What's Old
Some of the Hyperlinks on this page may not work due to being obsolete and no longer functional.
Summer MM
Welcome once again to the third edition of the self-proclaimed, "Most Controversial WebSite on the Net." Why is it controversial? Simply because for over 6 years, we have been preaching the fact that Alexander the Great is permanently interred in Southern Illinois and no one on the Planet has opposed us or proved differently in over 2000 years. If you think you can, please begin in the Forum Maximus somewhere and you'll feel really clever in just a short while I'm sure. As with all great discoveries, and this promises to be unsurpassed, there are well organized groups who are driven on by a specified tradition (or catechism) created solely to interfere with well organized facts that have been proven to be accurate for 6 years. We aren't totally sure why we were placed in this strange situation; however, curse would have it that no one really cares. We exist in a society where facts don't mean anything and the general public has no idea who the Enid are. Our journeys have yielded yet many new discoveries and show no signs of ceasing to do so for the next 50 years. The group of people who are on the "inside" of our small circle are actually shaping your future history, and it would be wise to know what they know, not what they dream, believe or think; but what can be proven as fact or fiction.
This Third Edition of the WebSite is only text-data more with a better function. We have updated the hyper-buttons and hope that it all works. There have been over 50,000 words added primarily in the Articles Section, however, there is new data in the BIOS Section concerning Dr. Warren Cook as well as Dr. Joseph B. Mahan, Jr. who was a pioneer in our field of Diffusionism. I urge you to check them out. Don't forget about the Hyper-Link listed in What's New below which proves the ancient Greek usage of our widely esteemed logo, discoveries and data; the Helios Motif.
Be sure to check out the new catalog of over 40 items and 8000+ words of descriptions. The catalog page, as well as a few others, will take almost a minute to download so please be patient. Long time friend Jake who has been a forum participant and tomb hunter for over 5 years, assisted with the makeover of this WebSite. He is to be graciously thanked for his efforts.
Welcome back to our Controversial WebSite. There were a few changes to make and some cleaning up to do before it went back on line. Our Famous WebMaster "Red Hot" has returned from his vacation to Mexico, California and Arizona and is back with us to do his amazing tasks.
Information about the Chicago lecture will be posted in our Forum probably later this weekend. I'm sure that the folks on the AA Forum are glad to get rid of me for dominating their Page and crushing the wanna be scholars that grace that Site with their bogus data. NO BOGUS DATA HERE.
One of our group, Dr. John has deciphered another tablet that we might post it as soon as Paul checks it over. It is from a tablet that has not been in the circle for over 10 years. It is a Latin inscription with Greek names which is typical from what we've seen so far.
Many persons have asked if I've grown soft on Russell Burrows and wish me not to do so for all that has transpired over the past several years; all I can say at this time is that I'm allowing the air to thin out a bit. The constant fighting doesn't do hardly anything except give the little old gossips more to talk about. Rest assured though, the project goes onward to its inevitable end. Russ did post a message on the AA Forum stating that the decipherments and history were most likely accurate. I hope he didn't have to sweat bullets to get it out, but at any rate, thanks Russ for your endorsement.
I would like to thank the readers of American Archaeology Magazine for the favorable response. We placed an ad in the latest issue and welcome them to our WebSite. I would also like to plug the magazine which is vastly superior to the Ancient American rag which seems to be concerned with myths, legends and hear-say written by amateurs who are really stupid. The American Archaeology mag features well written articles about real ancient sites in North and Central America; not Nippon, South America or some silly island in the South Pacific.
As any regular to this site is aware, we lost one of our biggest supporters and confidants Jody Lawrence. Her memorial has been moved to the BIOS Section and I will be posting up a bio on her soon for she deserves a spot right next to the other scholars on our site.
Both Paul and I have completed our slamming rebuttals to Dr. Alexander MacGregor and they are located in the Responses Section of this site.
Sorry to have been so long with the updates but the time wasn't at hand. We are now on server #4 and being judgmental, I think we have the problems ironed out. The e-mail seems to be working as well. There are some changes in store for the Forum soon and I recently located all the pictures lost in the great move here at the office. More stuff is ready to go up to keep this site the Classiest, most Contemporary, most Controversial, State-of-the- Art Ancient History site in the world. Our webmaster (Redhot) now has a slew of large commercial homepages to his credit and continues to set the standard for private sites in our area of Florida.
I would also like to say a "God Bless You" to Jody Lawrence and I hope you get to feeling better soon. Jody is one of our most favorite people in the Illinois - Romine Township. She assisted us tremendously in our search to relocate Alexander's Tomb and if it hadn't been for Jody, we would never have accomplished as much as we have. Thanks Jody for everything!!! Tribute to Jody Lawrence.
What's also kinda new is this: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/image?lookup=1990.26.0396&type=coin
I found it late one night on a really large Greek site called "Perseus". What it proves is that the word 'Helios' was indeed written in Retrograde and that city-names could and were represented with only the first initial. In this case, 'K' stands for "Kleitus". It then becomes proof that Paul Schaffranke nailed the decipherment correctly as Helios (the sun god) clearly in an example from Greece. Sad day isn't it?
I have been attempting to get Virginia Hourigan to come and visit our Website and Forum, I'd like to hear what she has to say about things as I'm sure many people who have been following this bizarre issue over the past 16 years would also. I give VH credit for a gifted imagination, she was there - in the thick of it during the mid 80's. Maybe she will and maybe she won't.
Probably the biggest new thing, well, that I can tell you about, is that a famous author from Switzerland is featuring Paul and I with a host of photos and decipherments in his upcoming book to be printed in 4 languages I believe. I hate publicity. It won't be available here in the states and that's good because Americans are generally too preoccupied to figure this crap out.
As many of you are aware, Paul and I were slammed by a famous Professor from Chicago; we have written rebuttals which will be put on this board probably next week. Dr. Covey, from Wake Forest U. came out for us and I will have to slam him again to shut him up. His praise is bad and not appreciated because he's so stupid. He can't ever get the simplest facts straight. His letter of praise is in this month's issue of AA. Pick one up if you can.
Enjoy our updated, faster website.
We've added more pictures of Gold Replicas to the Artifacts Section. There is a link to the really good article by Richard Flavin and a couple of other scholars concerning this issue at hand now accessible from the Articles Section. We've included a new link to the Links Section featuring the Melungeon HomePage. It has become one of my favorites and I encourage everyone to visit it. See the new mystery photo in the Bio's Section (I think). There will be more regular artifacts put on line later this week if all goes well. Don't forget to join the fun in our new Forum and leave your own thoughts and/or trash. Thanks again to all who visit this bizarre WebSite and a special greeting to all the Melungeons who have recently learned about us, we thoroughly enjoy your quiries and comments. THANK YOU!
Thanks to all and welcome back to our HomePage for more fun and learning. It has taken 4 months, 3 consultants and much frustration on behalf of our WebMaster Ron Strantz to get the new Forum working properly. Now, anyone can post anything. We will not be censoring our Forum and I wish to post a WARNING now that this portion of our HomePage is rated "R" or even "X", depending of course on how upset others become at me, or I at them. We are considering placing some of the responses censored last summer from the "Anal Retentive" Ancient American Forum on ours, the ones concerning the lies that Frank Joseph (Collins) and Russell Burrows got caught in and hammered by Paul Schaffranke. It was the best episode their dull Forum ever saw. There are a few other postings from the AA Forum that I would like to feature but not without permission. Some persons have asserted that I violated their copyrights, but I refer to it as "stepping on bugs" or "erradiation of varmints".
When our Forum went on-line, Ron (WebMaster) informed me that Vincent and Flavin were back at it again. Gee, what a surprise! Go at it boys, have fun tearing each other apart but please don't leave me out.
We have also been informed that we will not be requested to remove this massive HomePage any time soon. So, things you can expect in the near future are a couple of new sections featuring several photos taken at the famous R-1 and R-2 ravine systems which will show the small and large pits, shelters, sites before and after exploratory excavation. We will feature more new pictures of gold artifacts and maybe enter a few of the gold artifacts in the decipherment contests. I have over 500 photos of gold replicas but only 400 of inscribed tablets.
Nevertheless, in the tradition of Bas Alexandros of Pella, we proceed.
Please accept our apologies for any problems you may have experienced viewing and downloading our WebPages. We had severe Server problems which are now history as our site has moved to a new Server called The Network Group. This site is now Cookie Free and we should be able to bring our Forum on line soon. I must also apologize for the fact that about half of the E-mail that we were sent over the past 2 months, never made it. Sorry, but it was out of our control. Please E-mail us again at:
Paul and I were well received in Denver 2 weeks ago and we enjoyed the presence of 80 people who attended our workshop where we called Poo-Poo on the greatest historical hoax of the century and proved that the Dead Sea Scrolls are all FAKE. We exposed other hoaxes as well. Afterwards, we received a standing-O and socialized with our class participants for over 2 hours in the lobby. Our open lecture on Saturday the 9th at 7PM drew about 500 persons. We experienced 2 touching Ogamite converts with testimonials that were just TRAGIC. We welcome these new converts and will always be there for them when they are in need of a Warrior to help them crush the Ogamites in this incredible Epigraphic Crusade that we are now winning as Paul and I clean up American Scholarship. Speaking of which, I was recently made aware that a Latin Professor from the University of Chicago has come out against me. I haven't seen the rather lengthy article yet but we'll get it up on the site by the end of this week. He is supposedly a Classical Latin Professor of Ancient History. Let me predict the future, I bet he hasn't even heard of Varro before. I'll also bet that he has never read Strabo, Diodorus, Cassius Dio nor Pliny before. It seems none of the Latin Professors have come up with anything yet, but I must pat this man on the back and wish him good luck.
Also, Paul and I were featured in the Vincennes, Indiana "Sun Commercial" on Friday the 15th. It really is the best Newspaper Article about us yet. The staff writer was a big "Jack Ward Fan" as well as having a Masters degree in Ancient Roman History, which did him no harm at all. He was able to understand us.
There will be more gold bricks coming soon. I've got over 150 new pictures of Gold Coin & Artifact Replicas. A very good Poem by a "Tombsite" resident is in the Articles Department.
Harry and Paul have arrived in Colorado for the upcoming Global Sciences Congress in Denver. The Congress dates are August 7th through the 11th. Paul and Harry are scheduled to speak on Saturday the 9th, at 7pm. This will be a one hour lecture covering a variety of subjects. They will also host a three hour workshop on Sunday the 10th, at 6:30 PM. You really shouldn't miss this if at all possible! For more information on the Global Sciences Congress, contact Global Sciences at (303) 343-6461
In the Artifacts department, Tablets, Egyptian Glyph, and Assorted Artifacts have been added to. There is a new Jack Ward article in BIOS with Bios coming soon about Fred Rydholm, Warren Cook and the famous photographer Virginia Hourigan.
The catalog department has had the Title Pages of Native American, Ptolemy Dynasty, GN Letters, RB Letters, Tomb Chronicles and the Etruscan Volume I Workbook added for your review. More decipherments will be pasted later this week, we have about 8 ready for the Net. More pictures of GOLD are slated also for later this week. After the Global Sciences Congress, we will add several more (25-30+) pictures of Ancient American GOLD artifacts. Future plans still include a detailed Bibliographical Page to suggest books for further study and research. There are big plans to give King Alexander Helios (Ptolemy XV) his own section which will feature artifacts pertaining to himself, his family, accomplishments with general history in order to introduce this Ancient American King to the World at large. This will be a major task but we have so much data on Helios we could fill a WebSite this large with only him as the subject. We have no idea how big this HomePage can be as magazines feature us on a timely basis and we receive new data.
We have added a few new scripts to the artifacts section, one is about a father describing the death of his son, and another is a ritual from ancient Tripoli. The Egyptian Glyphs page has been substantially added to as well. Many more images and descriptions now grace this area. The site will remain unedited for a few days for our WebMaster is going off to North Carolina to pursue his real passion; racing mountain bikes. Ride Hard; Take Chances !
A Bio has been added to include Dr. Beverly Moseley. 'Articles' has some new stuff and several pages in the 'Artifacts' section have been changed, reallocated and added to. Paul and I will be speaking at the Global Sciences Congress in Denver next month. Burrows has moved to Colorado, so he says, where he and his Signature Forging wife, Lila (alias; George Neff) will live happily ever after in the tranquil Rocky Mountains; So he thinks. The LAZERIA MUSIC WebPage has also undergone a facelift and is now on-line. Check out the superb work of our WebMaster and his creative graphic expertise on that site.
Yesterday I returned from a 3 week visit to the Tombsite in Illinois. I was able to be there for almost 2 weeks. I was kind of in the middle of the big fiasco between Paul and the staff of the Ancient American when he busted them (again) for lying to their readers and supporters which he felt they should not do. To refresh the circumstances, Joseph had stated on his WebPage that Burrows had taken them to the site. I was at the site in anticipation of their visit for several days in advance on a hot tip from Vince that they were headed my way, thanks Vince! Anyhow, Paul immediately contacted the AA Forum and his reply was yanked off the page after a mere few hours. His reply is now in our Responses department. The situation was quite intense, but Paul must be given all the credit for his undefiled logic in a pressing circumstance. Atta boy Schaff!
To surmise my most recent testing and probing in the area to locate a suitable entrance into the Tomb, I was joined by a large group of interested scientists from Denver connected to the Global Sciences Group which is an international organization that promotes the study of the strange and unknown. After briefings, we made several trips into R1 and R2 surveying the property and examining the thousands of artifacts retrieved from R1 (I will be making a new PhotoShow III video this fall and feature hundreds of artifacts taken from the site area). We confirmed again the existence of a tunnel with additional testing and the only thing now standing in our way of getting to the very bottom of the "Burrows Cave" issue is a farmer and the landowner. They are the only 2 individuals that are standing as obstacle to the Greatest discovery of our time.
Paul and I have been asked to give a presentation at the Global Sciences Conference next month. We will be giving details and dates later. We have also recently been contacted by one of the most widely circulated magazines in the world VANITY FAIR who have placed their top reporter Howard Blum on our story. He is a 2-time Pulitzer Prize winner and has written 4 New York Best Sellers; he has also interviewed the last 5 presidents and any world leader you can think of. He will be doing an expose' on all the main characters including Burrows.
At any rate, our testing is again conclusive and we know where the Tomb is. We can enter with about 2 days of labor. When we do, I guess all hell will break loose.
The "Articles" have had 2 additions, one by Paul Schaffranke and the other by Dr. William Kreisle. We have added Questions and Answers to the Response sections. We are still having a couple of problems with our feedback Forum so if you have something to say to us use the e-mail return. We have recently invited several Native American Webs to see us and have added a short link in the catalog where they can see the first 2 pages of the Linguistic Report. No new gifs yet but maybe by the end of the week. You can now win a free Etruscan Volume I video and workbook by deciphering the Egyptian Glyph tablet in the Artifacts section. We are toying with the idea to put more unrelated historical and linguistic stuff on the site. How do you feel about that?
Newest of the new is 2 additions to the "Articles" department and another Response.
I encourage everyone to check out Greg Reeder's WebSite. He has the best webpage about Egypt that I've seen yet and you can go anywhere in the world through his links section to even more Egyptian sites. There is a link to his site on our LINKS page.
We have made several changes in the WebSite attempting to simplify browsing. We have repaired errors and typos in the scripted parts and added significantly to the Articles section. There will be more articles added as soon as we get them retyped. Do check out the articles by Dr. Fred Rydholm and Dr. Cyrus Gordon. Responses has also been updated and currently contains recent responses as readers of the Ancient American Magazine issue #18 try to crush us.
Also, we found an Internet WebSite address from Germany about Burrows Cave called Die eXakten. It is a sci-fi comic strip written as fiction and I am totally impressed with how much he got right. It involves aliens, X-files, FBI, soil machines, Indian medicine man, tablets, glyphs, doctors, monsters etc. and is absolutely amusing. In truth, the guy or persons got a lot right. We have added his link to our page for easy access. I wish he would check out our site for a new issue. He could also throw Glass Hammer (my side interest) into the comic as well and really go wild.
Thanks to whoever you are! ----- Harry
Thanks to all for your support and suggestions. Have fun in our bizarre Web.
This WebSite is designed with the new user in mind so he can review specific details without having to waste a lot of time browsing unwanted files. I suggest that the newcomers begin with section 1 of the Articles to get a feel for the story and move from there to begin a trail. I recommend that the BC veterans begin with the Cave Images section as they will, I'm sure, be quite intrigued; and from there, BC vets should go to Artifacts, all the decipherments, gold, glyphs you name it are in the Artifacts page. After you have become enlightened, you may want to check out our Catalog.
Good luck in your search for the truth in all things, now go get lost.