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[PDF]Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology - Vol 1-3 - William Smith 1870.pdf430M
[PDF]Larson, Jennifer - Greek Heroine Cults.pdf 79M
[IMG]Simon.Swain-Seeing.the.Face.Seeing.the.Soul.djvu 55M
[PDF]Ronan, Stephen - The Goddess Hekate.pdf 55M
[PDF]Rosenzweig - Ritual and Cults of Pre-Roman Iguvium.pdf 53M
[PDF]2009 - Hekate Liminal Rites - S. d'Este, D. Rankine.pdf 46M
[   ]Lewis Richard Farnell - Greek Hero Cultus and Ideas of Immortali 23M
[PDF]Daniel Ogden - Greek and Roman Necromancy.pdf 22M
[   ]Christopher A. Faraone, Dirk Obbink- Magika Hiera- Ancient Greek 21M
[   ]John G. Gager - Curse Tablets and Binding Spells from the Ancien 16M
[   ]Esther Eidinow - Oracles, Curses, and Risk Among the Ancient Gre4.2M
[   ]Daniel Ogden - Magic, Witchcraft and Ghosts in the Greek and Rom2.9M
[PDF]George Luck- Arcana_Mundi_Magic.pdf2.4M
[   ]Petropoulos_(ed)-Greek_Magic._Ancient,_Medieval_and_Modern_BB-Ro2.3M
[   ]John Opsopaus - Esoteric Doctrine of the Elements & Greek Esoter1.2M
[PDF]Derek Collins - Magic in the Ancient Greek World.pdf1.1M
[PDF]Ancient Greek Love Magic.pdf941K
[PDF]Naomi Janowitz - Magic in the Roman World [1 eBook - PDF].pdf758K
[   ]Hekate Liminal Rites - A historical stud - d'Este, Sorita.epub622K
[   ]The Great God Pan - Arthur Machen.epub160K
[PDF]Crossroads.pdf 91K
[PDF]Parts of the Soul - A Greek System of Chakras.pdf 20K