Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600609


Delicatessen-style dill pickles are not subjected to
any kind of heat treatment. They are prized for their
crispness but must be stored in the refrigerator. The
following recipe for deli-style dills contains no vinegar;
some lactic acid is produced during the brief fermentation

1/2 bushel small pickling cucumbers
1/2 bunch dill
3 gallons water
2 cups pickling salt
5 garlic cloves, sliced
3/4 cup mixed pickling spices

Wash cucumbers. Remove blossom ends carefully to
remove soil. Place cucumbers in large crocks. Distribute
the dill heads evenly. Make a brine of the remaining items
and add to the cucumbers. Cover with a heavy plate and
weight down with a glass jar filled with water.

Store at moderate room temperature (70 to 75 degrees
Fahrenheit). If scum forms, remove it daily. Pickles may
be eaten after third day but well done pickles need a 1-week
fermentation. After 1 week, pack the pickles into clean
jars and refrigerate to halt fermentation. These pickles
must be kept in the refrigerator.

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