Josephine Baker
- Josephine Baker Comedian Harmonists Sous Le Cie l Dafrique Ver 1
- Josephine Baker Comedian Harmonists Sous Le Cie l Dafrique Ver 2
- Josephine Baker Fleur De Paris
- Josephine Baker Haiti 1930
- Josephine Baker Haiti
- Josephine Baker I Found A New Baby 1926
- Josephine Baker I Love Dancing
- Josephine Baker Jai Deux Amours
- Josephine Baker Jattendrai
- Josephine Baker La Conga Primitive Man
- Josephine Baker La Petite Tonkinoise 1930
- Josephine Baker La Seine
- Josephine Baker La Vie En Rose
- Josephine Baker Lecuona Cuban Boys La Conga Blicoti
- Josephine Baker Les Mots Damour 1932
- Josephine Baker Lonesome Lovesick Blues
- Josephine Baker Ma Tonkinoise 1931
- Josephine Baker Madiana
- Josephine Baker Marianna 1932
- Josephine Baker Mayari
- Josephine Baker Mon Paris
- Josephine Baker Montand Yves 1932
- Josephine Baker My Fate Is In Your Hands 1930
- Josephine Baker Nuit Dalger
- Josephine Baker Partir Sur Un Bateau Tout Blanc 1936
- Josephine Baker Pretty Little Baby
- Josephine Baker Ram pam pam 1932
- Josephine Baker Sans Amour 1932
- Josephine Baker Si Jetais Blanche
- Josephine Baker Stormy Weather 1942
- Josephine Baker Sympatique
- Josephine Baker T o g o Dansorkester
- Josephine Baker Then Ill Be Happy
- Josephine Baker Two Loves Have I
- Josephine Baker Whered You Get Those Eyes
- Josephine Baker Youre Driving Me Crazy
- Josphine Baker Mon Coeur Est
Josephine Baker was born Freda Josephine McDonald on June 3, 1906 in St. Louis, Missouri. She dropped out of school when she was twelve years old, and by the age of 15 she was performing on the streets of St. Louis and was asked to join the cast of a vaudville show in St. Louis. Soon she went to New York, and performed at the Plantation Club in Harlem where she was eventually billed as the highest paid chorus girl in Vaudville.
In 1925 she went to Paris and performed in the Théâtre des Champs Élysées, where she sang and danced topless and became an instant star. She then worked at the famed Folies Bergères in Paris, and gained world wide fame for her dancing and singing. During this period author Ernest Hemingway said of her that she was "the most sensational woman anyone ever saw."
During WWII she became an important part of the French Underground army fighting the Germans. Throughout her career she refused to perform for any segregated audience, and furthered the American Civil Rights cause with her influence and her money. Josephine Baker died on April 12, 1975 in her sleep after a party given in her honor in Paris that celebrated her 50 years in French show business.