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[PDF]A - Aristotle, Vol. 1-2 - George Grote 1872 A.O.pdf 76M
[VID]Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.mp4 55M
[PDF]The Metaphysics of Aristotle - John H. M'Mahon 1896 A.O.pdf 45M
[PDF]The Works of Aristotle, Opuscula - W. D. Ross 1913 A.O.pdf 19M
[PDF]A Treatise on Government - Aristotle - William Ellis 1888 A.O.pdf 17M
[PDF]A - Aristotle - Alexander Grant 1877 A.O.pdf 14M
[PDF]Aristotle's Politics - Aristotle 1905 A.O.pdf 14M
[SND]A - Aristotle - Ayn Rand.mp3 13M
[PDF]Aristotle's Criticisms of Plato - James McLean Watson 1909 A.O.pdf 10M
[VID]Aristotle Biography.mp48.5M
[PDF]A - Aristotle - Alfred Edward Taylor 1912 A.O.pdf6.9M
[PDF]Organon And Other Works - Aristotle A.O.pdf6.7M
[PDF]Plato and Aristotle in Agreement - Samir Okasha 2006.pdf6.4M
[PDF]History of Philosophy - Vol 2 From Aristotle to Augustine - David Furley 1999.pdf3.0M
[PDF]Political Authority and Obligation in Aristotle - Andrés Rosler 2005.pdf2.7M
[PDF]Philosophy GuideBook to Aristotle and the Metaphysics - Vasilis Politis 2004.pdf2.5M
[PDF]Aristotles; On Generation and Corruption, Book I - Frans De Haas 2004.pdf2.1M
[DOC]A - Aristotle 384 BC-322 BC - Wikipedia June 15 2010.docx2.1M
[PDF]Aristotle - Christopher Shields 2007.pdf2.0M
[PDF]Aristotles; Metaphysics Beta; Symposium Aristotelicum - Michel Crubellier 2009.pdf1.9M
[PDF]Aristotle on Ethics - Gerard J. Hughes 2001.pdf1.9M
[PDF]A - Aristotle - Sir David Ross 1995.pdf1.8M
[PDF]The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics -2006.pdf1.8M
[PDF]Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics - Roger Crisp 2004.pdf1.4M
[PDF]Aristotle Metaphysics Theta - Stephen Makin 2006.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Aristotle - Metaphysics Theta - Stephen Makin 2006.pdf1.3M
[PDF]Nichomach Ethics.PDF1.0M
[PDF]On The Generation of Animals.PDF778K
[   ]History of Animals.rtf722K
[TXT]History of animals.txt721K
[   ]Metaphysics.rtf620K
[PDF]History of Animals.pdf561K
[PDF]Prior Analytics.PDF536K
[   ]Politics.rtf495K
[PDF]On The Heavens.PDF470K
[   ]Nicomachean Ethics.rtf468K
[TXT]Nicomachean Ethics.txt468K
[   ]Physics.rtf465K
[PDF]Posterior Analytics.PDF408K
[   ]Topics.rtf393K
[PDF]On The Soul.PDF385K
[   ]Rhetoric.rtf382K
[PDF]Nicomachean Ethics.pdf380K
[   ]On The Generation of Animals.rtf374K
[TXT]On The Generation of Animals.txt374K
[   ]On the Parts of Animals.rtf337K
[TXT]On the Parts of Animals.txt337K
[PDF]On Generation and Corruption.PDF328K
[PDF]Athenian Constitution.PDF308K
[PDF]On Sophistical Refutations.PDF273K
[   ]Prior Analytics.rtf262K
[TXT]Prior Analytics.txt261K
[PDF]On The Parts Of The Animals.pdf259K
[   ]Meteorology.rtf235K
[   ]On the Heavens.rtf226K
[TXT]On The Heavens.txt226K
[   ]Posterior Analytics.rtf194K
[TXT]Posterior Analytics.txt194K
[TXT]On The Soul.txt180K
[   ]On The Soul.rtf180K
[PDF]On Sense and Sensible.PDF173K
[TXT]On Generation and Corruption.txt155K
[   ]On Generation And Corruption.rtf155K
[   ]Athenian Constitution, The.rtf143K
[PDF]On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, and on Breathing.PDF141K
[   ]On Sophistical Refutations.rtf130K
[TXT]On Sophistical Refutations.txt130K
[PDF]On Interpretation.PDF129K
[PDF]On The Gait of Amimals.PDF101K
[TXT]Categories.txt 82K
[   ]Categories.rtf 82K
[TXT]Poetics.txt 82K
[   ]Poetics.rtf 82K
[TXT]On Sense and Sensible.txt 77K
[   ]On Sense And the Sensible.rtf 77K
[PDF]On The Motion of Amimals.PDF 77K
[PDF]On Memory and Reminiscence.PDF 68K
[PDF]On Sense And The Sensible.pdf 65K
[PDF]On Sleep and Sleeplessness.pdf 64K
[TXT]On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, and on Breathing.txt 61K
[PDF]On Dreams.PDF 58K
[TXT]On Interpretation.txt 57K
[PDF]The Categories.pdf 57K
[   ]On Interpretation.rtf 57K
[   ]On the Gait of Animals.rtf 44K
[TXT]On The Gait of Amimals.txt 44K
[PDF]On Longevity and Shortness of Life.PDF 42K
[PDF]On The Gait of Animals.pdf 39K
[PDF]On Prophesying By Dreams.PDF 34K
[   ]On the Motion of Animals.rtf 32K
[TXT]On The Motion of Amimals.txt 32K
[PDF]On The Motion Of The Animals.pdf 29K
[TXT]On Memory and Reminiscence.txt 28K
[   ]On Memory And Reminiscence.rtf 28K
[TXT]On Sleep and Sleeplessness.txt 27K
[   ]On Sleep And Sleeplessness.rtf 27K
[TXT]On Dreams.txt 24K
[   ]On Dreams.rtf 24K
[TXT]On Longevity and Shortness of Life.txt 15K
[   ]On Longevity And Shortnessof Life.rtf 15K
[   ]On Prophesying By Dreams.rtf 12K
[TXT]On Prophesying By Dreams.txt 12K