Bing Crosby
- Bing Crosby 1929 Blacksmith Blues
- Bing Crosby 1931 A Faded Summer Love
- Bing Crosby 1931 At Your Command
- Bing Crosby 1932 Waltzing In A Dream with Mark Hopkins Orchestra
- Bing Crosby 1933 Blue Prelude
- Bing Crosby 1933 Did You Ever See A Dream Walking
- Bing Crosby 1934 Entertains
- Bing Crosby 1942 Be Careful Its My Heart
- Bing Crosby 1944 Accentuate The Positive
- Bing Crosby 1944 Amor from the movie Broadway Rhythm
- Bing Crosby 1945 Baia
- Bing Crosby 1949 Dear Hearts And Gentle People
- Bing Crosby 1950 Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
- Bing Crosby 1955 A Love That Grows And Grows
- Bing Crosby 1955 After Youve Gone
- Bing Crosby 1955 Aint Misbehavin
- Bing Crosby 1955 All The Things You Mean To Me
- Bing Crosby 1955 All Through The Night
- Bing Crosby 1955 Anyone Can Fall In Love
- Bing Crosby 1955 Back In Your Own Back Yard
- Bing Crosby 1955 Be Happy
- Bing Crosby 1955 Black Moonlight
- Bing Crosby 1955 Blue Monday
- Bing Crosby 1955 Borokito
- Bing Crosby 1955 Cant Believe Youre In Love With Me
- Bing Crosby 1955 Cold Cold Winter
- Bing Crosby 1955 Counting My Blessings
- Bing Crosby 1955 Counting Your Blessings
- Bing Crosby 1955 Deep In The Heart Of Texas
- Bing Crosby Aint Misbehavin 2
- Bing Crosby Al Jolsen Alexander sRagtime Band
- Bing Crosby Al Jolson Mills Brothers The Boswell Sisters Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries
- Bing Crosby Al Jolson The Spanyard That Blighted My Life
- Bing Crosby Alabama Bound
- Bing Crosby All The Way
- Bing Crosby All Through The Night
- Bing Crosby Almost Like Being In Love
- Bing Crosby Always And Always
- Bing Crosby Among My Souvenirs
- Bing Crosby Amore
- Bing Crosby and Mills Brothers Dinah 1932
- Bing Crosby Anne Shelton Easter Parade
- Bing Crosby Anniversary Waltz
- Bing Crosby Anything Goes
- Bing Crosby Araby
- Bing Crosby Arrivederci Roma
- Bing Crosby At Sundown
- Bing Crosby Autumn Leaves
- Bing Crosby Avalon
- Bing Crosby Ave Maria
- Bing Crosby Beautiful Dreamer
- Bing Crosby Betty Hutton I Promise You
- Bing Crosby Blessem All
- Bing Crosby Blue Hawaii
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Captain Custard 1940
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Doris Day Buttons And Bows Parody Nov 7 1949
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour Home On The Range Parody Dec 26 1951
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour Moonlight Becomes You
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Frank Sinatra Three Pin up Boys Scarce 1945
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Harmony
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope If I Knew You Were Comin Ida Baked A Cake
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Judy Garland Goodnight Irene parody
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Nothing In Common
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope On The Atchinson Topeka Santa Fe
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Put It There Pal
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Road To Bali 1949
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope Road To Morocco
- Bing Crosby Bob Hope The Road To Hong Kong
- Bing Crosby Boris Karloff Victor Moore Halloween
- Bing Crosby Born To Be With You
- Bing Crosby Brother Can You Spare A Dime
- Bing Crosby Burnadet
- Bing Crosby By The Light Of The Silvery Moon
- Bing Crosby By Your Side
- Bing Crosby Cant Get No Place With You
- Bing Crosby Cant Get Started With You
- Bing Crosby Carolina In The Morning
- Bing Crosby Catch A Falling Star
- Bing Crosby Che Che O Ching
- Bing Crosby Cheek To Cheek
- Bing Crosby Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
- Bing Crosby Chicago
- Bing Crosby China Town
- Bing Crosby Churchbells
- Bing Crosby Cockeyed Mayor
- Bing Crosby Cocktails For Two
- Bing Crosby Come Rain Or Come Shine
- Bing Crosby Connee Boswell Yes Indeed
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Alexanders Ragtime Band
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell An Apple For The Teacher 1939
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Basin Street Blues 1937
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Basin Street Department
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Bob White Gonna Swing Tonight 1937
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Start The Day Right
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Tea For Two 1940
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Thats A Plenty
- Bing Crosby Connie Boswell Yes Indeed
- Bing Crosby Coquette
- Bing Crosby Count Your Blessings ver2
- Bing Crosby Crazy Rythm
- Bing Crosby Danny Boy
- Bing Crosby Danny Kaye Blue Skies
- Bing Crosby Danny Kaye Gee I Wish I Were Back In The Army 1946
- Bing Crosby Danny Kaye Medley 1954
- Bing Crosby Danny Kaye Rosemary Cloony Vera Lynn Snow
- Bing Crosby Danny Kaye The Best Things Happen While Youre Dancing
- Bing Crosby Danny Kaye Well Follow The Old Man
- Bing Crosby Dark Moon
- Bing Crosby Dean Martin Frank Sinatra Together
- Bing Crosby Dear Old Donegal
- Bing Crosby Deed I Do
- Bing Crosby Deep In The Heart Of Texas 2
- Bing Crosby Donald O Conell Small Fry 1944
- Bing Crosby Doris Day Baby Its Cold Outside
- Bing Crosby Ethel Smith Just A Prayer Away
- Bing Crosby Frances Langford Louis Armstrong Pennies From Heaven
- Bing Crosby Frances Langford You And The Night And The Music Im Falling In Love With Someone
- Bing Crosby Frank Sinatra September Song
- Bing Crosby Frank Sinatra What A Swell Party This Is
- Bing Crosby Fred Astaire How Lucky Can You Get
- Bing Crosby Fred Astaire Peggy Lee Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
- Bing Crosby Gary Crosby Play A Simple Melody
- Bing Crosby Guy Lombardo Young At Heart
- Bing Crosby Hoagy Carmichael Small Fry
- Bing Crosby Ill Get By with Ben Selvins Knickerbockers
- Bing Crosby Jack Kapp Connie Boswell Bob Crosby And Victor Young
- Bing Crosby Jane Wyman Zing A Little Zong
- Bing Crosby Jimmy Dorsey Louis Armstrong Frances Langford Pennies From Heaven 1936
- Bing Crosby Jimmy Duranty Chicabee ch ch
- Bing Crosby Jimmy Duranty Never In A Million Years 1937
- Bing Crosby Jimmy Duranty Start Off Each Day With A Song
- Bing Crosby John Scott Trotter Orchestra Christmas In Killarney
- Bing Crosby Judy Garland In My Merry Oldsmobile
- Bing Crosby Judy Garland Yah ta taYah ta ta
- Bing Crosby Let Me Call You Sweetheart 1934
- Bing Crosby Louis Armstrong Chattanooga Shoeshine Boy
- Bing Crosby Louis Armstrong Gone Fishin
- Bing Crosby Louis Armstrong Way Down Yonder In New Orleans
- Bing Crosby Louis Jordan My Baby Said Yes Yip Yip De Hootle 1945
- Bing Crosby Patti Page Till We Meet Again
- Bing Crosby Peggy Lee Fred Astaire Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
- Bing Crosby Peggy Lee Little Jack Frost Get Lost
- Bing Crosby Peggy Lee Maybe Youll Be There
- Bing Crosby Peggy Lee On A Slow Boat To China
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney Brazil
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney Count Your Blessings
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney How About You
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney Id Like To Get You On A Slow Boat To China
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney Summertime
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney True Love
- Bing Crosby Rosemary Clooney You Came A Long Way From St Louis
- Bing Crosby Sinatra Well Did You Evah
- Bing Crosby Some Enchanted Evening 1949
- Bing Crosby The Calico Kids A GalI in Calico 1947
- Bing Crosby The Donovans
- Bing Crosby The Merry Macs You Made Me Love You
- Bing Crosby The Moon Got In My Eyes 1937
- Bing Crosby The Moon Was Yellow
- Bing Crosby The One Rose thats Left In My Heart 1937
- Bing Crosby The Singing Hills
- Bing Crosby The Touch Of Your Lips
- Bing Crosby The White World Of Winter
- Bing Crosby Theres A Gold Mine In The Sky
- Bing Crosby Till We Meet 1932
- Bing Crosby Too Marvelous For Words
- Bing Crosby Tour A Lour A Loura
- Bing Crosby Trade Winds 1940
- Bing Crosby Trudy Erwin Oh What A Beautiful Mornin
- Bing Crosby TrudyErwin People Will Say Were In Love 1943
- Bing Crosby True Love
- Bing Crosby Vaya Con Dios
- Bing Crosby w Connee Boswell Between 18th And 19th On Chestnut
- Bing Crosby w Dennis Day Clancey Lowered The Boom
- Bing Crosby w Dinah Shore Silver Bells
- Bing Crosby w Dinah Shore Whose Dream Are You 1945
- Bing Crosby w Dixie Lee A Fine Romance 1936
- Bing Crosby w Fred Waring Glee Club The Whiffenpoof Song 1947
- Bing Crosby w Irish Rovers Macnamaras Band
- Bing Crosby w Mills Brothers Shine 1932
- Bing Crosby w Mills Brothers Up ALazy River Paper Doll
- Bing Crosby w The Jesters Sioux City Sue
- Bing Crosby Well Did You Evah 1956
- Bing Crosby What Do You Do In The Infantry 1943
- Bing Crosby When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
- Bing Crosby When You Wish Upon A Star
- Bing Crosby Where The Blue Of The Night Meets The Gold Of The Day
- Bing Crosby White Christmas 1942
- Bing Crosby Who Threw The Overalls In Mrs Murphys Chowder
- Bing Crosby With Every Breath I Take
- Bing Crosby Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams 1931
- Bing Crosby You Are My Sunshine
- Bing Crosby Young And Healthy 1933
- Bing Crosby Young At Heart
- Bing Crosby Your Mother And Mine 1929
- Bing Crosby Youre Getting To Be A Habit With Me 1933
- Bob Hope Bing Crosby Judy Garland Goodnight Irene 1950
- Bob Hope Bing Crosby Put It There Pal 1945
- Bob Scobeys Frisco Band w Bing Crosby Down Among The Sheltering Palms
- Bob Scobeys Frisco Band w Bing Crosby Exactly Like You
- Bob Scobeys Frisco Band w Bing Crosby Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella
- Bob Scobeys Frisco Band w Bing Crosby Whispering
- Duke Ellington w Bing Crosby St Louis Blues
- Gary and Bing Crosby Sams Song
- Gus Arnheim His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra w Bing Crosby Fool Me Some More 1930
- Gus Arnheim His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra w Bing Crosby I Cried For You 1936
- Gus Arnheim His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra w Bing Crosby I Surrender Dear 1931
- Gus Arnheim His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra w Bing Crosby It Must Be True 1930
- Gus Arnheim His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra w Bing Crosby One More Time 1931
- Guy Lombardo w His Royal Canadians w Bing Crosby Young And Healthy 1933
- Guy Lombardo w His Royal Canadians w Bing Crosby Young At Heart 1954
- Guy Lombardo w His Royal Canadians w Bing Crosby Youre Getting To Be A Habit With Me 1933
- Irving Aaronson Orch w Bing Crosby Love In Bloom 1934
- Jack Teagarden w His Dixieland Jazz Orchestra w Bing Crosby The Birth Of The Blues
- Jimmy Buffett Band w Bing Crosby Mele Kalikimka
- Jimmy Dorsey w Bing Crosby Never In A Million Years 1937
- Jimmy Dorsey w Louis Armstrong Bing Crosby Frances Langford Pennies From Heaven 1936
- Jimmy Grier Orch w Bing Crosby Thanks
- Jimmy Grier Orch w Bing Crosby The Day You Came Along 1933
- John Scott Trotters Orch w Bing Crosby Mexicali Rose 1938
- Joseph Lilleys Orch BingCrosby Count Your Blessings 1954
- Louis Armstrong w Bing Crosby Lets Sing Like Dixieland
- Marlene Dietrich Joe Venuti Bing Crosby La Vie En Rose
- Vic Schoen Orch w Andrews Sisters Bing Crosby Teresa
- Vic Schoen Orch w Bing Crosby Conchita Marquita Lolita Pepita Rosita Juanita Lopez 1942
- Victor Young Orch w Bing Crosby Boswell Sisters Mills Brothers Gems From George Whites Scandalls 1931
- Victor Young w His Brunswick Orchestra w Bing Crosby Boswell Sisters Mills Brothers Medley 1931
- Victor Young w His Brunswick Orchestra w Bing Crosby Dancing In The Dark 1931
- Victor Young w His Brunswick Orchestra w Bing Crosby Face The Music Medley
- Victor Young w His Brunswick Orchestra w Bing Crosby Galway Bay
- Victor Young w His Brunswick Orchestra w Bing Crosby I Apologize 1931
- Victor Young w His Brunswick Orchestra w Bing Crosby Somebody Loves Me 1939
- Woody Herman w Bing Crosby Im Thinking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
- Xavier Cugat w Bing Crosby Rumba Conga Samba Merengue 1945
- Xavier Cugat w Bing Crosby You Belong To My Heart 1945
Harry Lillis Crosby was born on May 3, 1903 in Tacoma Washington and died October 14, 1977. Bing was very successful as a movie star as well as a singing star, starring in many motion pictures, and selling millions of records. Just as Bing was beginning his recording career, there were technical advances in microphones and recording equipment making it possible for the first time to sing in a soft, casual laid back way, instead of 'belting out' the music as one would need to do in a large auditorium. In 1926 famous bandleader Paul Whiteman heard Bing sing with Al Rinker in Los Angeles and offered them a singing job with his band that became a trio known as the Rhythm Boys. Bing soon became the star of the show, but by 1931 the two other 'Rhythm Boys' were unhappy with Bing being the star and they separated from him, allowing him to start his solo career. During WWII Bing was active in visiting and singing for the troops, and in 1948 he was declared 'the most admired man alive.' In 1948 Bing invested $50,000 in a new company named Ampex, which created the first commercial reel to reel tape recorder. He gave one of the first machines to Cleveland Ohio guitarist Les Paul, who created the first multi track recording machine from it.