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T. Cave sis cum Amore tu unquam bellum sumpseris.
ALC. Quid faciam? T. Ad matrem eius devenias domum,
expurges, iures, ores blande per precem
eamque exores ne tibi suscenseat.
ALC. Expurigabo hercle omnia ad raucam ravim.
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T. Make sure you never get into a war with love.
ALC. What should I do? T. Go to her mother's home,
apologize, swear, beg suavely in prayer
and persuade her not to be mad at you.
ALC. I'll apologize for everything until I'm husky hoarse.
Thus, in saying molestus es ("you're a pain" 449) Selenium is already rejecting Alcesimarchus' peace overtures. And when he tells her that his houses misses its darling (if the emendation is correct) he is broaching the subject. By responding aufer manum ("take your hands off me") she again rebuffs his implied offer. He then calls her germana mea sororcula ("my darling sister"), and the affectionate vocative may be considered a prerequest. Her curt response repudio te fraterculum ("You're no darling brother of mine") rejects the overture, so he turns to Melaenis (the girl's "mother''), tries the same tactic and meets a similar rebuff. Then follows the overlapping exchange at v.453. Selenium interrupts him twice, contravening the normal rules of turn-taking,32 but he manages (in three turns) to get out "I beg you . . . to let me . . . apologize." Her interruptions ("buzz off" and "I don't care") lead him (after another interruption, illegible but no doubt cool) to say: sine dicam ("let me speak" 454). This request to be allowed to speak, if not precisely equivalent to an offer, is here a request to be allowed to proffer one. Since she can anticipate what he is likely to say, her response functions as yet another refusal to make up: satis sapit mihi tuis periuriis ("I've had enough of your lies"). And the same can be said of the next exchange.33
supplicium polliceri volo
At mi aps te accipere non libet.
I want to promise atonement.
But I don't feel like accepting it.

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32 Cf. Levinson (1983) 319: " . . . there are overlaps allowed (and thus their location and nature predicted) by the rules, and overlaps that contravene the rules (interruptions)."
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33OLD s.v. supplicium notes that in Sallust, Iugurtha 46.2 the word is "applied to a peace-offering brought by an envoy."

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