From Sun Aug 05 23:42:57 2001
Subject: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: Two Knives <>
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 22:42:57 -0700 (PDT)

Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
to be aware as to what is happening on the other side of
the pond. Three things I came across reported by
international observers I find pretty disturbing ...
One:  Egypt is considering breaking diplomatic ties with
Isreal over this Isreal/Palestinian fighting thing.
Two: Iraq has been noted as to having a build up of
equipment on the border of Jordan.
Three: Some of Iraq's Republican Guard have been seein IN
If you put these things together, and being Syria and
Jordan are allies, It's possible that these 3 arab nations
may be looking to back the Palestinians into having a nasty
fist fight with Isreal. IF that happens, we being allies
with Isreal, some sort of war involving the U.S. may be
imminent in the next 2 years or sooner. That may mean
higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a
closer eye of international news. Forewarned is forearmed,
and having knowledge of a storm on the horizon makes you
first to prepare. A world war I can't see happening, but
this may turn into another Bosnia or Yugoslavia type of
fight. I suggest all start watching what looms, and
hopefully diplomatic gesturing will stop any possible war.
BTW ... Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Isreal prior to the
1967 war. Does history really repeat itself?

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From Mon Aug 06 02:31:03 2001
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: Dusty <>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 02:31:03 -0600
Oh yeah.  History certainly does repeat itself.  And yes I must concur
with your assumption that them ragheads are gonna try something.  That's
ok.  Let them.  I'd say nuke everyone of them countries back to the
stoneage, if they try anything with us.  How long have we been trying to
help them reach a peaceful settlement?  How many DECADES?  Well, it's
the same as peeing in the wind as far as I'm concerned.  If they wanna
fight, let them.  They drag our sorry ass into it, then yes I beleieve
that WW3 would be imminant.  China wants Taiwan, right?  If we get
tangled in another Mid-east war, China would most likely use that to
take Taiwan with the hopes that we can't do anything about it.  We can't
fight two separate wars anymore.  This would be an ideal situation to
conquer the US.  Because we are the self proclaimed Globo-Cops.  If the
Mid-East needs help, we'll be there, of course.  And then when Taiwan
get's hit, we'll be there too.  can we do it?  Yes.  But then our butts
will be swinging in the breeze for anyone to take a shot at.

Two Knives wrote:
> Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
> to be aware as to what is happening on the other side of
> the pond. Three things I came across reported by
> international observers I find pretty disturbing ...
> One:  Egypt is considering breaking diplomatic ties with
> Isreal over this Isreal/Palestinian fighting thing.
> Two: Iraq has been noted as to having a build up of
> equipment on the border of Jordan.
> Three: Some of Iraq's Republican Guard have been seein IN
> Jordan.
> If you put these things together, and being Syria and
> Jordan are allies, It's possible that these 3 arab nations
> may be looking to back the Palestinians into having a nasty
> fist fight with Isreal. IF that happens, we being allies
> with Isreal, some sort of war involving the U.S. may be
> imminent in the next 2 years or sooner. That may mean
> higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
> normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a
> closer eye of international news. Forewarned is forearmed,
> and having knowledge of a storm on the horizon makes you
> first to prepare. A world war I can't see happening, but
> this may turn into another Bosnia or Yugoslavia type of
> fight. I suggest all start watching what looms, and
> hopefully diplomatic gesturing will stop any possible war.
> BTW ... Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Isreal prior to the
> 1967 war. Does history really repeat itself?
> Rusty
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From Mon Aug 06 04:55:57 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 06:55:57 -0400
And what can survivalists expect in the way of local problems? How can we deal with them? 
Christopher A. Young 
P.O. Box 442  
Macedon, NY  14502 

Improve your spirituality at  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dusty 
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 4:31 AM
  Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed

  Oh yeah.  History certainly does repeat itself.  And yes I must concur
  with your assumption that them ragheads are gonna try something.  How long have we been trying to
  help them reach a peaceful settlement?  How many DECADES? If they wanna
  fight, let them.  They drag our sorry ass into it, then yes I beleieve
  that WW3 would be imminant.  China wants Taiwan, right?  If we get
  tangled in another Mid-east war, China would most likely use that to
  take Taiwan with the hopes that we can't do anything about it.  We can't
  fight two separate wars anymore.  This would be an ideal situation to
  conquer the US.  Because we are the self proclaimed Globo-Cops.  If the
  Mid-East needs help, we'll be there, of course.  And then when Taiwan
  get's hit, we'll be there too.  can we do it?  Yes.  But then our butts
  will be swinging in the breeze for anyone to take a shot at.

  Two Knives wrote:
  > Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
  > to be aware as to what is happening on the other side of
  > the pond. Three things I came across reported by
  > international observers I find pretty disturbing ...
  > One:  Egypt is considering breaking diplomatic ties with
  > Isreal over this Isreal/Palestinian fighting thing.
  > Two: Iraq has been noted as to having a build up of
  > equipment on the border of Jordan.
  > Three: Some of Iraq's Republican Guard have been seein IN
  > Jordan.
  > If you put these things together, and being Syria and
  > Jordan are allies, It's possible that these 3 arab nations
  > may be looking to back the Palestinians into having a nasty
  > fist fight with Isreal. IF that happens, we being allies
  > with Isreal, some sort of war involving the U.S. may be
  > imminent in the next 2 years or sooner. That may mean
  > higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
  > normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a
  > closer eye of international news. Forewarned is forearmed,
  > and having knowledge of a storm on the horizon makes you
  > first to prepare. A world war I can't see happening, but
  > this may turn into another Bosnia or Yugoslavia type of
  > fight. I suggest all start watching what looms, and
  > hopefully diplomatic gesturing will stop any possible war.
  > BTW ... Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Isreal prior to the
  > 1967 war. Does history really repeat itself?
  > Rusty

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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From Mon Aug 06 04:53:06 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 06:53:06 -0400
The French have an expression "those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it". 

Christopher A. Young 
P.O. Box 442  
Macedon, NY  14502 

Improve your spirituality at  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Two Knives 
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 1:42 AM
  Subject: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed

  Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
  to be aware as to what is happening on the other side of
  the pond. Three things I came across reported by
  international observers I find pretty disturbing ...
  One:  Egypt is considering breaking diplomatic ties with
  Isreal over this Isreal/Palestinian fighting thing.
  Two: Iraq has been noted as to having a build up of
  equipment on the border of Jordan.
  Three: Some of Iraq's Republican Guard have been seein IN
  If you put these things together, and being Syria and
  Jordan are allies, It's possible that these 3 arab nations
  may be looking to back the Palestinians into having a nasty
  fist fight with Isreal. IF that happens, we being allies
  with Isreal, some sort of war involving the U.S. may be
  imminent in the next 2 years or sooner. That may mean
  higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
  normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a
  closer eye of international news. Forewarned is forearmed,
  and having knowledge of a storm on the horizon makes you
  first to prepare. A world war I can't see happening, but
  this may turn into another Bosnia or Yugoslavia type of
  fight. I suggest all start watching what looms, and
  hopefully diplomatic gesturing will stop any possible war.
  BTW ... Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Isreal prior to the
  1967 war. Does history really repeat itself?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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From Mon Aug 06 18:15:40 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: "Dan" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:15:40 -0400
The French are quoting a Spaniard.  George Santayana.  I suppose it's
possible he was quoting an unpublished French proverb.
He also wrote "History is a pack of lies about events that never happened
told by people who weren't there."
I like Churchill's quote on history, though - "History is written by the


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Young" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed

> The French have an expression "those who don't study history are doomed to
repeat it".

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From Mon Aug 06 18:42:22 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:42:22 -0400
Sen~or Dan, 
> The French have an expression "Ustedos who no estudio historico are doomede to
repeato historico".

It's been a blooming long time since grade school Spanish. Watch me get my face slapped. 

Christopher A. Young 
P.O. Box 442  
Macedon, NY  14502 

Improve your spirituality at  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan 
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 8:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed

  The French are quoting a Spaniard.  George Santayana.  I suppose it's
  possible he was quoting an unpublished French proverb.
  He also wrote "History is a pack of lies about events that never happened
  told by people who weren't there."
  I like Churchill's quote on history, though - "History is written by the


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Chris Young" <>
  To: <>
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:53 AM
  Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed

  > The French have an expression "those who don't study history are doomed to
  repeat it".

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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From Mon Aug 06 17:45:26 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: "Dan" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 19:45:26 -0400
U.S. involvement or not, a couple of well placed tactical nukes could make
the 70's gasoline shortage look tame.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Two Knives" <>
To: <>

> Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
> . That may mean
> higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
> normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a

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From Mon Aug 06 18:26:39 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:26:39 -0400
Nukes, nothing. All it would take would be a couple offended OPEC committee members. In my ignorant opinion. 

Christopher A. Young 
P.O. Box 442  
Macedon, NY  14502 

Improve your spirituality at  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan 
  Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 7:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed

  U.S. involvement or not, a couple of well placed tactical nukes could make
  the 70's gasoline shortage look tame.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Two Knives" <>
  To: <>

  > Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
  > . That may mean
  > higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
  > normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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From Tue Aug 07 01:37:19 2001
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Forewarned is forearmed
From: Dusty <>
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 01:37:19 -0600
Oh hell.  dan a couple well placed tactical nukes could solve 98% of the
world's problems.  Namely China and the democratic party.

Dan wrote:
> U.S. involvement or not, a couple of well placed tactical nukes could
> make
> the 70's gasoline shortage look tame.
> Dan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Two Knives" <>
> To: <>
> > Out of habit ..I like to keep abreast of international news
> <clip>
> > . That may mean
> > higher prices for fuel of all kinds and price hikes of
> > normal everyday usage items. You can bet I'll be keeping a
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> Group webpage:
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

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