The Holy Scholarship of Thelema

The Technical Writings of Aleister Crowley

Publications in Class AB

  1. Opus Lutetianum, The Paris Working
  2. Liber XXX Ærum vel Sæculi, The Vision and the Voice, The
  3. Liber ΘΗΣΑΥΡΟΥ ΕΙΔΩΛΩΝ, sub figurâ DCCCCLXIII, The Treasurehouse of Images


Additional Reading

Read about the course of study which includes these documents
A Syllabus of the Official Instructions of A∴ A∴ Hitherto Published
Curriculum of A∴ A∴ in Appendix I of ABA

The publications of Thelema are divided into various classes.

Class A The Holy Books of Thelema
Class AB Holy Scholarship of Thelema
Class B Scholarship of Thelema
Class C Suggestions of Thelema
Class D Official Rituals and Instructions of Thelema
Class E Public Statements of Thelema
Unclassified Unclassified Documents of Thelema

Study further the system in which these documents participate in
Magick Without Tears
Magick in Theory and Practice

And there is much more available at The Libri of Aleister Crowley



These libri appear in several published works, including