By Russell Burrows
On the evening of 14 May, I received a telephone call from one of the men in charge of the property where Burrows Cave is located. He said that a decision to proceed with a professional examination of the cave was about to be made, and urged me to return at once to Illinois. There I was to meet with the local authorities, as well as the anthropologist in scientific charge of the site. They needed my participation, I was informed, because no one knew the precise location of the cave.
I arrived in St. Louis early the next morning, then drove to Effingham, Illinois, where I met the site anthropologist. I at once recognized him as the same gentleman who visited the cave with me in the 1980's. I was assured that both he and his university would not conceal anything. I the artifacts and remains in the cave originated from somewhere other than America, such a finding would be reported.
I trusted him, and we adjourned to the site, where heavy earth-moving equipment was already in place. Ready to go was one of the biggest bulldozers I ever saw. In just three passes made by this monster of about five feet per pass, the cave was revealed. On hand was a crew of about twenty men shovel-men, who cleared out the earth under the overhang, as well as the fifteen-foot plug I put in when it was sealed during July, 1989. From that point, the cave seemed to be in as good a condition as when I was last inside.
The anthropologist informed me that they would begin a preliminary study right away; they planned to inventory and photograph everything they found. Eventually, a full report would be made to the public. I cold ask for no more than that.
Unfortunately, I was not permitted to claim the 2,000 artifacts I stored just inside the entrance.
On 15 May, Burrows Cave was opened to persons other than myself for the first time since its discover, eighteen years ago.
Arrangements have been made for thorough study of its interior to be completed by certified experts of the scholars and institution involved with be withheld until the authorities themselves determine a proper time for their disclosure. No one other than the professional investigators will be permitted to be present during the cave's examination.
Once preliminary examination of the site has been completed, Wayne May, the publisher of Ancient American magazine, will be permitted to enter the cave and photograph its contents to be featured in a forthcoming issue.
That's all. It is happening now, as I write. The only other thing I can say is, "It's about time!"