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the West, for from no expected house
cometh that child. Aum! All words are
sacred and all prophets true ; save only that
they understand a little ; solve the first
half of the equation, leave the second
unattacked. But thou hast all in the
clear light, and some though not all in the
Invoke me under my stars. Love is the
law, love under will. Nor let the fools
mistake love ; for there are love and love.
There is the dove and there is the serpent.
Choose ye well! He, my prophet, hath
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Index | Cover
Chapter I: 1-1 | 1-2 | 1-3 | 1-4 | 1-5 | 1-6 | 1-7 | 1-8 | 1-9 | 1-10 | 1-11 | 1-12 | 1-13 | 1-14 | 1-15 | 1-16 | 1-17 | 1-18 | 1-19 | 1-20 | 1-21 | 1-22
Chapter II: 2-1 | 2-2 | 2-3 | 2-4 | 2-5 | 2-6 | 2-7 | 2-8 | 2-9 | 2-10 | 2-11 | 2-12 | 2-13 | 2-14 | 2-15 | 2-16 | 2-17 | 2-18 | 2-19 | 2-20 | 2-21 | 2-22
Chapter III: 3-1 | 3-2 | 3-3 | 3-4 | 3-5 | 3-6 | 3-7 | 3-8 | 3-9 | 3-10 | 3-11 | 3-12 | 3-13 | 3-14 | 3-15 | 3-16 | 3-17 | 3-18 | 3-19 | 3-20 | 3-21
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