stabbing and for always biting the hand that feeds their insatiability, a hunger never filled, a greed never appeased by the hand-outs Gentiles are wont to bestow on their grudging, overbearing and parsimonious guests.

God’s special little creatures–If God is watching and He is benevolent (and He doesn’t seem to be, from the looks of things) then the Jewish extremists can be little more to Him than the rapists of the universe, always stealing, always oppressing, forever at enmity with the rest of the masses of mankind. But since God (however He is defined) chooses inactivity, or perhaps apathy and most definitely silence, it is up to us, those of us who see the misshapen monstrous menace of Big Jewry and its countless evils, and what they portend for the earth, to place our tongues against the roofs of our mouths and form words, those words narrating the horrors and injustice of what we witness. Speak, no matter what the cost, for those who are only “specialized” at feeling “special” and believe that this gives them a divine right to “pull down” a civilization they could not create, will never stop their unprovoked frontal assaults against us. The bitter fruits of Self-Chosenness are a disease. The good news is, disclosure is the cure.

[1] http://www.ziopedia.org/en/articles/israelpalestine/oppose_$30_billion_in_military_aid_package_to_israel/

[2] http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1173879134668&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

[3] http://www.ziopedia.org/en/articles/israelpalestine/israeli_soldiers_destroy,_desecrate_palestinian_graves/

August 2, 2007

Outre Entree

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 4:00 pm

By Patrick Grimm

The Jewish is the outre (pronounced oo-TRAY). It is the parading of the bizarre, the twisted, the malign, the disturbingly unconventional, the perverse, the hazardous and the harmful before the eyes of the masses. It is both Hollywood and much of the Halakha. It is the labeling of the sick and the diseased as sweet and delightful. It is Jewish culture, or at least the most radical segments of it.

The freshly putrid hors d’oeuvres served up by our Jewish cooks are not a delicious entrée, but an outre, an amalgamation of the horrific, the degraded, the degenerate and often, the scatological. It’s Jewish ADL sex-ed manuals instructing kindergartners in the joys and delights to be had from free-wheeling buggery with a friend. It’s shameless Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman frolicking about on stage, singing songs about the cuteness of homosexual anal sex and graphic descriptions of excretory functions and defecation. It’s comedy programs written and directed by Jews explicitly detailing exploitative sex with the mentally handicapped, necrophilia and other things that perhaps seem normal in Jewish bizarro world.

But the frightening reality of depravity is that there is no bottom to it. And Jewish outre should cause any sane Jew (please step forward and identify yourself) to scream “Oy vey!” Yet this is not what we see. What we witness is more of the same and the bottom continues to fall out of a culture degraded beyond all recognition by the Jewish hand and the Jewish obsession for all things malignant. Some may balk at these harsh words, but simply turn on your television for a confirmation.

Jewish Hollywood outreness only drops further towards the guttural by the day. Comedies portray sodomy as the hottest thing going. Men fornicating with horses and other barnyard animals is “understandable” and requires our “sympathy” and “empathy.” Hard-core pornography with penetration and on-screen ejaculation “money shots” will soon be mainstreamed and chic and kitsch on pay cable, brought to us by Jewish Image Award-winners who are much loved and much funded by the bloatedly rich and gloatingly arrogant donors of Big Jewry. Yet historians who quibble over a point or two of the Holocaust story are the real “sickos” in our country, according to the kosher media conglomerates. Jewish bizarro world has come home to roast.

Jews are said to be more liberal about all things sexual. Well, that is demonstrably true, and receiving more self-evidentiary banner-waving all the time. They also seem to be more liberal about all things bizarre too. And if the Jewish writers, directors and producers can get American Gentiles, especially the young, to laugh at the sicknesses they peddle, then all the better. The fact that they use humor to sell so much of their filth only weakens and melds the minds of the uneducated, the naïve and those with little life experience or wisdom, which only age can bring.

It’s been said before and it’s true. The Jew/Gentile Cold War is a zero-sum game. They get stronger and we get weaker, and vice versa. Making us sick gets their wallets thick.

Yes, most of the insanely disgusting “entertainment” peddled on the idiot box and in the movie theater is riddled through with Jewish values, or for lack of another word, deviancy. The rotting body of the Gentile collective is infected with a pathogen, an alien agent and the illness it is spreading has been dispersed to all parts of the semi-corpse. The outre seems to be in a multitude of Jewish DNA and they have released this disease into our system (society). It is now literally killing us with its toxicant nature.

The con game the Jews play with us and our impressionable children is something akin to pouring a bottle of perfume on excrement. It’s like washing down a spoonful of Draino with a big dallop of sugar, hoping to sweeten up the flavor. No, a Jewish media is an alien media with alien values and alien priorities. This alien control will never reflect the heritage and culture of our people because it is perpetuated daily by a Tribe that has nothing but disdain for the things we believe to be important. Disease and degeneracy is the stock-in-trade of the Jewish establishment. The outre is the cutting edge, the hip and the Yiddishly-urbane to most Jews. No, the Jewish “sweet” is the Gentile “sour.” We must not allow ourselves to grow too blinded and brainwashed to see this. We must remain clear-headed and sober enough to see the difference between our values and those of the Self-Chosen Sicko-phants.

August 1, 2007

Freud, Marcuse and A Recommendation

Filed under: Uncategorized — zionistwatch @ 11:19 pm

By Patrick Grimm

Our taboo-meters do need shattering, crushing, discarding. Or, at the very least, they need to be readjusted to a ‘sanity’ setting. But the taboos are ensconced, the hot buttons cannot be pushed and the punishment for placing a finger atop them is the stuff of nightmares. Loss of employment, tarring of a stellar reputation, shunning by friends and family and the pathologizing of discovery, intellectual digging and hard questions, which are never debated or answered, are just a few of the consequences of joining this movement.

This movement is pathologized as a form of mental illness or sickness of the soul because our enemies created these very concepts a long, long time ago. Freud, a Zionist, a racist Jew and possibly a Kabbalist, breezily deemed any opponents of Jewry and its excesses as “mentally ill” and suffering from “jealousy” of Jewish accomplishments and superiority.

But now Sigmund Freud’s fraudulence has been fused with the “critical theory” of Herbert Marcuse and what we have is a witch’s brew consisting of psychotherapy and neo-Marxism now utilized to batter and smear any critics of the Jewish people, even if those critics can prove their arguments with easily marshaled facts. But as with the Canada Human Rights Tribunal, “truth is no defense” against the Jewish supremacists. For the extremist Jews who run our governments and destroy their antagonists, the only truth is eternal Jewish innocence and unremitting and unreasonably vitriolic Gentile hatred and animalistic irrational antagonism fueled by “self-hatred”, “envy”, “anti-Semitism” and “projection.”

After being knocked off of my feet by an astounding article I read last night, I thought I would give you the link to this piece so that you could read it in its entirety. It is germane to the points I have just made and explains further the phenomenon of psychoanalysis that only serves to protect Jews from the inconveniences of hearing unpleasant truths about their people. Enjoy.


Deconstructing the Psychoanalytic Base

By Chad Powers

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