Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600806


Before freezing, the venison should be hung up long
enough to have gone through rigor mortise. Hang the meat at
temperatures of 33 to 36 degrees Fahrenheit for a short
period of time. Aging makes the meat more tender. However,
excessive aging tends to give off-flavors and increased

Package meat for freezing as soon as cuts are made,
using moisture-vapor-resistant wraps. Trim off excess fat.
Label packages with the date and the cut of meat. Freeze
quickly at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Place the
unfrozen packages against a refrigerated surface. Arrange
them so that they do not touch any packages of frozen food
stored in the freezer. Store at 0 degrees Fahrenheit or

Recommended storage times for venison held at 0 degrees
Fahrenheit are: ground meat- 2 to 3 months; roasts- 8 to
12 months; steaks- 8 to 12 months; and stew meat- 2 to 3

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