From Fri Aug 03 18:39:51 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake Up Pills 
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 20:39:51 -0400
I've tried a variety, and found No-Doz work for me. Good that you found a brand that works. Do you have a bunch in your bug out bag? Might not be convenient to sleep on the run. 

Christopher A. Young 
P.O. Box 442  
Macedon, NY  14502 

Improve your spirituality at  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: flynn 
  Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 6:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Extended Range Fueltanks

  Chris Young wrote:

  > That sure sounds like a good survival technique. Liquid diet for the 1,100 mile trips. Hey, what is your favorite caffeine beverage to stay awake a couple more hours to get where you are going? Are you a Mountain Dew fan, or is it strictly black coffee?
  > Christopher A. Young
  > P.O. Box 442
  > Macedon, NY  14502

   Personally, what I use is these little pink caffeine pills called Wake-Ups. They're available at our grocery store. No hassle with the making of coffee, and the taste of cofee. (I just don't like coffee.) But nonetheless the pills are as good as any coffee
  in keeping me awake when I need to be.

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From Fri Aug 03 21:30:01 2001
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake Up Pills
From: flynn <>
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 21:30:01 -0600

Chris Young wrote:

> I've tried a variety, and found No-Doz work for me. Good that you found a brand that works. Do you have a bunch in your bug out bag? Might not be convenient to sleep on the run.
> Christopher A. Young
> P.O. Box 442
> Macedon, NY  14502
> Improve your spirituality at
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: flynn
>   To:
>   Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 6:09 PM
>   Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Extended Range Fueltanks
>   Chris Young wrote:
>   > That sure sounds like a good survival technique. Liquid diet for the 1,100 mile trips. Hey, what is your favorite caffeine beverage to stay awake a couple more hours to get where you are going? Are you a Mountain Dew fan, or is it strictly black coffee?
>   >
>   > Christopher A. Young
>   > P.O. Box 442
>   > Macedon, NY  14502
>   >
>    Personally, what I use is these little pink caffeine pills called Wake-Ups. They're available at our grocery store. No hassle with the making of coffee, and the taste of cofee. (I just don't like coffee.) But nonetheless the pills are as good as any coffee
>   in keeping me awake when I need to be.
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From Sat Aug 04 13:02:07 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake Up Pills
From: "Murphys Law Experimentation Lab" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 12:02:07 -0700
A caveat to keep in mind whenever one chooses to partake of No-Doz [or a
similar product]

A couple of years back I was pulling the equivalent of triple duty [one of
the down sides of self-employment <sigh>] and turned to No-Doz to aid my
efforts. During prior uses I had sipped on a soda throughout the night
without ill affects. This time, twas hot, and I slugged a soda down before I
wised up and switched to water. Simply put, twasn't a good plan. I finished
the day out cooling my jets at the hospital. In essence I had OD'd on
caffeine and my heart was expressing it's sincere displeasure by beating too
fast to work effectively. Da doc went on to explain that the heart doesn't
rebuild itself, rather the damaged cells simply die off. Tis one of one of
those thangs we can easily become too comfortable with and forget to respect
the potentials.

Take Care,

<~~~ A quote attributed to one of America's founders, John Adams, in the
play 1776:
"I have come to the conclusion that one useless man is called a disgrace,
two men are called a law firm, and three or more become a Congress." ~~~>

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From Sat Aug 04 17:23:57 2001
To: <>
Subject: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake up pills
From: "Dan" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 19:23:57 -0400
Another downside of stimulants - you are just borrowing time.
Scenario - Bug out time happens - and you are ready.  Pop a couple pills for
the drive.  Pop a couple more when you get there & set up camp.  About that
time, T.S.H.T.F., and you are too wired to think straight, or shoot


----- Original Message -----
From: "Murphys Law Experimentation Lab" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake Up Pills

> A caveat to keep in mind whenever one chooses to partake of No-Doz [or a
> similar product]
> A couple of years back I was pulling the equivalent of triple duty [one of
> the down sides of self-employment <sigh>] and turned to No-Doz to aid my
> efforts. During prior uses I had sipped on a soda throughout the night
> without ill affects. This time, twas hot, and I slugged a soda down before
> wised up and switched to water. Simply put, twasn't a good plan.

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From Sat Aug 04 17:39:56 2001
To: <>
Subject: Re: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake up pills
From: "Chris Young" <>
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 19:39:56 -0400
OTOH, the pills may get you through the fan, rather than sleeping while the river rises and washes away your house. 

Kind of hard to predict which kind of situation you will be in. Fan now, or fan later? 

Christopher A. Young 
P.O. Box 442  
Macedon, NY  14502 

Improve your spirituality at  
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dan 
  Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2001 7:23 PM
  Subject: [misc_survivalism_moderated] Wake up pills

  Another downside of stimulants - you are just borrowing time.
  Scenario - Bug out time happens - and you are ready.  Pop a couple pills for
  the drive.  Pop a couple more when you get there & set up camp.  About that
  time, T.S.H.T.F., and you are too wired to think straight, or shoot


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