From Fri Aug 03 06:04:31 2001
To: <>
Subject: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Fw: Home Emergency Supplies List 
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 08:04:31 -0400
Cc: <>

>Suggested Home Emergency Supplies List
>Cooking and Food Care
>Tools, Etc.
>Car/Travel Mini-Survival Kit
>Safety &Comfort
>Sanitation Supplies
>Cooking and Food Care
>_____ Portable Camp Stove (Best choice), Bar-B-Q or fold-up metal
>type at least.
>_____ Safe fuel container for extra fuel.
>_____ Heavy duty aluminum foil.
>_____ Full mess kit for each person:knife, fork, spoon, plate(s).
>_____ At least 2 cooking pots with covers.
>_____ 1 light weight hot water kettle (whistling type best).
>_____ Set of cooking utensils:2 large spoons, spatula, tongs,
>knives, long necked forks.
>_____ Paper towels, cooking mitt, napkins, hot pad.
>_____ Fry pan, 2 if possible.
>_____ 2 week supply of paper plates.
>_____ Water filter:portable type plus at least bottles of water
>purification tablets.
>_____ Safe cooking oil (rotate for freshness).
>_____ Axe, shovel, hand saw.
>_____ Broom, dust pan.
>_____ Hammer, nails, pry bar, screw drivers.
>_____ 2 adjustable wrenches.
>_____ Channel locks or vice grips.
>_____ 100' 1/4&quot; rope (or 1/2'').
>_____ Duct tape.
>_____ Pen, paper, pencil.
>_____ Camp lantern ;fuel.
>_____ Cards, harmonica, travel games, etc.
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><HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
><H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A NAME="Survival"></A><I>Survival</I></H2>
>_____ Water:one gallon per day per person, <I>minimum.</I>
>_____ First Aid kit with book.
>_____ Food:Light weight, high nutritional value.
>_____Manual can opener.
>_____ Radio: portable with batteries and/or solar.
>_____ Flashlight:one each with extra batteries ;bulbs.
>_____ Essential medication.
>_____Fire extinguisher.
>_____ Watch or clock.
>_____ Food for pets.
>_____ Space blankets, sleeping bag, ground cloth.
>_____ Water purifier ; water purification tablets.
>_____ Salt tablets ;vitamins (rotate every 3 months).
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><HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
><H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A NAME="Car"></A><I>Car/Travel Mini-Survival Kit</I></H2>
>_____ Bottled water, canteen
>_____ First Aid kit with book.
>_____ Non-perishable food.
>_____ Space blanket, sleeping bag.
>_____ Rain suit/ poncho.
>_____ Sturdy shoes/ extra socks.
>_____ Sunglasses and goggles.
>_____ A change of clothes.
>_____ Pre-moistened towelettes.
>_____ Gloves, hat, coat, sweater.
>_____ Flash light, extra battery.
>_____ Simple tool set, rubber hose, hammer, pry bar.
>_____ Fire extinguisher.
>_____ Road flares, maps.
>_____ Paper, pencil.
>_____ Money.
><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="lists.html#TOP">Return to the TOP.</A>
><HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
><H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A NAME="Safety"></A><I>Safety ;Comfort</I></H2>
>_____ Sturfy Shoes.
>_____ Heavy work gloves.
>_____ Warm sport gloves.
>_____ Goggles ;Sunglasses.
>_____ 1 full change of clothes.
>_____ Tent and/or shelter cover.
>_____ Candles, waterproof matches, fire starter.
>_____ Heavy duty knife.
>_____ Rain suit and/or poncho.
>_____ Rubber boots.
>_____ Extra glasses.
><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="lists.html#TOP">Return to the TOP.</A>
><HR WIDTH="100%"></P>
><H2 ALIGN=CENTER><A NAME="Sanitation"></A><I>Sanitation Supplies</I></H2>
>_____ Portable chemical toilet.
>_____ Toilet paper.
>_____ Infant supplies if needed.
>_____ Large trash bags for sealing up waste.
>_____ Soap:Hand ;dish type.
>_____ Disinfectant:powder form to use on waste ;liquid for people.
>_____ Pre-moistened towelettes.
>_____2 plastic 5-gallon buckets.
>_____ A large towel ;hand towel for each person.
>_____ Tooth brush ;mouthwash.
>_____ Shampoo ;toothpaste.
>_____Medium size zip-lock bags for misc. uses.
>_____Scrub brushes and pads for washing dishes.
>_____1 or 2 wash tubs.
>Critics are like political parties,religious organizations,extremists, or hate
>groups. Excellent  reasons for birth control, Your rights stop, when you try to
>stop mine. Read the text before you use anything.
>Take responsibility for your own acts 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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