Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600637


weights of cuts to expect*

Field dressed carcass Bone in leg, loin All cuts
weight, lb. rib, shoulder cuts boneless

50 26.8 24.8
60 32.9 28.8
70 39.0 33.6
80 45.1 38.4
90 51.2 43.2
100 57.3 48.0
110 63.4 52.8
120 69.5 57.6
130 75.6 62.4
140 81.7 67.2
150 87.8 72.0
160 93.9 76.8
170 100.0 81.6
180 106.1 86.4
190 112.2 91.2
200 118.3 96.0

*"Weights of cuts to expect" is an average figure for
the corresponding field dressed weights. Individual
carcasses could easily vary 5% and in extreme cases may
vary up to 15 % from the weights listed. Extent of
gunshot area, aging time, closeness of trim, and amount
of fat on the carcass are some of the factors which affect
the weight of meat obtained.

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